Dunhill Ready Rubbed (re-release)

Dunhill Ready Rubbed pipe tobacco is a mixture of mature, flue-cured leaves from the USA, Brazil and Africa are blended with sun-cured and smoky fired tobaccos from Indonesia and India. These are then pressed into cavendish and topped with a subtle flavour.
Notes: In addition to BB1938 and Three Year Mature, Dunhill Ready Rubbed is the third vintage Dunhill blend re-introduced to the U.S. market in 2015. Based on Virginia and Oriental, it's run through a light cavendish process, cased with a subtle fruity topping, and steam pressed before it's broken up into the beautiful ready rubbed cut.


Brand Dunhill
Blended By Dunhill
Manufactured By Dunhill/Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Re-release


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.94 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 50 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2022 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This is one of the Dunhill tobaccos that was not replicated by Peterson.

The tin note strongly reminds me of some other tobacco that has passed through my hands before, but I can't remember what it was. However, I suspect it might be Ye Old Signe, also from Dunhill, which had a faint aroma of tea.

Ready Rubbed smokes nice and fresh, with a hint of citrus due to the light coverage, to the point where I would define this as semi-aromatic rather than aromatic. It can produce some humidity, even smoking at a medium rate. The oriental ones are noticeable throughout the smoke, but they are not predominant but companions.

It could be a nice summer smoke, but it's also quite nice the rest of the year. Although it is not one that you will go to with your mouth watering, it is also true that it never disappoints. In all the pipes it offers what you are looking for. Three firm stars, not one more, not one less...
Age When Smoked: 4 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 15, 2016 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
The cavendish style Virginias are a little grassy, slightly bready, woody and rather earthy with some tart and tangy citrus, honey, and tangy dark fruit. They dominate the blend. The earthy Orientals are far in the background, offering just a little smoke, dryness, wood, vegetation, and a touch of floralness in every puff. The fruit toppings remind me a little of citrus and apricot, and doesn’t sublimate the tobaccos much. The strength is a step past the center of mild to medium. The taste level is a slot past that mark. The nic-hit is a couple of rungs past the mild threshold. Well blended with a fairly consistent, smooth, cool and clean flavor, it burns at a reasonable rate, and hardly requires relights. Easily burns to ash with no dull or harsh spots. Leaves virtually no dampness in the bowl. The aftertaste and room notes are pleasant, though short lived. A comfortable all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 03, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Saw this and had to pick it up if there was any chance at all they used any of the same Virginias in this blend as they do in my beloved Dunhill Flake. I cracked the tin and was delighted to find the aroma was that of rich bready Virginia tobaccos with just a hint of...something else. I learned later that this something else was a portion of Oriental tobaccos. The oriental in this is extremely subdued. Many won't notice it's there. And it serves the same purpose in this blend as a touch of Burley does in many other Virginia blends; which is to add a little more depth and dimension to the smoke. Unlike the description for the old discontinued version of this, it is decidedly nowhere near what one could call an "aromatic".

The moisture level is spot on. It is clearly a rubbed out flake and forms delicious looking ribbons with the odd glob of flake here and there. Packing was a breeze and it burned well with no relights required.

My inaugural smoke was good but nothing to blow your socks off. I set it aside. A week later I noticed the tin sitting there and decided to try another bowl. This time, I WAS BLOWN AWAY. It was one of these smokes that pipe smokers live for. It was exceptional. The smoke was sweet, grassy, and yeasty, with deep richness that was most satisfying, aside from the fact that I was almost immediately craving another bowl after I finished. To make sure I wasn't imagining things, I have since repeated this experience several times in a row. It is indeed a 4 star blend and an excellent companion to it's brother, Dunhill Flake.

Like all quality Virginas, slow and steady wins the race. Keep your smoking cadence just fast enough to keep it burning. Any faster and it may disappoint you. I will be stocking up on this to be sure. Enjoy!
Pipe Used: Peterson X105 billiard
PurchasedFrom: Beehive Cigars, Salt Lake City, UT
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2016 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
This tin was a gift from another priest in the diocese. He said he was at the tobacconist and thought I might like this. He was right.

The tin note is slightly sweet and grassy. There is maybe a whiff of bread and a little something else that I suspect is the oriental leaf. It is mostly rubbed out thin ribbon with a few hunks of flake. Moisture level is very good from the tin.

Smoked, it is a Virginia forward blend - a little sweet and maybe a touch of citrus and grass. I taste some nutty burley giving it some depth and fullness. The orientals are a light touch, and present as a savory. There is a mild honey - maybe honeysuckle that is either the presentation of the Virginia/oriental or some topping. I am going with the topping.

I have smoked this in a variety of pipes and every smoke has been excellent. There is not a lot of "wow," but it is consistent and a great smoke. It packed easily and was easy to keep lit. It burned to the bottom every time and did not get ashy.

This is a great blend, and I have really enjoyed it. I think it rises to the "everyone should try" 4 in the ratings. It is a great example of a masterful blend that satisfies and could be smoked all day without boring (me anyway).

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 15, 2016 Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant
I actually think Orlik did a better job with RR's re-release than the Murray's version. With the Murrays, I could detect very little casing and a mostly "tobacco" taste, which I appreciated. The blend smoked very cool, and I detected what I sure thought to be the taste of cigar leaf mixed in there with the Virginians and whatever else Dunhill tossed in. The Orlik version has a more Virginia flavor at the forefront and the misted topping was done with great discretion. The Murray's era topping was almost like a background of honey and almonds while the re-release has no added flavoring that I could detect. A good smoke!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 08, 2016 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
an unusual mixture;in that this is mainly a virginia blend but with delicate orientals woven into the smoke. Upon my first smoke of this, i found it hot, harsh, bland and bitey. i threw it into a canning jar and gave it some time. When revisiting, i was astounded at what a good breathe and slight age (only 2/3 months) could do to a tobacco. What assaulted my senses previously; tickled my tastebuds and provided me with intrigue and delight. While i find it full of bready, sweet/sour grassy, nutty tones; it is still a delicate smoke. This is not one to push hard, smoking it like an aromatic, barely keeping the ember lit is a delight; the variety of flavour, whilst still soft and delicate is incredible. There are many layers with this smoke; i have found different flavours coming through in different shaped pipes. I don’t detect much, if any casing. What i do taste is a very pure tobacco taste, sweet and earthy with the Orientals bringing the slightest touch of sour. there is a short, but sweet learning curve with this tobacco. it is an incredibly rewarding and satisfying smoke, it doesnt blow your head off with nicotine or strong flavours. Highly recommended especially for Virginia smokers & Oriental fans that fancy something a bit different, be warned; like other reviews say, it’s not for everyone. It is easily an all day, everyday smoke for me. I don’t feel that I crave the taste like I do other blends but every time I light a bowl of this I’m happy i did.
Pipe Used: Various Falcons, Various Briars
PurchasedFrom: www.uktobacco.com
Age When Smoked: From new - 12 Months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2016 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
This is nice, reminds me of a quality step up from Orlik's Golden Sliced Red. I don't get as much Orange flavor , it's much more subtle in the RR. The cut is slightly more of a broken flake rather than the typical Dunhill ribbon. the Turkish just comes along for the ride providing some base , but it's the Virginias that are naturally sweet and out-front . The Orientals is used with a very light hand giving some slight sour/ fruity interest.

I tried this back to back with Dunhill's Elizabethan Mixture and the EM is definitely more of a VaPer than the Ready Rubbed To me the RR smokes more like a Virginia.

I've never tried the original RR , but this new release is nice. I really don't understand all the mediocre review ratings , maybe too much comparing and not enough accepting ?
Pipe Used: cob
Age When Smoked: new tin open one week
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 12, 2015 Very Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Tonight at pipe club they had the new re-release of Dunhill Ready rub in the tin. It was the early pre-release. It is in a round tin. I chuckled as I was expecting the square tin. It is a very light Virgina blend. Very much like I remember. Sweet smell on opening. Packed very easy. Fast char. Relight and smoked in 1 hour 20 minutes. Drank a Dr. Pepper. Very light taste here.
Pipe Used: yellow bole chesterfield
PurchasedFrom: Amistads Pipe and Cigar
Age When Smoked: fresh tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 28, 2018 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I must mention that I am having a great time running through as many Dunhill blends as I can get my hands on. While visiting my tobacco dealer (this stuff isn't legal in Istanbul, it's smuggled in) I found a few tins of this, and to be honest I had never even heard of this Dunhill blend before. The tin also has no description, so I had no idea what this blend contained. And not wanting to risk a dreadful aromatic or something of the sort, a quick check on this website revealed that it was a Virginia/Oriental blend, and that was all the information I needed.

I was eager to dive into this, as I love Virginia based blends. And after opening the tin, I was not let down by the smells I was getting - bread, some grass, and some mild ketchup as well. The cut is that legendary Dunhill ribbon cut which will always be my favorite because it's so easy to work with. And the moisture, as usual with Dunhill, was absolutely perfect. The tobacco itself has nice shades of gold and red - a very handsome tobacco I must say, and one of the best tin notes I think I've ever had.

Sadly, it doesn't translate into the smoke exactly, but it is pretty darn good, if not great. While smoking I couldn't shake off the feeling that the Virginia in this blend is VERY similar to that inside Davidoff's Flake Medallions - one of my favorite tobaccos. And having smoked several, several tins of that, I think I am not mistaken in saying that they are practically brothers, if not cousins. Very similar profiles with the Virginia's going on in this blend.

The Orientals are there and they poke through from time to time, but for the most part, they are very much in the background. I would say that there's only about 5% Orientals in this blend, so nothing crazy.

The funny thing is though, while being primarily just a straight Virginia at this point, it doesn't get dull as say, Capstan. To me, that was just way too one dimensional, and it got boring fast. The Dunhill is far more interesting, and far more flavorful. It's easy to pack, light and maintain, and it doesn't have a lot of nicotine either, so it's an ideal full day smoke.

While I have had better Virginia blends, this one is also top notch. I would absolutely prefer Elizabethan Mixture to this, but that's just because I'm a sucker for a good VaPer. But for what it is, it's a great smoke. Full of flavor, easy to maintain (just don't sip too hard or too fast), and sincere. It also reminds me of Old Gowrie for some reason, but Old Gowrie is definitely more complex and flavorful. But for what it is, this is an excellent smoke. Something you don't have to worry about and just tastes of good old Virginia tobacco.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: Local tobacconist
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 04, 2017 Mild Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
This is an underrated blend that truly deserves much better recognition from the pipe smokers community. It is easily among the best Virginia-based blends, and is even not far from being equal to Dunhill Flake in quality. The addition of Burley and Oriental leaves along with the slight addition of honey flavoring adds beauty to this wonderful blend.

When aged, Ready Rubbed would rank among the top Virginia-based blends in the market, and the fact that it can be smoked all day makes it a must-have for Virginia lovers.

Highly recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 14, 2016 Mild Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Dunhill - Ready Rubbed (re-release).

I have no idea what the original Ready Rubbed was like so can draw no comparison; this is a review on this tin for what it is.

The initial opening reveals some quite rugged ribbons; I wouldn't suggest they're chunky enough to be classed as being 'broken flakes' but there's one or two that are chunkier than your simple ribbon or ready rubbed. The colour of the mixture is a very steady, medium brown; there isn't really any fluctuation in colour, lighter nor darker, it's very consistent. There's nothing spectacular to be reported about the aroma; it's a basic Virginia one. My tins moisture's good so I can smoke some right away.

The lighting's easy enough; no jet flame's required here! Then, once lit it gives a good burn that delivers quite a cool smoke that stays nearly bite free; it has to be chugged like a steam engine to get a very slight nip.

There are lots of good things about Ready Rubbed that jump out to me quite quickly: as I said, it burns well, gives a moderately cool smoke, has a fairly low nicotine amount (that suits me), and gives a decent enough room note. It's the flavour of the smoke that could be looked at in both a positive and negative light; it doesn't have much in the way of things that 'stand out' about it; it's not offensive, just a touch simple, thus making it a probable decent all day smoke when you don't want something to sit down and over-evaluate.

This sums up, for me, the word 'boring'. I'd prefer to have more going on in the smoke. This is why I can only somewhat recommend it.

Two stars.
Pipe Used: Savinelli Fuoco
PurchasedFrom: GQ Tobaccos'
Age When Smoked: New
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