Orlik Tobacco Company A/S Golden Sliced (Red Tin)

A blend of golden, fully ripe Virginia leaves from the traditional districts of the United States and a smidgen of perique. Natural sweetness and freshness with hints of citrus.
Notes: Previous edits to this blend have averred that a dispute exists whether or not Golden Sliced contains perique. It does. Please note that the website stglanepipe.com states on its Orlik page that certain of its blends (including Golden Sliced) contain "fully ripe Virginia and a little perique." Moderator.


Brand Orlik Tobacco Company A/S
Blended By Orlik
Manufactured By Orlik
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin and pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.33 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 14 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 29, 2015 Mild Strong Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Summary: Sweet with citrus, this confection of tobacco is both boring and an irritant for its deranged topping.

Writers either like or intensely dislike writing negative reviews. It is with no pleasure that I say plain and simply that I hate this tobacco. The flakes have a foam rubber sponginess and are soaked in a citrus concoction that is both cloying and slightly less antagonistic in scent than CS gas. While it burns long and hot, and provides consistent sweet (and citrus-y) smoke, the flavor is one-dimensional and reminds me of candy given to very young children to keep them occupied. The simplistic flavor balance absorbs any Perique to be found here, and then the mixed fruit topping clobbers any remaining taste, leaving only the sweet. Orlik "Golden Sliced" reminds me of those horrible coffee cakes and stale grocery store donuts that one encounters in the morning meetings one least wishes to attend, and has a similar effect on my spirits. I have cellared this by flinging it into the back of my clothes closet where I hope it can drive away the musty scent, or even better take it on, so to spare me from this sugary fruit cocktail and its one-dimensional, happy-like-a-moron flavor. Yuck.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 01, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Unnoticeable
Jumpin jelly fish! y'all can keep this one she's too young fer me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2009 Mild Strong Full Pleasant
Mislead by the reviews stating a "mild" or even "not detectable" flavouring unfortunately I purchased a tin of "Golden Sliced".

The tobacco seems to be of good quality, as it burns cool and smooth and doesn't bite. However, the taste is completely covered by the casing that reminds me to the stuff my scrubwoman uses to clean the floor. If you don't like the taste of tobacco this might be the right stuff for you - otherwises avoid it!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 02, 2012 Mild None Detected Mild Tolerable
Smells like tea...ordered because of the reviews I received and find it to be a bland boring smoke. Dry and as another reviewer stated it resembles cigarettes...which I too don't care for. Will not be buying this again.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2011 Mild None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable to Strong
As some have noted, there is a slight tin smell of orange and hay but there is no hint of any casing once it is lit. The blend doesn't actually seem to be a blend at all - it appears to be all bright Virginia leaf. As a result, the smoke is monochromatic and very bland. It tastes like roll-your-own cigarette tobacco. Normally the room note of a tobacco isn't very bad if the blend is bland but my wife complains "it stinks like stale cigarette butts" when I light this stuff up. Rather than throw it in the trash I'll toss it in my leftovers jar.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 26, 2010 Medium Medium Medium Tolerable
The flakes are generous in size. The price is right, usually a couple of bucks less than comparable tins.

Cased with licorice and perhaps a little honey.

But this tobacco is nothing special.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 30, 2008 Very Mild None Detected Very Mild Pleasant
I was going to give Mac Barens Navy flake another try, they didn't have any, however, a large round red tin of Golden Sliced was hurled in my direction, "try this" the shopkeeper said, no doubt trying desperately to make his first sale, "I've just got this in"

"Why not" I thought, and bought it. On opening the tin, I was presented with a long, wide ribbon of flake, didn't smell bad, bit dry to the touch, but then, that's Orlik, Mac Barens to a tee.

After several bowls what can I say, I have been looking for something to replace my ever diminishing supply of Dunhill Flake, this stuff is mellow, oh yes mellow...... can't taste.... can't taste...... can't taste anything, it's just tobacco, pure plain inoffensive tobacco.... a bit better than OK, burns well with no tongue bite and all the way down with just one match.

When I want a smoke without any flavourings AT ALL, and there are times, this will be it. Would I make this an all day smoke ? no, unless I wanted to be bored to death, would this replace Dunhill ? most definately not, would I buy it again ? probably.

Rating.... two stars or three ? Two stars for now, I may come back and update this to three, but first I'll finish the tin and see if I buy more.

Right, here we go then, I did finish the tin, I did go back and buy more, though only one tin, a bit unusual for me. I've finally decided what this tastes like, cigarettes..... totaly neutral. However, a good enough smoke to keep yourself busy while you decide what you want. Two stars.

Well I did buy a second tin, 11 years ago, but not a third, ergo down to 1 star.
Pipe Used: Various briars
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 04, 2004 Mild None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
There are some very great blends that incorporate Burley, but this, sadly, isn't one of them. An easy smoke, for sure, but why bother? The tin is cute, the foil wrapper is a welcome sight, and the flakes are perfectly tooled, but the baccy itself is bland beyond belief.

Try the Strong Dark Kentucky if you think Orlik can't make a memorable blend.

Addendum,9/04: Over the years, I've traded tobaccos and opinions with upwards of fifty on-line acquaintances, and I still receive packages on a fairly regular basis from folks who would like my comments on a particular blend they've "discovered". For some inexplicable reason, I receive more samples or Orlik's Golden Sliced than any other blend. I appreciate the offerings, and am honored that someone would expend the time and effort to ask my opinion, but enough, already. Please- no more OGS. I can't think of a well known, highly reviewed bleand from a major producer that has LESS overall appeal.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 16, 2012 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable to Strong
. . . cigarettes in a pipe.

Rather bland, monochromatic and insipid, apart from the cigarettes.

I quite dislike the taste of cigarettes and the smell of them too. This tobacco reminds me of my university days when I thought I was an erudite bohemian rolling my own Gitanes cigarettes; moron.

Thankfully, my eventual father-in-law, even though I did not know that at the time, quickly took me aside: "Why are you farting around with cigarettes. If you're going to smoke THEN smoke"! He carefully and deliberately showed me the virtues of pipes and cigars; many thanks to him over the decades.

This tobacco might be just the thing for a cigarette person in recovery, and it does have a bit of Nicotine buzz.

Simply not my cup of tea at all.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 22, 2005 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Very Mild Tolerable
I must say, I hoped for more with this blend. Good points: It burns about as well as any tobacco on the market, medium strength (based on the amount of throat dryness I had), puts out a huge plume of smoke, and there is zero bite. The down side: Completely flavorless. Now, I don't mean no additive type flavor, I mean this blend doesn't really taste like tobacco, but rather a lightly perfumed smoke. There must be something about Burley that just doesn't agree with my taste buds. Not pleasant, not tasty, not for me. I guess since this blend is so cool and utterly flavorless, I can sneak it in to other blends just to burn it.

If you want a good pressed VA, stick to McCranies Red Flake, Rattray's Marlin Flake or go for the stoved Blacwoods Flake or Black Virginia.
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