Davidoff Green Mixture

These select blends of tobaccos include: mature Virginia, flavorful burley, and black cavendish. Enjoy a smooth pleasurable smoke with company in the discrete harmony of its fresh and slightly fruity aroma.


Brand Davidoff
Blended By Orlik Tobacco Company
Manufactured By Orlik Tobacco Company
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.43 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 21 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 06, 2013 Very Mild Very Mild Very Mild Pleasant
My brother in law bought some of Davidoff blends for me while he transit at Dubai. He loking arround to the airport free duty store and the store sell some kind of pipe tobaccos and he choose the Davidoff blend because the brand is very popular. When I open the tin for the 1st time I smell a creamy mixed fruity from the tobacco, pack it light and burn it and I get a light/mild smoke, allmost plain I gues but with a pleasant rome notes. I think this blend is very good for beginner. For a mild and smooth smoke, I think this blend is good enough. With a creamy fruity flavor is very easy to enjoy.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2011 Very Mild None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Unnoticeable
This one is the third mixture in the Davidoff trilogy. I liked the Blue, which was fragrant and tasty on a good day. The Red fell a little short of that, but was still quite a passable blend.

Ah, but the Green. Oh dear.

Like the Blue and the Red it shares a truly memorable open tin fragrance. It reminds me of the nicer sore throat sweets which a touch of honey.

Unlike the Blue, where at least a suggestion of the tin aroma makes it through to the smoke and in the room note, this poor old blend is totally and utterly tasteless.

Horrible ? Well no. It's just too tasteless to be horrible. Mrs RH just ignores it and never even passed comment on the tin aroma. It's just so bland and dull.

I've tried different pipes in an attempt to get something out of it. I've tried it direct from the tin and tried drying out in the hope that something will emerge in the way of taste or character. You certainly have no danger in leaving a ghost in your pipe with this one !

So, in conclusion (and one I can't see me editing in the future) tasty tin aroma, tasteless smoke , no room note. Might end up either using it as a filler or making cigarettes from it.

Sorry, Davidoff, not your finest hour.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 01, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Davidoff Green Mixture.

When I took the first puff of Green Mix' it was clear to me that this is, contrary to popular opinion, a definite 4 star blend for me! Prior to lighting the mixture it gives off a brilliant earthy aroma, a straight forward and a very raw tobacco one. It's great with moisture, it can be smoked straight away. The flavour of this immanently brings the word 'smooth' to mind, each tobacco taste is of a perfect weight without being too obstreperous in the mix, every flavour can be tasted. Personally, I don't get any underlying false flavours, the taste is a very honest one. It doesn't bite me any and the smoke only becomes too warm if it's strained really hard. The room note is a traditional one that's not overly heavy.

As I said at the beginning, I knew (for me) this was a 4 star blend straight away!
Pipe Used: Mr Brog
PurchasedFrom: Robert Graham
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 09, 2014 Very Mild None Detected Very Mild Pleasant
This was my first pipe tobacco to try. It is a very mild, yet creamy tobacco. No tongue bite, and very little saint nic. It does however get boring quite quickly. I guess right from the start I was ready for something stronger. One other thing for a burly tobacco it sure is expensive.
Pipe Used: mr. brog amigo 5
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 14, 2012 Mild Mild Mild Tolerable
Thank you Freddie for once again hosting the Pipe Smokers Guild meeting last night. It was great fun.

At our table we were presented by Davidoff Green, Red and Blue. I chose the Green because it smelled like a favourite and standby blend being Petersons Sherlock Holmes.

It does not come close to SH.

I found it bland and tasteless. Not for a Million Pounds would i be able to identify this blend in a blind test. It was just so flat and boring and horror of horrors, around mid bowl i got that Cavendish taste with every puff.

I guess it would appeal to the Pipester who likes this type of blend, the base tobaccos seem to be of very good quality.

Mo, South Africa
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 14, 2017 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
I seem to always be impressed by Davidoff's quality. Green Mixture, despite having a bland tin face, is a little perky for an aromatic and I liked the way the components were put together. These select blends of tobaccos include: mature Virginia, flavorful Burley, and Black Cavendish. Not sure what the infusion was, but it tasted somewhat like ripe strawberries.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 03, 2011 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
And I was so looking forward to this. My samplings of the red and blue mixtures were favourable, the red's christmas cake overtones and the blue's hints of cream played a merry dalliance with my taste buds and satisfied me most royally.

I thought the promise of these two might be kept when I first opened the tin and a delightful honey scent wafted my nostrils like flowers on a summers day, I so couldn't wait to get in my pipe and light up. Boy, what a disappointment. Yes, there are slight twinges of honey in the flavour but it is subtle to the point of failing to get the message across.

Yes, yes, I do still find myself getting some pleasure from smoking this, and the room note is impeccable, the lack of tonguebite is also a plus, hence the two stars.

I like all the other Davidoff tobacco I've tried, the other colour mixtures, their cigarettes, I so wanted to give this three stars, sadly the lack of flavour in the smoke prevents me from doing so. However, there are enough plus points here to save it from being one star, it's just a shame I can't get the room note without having to smoke it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 21, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Unnoticeable
Well out of the trilogy (red,blue,green)this is the last i would purchase again.bad blend?defenitelly no.flat blend?yes.when you open it you get grass as when you smoke it too.right moist packs easy lights easy too.burns cool and never bites.the taste is really grassy with a little citrus.you can start your day with it but it won't give you pleasure.it has quality but not unique taste or aroma.i can't say i recomend it but you won't lose trying it out!
Age When Smoked: When opened!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 21, 2012 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
This is a really nice tobacco. A nice smooth black cavendish and virginia flavor. I see no problems with it. 4 stars. Pack it lightly and make sure your taste buds aren't fried and you'll enjoy this tobacco. Lot's of nice flavor. Davidoff makes some fine high quality tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 27, 2011 Medium Mild Mild Tolerable
sitting out on my porch i found the davidoff green mixture to remind me of santa barbara, california in a bad way. if you are not familiar with the area think of a street reeking of alcohol with a mixture of ocean. If you are a fan of burnt toast then this would be the blend for you because i got notes of it along with refried beans and picante salsa. i don't recommend this blend, although it did stay easily lit and was a relatively dry blend in comparison to the other blends i have been smoking. proper english, sherwood forest, and another english blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 12, 2020 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
When opening the tin, the first thing to notice is a pleasant sweet smell, like a freshly baked pancake. A close look at the colors of the tobacco reveals a mix of about 50% dark Cavendish, about 40% brown Burley and probably about 10% yellow Virginias. Easy to pack, burns cool and dry, with no tongue bite. The sugary taste in the pipe is similar to the tin's aroma. The sweetness lingers in my skin and clothing for a while. Even my wife likes the smell. It is indeed a pleasant smoke.
Pipe Used: Corncob and Chadwick Poker
PurchasedFrom: pipes and cigars
Age When Smoked: 3 months
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