The Country Squire Tobacconist Tombigbee

By far one of our most popular and widely celebrated aromatic blends, Tombigbee is comprised of Virginia, several strains of Burley that have been through the cavendish process. A sweet and creamy smoke that will have your senses traveling down a long Southern road.
Notes: This blend was formerly named Old Toby as part of Country Squire's Middle Earth series. Released 2015.


Brand The Country Squire Tobacconist
Series Fantasy South
Blended By  
Manufactured By The Country Squire
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Sweet / Sugar
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.65 / 4





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Displaying 11 - 20 of 31 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 17, 2020 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Very Pleasant
What’s in your pipe? Make it Old Toby! “Old Toby”, sounds a little like what you may call your loyalist of dogs. The one who stood by your side, listened to your stories, and pounced upon your return even if you’d only be gone a short time. For me as I smoke “Old Toby” it feels like I’m returning to an old friend. Returning to a time when life was simpler. If you’ve watched the first Hobbit movie as Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins reflect over the Shire, I must believe they often reflected back to this time as their journey became a battle. “The Country Squire” was new to me. I’d heard of them. I even had a link on my phone, but I’d never bought anything. I posted on FB looking for suggestions on what I should buy. Being a Hobbit fan, I was drawn to their, “Middle Earth Tobaccos”. Of course, just because the tobaccos have a fancy name does not mean it’s a good tobacco. (Keep in mind I’m not one who can pull taste all the subtle nuances of each blend. I generally hope, especially with aromatics that it tastes like the “tin note”.) Upon opening the baggie, I only bought 1oz, I was blown away. The Country Squire describes it as having “a generous sugar casing”. I have absolutely NO idea what this means. What I do know is that upon opening the baggie the most amazing and unknown aroma came out. I can’t describe it, but I absolutely loved it. If only the tobacco tasted anything like it smelled I knew this was a winner. Out of the bag the tobacco is a bit wet/goopy. I’ve had worse, but just be aware. I did not dry it; I went straight to packing and lighting. Both were perfect. The biggest test was the taste. Wow, it was spot on amazing. It tasted like it smelled, and with the retro I got the same. I wasn’t left searching. I wasn’t disappointed! I was left content and happy during my crazy journey called “life”. It smoked cool and burned down to a nice ash. Larger bowls have left some tobacco in the bottom. Normal for many aromatics. I’ve smoked with probably 5 different pipes with about the same experience in each. I ran out of the first ounce before I could get my order in for 8 more ounces. For me this is a perfect tobacco and jumped right into my top 1. I now have two top ones. 🙂
Pipe Used: Floggleworks churchwarden
PurchasedFrom: The Country Squire
Age When Smoked: Out of bag
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 30, 2022 Very Mild Medium Full Very Pleasant
Heavy Spice and wood/nuts, Almonds on steroids. Deep fruit like over ripened Apricots Very soft and mild. No bite, smokes very cool and steady. Great smoke and flavor Lots of depth and complexity of blends and flavors. Sometimes honeysuckle comes out of nowhere. Rich. No food tastes, incredible room note with deep aged fruit. Excellent fall blend and holiday blend. But a great blend is great, anytime.
Pipe Used: Cob
PurchasedFrom: Mail order
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 23, 2022 Mild to Medium Strong Medium Very Pleasant
Having never read the LOTR books as a pipe smoker Old Toby reminds me of Sherlock Holmes’ dog Toby.

Smoking now:

Bag aroma is… sugar. It’s very sweet. I don’t detect any sort of flavoring ie vanilla or honey, rather it smells like tobacco… but sweetened. Raisins, honey, hay. Reminds me a lot of the smell of Molto Dolce but without the obvious caramel and vanilla. It’s almost as wet as MD too, however it’s not as sticky. This will coat your fingers and leave behind topping on your pipe board or whatever you prep your tobacco on.

Smoked it right from the bag with no dry time. Old Toby crackles and pops when you light it, it’s magical.

Now I appreciate that this is a Virginia burley… Perique. The addition of perique instead of the Cavindish appealed to me immensely. Now, can I taste perique? No… there’s not a lot of tobacco flavors going on here it’s all very much retarded by the sweet sugary topping. What I do like is what little flavors I do get are of tobacco. Nutty, wood, hay, bread, raisins, a little pepper spice but it’s all very light. The wet sugar casing dominates and along with the natural tobacco flavors coming though it’s quite nice. At the half way point the topping dies down and your left with a comfortable and mellow tobacco flavored smoke.

Pleased that there is absolutely zero harshness, mouth tingle, or tongue bite with this. A bulk aromatic that does not bite is a treat.

Dont set it down for very long as it’ll go out quick. Rather consistent flavor for 3/4 of the bowl. Co-workers said the room note was very pleasant, no complaints.

Very easy and relaxing smoke. Does not interfere with whatever else you’re doing as the taste is light and the after taste is minimal. As far as aromatics go this is fantastic. Well done! My co-worked loved the room note.
Pipe Used: Briar
PurchasedFrom: Country Squire
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 11, 2022 Mild Very Strong Medium Very Pleasant
To be upfront, this is one of the best aromatics I have ever had the pleasure of smoking. The flavor of the smoke matches the smell of the tobacco perfectly, and comes through surprisingly strong for an aromatic. Most of the time, aromatics smell great but taste like warm air when you actually smoke them. This tobacco breaks this trend to create a very tasty and enjoyable smoking experience.

The tin note of this tobacco is a wonderful maple/vanilla cake scent that smells amazing. The flavor of the smoke matches that scent perfectly and tastes very sweet. It is a very enjoyable smoke, which smoked down very consistently with minimal relights. The tobacco was very moist when I opened the bag, and I was worried it wouldn't burn well without drying, but that didn't end up being the case as it smoked very easy.

I reserve a 4 star rating for the best of the best tobaccos I try, and in my opinion this tobacco has earned that rating. It is an extremely tasty, great smelling aromatic that smokes easy and has a fantastic room note. If aromatics are your thing, then definitely give Old Toby a shot.
Pipe Used: Multiple Briars
PurchasedFrom: The Country Squire
Age When Smoked: Fresh Tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 27, 2022 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
In the immortal words of Gollum. “We wants it. We need it. Must have the precious.”

Pulled out the funky Churchwarden for … you guessed it … that precious Old Toby. I own this single churchwarden and it is dedicated to only smoking Old Toby; ghosting is incredible on this blend.

Not a huge aromatic guy but I will tell you Country Squire’s tasty mixture is my absolute favorite in the category. Word to the wise, this stuff HAS to set-up for literally days due the moisture level (excessive PG?), but once it is good to go what an absolute Middle Earth treat.

Comprised of choice Virginias and Burleys doused in brown sugary, bourbon-full, maple-nougaty spiciness with a modest amount of pungent earthy Perique make this blend exceptional to the genre.

Precious it is in my opinion and my thanks to the good folks at Country Squire for this little bit of Tolkien magic.

Happy piping my friends!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 15, 2021 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
As a newer pipe smoker, I am mainly exploring the different blends (I favor aromatic blends, although I am dipping my toes into the non-aromatic blends now) to find what I like.

Like many others, I am a huge fan for Tolkien! So naturally I wanted to try some of the available themed blends out there. So far as of 2021 the only easily obtained commercial versions are from The Country Squire and Just for Him. This review is for the "Old Toby" blend from The Country Squire series, there are 6 blends with a mix of 3 being aromatics and 3 being non-aromatics (Longbottom Leaf sadly is no longer produced and I cannot try this mix).

Opening the bag, what I smelled was the sweet/spicy from the tobacco, no strong individual note but a pleasant combination of flavors.

The flavor I tasted was the Virginia/burley tobacco, with some sugar and the spices from the perique (I liked this level of perique in this blend). My first thought was if you added vanilla to this, it would be very similar to Sutliff's Christmas Spice which I love. The room note was very nice as well!

It was moist, but I did not have to dry this out before smoking. I did not have any tounge-bite with this blend.
Pipe Used: MacQueen Pipes Halfling
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 16, 2020 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
As a relatively new pipe smoker I dont have the most articulate pallet. That being said, I do love this tobacco. I like aeromatics and the sweeter, the better for me personally. I have blends from Boswell which are great. 71st Street from Wilke is amazing as well. This though, is like taking the best of those and combining them into one of the very best tobaccos I've had. It seems a little moist, but this is the first tobacco i haven't had to relight. Its smooooth. No bite and I kept after it because it just tasted soo good. The topping is sweet but not overly so. Its just a very, very good tobacco that i honestly think I could smoke all day. If you're thinking of trying this, I think you definitely should.
PurchasedFrom: The Country Squire
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 01, 2023 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
An amazing aromatic from The Country Squire that has a one of a kind flavor/aroma.

Opening the jar, I’m hit with an aroma that reminds me of a dessert candle. I’m not even sure of the exact flavorings they used, but it really reminds me of a candle, in a good way. Specifically, it reminds me of a candle my 3rd grade teacher used to light up in class.

Upon lighting, the flavor is dominated by the topping. I would describe it as a musky, woody vanilla with brown sugar, coconut, baking spice, and possibly a slight fruit (cherry?) note. Again, I don’t know for sure what toppings they use, but that’s what I would describe the flavor as. The nutty, earthy burley is also present along with the topping. The light, grassy Virginia comes through in the finish. There are also pockets where the perique shows up, leaving a tingle on the tongue and in the sinuses. The flavor remains pretty consistent the whole way through. It never suffers from that “hot-air” flavor that many aromatics suffer from. I would recommend leaving this out to dry for 30 minutes-1 hour, as it was quite moist. When lighting, it can take a bit to get it going, but once it’s fully lit, it stays lit.

I’m not much of an aromatic smoker, but this is a wonderfully executed and unique aromatic blend. I would rank it as the best of the Middle Earth series aromatics, the best Country Squire aromatic, as well as one of my go-to aromatics along with Peter Stokkebye Optimum. Highly recommended if you enjoy the occasional aromatic, or even if you don’t generally like aromatics.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 02, 2017 Mild Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Ii found this blend rather one-dimensional. Quite damp, needs drying out. Very heavy on the vanilla, almost overwhelming. Lots of smoke, have to baby it softly to keep it from getting too hot. Uninspiring.
Pipe Used: Cob
PurchasedFrom: The Country Squire
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 13, 2023 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
I bought this to try after hearing about it on a podcast. I bought a pipe with it, and it ghosted in transit lol. I don’t smoke aromatic blends often, but this one is a “keep around” for sure. Will be buying generous supply soon.

It looks dark and shiny. The cut is ordinary, except for large pieces of cavendish. It pretty well damp out of the bag and I did dry it out a good while before smoking it. Even still, it sizzled a bit in the first third of the bowl. My goodness, it smells wonderful! It’s hard to emphasize that enough. Like vanilla bourbon, maple, molasses and toasted marshmallow. It’s sweet, but not sickeningly so.

It also tastes like it smells, which is amazing. So pleasant smelling in fact, the door to my den was left open by MY WIFE once she smelled it wafting up the stairs.

It’s made from a tobacco blend that would probably be decent enough on its own. Not that it is very present in the smoke, but it does lend a lot to the character of this blend. Whatever they are topping this with was outstanding work.

If you like aromatics, you can’t go wrong here. Worth a try, and stocking up on. Even if it’s just for company.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum
PurchasedFrom: Country squire
Age When Smoked: Fresh bulk
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