Mac Baren Vanilla Cream Loose Cut

This colorful blend consists of loose cut Virginia tobaccos, light brown Burleys, a sweet and soft Modern Cavendish. It is finally mixed with small plugs of flake tobacco. After processing, the tobaccos are gently mixed together and an exceptional vanilla flavor is added. This selection creates an outstanding blend with superior flavor, unique aroma and a distinctive taste experience.
Notes: Introduced in 1999. Due to EU regulations this is now re-named in those countries as "Classic Loose Cut".


Brand Mac Baren
Blended By Mac Baren
Manufactured By Mac Baren
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Cream, Vanilla
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 100 grams tin weight, 100 grams pouch weight, bulk
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.89 / 4





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Displaying 11 - 20 of 317 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 24, 2015 Mild Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
This blend was lost on me. There cut is very consistent with most MacBaren loose cuts; bits of broken flake and mostly ribbon strands.

Smells wonderful out of the pouch, although not that much like Vanilla. More like a blueberry nutrigrain bar.

There's nothing to complain bout the packing or burning, not very goopy at all. The tongue bite factor is minor but it's there. The problem is that I get nothing flavor wise from this tobacco. The smoke coming out of my mouth smells amazing and it almost fools you into thinking that the tobacco tastes good. But it doesn't. It tastes like smooth air. Even on a retrohale it doesn't offer much.

Simply can't enjoy this blend and with the tongue bite factor as well, I don't think I would smoke a free sample of this.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 13, 2014 Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Strong
I didn't smoke a all pouch because i've been given a sample by a friend. So it's not a review of a long time smoke. The taste and smel are very good. The room note has been very appreciated. The only negative point is the dryness of the mouth by the end of the bowl, wich is normal for an aromatic tobacco. I recommend this tobacco for those who are searching a not strong and nice taste tobacco. Not necessarily for beginners.
Pipe Used: Butz-Choquin Formula 1601
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2014 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This in my opinion is a very superior blend of tobaccos with a first rate vanilla flavoring that does not have in any way a artificial or chemical taste. upon opening the tin you are greeted with a somewhat sugary vanilla fragrance. the tobacco in appearance is a very nice golden Virginia with square plug cuts of press Virginia and a splattering of Black Cavendish. I have realized that after trying several different aromatic blends that to create a successful one you must start with high quality tobacco this blend in my opinion does contain this. the smoke is of a medium density not too thick not too thin the vanilla flavor is first rate and is not elusive as with some McClelland aromatic blends I have come across. It is as similar to anything I have yet encountered to as eating something that is flavored with true vanilla essence. This blend though having a high quantity of Virginia does have very little to no bite. I highly recommend this blend to anyone who is partial to very high quality aromatic or is a lover of true vanilla flavor.
Pipe Used: Brigham Voyager straight Rhodesian
PurchasedFrom: pipes and
Age When Smoked: fresh out of the tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 21, 2014 Mild Medium to Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
When reading any review about aros, keep in mind most people either like them or dislike them. As primarily a non-aro smoker, but a person that tries to keep an open mind, I find this product remarkable. This is the product that did what Captain Black Regular failed to do: convert me into a part-time aromatic smoker. First glance at the tobacco as you open the pouch tells you this stuff is for real. I've noticed many aro smokers fill the pipe right out of the pouch with no dry time, but rarely do I put overly moist tobacco in my pipe, and if I do I usually regret having done it. So with 10 minutes dry time this easy to work with tobacco lights easily and smokes well for an aro. Both the flavor of the tobacco and the casing come through very balanced. If it tends to burn too hot for you, just slow down the pace, enjoy the smoking experience and allow for plenty of relights. Although I won't be smoking this product as regularly as my non-aro favorites, it has definitely earned a place in my "go to" line up for whenever I'm in the mood for ann aro.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 08, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Another tobacco I picked up for a blind taste test, obviously from someone who did not know I had smoked as much of the Vanilla Cream Flake as I could stand (not much) and found it extremely boring and mildly foul. This one I guessed correctly, even though it was the loose cut. Same antiseptic artificial vanilla taste, same bland hot air, same lack of true tobacco taste.

I do like the fact that it burns cleanly and without goop. I just wish it had a more natural vanilla flavor, and more of it. If an aromatic isn't going to taste like tobacco with a mild flavoring, then let it have some flavor of some kind, for pete's sake! But like a lot of Mac Baren blends, this one is all about the aroma at the expense of taste. I know they can make flavorful blends because I've had some. This one, in my opinion, isn't one of them. Recommended the people that already like it, I guess!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 03, 2011 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
I have no idea how old this sample is but it was sealed in a Mac Barens factory pouch. Any how it starts out sweet with a nice aroma, by the mid point it really develops a nice flavor w/out the MB bite you hear so much about. Smokes dry and clean with very little moisture. The flavor lightens up at the bottom of the bowl but still holds it's richness from the VA to the end. Anyone looking for a quality aromatic VA (the casing is light) or is just a VA fan needs to give this a shot! Smokes best in a larger bowl!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 28, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream (loose cut)

First off I need to start this off saying that I am ok with English blends, there not my front runner tobaccos but I do enjoy them on occasion, the next thing is I do not understand why one gives a review on a aromatic when they start off by saying "I don't like aromatics but" and then gives a typical bogus review, why this happens? I do not have a clue and can throw off a new smoker badly BUT I do love aromatics so this review is sound and honest. One must understand Mac Baren tobacco blends in that the design mix is never to top in a way that puts the flavoring as the front runner so when it says vanilla cream it means premium tobaccos with a hint of vanilla and cream to compliment the blend not this is a vanilla bomb and is sweet like candy. I have read many reviews where guys are super bummed but because this is not what they thought and another situation I read is the dreaded tounge bite (ouch)!!! This danish pipe tobacco blend is 100% Virginia tobaccos and Cavendish in a non processed way so it will burn hot if smoked hot, in order to enjoy this blend you must smoke it like a gentleman and it will behave leaving you with a awesome taste and white clean ash at the end. Mac Baren is quality not quantity so one must enjoy the tobaccos and savor it to the last end of the bowl, the reward is a smooth natural taste of Virginia with a slightly sweet Cavendish that has the slightest hint of vanilla and the liquors used gives the impression of the ever so slight cream taste that's it. If your looking for something that is on the moist sweet side of things with a heavy topping of vanilla that covers up the taste of tobacco then this would not be your cup of tea. Mac Baren is excellent at what they blend and how they process there tobaccos and adhere to a strict European no toxic additives you gotta realize the laws Denmark must follow so the product you will get is pretty natural and the tastes you will get in there blends are up to that standard resulting in a fine pipe tobaccos. The 7seas line is the closest they come to a full aromatic blended to be more on the American line of things but still with the danish touch. Mac Baren has always strived to deliver high quality pure tobacco taste and lines of pipe tobacco blends to deliver just that and there aromatics are know different. The lightly sweet but tangy goodness of the Virginia's is what draws me to this blend and I love the fact that the vanilla is in the background and just enough to let you know its there, it burns clean and the nicotine level is moderate, it has a nice room note and will not offend others. When I first started smoking Mac Baren products I used to get so flustered that it burnt the heck out of my mouth and the bite was awful but over the years I learned to smoke it correctly and now I absolutely enjoy Mac Baren for all it is and especially this blend. This pipe tobacco is not for the novice pipe smoker unless you can keep your pipe cool and I enjoy ALL types of pipe tobaccos so either you like something or you don't, I'm not a pipe yuppy and focus on chemicals and the OTC goop factor trip or what's popular and what s drug store trash WHATEVER to all that junk, I'm a pipe smoker that smokes tobacco and enjoys it in all is wonderful forms. I recommend this blend because its good.
Pipe Used: Peterson
Age When Smoked: 39
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 16, 2017 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This is a great tobacco. Great for those who just about to start the superior pleasure of pipe smoking, and you will want to return to this blend here and there out of various reasons. This is like a good dessert after a meal - sometimes this is exactly what you want, not too much depth, just relax. Although this can be an all day tobacco, I would recommend thinking about this one, again, like a dessert. It can be too much I think if you do not smoke anything else. Burns good, I rarely relight, cool smoke, won't bite (however, you do not want to smoke it way too dry!), very pleasant room note!
Pipe Used: Meerschaum
PurchasedFrom: Bunös élvezetek kicsiny boltja, Pécs, Hungary
Age When Smoked: Freshly bought
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2016 Mild Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
This is an unbelievably nice, sweet, mellow, everyday smoke, tasting somewhat of vanilla ice cream . For somebody who does not smoke aromatic tobacco all the time, this makes for a lovely change of pace.

In fact, I am so impressed with the stuff, that I bought myself a kilogram. I have tried many aromatics over the years, and this is one I really enjoy. I will say this, brilliantly done Mac Baren.

Most aromatics have a nasty chemical taste, this unequivocally does not. I would swear in a court of law, some how Mac Baren succeeded in making a flammable vanilla ice cream that does not lose its taste.

I could go on and on and on, but I won't. Buy a pouch and taste for yourself.

Warning, smoke slowly. If you don't, it will bite your tongue off.
Pipe Used: Shortened clay churchwarden, big bent Angelo.
PurchasedFrom: Local brick and mortar
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 30, 2008 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Mild Very Pleasant
NB: If you can?t stand aromatic blends, this one is definitely off limits. If, on the other hand, you don?t mind an aromatic every once in a while, this might suit you. Finally, if you are an aromatic die-hard, this one is a must. In any case, don?t be put off by the rather pungent vanilla essence exuding from this tobacco (noticeable even with the pouch sealed and wrapped up). Give it some time. You?ll be surprised.

I must admit I was fairly alarmed when I first got a pouch of VLC as a gift from a former student. Initial reaction: does this guy hold a grudge or something? As I walked away, suspiciously sniffing the pouch, my second reaction was: Oh my! This smells (nay, stinks) exactly like one of those Middletone?s chemical vanilla concoctions (at best, one might also compare it to Peterson?s De Luxe mixture).

Throwing all caution to the wind I decided to open the pouch, but not being the daredevil youngster I once used to be, I thought it safer to leave it open for a couple of hours before I approached it with any serious intentions. Well, to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised both by the cut and the aroma.

This is top-grade MacBaren craftsmanship at its best. Nothing to do with Middletone?s factory-cut. The jet-black Cavendish strands (Burley?s? Though there is no mention of this leaf in the tobacco description), thick Virginia plug chunks, and golden and medium brown Virginia ribbon look wonderful, solid, and inviting. After being open for an hour or so, the excessive aroma had dissipated, allowing the blend?s natural mildness and sweetness to emerge (in fact, the typical MacBaren Virginia honey-on-toast aroma was very much in evidence). The vanilla casing was there all right, but not in a cloying, enervating fashion.

Now, for the ultimate MacBaren challenge: would the legendary tongue-bite signature (described by some?Lustra for one?as napalm-on-the-tongue or, at the very least, an incendiary affair) be present in the smoking experience?

Well, good news in this department, too. No Osamas here. This is a fairly cool and surprisingly mild, slow burning melange. Rather than producing a military assault on the senses or taste buds, the flavour is pleasant, slightly sweet and almost elegant. It is a perfect blend to smoke in an open-air cafe (yes, Mexico City too has fallen prey to the fascist anti-tobacco movement, and smokers are now banned from doing so anywhere in indoor public gatherings), where more often than not innocent bystanders and fellow smokers will compliment you on the wonderful aroma.

Another plus: it doesn?t seem to leave any gunk or syrupy residue in the pipe, nor does the flavour cling to the inner stem or bowl. However, I wouldn?t use my Virginia or English only pipes to smoke this one. Virginia Lose Cut is a quality aromatic, with excellent burning characteristics. Yet, as I?m not a diehard aromatic fan, I cannot rate it more than three stars.
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