CAO Eileen's Dream

Inspired by CAO's flavorful Eileen's Dream Cigarillos, this blend begins with a base of quality Virginia and black cavendish leaf and then infuses the same with a frothed cream that's been laced with superior Irish whiskey and coconut milk, followed by a subtle mixture of hazelnut paste, ground almonds, cocoa and vanilla extracts.


Brand CAO
Blended By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Cigar Leaf, Virginia
Flavoring Cocco, Cocoa / Chocolate, Cream, Irish Mist, Nuts / Beans, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.91 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 105 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 28, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
An aroma of Irish Cream smells good when i open the tin for the 1st time. A lightly aroma still smells when i smoke it in my pipe, just like a chocolate mix with whiskey but unfortunately the aroma not consistent until the finish, just not a really journey of pleasure.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 18, 2014 Mild Medium Mild Very Pleasant
Beginner's review:

I'm new to pipe smoking, but i've tried many pipe tobacco blends (aromatic, english, balkan, vaper, VA, etc). I love eileen's dream. For me, it's one of the best aromatics i've ever tried. The tin aroma was very pleasant (irish cream+chocolate, and hazelnut as the background note). Burns well and tastes good, quite the same as the tin aroma though the flavoring quite strong and IMHO, it dominates the tobacco taste. But i don't really care, it's aromatic.. I enjoy smoking it and no bite. I didn't find any chemical taste. Relaxing, pairs with bailey's liquor-based drinks well. Maybe I'm a new pipe smoker, but i know it's different from captain black regular. Recommended for beginners and aromatic lovers.
Pipe Used: Altinok Bent Apple Meerschaum Pipe
PurchasedFrom: RanStobacco (Bandung-Indonesia)
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 07, 2013 Mild Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
I don't know what it is about this tobacco. I almost feel embarrassed to say this but I love it. I find myself smoking other more expensive and fancier aromatics and wishing I'd packed this instead. If you sip it just right, you really get the cream taste, and unlike other reviewers I don't find it terribly chemically tasting. It's nice. Sweet without being too sweet, pairs with my coffee well, and relaxing to smoke. I'm going to keep a tin of this handy. Between this and Presbyterian blend I could die a happy man!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 09, 2014 Very Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
I met Eileen online at P&C. I arranged for them to send her to my house. She was waiting for me when I got home from work a few days later. She was beautiful I have to say; even more so than the picture I saw on her profile. My wife had not yet gotten home so Eileen and I started fooling around. Before I knew it I had her top off and that's when I saw her for who she truly is. I knew that I had met my fantasy lady. Near perfect and She never complained or raised her voice at me. It didn't matter to her that the yard hadn't been mowed or that there were underwear on the bathroom floor from the day before. All she wanted to do was provide me with one of life's simple pleasures; not to nag and complain. She was so sweet and smooth, not difficult to get along with at all. I didn't even try to hurry and get "done" before the "General" came home. I was enjoying my time with Eileen and didn't even care if I got caught. She is definitely worth getting to know better. She smelled heavenly, tasted divine, and is so worthy of more of my time! Go slow, treat her like lady and she will make great company!
Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman
Age When Smoked: Freshly opened tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 02, 2011 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Very Pleasant
I got this in a trade, not knowing anything about it. When I cracked the tin, I groaned at the heavy chocolate and liqueur scent. When I finished the bowl, I thought "not bad... not bad at all".

Like most aromatics, the tin aroma is overstated in comparison to the flavor. Dried out sufficiently, this one had a true tobacco taste under the "box of chocolates" aroma. Certainly the truffles and Irish Creme flavors shone through, but this didn't taste like candy. The taste overall was medium in intensity but the tobacco taste was definitely there. The room aroma was nowhere near as powerful as I thought it would be, and I was most impressed that this left no wet dottle or caused my pipes to gurgle very much. Really a very nice example of an aromatic for pipesmokers, rather than an aromatic for those in the same airspace as the smoker.

Not a ringing endorsement but anyone that enjoys exotic smelling tobacco should try this one. It's probably drier and tastier than what you're used to. Now the question is if you like the taste. Try it and see. I'd call this a premium aromatic.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 29, 2013 Very Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Eileen's Dream 50g

Star Rating = 3.75

Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst

Pouch Note = 9

Room Note = 9

Flavor = 9

Bite = 9

Burn = 9

After Taste = 9

Raw Score = 54

Rated Percentage = 90%

Comment = Very Smooth, Very Mild, Mellow, nice round Flavor, this is a very enjoyable smoke
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 09, 2014 Mild Strong Full Pleasant
Very rare I have a second bowl in one night and last night was rare. I wanted something sweet, like a dessert maybe? Eileen’s Dream by CAO looked like it would work. At first light the white chocolate truffle taste is almost overpowering but quickly subsides and slips into a soft mix of truffle and a sweet Irish whiskey and……coconut milk? Yes, coconut! Who would have thought? About halfway through, it develops a creamy texture with a hint of hazelnut, almonds I think and sneaking in every so often is a taste of vanilla. Quite the kaleidoscope of flavors. It exceeded my expectations and bordered on being a little too much. Overall though, I see this as a good puff after a heavy textured/earthy (steak?, rich pasta?) meal but I don’t see my self buying any for my little shelf.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 06, 2014 Mild Mild Mild Tolerable
I was really disappointed with this blend. I was expecting a very pleasant aromatic, but that isn't what I got. I spent several days of agony trying to enjoy it. I never got that sweet room note that I expect from my aromatics, the only taste I ever got was similar to that of cold pipe juice, and I could not keep it lit to save my life. I finally puled out all the stops today - I sweetened my favorite pipe overnight to make sure I wasn't getting any nasty oils in my smoke, and I dried out a bowl's worth for about two hours. I'm finally able to get a decent Irish Cream scent/taste. That being said, it's only decent. Not worth the trouble and not worth the money. I'll probably age the rest and see if it's any better in a year or two. Their cigar making skills does not translate well into pipe tobacco.
PurchasedFrom: Smoker's Choice - Bloomington, IL
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 23, 2014 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I'm normally a burley and latakia smoker. Occasionally I hunt around for a decent aromatic as a change of pace. Eileen's Dream is the first of the CAO Flavours line I've tried and I must say i was pleasantly surprised. The base of this blend is quality virginia's and cavandish tobacco. I'm not really a fan of cavendish. i find it to be pretty bland but the virginia's are nice and actually add a natural tobacco sweetness and flavor. The casing was also well done and not only makes for a fantastic roomnote of vanilla cream but it also adds some actual flavor to the smoke. The tobacco comes in a nice ribbon cut but needs to have some dry time before smoking. If dried out before smoking it woulnt bite you. Its actually a very pleasant aromatic blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 27, 2015 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I can't believe I had forgot to review this blend. I was given a bowl of this from my friend a few summers back and really enjoyed it. So much so, I ordered a couple tins of it.

I finished one tin recently and have yet to open another. Anyway, on to the review. This is the second CAO Flavor blends I have tried. The first being Moontrance. I enjoyed both those blends as they suited my tastes for what I look for in an aromatic; mainly that they give a nice topping onto some good tobacco. The topping does not overwhelm in this blend just as it didn't with the Moontrance.

The big difference between the two was the topping. Moontrance had a weird topping of tropical fruits and Bourbon. I wouldn't say it was bad; just odd. Eileen's Dream delivers a more familiar taste to the palate. That being of an Irish cream. It is rich and it is good. As stated before, the tobacco does shine and seems to compliment the topping well.

The nuttiness of the burley is there the sweetness of the Virginias is also, but it is not easy to differentiate the sweetness of the Virginias from the topping. Nonetheless when smoking this or the moontrance, you will not be puffing hot air, rather you will know that you are smoking tobacco.

I can't speak for the room note, but my mustache note was fantastic. To compare to another blend, I have only had one other blend with this type of topping. That would be Cornell & Diehl's Nutty Irishman. That one is pretty good too, but given the choice I would opt for Eileen's Dream over that. Overall, four aromatic stars for this one and I can't wait to try some of the other CAO Flavors as I have had two solid hits in a row.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 22, 2013 Mild Very Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
A disappointment... I bought a tin of it on my birthday in September. Being in Vegas I was somewhat inebriated. The next day I was like, ehh I think I'll save if for March 17 and crack it open and share it with my friends. I actually opened it a few days before St. Patrick's Day with a good friend of mine, the aroma was so enticing! I have to say that the description of the aromas on the tin transferred accurately to the initial whiff. Unfortunately we could not say this about the actual smoke. It was nutty and creamy, but in a dull way. I was expecting either a candy tobacco or a complex Danish style aromatic with subtle notes and mild taste. This wasn't the case, the room note was even bland, reminiscent of a drugstore vanilla. It wasn't all bad: no bite, no bad aftertaste, no goopy pipe. It was just dull. I was kinda hoping it would be more memorable, but sadly it is one of those blends that has a great tin and forgettable tobacco. All in all, not really recommended, except for tin collectors.
Pipe Used: Citation, Aldo Velani, corn cob(s)
PurchasedFrom: Davidoff of Geneva at the Venetian Hotel and Casino
Age When Smoked: Almost 6 months
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