Samuel Gawith Finest Kendal Twist Black XX

For over two centuries, the blenders and spinners of Samuel Gawith, Kendal, have been producing the famous Kendal Twists. Coal miners, both underground and on the ground, have been chewing our Pigtails, whilst pipe smokers have savoured the rich flavours and slow burning characteristics of the thick Brown No.4 and Black XX. All of our twist tobaccos can be smoked either flavoured or un-flavoured. Some of our popular flavours are black cherry, rum, whiskey and apple. All twists are available pre-packed or on the roll. Because the process is almost entirely by hand, quality control ensures consistency of excellence.
Notes: Pigtail - thin, Bogie - medium, Irish - thick.


Brand Samuel Gawith
Blended By Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Cut Rope
Packaging various pouch sizes, bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production Disponível atualmente


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Strong
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.18 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 34 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 17, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable to Strong
Once this settles in, it is an excellent smoking, sweet, pure tobacco. Much less sharp or edgy than Cockstrong or Picayune. Smokes clean and dry through the bowl. Floral essences wind their way through the smoke, along with an anise or licorice note. Very tasty. 4*.
Pipe Used: MM
PurchasedFrom: Smokes on Burdick, Kalamazoo, MI
Age When Smoked: Undated tin recently purchased.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 01, 2005 Overwhelming Mild Overwhelming Overwhelming
I made my way through one third of a bowl then fell off my horse.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 09, 2009 Overwhelming None Detected Overwhelming Very Strong
Another easy review, this time with less than a full bowl.

The effect is like bonging hot air, and it knocked my head off. This stuff is the reason men didn't live very long in the 17-1800's. Yes, it's tobacco, but it has no depth, no nuance, no harmonious exchange of blending and no complexity of any kind. It starts off strong and full and finishes like the exhaust pipe of a bus. If you like this kind of flavor, find a cigarette smoker and empty his ashtrays in your mouth. Swish the ashes around in your mouth for awhile and enjoy.

Absolutely not recommended for anyone with discerning taste buds - at least if they want to keep them.

UPDATE 11/28/10

I received some of this from an internet pipe buddy who suggested that since it had been aging in his cellar for almost 3 years, it was likely mellower and more flavorful than the new tin I smoked from in the review above. Being a brave and silly soul, I tried it. I made it halfway through the bowl before discarding - by sheer force of will.

My review above stands except for one small thing... I'm no longer sure this is even tobacco. It's not the strongest blend I've ever smoked but it's by far the harshest. If it were a cigar, it would be a Dutch Masters that has been lying open on the ground for 90 days in the heat of summer and pelted with all manner of precipitation, both natural and man-produced. I can't imagine anyone enjoying this. But then again, Neil Diamond had a long, prosperous career, so there is no accounting for taste in this world. All of this silly prose is just my way of saying try this at your own risk. If you enjoy it, more power to you.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 19, 2016 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Very Strong
The bold Virginias offer a lot of smokey, woody dirt, floral vegetative grass, and fermented dark fruit. It also has a toasted quality and touch of spice to it. I get a sense of black tea and leather, too. The nicotine level is high. Needs some dry time after you slice it. Burns slow, has a little harsh bitterness, and sports a consistent, rich, full bodied flavor. Doesn’t bite. Requires plenty of relights and leaves moisture in the bowl. Not as complex a smoke as my description appears, and certainly not for the faint of heart. The room note will chase away your friends, family, dog and spirits, unless the latter are in a bottle. Your rating will depend upon how much you like very strong tobacco.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 26, 2013 Strong Mild to Medium Full Strong
Looks like a doggie grunt rope. Taste like I would imagine a doggie grunt rope would taste.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2008 Medium to Strong None Detected Extra Full Very Strong
Just corrected a couple typos........sorry for the intrusion....

from 04/09/2008:

This is the first rope I did not like. Many people compare tobacco flavors they don't like to things (I hope) they have not tasted. Well, to me, this tastes like burnt motor oil which, of course, is just a hunch.

There is plenty of flavor here, but it is singular in nausiosity and will stick with you and your pipe. Not a good thing. I'm a big fan of stoved tobaccos, but I can't imagine how long this was cooked to achieve the sharp, oily, actually evil flavor that resides within its black coils.

However, I am a trooper and will smoke more of this. I expect it will one day become an occasional curiosity smoke for me due to it's uniquely high level of ultra-wretchedness. That is to say, I'm too cheap to throw the shit out.

On the plus side, when tobacco is illegal and all the farms are burned and gone, when most of you are in jail for committing pipe smoking, when every last cellared tin has been sequestered and when the thought police aren't watching, I'll sneak out this last (thankfully) forgotten tidbit of tobacco and rejoice at having not smoked my entire stash.

How will I still have this bit of vicious black contraband while the rest of the world goes smokeless? I'm beginning to think this is not even tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 18, 2015 Strong Strong Full Very Strong
I don't understand the negative reviews - this is a strong, no nonsense tobacco. Full virginia with no additives which gives a real tobacco flavour. You get one hell of a nicotine hit with this baby and although you have to take time to load it well, the result is excellent. Man up and try this wonderful stuff
Pipe Used: Cartre Noir
PurchasedFrom: Black Swan
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 21, 2012 Strong None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Reading other reviews I thought I would dislike this. Do like a strong smoke, but not harsh. This ain't harsh at all. Have inhaled just to see what happens and not overwhelmed at all. A real, proper baccy that I will buy again. Just have to see how I feel when I finish the bowl!

(12/02/12 Had to update. This is a wonderful tobacco. Can't describe taste but very tasty to me. You get loads of thick smoke. Very pleasant room note, but don't know what non-smokers or even non-pipesmokers will think!)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 18, 2010 Overwhelming Very Strong Overwhelming Strong
Oh my God!!!

After a five or six puffs my windpipe snapped shut and I could feel the Reapers bony hand tapping me on the shoulder. I knew it was time to stop and step away from the pipe.

Only for those who have a death wish!!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2007 Overwhelming Extremely Mild Overwhelming Extra Strong
Yhe four horsemen of the apocalypse decided to have a tea party in my mouth. I am bowled over.

Yet intrigued.

Images evoked include global warming.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 13, 2006 Strong None Detected Medium to Full Strong
Very delicious dark pressed tobacco for the lover of ropes and plugs. Comes as a thick, hard pressed lump of shiny black tobacco, smelling faintly of smoke like lapsang souchong tea, with an earthy, leathery tobacco smell underneath.

Chop off a few slices with a sharp pocketknife, dont worry if they are irregular, you are slicing plug, not making flakes. Some thick clumps and some finer ribbons is ideal. Rub it together and fill a clay pipe, and fire up for old fasioned smoking pleasure. Very enjoyable out of doors in a howling, freezing gale, it cheers the heart. The flavour is slightly smokey, in a way unlike Latakia, more like bacon perhaps, wood, peat and autumn leaf smoke. Slight sweetness, earthy, leathery and woody flavours can be detected. The flavour remains constant throughout. Very rustic in character.

It is rather strong, but not overwhelming, not so strong as the bogies. It is not harsh like the bogies either, but is smooth, and burns cool even in the strongest wind. It never bites, although can get a little rough if let to go out and then relit much later.

A lump of this, a clay, a penknife and some matches should be in every mans pocket on a cold and windy day outdoors.
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