Orlik Tobacco Company A/S Golden Sliced (Red Tin)

A blend of golden, fully ripe Virginia leaves from the traditional districts of the United States and a smidgen of perique. Natural sweetness and freshness with hints of citrus.
Notes: Previous edits to this blend have averred that a dispute exists whether or not Golden Sliced contains perique. It does. Please note that the website stglanepipe.com states on its Orlik page that certain of its blends (including Golden Sliced) contain "fully ripe Virginia and a little perique." Moderator.


Brand Orlik Tobacco Company A/S
Blended By Orlik
Manufactured By Orlik
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin and pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.33 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 500 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 18, 2016 Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
Simple and delicious pretty much describes this flake. One of my absolute favourite tobaccos, and by far the most awesome flake.

Sweet, a hint of citrus, sometimes a bit of spice. On occasion, the tobacco transforms and becomes like really sweet and buttery, One of the best tobacco experiences I've had so far. I buy a tin every month, and I'm gonna start buying extras to store.

This is a tobacco that's really nice on the pallet regardless of your preferences, your age, and how long you've been smoking. Suitable for everyone!
Pipe Used: OF Billiard, Red Killarney Bulldog
PurchasedFrom: danishpipeshop.com
Age When Smoked: Very Fresh and 2 yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 26, 2013 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Perique? There is a very slight spice note, and it's all the perique has to offer. Obviously only a pinch or two of it is present. I get a sweet, tart and tangy citrus, lemon, toasty bread, light floral, sugar and acidic notes with a lot of grass and hay from the Virginias. I suspect there's a touch of sharp, nutty white burley in it. The topping is mildly citrusy (perhaps bergamot) with a hint of apricot, and lightly sublimates the tobaccos, though I tend to think it's a cohesive addition. The strength and nic-hit are a couple of steps past the mild mark. The taste is a slot past the center of mild to medium. Won't bite or get harsh. Has a few very small rough edges. Burns a little slow, depending upon how you break up the flake, with a very clean and cool consistent citrus and grass flavor all the way to the finish. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasant, short lived after taste and room note. An easy going all day, uncomplicated product that doesn't wear out its welcome. Three and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 19, 2009 Medium None Detected Mild Pleasant
I've appreciated Flake tobacco for over forty years. Coming back to OGS was like visiting an old friend. In OGS, Orlik has produced what I consider to be the "primo" of Flakes. I can honestly say that I have never smoked a Flake I didn't like. But, OGS is special. It is the best presentation of Flake tobacco I have had the pleasure to enjoy. I love those thin slices that hold together, fold and pack easily. An easy light, wonderulf taste, no bite and very satisfying smoke. If OGS was the only blend available to me, I could be satisfied to smoke it for as long as my puffer holds out. A true Masterpiece of Flake tobacco. An investment in pure satisfying pleasure.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 26, 2014 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Orlik Golden Sliced (Red) is described on the English language label as being "composed of golden Virginia tobaccos with a touch of perique." Readers of this and other pipe tobacco forums are aware of the fact that for years the label listed a touch of burley rather than perique. A spokesperson for the Scandinavian Tobacco Group has asserted that the previous mention of burley was a mistranslation (?!) The debate continues to rage as to whether Golden Sliced has perique. I always thought so even when the label did not so state, not because I tasted perique, but because I got a slight perique tingle when exhaling the smoke through my nose.

I personally do not think the perique versus burley controversy matters at all. Golden Sliced should be considered just a Virginia flake--and a very fine one at that. The taste for me has a slight citrus undertone, not perique. I do not taste burley. Burley in small amounts will smooth out a mixture, but it takes a significant amount for the burley taste to come through. (Kentucky, smoked burley, asserts its taste with much smaller amounts.)

For me, this is a golden Virginia with a taste on the mild side of medium and a pleasant room note. The label directs "rub the tobacco slices gently before filling your pipe." I have had equal success both with a gentle rub out and just cramming the thin slices down into the pipe.

Golden Sliced is well behaved for a Virginia in the bite category.

This tobacco holds up well when frequently smoked. Some tobaccos tire the taste and are best smoked as a change of pace. Not so with OGS. I have not given it the fourth star, but I seriously considered it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 24, 2002 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
If you like pure tobacco taste that carries just a tiny hint of sweetness, then this stuff will work for you. It contains enough nicotine to satisfy the most ardent veteran, and because it does taste like tobacco, I suggest that aromatic fanciers look elsewhere.

Because it is a flake, it can be rubbed out to any degree you like. The slices are just a tad on the moist side, so, some may prefer to let it air out a bit before smoking. I like to fully rub my flake tobacco and find the 'baccy dries quicker that way.

As for the Perique debate; my take is this; if a blend has Perique that cannot be tasted in the blend, then I don't call it a VaPer. Golden Sliced, in the form that I smoked, was NOT a VaPer. (-:

If you want a light and flavorful tobacco tasting smoke that can be enjoyed all day long, then look here. If you want something sweeter and less tobaccoyee, then look elsewhere.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 28, 2015 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This one lives up to the hype. Honey sweet notes of citrus. A touch of hay or straw. Simple, but delicious. There is just the slightest amount of spice. Doesn't seem Periquey to me. More like a Virginia spice. If this has Perique I can't taste it. Just a marvelous, very relaxing smoke.

Mild to medium in body. Same for flavor but mostly medium. Ready to smoke right out of the tin. Burns very well.

On a side note: When I smoke a tobacco for review I always push it a time or two to see how it responds. This is one you don't want to push. The hay-like flavor comes strongly to the front and it gets very harsh. A horse might like that but I don't. Slow and easy will reward you with a top notch smoke. A puffer will suffer.....heh, made a rhyme that time.
Pipe Used: MM General, MM Country Gentleman, MM Mark Twain
PurchasedFrom: pipesandcigars.com
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2013 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I've been smoking this flake tobacco for many, many years and after reading the reviews I have gotten many, many laughs. Let me set the record straight; THIS TOBACCO HAS NEVER EVER HAD PERIQUE IN IT, NOR DOES IT NOW HAVE PERIQUE IN IT. The label on the back of the tin has always said "Virginia and Burley",but all of a sudden the maker says they meant to say "Perique" when they said "burley". The maker of this fine tobacco knows darn well between the two tobaccos and their spelling. Ok, enough of my soapbox. This is true pressed Virginia with a just a smidgen of burley tobacco blended in. Smooth,satisfying, and tangy. The burley tobacco gives this flake a roundness. A very fine flake I've been puffing on for more than thirty years.

NOTICE: Look back on reviews of this tobacco a few years ago before the maker stated there was perique in the blend. You will see no mention of tasting any perique in the blend at all.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 08, 2014 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
For the price, there is no better VA flake out there. And it beats out almost everything else anyway, regardless of price. The Perique in the blend is extremely subtle, and is hardly detectible once this stuff as some age on it. It would even be a stretch to call this a Va/Per. I have a hundred tins of this brooding for the tobacco apocalypse and plan on buying many more. It's smooth, sweet, and creamy with grassy citrus notes and a subtle hint of spice every now and again. And on special occasions when the pipe tobacco gods are smiling down on me, midway through the bowl the creaminess builds up to the point where it's like sweet butter. I dream at night about smoking this stuff.
Pipe Used: MM Cob, Orlik Prince Regent, Peterson Meerschuam
PurchasedFrom: Beehive Cigars, Salt Lake City, UT
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 26, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I consider Orlik Golden Sliced to be one of the quintessential VaPers (the other being Solani 633), against which I judge all others. It comes in long flakes that have a strong aroma of licorice, a citrusy/honey taste and considerable sweetness, which are the hallmarks of good Virgina tobacco. I used to rub it out before smoking but have found that, like most flakes, it smokes longer, cooler and stronger if I just fold it and stuff it in my pipe (although this requires a extra few relights to get it going).

I am intrigued by the debate over whether OGS contains perique. I would point out that perique is a type of burley tobacco and therefore the statement that previously graced the OGS label, that it contained burley, is not surprising or incorrect. As to whether it contains perique, if Orlik says it does then I assume it does because their's is a reputable company and I don't believe they would make false claims about their tobaccos (not to mention that doing so would be illegal). That said, I would note that, among VaPers, OGS probably has relatively less perique than some others.

All in all, if you like Virginia tobacco or want to learn what it is all about, you couldn't do better than to try OGS. It's moderate price makes it a real bargain, when one considers the amount of pleasure that it delivers.
Pipe Used: Various briars
PurchasedFrom: pipesandcigars.com
Age When Smoked: I usually age it for a year or so before smoking
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 13, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Smoking Qualities - Phenomenal to rub and pack, even better (and longer) smoke when gently folded and screwed into the bowl using air pocket method. Burns evenly with no bite when smoked mindfully.

Flavor - Charring light provides a toasty sweet Va flavor, very clean and warm. Three matches lit a fold n stuff bowl. In the first third, the perique and the harsher notes are apparent. The second third releases a sweeter flavor which lets the Va shine. The final (best) and most complex third has the best balance of flavor, between the mellowed sweetness, built darker notes of leather and nut, and the gentle reminder of perique spice.

Finish - Great burned chocolate and leathery toasted nut flavor, spice ever so slowly fades away. Perfect finish IMO.

Price to Value - Worth way more than what it costs, a top notch tobacco, for the beginner or pro.

As for the perique debate, I am not qualified to judge, but it seems excessively spicy to be composed entirely of Vas to me. Has that nice perique burn through the nose.

Will cellar for a year and report back.
Pipe Used: Peterson Aran Straight Billiard
PurchasedFrom: pipesandcigars.com
Age When Smoked: One month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 14, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This has been my favorite tobacco since I first tried it. I'm primarily a VaPer smoker, and this just hits it home. It's very similar to Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake with an addition of bergamot orange essence to it. I really can't speak highly enough about it. It's not a very nicotine strong blend, but it's burn qualities and flavor make it a great any time or all day smoke. This is a blend (most blends do anyway) which really shines when you keep it as cool as possible, taking only a few sips here and there to keep the pipe lit. Don't puff it too fast. Sidestreams of citrus/bergamot back and forth over hay/grass/perique. Great also if you add just a tiny smidge of extra perique. I dedicate at least 1-2 pipes to just this blend. The nuances can really come to life when you dedicate and have only OGS cake.
Pipe Used: briars, meerschaums, pyrolytic graphite, cob, pear
PurchasedFrom: smokingpipes
Age When Smoked: fresh, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years
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