Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired

A bold flake of dark-fired burleys in a well balanced unity with flue cured Virginias. This flake is hot pressed, meaning that during the pressing, heat is added by steam to the tobaccos which causes the tobacco to intensify the marrying process giving us a bolder tobacco. The robust, earthly flavour of the dark-fired burleys shines through in the taste, and you will experience a deeply satisfying smoke indeed.
Notes: One of the most fascinating parts about this tobacco that will be sure to confuse a lot of American pipe smokers is that, despite the fact that HH Old Dark Fired contains zero latakia, Mac Baren still considers it an English because of the method used in its production, specifically the steam press.


Brand Mac Baren
Blended By Per Jensen
Manufactured By Mac Baren
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Kentucky, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin, 100 grams tin, 1 pound box
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.55 / 4





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Displaying 21 - 30 of 173 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2020 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
HH Old Dark Fired - Part 2 of 6 - MacBaren HH Flake Reviews

In honor of the just released MacBaren HH Rustica Flake (that I received three tins of yesterday) I will be reviewing the five previous HH Flakes leading up to a final review of that new release. I feel all tobacco requires a “Cool Down” period after you open the tin. A minimum of a month so the prior five HH Flakes will give me enough time to get Rustica ready for my liking. With that said: here is Part 2 of 6 . . . of my MacBaren HH Flake Series Reviews.

During my short journey enjoying the pipe tobacco hobby, I have had the privilege of smoking many different blends. My best guess would be around 500 and around 300 currently accessible. With such variety it can be difficult to focus on a certain tobacco at times. It is called “The Paradox of Choice” or what I like to refer to it as: “First World Problems”. Admittedly being a creature of excess, I welcome it. But I am also all too aware of the inherent biases that come with such variety. Namely my fondness of some of the very first tobaccos I have ever tried.

MacBaren’s HH Old Dark Fired was the 25th pipe tobacco that I have had the pleasure of smoking. It was also the very first tobacco I have tried with Dark Fired Kentucky. Yes, I keep record of the tobaccos I have tried. See for yourself under opened: It came to me highly recommended by pretty much everyone at my local tobacconist. But I didn’t purchase my first tin until watching a review of one of the most respected as well as missed YTPC members . . . John Harden aka Matches860. You can see his original review here:

Matches did his review of HH Old Dark Fired with his famous: “Friday Savinelli” (a Savinelli Roma Lucite 673 KS) at a place he called Fisher Meadows. As he watched joggers and fishermen, he went on to describe this tobacco. He claimed to be introduced to ODF by someone sending him a few flakes in a plastic bag. Then eventually someone else sent him a full tin and other tins followed without him ever requesting them. He showed the flakes off and said that they make his mouth water just by looking at it. I honestly couldn’t agree more with John. The very first time I opened a tin of HH Old Dark Fired . . . my mouth did water. It wasn’t the sight of the flakes that caused this, though. It was the smell.

The tin note of Old Dark Fired can only be described in a word as: “SAVORY”. You get smokiness, sweetness, mild vinegar, BBQ and/or ketchup in your nose as you smell the tin. Smelling this tobacco makes me want to eat it. I always prepare this tobacco like I do all MacBaren Flakes. With the fold and stuff method. When you first light HH ODF you will be overwhelmed (in a good way) with the Dark Fired Kentucky. It is herbal, woodsy, sour, earthy, and spicy. The smokiness does translate into your smoke, but not as much as smelling it from the tin note. The Virginias and Burleys both play supporting roles in this tobacco, but are noticed equally. Nutty and earthy Burleys along side sweet and citrusy Virginias holding up the Dark Fired Kentucky throughout your bowl. Upon retro haling you will notice a touch more spice. This tobacco is simply wonderful from start to finish.

Returning to John’s review he claimed that it was probably his first introduction to fire cured tobacco. He stated that he can always tell that if a tin doesn’t last two weeks, then it means he really likes it. Apparently he went through the first tin in a few days. I have purchased eleven tins of HH Old Dark Fired in three years. I have some flakes that are three years old, one year old, six months, and fresh. For this review I tried them all and can honestly say that not much has changed. Almost indistinguishable from each other except that the older it gets, the slightly milder it becomes. Per really outdid himself with this tobacco. It is an exceptional flake that holds up very well as it ages and is perfectly smokable when it’s fresh (still needs that “Cool Down” period imho).

At the end of John’s review, he stated that when he was on Facebook and he sees someone that says they are smoking ODF, he can almost predict what else they’re going to be smoking. People that have his same taste. He went on to mention some of those blends and said there were quite a few that escape his memory because he’s kind of vegged out sitting there and then he giggles. You can see very plainly that he enjoyed HH Old Dark Fired very much. So, in Matches memory I think I will follow suit and smoke another bowl of HH ODF and veg out myself.

~ Barry
Pipe Used: Multiple
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars, Local B&M, SmokingPipes, TobaccoPipes, TheStoryTellersPipe
Age When Smoked: Fresh to 3 Years Old
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 31, 2017 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
Having smoked and LOVED the "Bold Kentucky" first - this somehow seems like a "little-brother-version" of the Bold Kentucky by Mac Baren. Still this blend has it's own taste, that only reminds of Bold Kentucky. In the Shop I got told, they would be almost identical - which I absolutely can't agree on!

So here's my review, which is also kinda a **comparison of the Bold Kentucky & Old Dark Fired:**

**Tin-Note:** Once you pop the tin open, you get greeted by a acidic-sour, a bit vinegar-ish smell and a rich earthy note. Very rich and smell-wise the Old Dark Fired (ODF) has much more "oomph" in the tin note, than the Bold Kentucky (BK). The Bold Kentucky is deep earthy in smell, while this is more sour and a bit sweet and acidic in smell. Highly enjoyable , but the BK tin note is better to me.

**The flakes appereance** is almost the same to the BK flake slices. A deep brown flake, with slightly more bright spots (which are the Virignas) than the Bold Kentucky. Very well crafted and appetizing.

**The flakes condition** at first is a bit moist, so I rub it out when the tin is fresh opened. After 2-3 days storage in the tin the flakes have the perfect condition for smoking it with the "fold & stuff"-method.

**Taste:** The lighting is just as easy as enjoying this blend. At first I thought this was a bit flat. I guess my palate was expecting something more "Bold Kentucky-ish". Which this totally isn't to me. They are the same "style" or "type" of tobacco, but with very different taste.

**Bold Kentucky has** this deep earthy, almost aetheric oil and a nice woody taste,**whilst OLD DARK FIRED is** much more mellow and soft in taste.

The taste is **earthy**, but also has this **vinegar-ish and floral** note to it. Very natural, very rich and creamy. I get some **dried-fruit**-like taste, too. Slightly nutty, but really just a whiff to me. It's like a 50%-Version of the earthy, woodsy Bold Kentucky taste, with some sour- and sweetness to it and a little of what id call "floral taste".

**Old Dark Fired (to me) is a All-Day and Every-Day-Smoke, whilst BK is more something after a good meal, or a nightcap.** But Old Dark Fired is very digestible and can also be smoked on a empty stomach - which I wouldnt advise anyone to do with the Bold Kentucky!

**All in all** this is somehow a "tuned-down" version of Bold Kentucky, but not exactly. Mac Baren´s Old Dark Fired has it's own and unique taste, and should more be called Bold Kentuckys COUSIN instead of his "little brother. They share a few things - yet this is a different (tasting) blend.

4/4 Stars to me - no doubt! I couldnt say if its better or worse than Bold Kentucky - they are both excellent, tasty and natural tobaccos. Old Dark Fired can be enjoyed all day, every day. Me, as a Kentucky and Burley Fan(atic) I smoke this daily at the moment. It matches (almost) all situations and is never too strong.

Chapeau to Mac Baren and especially Henrik Halber for creating these two Blends. (+ a lot of other delicious blends from the HH-Line)

**EDIT:** After 1 1/2 months of storage in the original tin the tobacco naturally lost some of it's moisture. BUT ALSO some of it's vinegar-ish smell and taste (which I appreciate) and becomes more like Bold Kentucky - tastewise! The strenght is lower than BK, but the taste becomes much more woodsy, smoky, less vinegar-ish, less sour. I like it that way even better!
Pipe Used: Clays, Cobs, Briars
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 09, 2016 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I could really smell the Kentucky when I opened the tin. I did the fold and stuff method to pack my pipe and fired it up. I was greeted by a dark, earthy, woodsy kind of smoke. A single flake burned for a long time. This is a great wintertime one for me. It's definitely not lacking in vitamin N either. Not an everyday smoke for me, but one I treasure and like to savor and puff on slowly. This one doesn't bite me in the least either. One I definitely like to keep around.
Pipe Used: Danish Briar
Age When Smoked: Fresh out of tin.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 11, 2015 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Tolerable
It seems serendipitous if not an honor that I post the 100th review of what it truly an outstanding toby, HH Old Dark Fired. My journey into pipe smoking has been immensely benefitted by this site- and the postulates of wiser Sages than myself, which is what led me to try this tobacco,... I would not have considered it two years ago,

I state this to as Burley-forward blends are not my cup of tea, and this blend seems as such to me, in description as well as taste.

But oh how this blend has it all: Richly designed packaging complete with gold embossed foil, 1/2 width flakes of equal proportions - fruity in their freshness, perfectly cut for folding and stuffing even small bowls.

And the flavor!!! The burley has a chocolate-like smoothness, which marries so well with the Virginias that the combination achieves a smoothness and sweetness that is quite uncanny to me- and absolutely no bite, none whatsoever. It smokes cool, becomes more complex as the bowls progress, and shines for me in a smaller Meer, burning slow and lasting quite long even with me mimicking Thomas the Train.

I cannot recommend this enough. It doesn't strike me as super strong in the Vitamin N department, but then again I am well seasoned. Other than that aspect, I'd recommend it to every enthusiast who wishes to partake in what separates the wheat from the chaff, curds from the whey....

Simply fantastic! !!
Pipe Used: Meer and Briars
PurchasedFrom: Pipes&
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 14, 2020 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I am above all a strong complex tobacco fan. I bought some HH ODF to try after leaving behind Aromatics and focusing on the wonderful world of Virginia, Kentucky, and Burly blends.

This is hands down a quality blend.

When opening the tin, the tin note is a strong complex bouquet of dark ripe fruits, barbeque, and some grassy Virginia in the background. No casing noted, but there is a subtle vinegar note that is nonexistent when smoked. 1 year in a jar and the dark fruits really come to the forefront.

This tobacco comes in those perfect MacBaren flakes, and I found them at a perfect dryness to smoke right out of the tin. They fold and stuff easily, which is my preferred method, but rubbing it out is also an enjoyable experience. The tobacco takes a little while to light, but once it's lit there is not problem keeping it lit. It requires the average amount of relights for me.

Taste. Creamy, a little spice, dark fruits again, slightly sweet and a little floral, with a hint of grassyness from the Virginia at the very back. Rich and full, yet subtly smooth. The smoke when lighting is a gorgeous white smoke, and this continues throughout the bowl. The nicotine in this blend is medium to strong for me, if I haven't eaten I feel it, but typically I don't.

This is an all around good smoke for me, and qualifies for an all day smoke. The HH line has never done me wrong yet and this one is something everyone should try.
Pipe Used: Kaywoodie Birkshire Large Panel
PurchasedFrom: Mi Casa Cigar Bar
Age When Smoked: 1 year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 27, 2018 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Um – okay, so . . .

This is a masterpiece tobacco.

After having read all of the reviews for Mac Baren’s HH Old Dark Fired, I bought two pounds of the stuff straight-away. There really was no need to sample it. Upon receiving said supply of ODF, I found that my gut feeling/instincts/intuition (and the reviews) were more than just a little correct: Old Dark Fired really is a truly outstanding creation from Per Jensen.

There are currently four Mac Baren tobaccos in my cellar assortment, and ODF is now one of them (Latakia Flake, Vintage Syrian and Acadian Perique are the other three). I have never tried, nor do I own a Mac Baren tobacco product that I did not/do not like (and not many people can say the same).

I think I read somewhere (or maybe I just dreamed it) that somebody said we were living in “the golden age of pipe tobaccos.” Whether somebody really said that (or I just dreamed it) I believe that to be a true statement. I bought 2-pounds of Old Dark Fired tobacco for 13¢ per gram. (Now let us all practice a moment of mindfulness and thoughtfully reflect upon that fact for just a minute, shall we)?

By the pound, Old Dark Fired arrives in beautifully uniformed 4.5” x 1” flakes.

People have been reviewing/writing about ODF for years, so I’m rather late to the party, and there really isn’t much I can add that hasn’t already been said about ODF. “Well-balanced”, “harmony”, “harmonious” and “harmonized” are among the most reiterated and appropriate words used to describe ODF, and I wholeheartedly agree with those assessments. I also found that ODF best behaves, smokes the coolest, and is enjoyed the most when folded (using Per Jensen’s preferred U-fold method).

I don’t like comparing tobaccos (actually, I hate comparing tobaccos -- it just goes against the grain). I really don’t find all that much similarity between Old Dark Fired and Irish Flake, for example. Both contain Burley, Kentucky and Virginias, but that’s really where the similarity ends. The tin notes are not the same (in my opinion, not even close, really). IF is a decidedly stronger blend, with a much fuller taste and a higher nicotine content than ODF. That is not to say I like Irish Flake better than I do Old Dark Fired -- or the other way around, for that matter – I’m just saying that they are two Burley-based tobaccos which (again, in my humble opinion) are not all that similar. I LOVE Old Dark Fired, and I also LOVE Irish Flake. But if I want to go for a rodeo ride and get my teeth kicked-in by a Burley blend, I’m reaching for Irish Flake. ODF is a kinder, gentler VaBur than any other I have tried -- certainly the most refined and elegantly blended VaBur I have come across. For this review, I just finished a folded flake of Old Dark Fired, stuffed into a Tom Eltang rusticated poker (for breakfast, on an empty stomach mind you) with just some cold brew coffee and creamer as a chaser (so, what does that tell you)?

And so with all of that, I am going to add yet another 4-star rating to the already 70%-plus super-majority of 4-star ratings for Mac Baren’s Old Dark Fired, a truly remarkable blend for the ages.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 24, 2020 Medium to Strong None Detected Very Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I was sat on my couch rubbing out a few flakes of this when it first arrived, when my two-year-old happened to toddle past. Her eyes lit up, her mouth dropped open, and she said “Eat? Bite, papa?” No, no - of course not! But it really does smell like good meat in the tin, like a rich and savory barbecue, and it smokes just the same. For a tobacco that has practically no casing whatever, it is surprising how many positive reactions it garners from non-smokers. And that only scratches the surface of its appeal.

There is enough Virginia here to sweeten it up and make it accessible for any time of the day, but that heavy taste of Kentucky leather and oil will still linger long on the sinuses and palate, and the nicotine is extremely satisfying without being nauseating. This is perhaps the smoothest and tastiest treatment of DFK I have ever encountered. Sit it down, fire it up tomorrow, it will only get better.
Pipe Used: All of them
Age When Smoked: New/ 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 31, 2020 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium to Full Unnoticeable
The tasty Kentucky has a vinegar tart ,fruity raison wine like flavor . Herbal and floral . The lesser notes i get are cocoa and nutty .. A little spice . I get a similar maple flavor like Dark Roll Cake . A lot more complex than i would have expected. Some hay and grass from the Virginias are right there at the same time . A lot more interesting than a regular burley type blend . I like this more with each bowl . Kudos to Per Jenson as I like all his blends so far . Thank you to Mac Baren for dating the tins . It tastes and burns better with a little dry time . Good nic-hit . A winner for sure !
Age When Smoked: 17 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 06, 2018 Medium to Strong Very Mild Full Strong
From what i 've noticed from my experience the HH line refers to experienced smokers because of the complexity the blends have to offer..once the tin opens a deep vinegar,bbq sause and dark fruits smell comes out.the dark flakes have some bright spots with perfect moisture.the flakes are somewhat compact due to the steaming process so i recommend a second rubing to make the lighting easier with fewer relights needed.while smoking you instantly realize the complexity of this blend.the main falvours come from the burleys wich are earthy,nutty and sharp.virginias are citrusy,fruity and sweet.the dark fired kentucky are very spicy,smokey with lots of vinegar notes wich i suppose are enhanced from a similar topping.the flavours are married in a very balanced way from the beginning till the end offering a natural result with strong flavours and lots of complexity.even if rubbed very thin it burns slow to perfect ash and cool with some moisture being created at the filter.the nicotine level is just a bit above medium but not strong.the aftertaste is spicy and sharp with no chance of tongue note is strong and no pleasant to my opinion it is not an all day smoke even for an experienced advice is to dedicate a small bowl and enjoy it after a nice dinner with a nice smoked whiskey.
Age When Smoked: 1 year cellared
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 05, 2016 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Pleasant
Top five for me. Actually top 2, and I've neglected reviewing for so long simply because I'm incapable of doing this blend justice with any words I know. I'm a simple man, and I like my tobacco the same.

Open the tin or jar anywhere in the house, and you'll know it at the other end of the house. The distinct, delectable smokiness is strong with this one. To me it resembles really smoky BBQ sauce. I've never had the ready rubbed, but I find that rubbing out the flakes destroys a lot of what I love about ODF. Although it does light off a little easier that way. Apparently, like good BBQ, low and slow is the way to go for flavor. So I fold and stuff, after giving the flake a wee bit of dry time, then give it a couple of charring lights. It burns long and cool with minimal relights this way, and the richness of flavor is astounding to say the least. You have to try ODF to get the flavor profile...I think any description just falls short. All the richness of Irish Flake complemented by quality red Virginia. Maybe a mixture of IF and McClelland Blackwoods would give you a fair comparison. I personally enjoy the room note, and so does my wife, which is a bigger deal than what it sounds when the temp outside is nearing 100 and I just have to get my ODF fix.

Seriously fantastic tobacco. ODF and brother Bold Kentucky caused a restructuring of my rotation. Simply put, once I discovered the two, all my others sat collecting dust while these two disappeared at alarming rates. But now I have an ODF/BK day to look forward to 3-4 days a month. And those days I just seem to jump out of bed a little earlier, feel a little brighter, and spend a lot more time with the pipe. Thank you Mac Baren.
Pipe Used: MM country gentleman, MM mark twain
Age When Smoked: Fresh to 1 year
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