Lane Limited Captain Black Royal

Captain Black Royal is an aromatic black and golden cavendish, exceptionally mild, and delightfully aromatic.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By Lane Ltd.
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Alcohol / Liquor, Caramel, Molasses, Other / Misc, Sweet / Sugar, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 1.5 ounce pouch, 12 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.55 / 4





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Displaying 61 - 70 of 83 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 16, 2008 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
One of my first tobaccos.

Widely available and generally a pleasing smoke.

Hard as heck to keep lit, and it does leave syrup in you bowl.

Lots of people stopped me and told me that my smoke smelled very good, though. Really surprised me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 28, 2008 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
For those who say Capt.Black is a bad smoke I would say No! For a all American smoke cheap and a great smoke all and all some say thoe "it bites" and I say "stop puffing so hard" because nomatter what you smoke, if you do not smoke the pipe right, all tobacco will bite, if you do not keep the pipe clean, it will bite. I will stand up for Capt.Black Blue because it is a great smoke for the first timer or old school like myself.I have tried many types of tobaccos from all around the world and I keep coming back to this for a all day smoke.Hot puffers are just that and have a hard time with control of the pipe.Do not puff any pipe tobacco hot and you will be ok.There are tobaccos that are straight gross but Capt.Black Blue is not. (GO FOR IT FIRST TIMERS ITS GOOD STUFF)!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2008 Mild Medium Very Mild Pleasant
This was the first pouch I ever picked up and it was definitely a good way to start out. The pouch smell and room note are great and it has a mild tobacco strength. My biggest problem is the gloppy dottle at the end of the bowl. Although it smokes very well at first, the quality noticeably diminishes toward the bottom. All in all, I found it to be enjoyable and would definitely purchase it again, especially given its inexpensiveness.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2008 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
NICE (best of the captain series) but RARE (haven't seen it around for two years now) 🙁
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 08, 2008 Mild Medium Mild Pleasant
Well, just checking out the local variety which amounts to about 8 to 10. We have no tobacconist in our area, so you have to know what's available local for when you run out of good stuff. This is one of the best I've had from a supermarket/variety. The room note gets lots of compliments, and the taste matches... almost. It is very gummy at the bottom and is not the best at staying lit, but it's a good one to remember if you must.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 17, 2007 Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Pleasant
The best of the Drug Store Blends. It's cheap but very smokable. I always have a pouch onhand, just in case all else fails. It is not among the tobacco elite, but is a servicible change of pace.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 02, 2007 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
I like this when I am in the mood, but it is NOTHING compaed to the original WHITE. I know, it's a drugstore blend, But I like it and it is one of the ONLY drugstore lines I will smoke, so far.

If you don't like sweet aromatics, Then don't waste your time or money. If you do, well you probably already have smoked it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 15, 2007 Mild to Medium Strong Medium to Full Pleasant
IMPORTANT: There are two totally different tobaccos under the same name and package. The US Captain Black Royal (measured in ocz) and the EU one (measured in gramms). Well, I will be reviewing the US one, since compared to the european one, it is way better. If I would mark the US one 3/4 EU one gets 1/4. The reason is simple. The tobacco itself is different, produced and collecte in different countries, and the ending result drastically changes, and probably that is the reason many people give bad reviews to this tobacco.

In the case of the US one things started, when I was still 17 years old (I am 25 now) and I first tried pipe smoking, with this tobacco. Comparing to everything else I smoked until then (mostly aromatic cigars), it was way better. So, it has some sentimental value for me. Let's analyse:

Strength: It is not Latakia. It is mild, but due to it's heavy aroma, some people may find it irritates the palate, as this is a side effect of any aromatic smoke. Is is somewhat stronger than White one which has virginia in it, and somewhat milder than the Gold one.

Flavouring: Captain Black Royal (Blue), Gold and White have exactly the same flavouring, but the ending result differs due to different kinds of tobacco. The flavouring is stronger than many other aromatics I've smoked. The problem one may find is that, it needs a steady pace when you smoke, because if you puff a little bit faster than you should, you may get a tongue bite. Also, this tobacco is not recommended as a standard one-and-only aromatic one can smoke, because if one smokes it too regularelly, the flavouring tends to "dissapear". It needs breaks with other tobaccos, and that is one of the reasons it don't get a perfect score. The flavouring reminds me of a mixture between vanilla and chocolate.

Room Note: For many years now, I smoke this tobacco. But I smoke many others as well. This is one of the few I haven't got a single complaint about it's room aroma. People encourage me to smoke, because they like it. The good thing about this tobacco is that it is somewhat "neutral". There is one bad thing though, about it. When I smoke this in my room, after a day, if I do not open the windows wide open, it leaves an odd "smokey" trace that maybe irritating sometimes. I do believe this has to do with the fact that this tobacco is very popular and cheap, so it is not as "fresh" as it should be in terms of tobacco quality, so the chemical additives they use to flavour it, alter as time passes.

Taste: The best part of this smoking experience, is that it gives me the impression I want to eat a chocolate, although I don't like chocolate. So, it is really pleasant. Now matter how many tobaccos I have tried, I can't imagine not smoking Captain Black Royal. It's taste is so common, yet so original, none other could produce something similar. It's originality is based in it's simplicity.

In general this tobacco is recomended to every aromatic pipe tobacco smoker, but ONLY to people being able to find the US one, since the european one is NOT recommended at all. I hope this clarifies the contradicting reviews. I can support this for fact, since I did a little research on this matter. If I would rate the european one it would get:

Strength: Medium Flavouring: None Detected Room Note: Unnoticable Taste: Flat Recommendation: Not Recommanded

I live in Greece and for me is not that easy to find the US one, but I only smoke that one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 07, 2007 Very Mild Medium to Strong Medium Very Pleasant
I ended up obtaining a pouch of this Captain via my brother in law. Upon opening the pouch I saw a mostly brown tobacco with a few bits of black cav & some lighter strands thrown in. The pouch aroma is very strong and quite nice. The tobacco within was moist..not wet..but moist..perhaps overly so. Uh-oh I thought..

Packing: Suprisingly this tobacco packed rather well using a standard 3-step. Doesn't clump up too bad..not too sticky..which amazes me given the seemingly high moisture content.

Lighting: Upon putting flame to the tobacco I get another suprise. It takes to flame right away with nary a sizzle. Simple tamp & relight and my cruise with the captain was underway.

Smoking: As I progress down the bowl I find the captain burning fairly I said to myself. The flavor is VERY pronounced coco-vanilla and yup..this is a dessert smoke for sure. Whoops..I'm actually enjoying this much maligned blend.

Finish: Hey..whats going on? Why do I find myself constantly relighting? Is it because the bowl is finished? Well, almost. Upon inspection I find the last 1/4 is a wet pile of dottle. Typical of aromatics I guess..

As the days go by I find myself reaching for this more & more...GULP! Is it possible? Sorry gang but I like this one 🙂 Wife compliments this one every time I light up & it burns nice with zero bite. Certainly a quality aromatic..Oh, did I mention you can smell the pouch from 10 paces away? Almost a tobacco potpourri..

And hey..every once in a while I can actually taste tobacco underneath the overwhelming sauce this is soaked in..I think!? Good treat smoke...3 of 4
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 22, 2006 Very Mild Strong Very Full Pleasant
I like this tobacco every now and then, but it's just to cased and wet at times. It can be overwhelmingly sweet even for an aromatic smoker like myself. Of course I do indulge in it with delight ocasionally, but after one bowl I don't find the need to smoke it again for many weeks after. It's for those days when you have a sweet tooth. it's almost like having cookies and milk. at those time it works, otherwise it can be tiresome. Still the best Captain black if you ask me though. and the room aroma is usually complimented by the people around you. Enjoy, just dont overuse.
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