Cornell & Diehl Cube Cut Burley

C&D combines high grade white and dark Burleys from Kentucky, then make their own small-cut cubes. A light pack will reward you with a delightfully cool, and long lasting smoke. Regarded as a blending tobacco.
Notes: This was an Amar Blends Co. mixture. Cornell and Diehl bought the rights of all their old recipes.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Amar Blends Co.
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley
Cut Cube
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 25 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 29, 2016 Strong None Detected Very Full Strong
This is some stout Burley! I ordered about four ounces of this after I finished 2 ounces of Crooner, as I figured this is what I loved about that blend. I have to say, this stuff is great! A little stronger than I want, for my preferences, but a good, hearty Burley.

Of course there are the classic Burley overtones of nuttiness, chocolate, and earthiness, but there's a lot more, too. This is three different kinds of burley, which have been pressed into a cake, sliced, and cube cut. It's not as complex as a five year old Virginia, but there is definitely enough complexity to keep one interested.

All in all, this is a great tobacco, whether for a mixer or to smoke straight. Be careful with it, though. It can make your head swim. It's definitely a 3.5 for me. Due to the strength, however, it's not everyone's cup of tea. Also, be careful of little flaming cubes popping out of the bowl while you smoke it.
Pipe Used: Custom-bilts and an old Yello-Bole
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 23, 2002 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
What you see is what you get. I have purchased this blend on two separate occasions because I like an honest burley every now and then as a change of pace.

This blend is cube cut, packs easily and burns well. Like most C&D blends, it is dry in the bag, but, does not smoke particularly warm. I think this is a characteristic of all burleys, but this is a high end burley, more refined than most.

If you are a burley fancier and have not risen above Prince Albert type burleys, well, here's your chance to finally get a ticket into the first class section. If, however, burley is not your bag, then leave this bag alone.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 04, 2017 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Pleasant
If you have ever wondered if you clould just buy "shake," this is it. I was expecting a cube cut like PS Cube Cut with no mild topping. These cubes are smaller, and most of mine in the bag had delaminated to produce very small squares of tobacco. Think of a narrow ribbon cut to produce small squares. Pouch note was tobacco goodness and maybe a whiff of cocoa.

I gravity packed this, and there is not really another way to load it. It gave it a firm tamp and it took a match well. It burned cool and without incident, and was easy to keep lit. It had a pleasant earthy taste with a little molasses. It had a little more nicotine than I expected. The smoke was full and smooth.

I can believe the small squares might be a problem for some draft holes, but I did not have a problem with it. There was a slight spiciness in the snork, and it made my gums tingle a little on the clench side. I was smoking this at the office and ran out to use the copier. When I came back, I found the room note quite pleasant.

This is really a premium burley smoke in the same camp as Uhle's 00 and PS Burley 702. There is no topping that I can detect. It packs more of a punch than these cousins, and it has more flavor. I liked it.

This one is easy to recommend to anyone who likes burley.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The white and dark burleys combine to offer very light molasses, oats and cocoa, some earth and nuts, a touch of sharpness, and has a moderately toasty, slightly woody quality. It has a rather mild sweetness, and is mostly a dry smoke. The nic-hit is mild. Won’t bite, but can get harsh if puffed fast, and it does sport a little roughness. Burns clean at a reasonable pace with a very consistent flavor from start to finish. Hardly leaves any dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. The after taste is decent, and linger just a mite. Can be an all day, one dimensional work and play smoke that works better as a mixer. Two stars on its own, three as a mixer.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2014 Strong None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
Very respectable strength and quality from C&D. I liked the quality of this cubed burley when I tried Crooner blend, so I ordered a bit of the straight stuff to try. It's knot in the chest strong! Probably not what most folks would smoke alone. Very easy to pour and smoke. Crisp, spicy zing with the flavor (for lack of better descriptions) of fresh cut alfalfa? Less bite than I anticipated. I plan to use this cube cut burley to doctor up milder blends that I like but find uninspiring to smoke. If you plan to smoke much of this stuff straight, I'd recommend a screen in the bottom of the pipe, or at least a pinch of rough cut or ribbon to keep the draw clear and free of chunky bits.
Pipe Used: MM Legend COB
PurchasedFrom: smokingpipes
Age When Smoked: fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 22, 2015 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
"white and dark Burleys from Kentucky", cubed. Yes, their description is correct. It's a blender and priced as high as their Red Virginia Cavendish which should indicate their own internal demand for the product.

It may be a blender but sometimes I just want to smoke tobacco without a lot of fuss and without being challenged to fathom the nuances of flavors. This has just good tobacco flavor nothing more, nothing less.

This is the blend I used to enhance Durbar and make it smokeable for me.
Pipe Used: Corncob
Age When Smoked: Current production
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2017 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Cornell & Diehl - Cube Cut Burley.

I usually have an English or VaPer as my Go-To, but fancied this due to the simplicity of it.

Apart from a few leafy pieces the majority of the blend's made of quite neat, small, cubes. Being supplied in bulk form the loose pouch has allowed any excess moisture to escape.

On to the smoke: it's an unrefined, almost asperous flavour. There's no sweetness, and I wouldn't call it smooth; it's nutty Burley through and through. The current description says "a light pack will reward you with a long smoke", but I find it goes too quick unless it's been packed quite firmly. The temperature of the smoke's medium and it's free from bite for the whole duration.

The room-note's pleasant to tolerable and the nicotine's just above medium.

This is good quality, but I couldn't smoke it on its own regularly.

Three stars.
Pipe Used: Peterson Golden Supreme Meer'
PurchasedFrom: 4noggins
Age When Smoked: Two weeks
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 28, 2021 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I’ve thought about buying some bulk C&D’s Cube Cut Burley for a while now, but it’s always been sold out. So, when I saw a tinned version was available, I grabbed it, and I’m glad I did. My tin's dated 03-16-21. The tobacco is cut to small cubes (duh…), light, medium and dark brown, a good deal more dark than light. Tin note is woody, nutty, slightly musty, faint musty cocoa, slightly smoky, with faint, mild cigar-ish spices. It handles, loads, lights and smokes down quite well straight from the tin, and I prefer to smoke it in a fairly large pot. Tastes and scents are quintessential American style Burley, and the combusting scents and tastes are more fragrant and savory versions of the tin notes. There might be a very light sugar/molasses casing, but the smoke is more bitter than sweet, also slightly sour. C&D make no special mention of smoke cured Burley (ie., KY), but it smells and tastes to me like it’s included in this blend. Strength is closer to strong than medium the way I smoke it, and tastes are closer to full than medium. Room note is not bad. Aftertaste is a nice trailing off of the best of the smoke.

In rating this blend I’m judging it as “a relatively natural/un-processed, American Burley blend”. In this category, it’s a 4 star blend, IMO. I’m not rating it as a blender (although I will get around to blending it at some point) because I’m good with plain old Burley, especially high quality Burley like this.
Pipe Used: #5 or larger pot
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 25, 2019 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Summary: pure Burley goodness in a mild package.

When you break out this blend, you might be forgiven for thinking of Grape Nuts, the iconic 70s cereal, because it consists of tiny dry cubes -- the result of cutting flakes twice, both horizontal and vertical -- of white and dark Burley pressed together. If you pour this stuff into a pipe, and that really is all that you need to do since it flows freely, and light it up, you get the roasted Barley flavor of Burley with the attendant walnut, pecan, molasses, malt, and cracked oat flavors. You could smoke this all day by itself, but it proves to be an excellent mixer, since it easily takes on and broadens any flavor thrown its way. Even adding 20% of a nice Virginia -- say, C&D "Virginia Flake" -- and a little Perique makes a delicious blend; the Burley mix amplifies the sweetness, intensifies the spice, and gives them some backing strength and body. Every time this goes on sale I try to pick up a few more pounds.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2019 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
They've put a premium on this tobacco at Cornell & Diehl, and I can see why. It rocks. Of course, it can be used as a blending component as it hasn't been cased, this is pure unadulterated tobacco, but it is perfectly fine to smoke it on a stand-alone basis for its burley properties. This is probably one of the easiest burley blends I have ever tried on the palate. It has a very distinct coconut/cocoa undertone and is easy to smoke. Perhaps a little bit too dry as you open the bag, so I recommend rehydrating. I detect a slight tang, but the description says it has no virginia leaf in it. Its cube cut feature means it is very slow burning and filling up your pipe will be like a walk in the park if you use the gravity method. The smoke is quite consistent throughout every quarter of your bowl and it never gets bittey or harsh. Because of these properties and features, this blend could be a good starting point for those who might want to transition from virginia to burley blends, or just try something new. It wants to be sipped at a very low pace and does not seem to smoke hot in your bowl. The after taste is gorgeous as well. Highly recommended. Cornell & Diehl is hitting the ball out of the park again. 4 stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 10, 2012 Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Burleys it seems always gives me 1heckofabuzz- nothing that will turn me green or make me tired, so i love it. On its own in the bag it smells like cereal (think all bran) Charring brings about very strong scent, the flavor is pretty simple but has huge body. Smoking down the bowl reveals smoky vegetal & oat kind of flavors. For me this is really great on its own. Mildly acrid taste with DGT but that fades quickly enough.
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