Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake

A beautifully formed dark flake of pressed Virginias and a generous helping of latakia. Relax and enjoy this medium strength tobacco with its "smokey" flavour and cool, smooth characteristics.


Brand Samuel Gawith
Blended By Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Virginia/Latakia
Contents Latakia, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging Bulk, 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.21 / 4





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Displaying 41 - 50 of 98 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 04, 2008 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
High-quality Virginia plus delicious Latakia, not Balkan really, but I was buying based on the description and reviews and not on the name, so I was not disappointed. Moreover, I find this flake a real delight. Smoked after Penzance it seemed at first a bit on the bland side with its absence of Oriental, but after a couple of bowls it's balanced taste began to unroll for me. The constant teasing interplay between VA and Latakia leaves you craving for more. Smoky, leathery, and delicious, whatever the packing method. Highly recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 05, 2008 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Unnoticeable
The only Balkan style tobacco I smoked before this one, was Balkan Sobranie ( one of the "untoucheables").That was 20 years ago, and never liked the stuff .I cannot tell what should or shouldn't be called Balkan ( I know the theory, but no practice). So, Balkan flake : opening the 50 gr. tin and unfolding the golden wrapping, I was expecting ( for not particular reason) a stronger latakia smell. I like the smell and colour of the flakes ( dark blackcurrant).

I load a briar devoted exclusively to English blends ( untouched by any aromatic tobacco), folding the flakes ( no rubbing). Lighting goes fine, with a nice thick smoke. I get a mellow franckincense smell ( it came as a faint high pitch tune ).In about a couple of minutes, the franckincense smell starts to mature into a typical Latakia smell ,and start noticing the sweetnes of the Virginia . In 5 minutes I am getting an harmonious Virginia/Latakia duet that is maturing in flavour. You can guess how the smoke will develope, and it doesn't dissapoint. From then on, it continues as a delightful smoke, where the Virginia and Latakia are alternating in a very subtle way. P.S. I cannot vote on room note, as my smoke room is in the loft, and well ventilated ( wife not allowed, no smell feedback). The last 1/3 is the stage I spent thinking " 5 minutes more, please, just 5 more minutes ...don't finish". The final ash is snow white. After that first smoke, one week on and at the end of the 50 gr tin, I have been smoking it in meerschaum and briar: both ways , it is a wonderful smoke, and it creates addiction ( sometimes, at work, I am longing for some Balkan Flake). Is this a Balkan? Who cares. I love this tobacco, and I will keep smoking and enjoying it. Enjoy!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 17, 2007 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
My recent disappointments with changing European and American blends narrows my options of pipe tobaccos to which I can eagerly return to again and again. Narrowness might be a blessing in disguise though, as a catholic taste tends to make one flighty and undiscriminating. From amidst the gloom of mixtures that taste depressingly the same or have since fallen from grace, there arises Gawith?s time-honored blending tradition. Chief among these accomplishments is ?Balkan Flake?, which is most definitely a flake but without a trace of Balkan. Though only Gawith could get away with this. In this case don't get hung up on semantics or even blending components. Balkan is a magnificent smoking experience for the professional, grown-up tobaccophile. It reminds me a bit of the chewy, briny ?Stonehaven? but without the sour note of blackberry. It has that characteristic Germain aroma but more understated and refined in that characteristic Gawith only style. The latakia is pleasant and beautiful, a subtle complexity that renders peace and silence and solace. The only thing one wants to do while smoking this is smoke. Reading or watching a movie would get in the way of this pleasure. Thus, I suggest savoring slowly and free of distraction, when not in the mood to do anything else. A small, full, well-packed bowl offers an hour or more of smoking bliss. At last, a blend that I can get excited about, and that has been a long while. It?s no wonder Gawith has existed for over 250 years. A rare & wonderful flake that should not be missed by the most fastidious tobacco enthusiast. Pipe smoking doesn't get much better than this.

Five of five stars
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 01, 2007 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I purchased 8 oz. in bulk after smoking only two bowls. This reminds me a lot of Fairmorn's Lancer's Slices. Even though they both contain almost exact proportions on Va and Latakia, there is more sweetness from the Va and is more laid back on the Latakia in this blend. I have been smoking almost entirely Va & VaPer blends lately and Balkan Flake has allowed me to ease back into English types which I once smoked exclusively. I can smoke several bowls back to back with this one and not feel inundated with Latakia's smokiness. Sam Gawith Full Vir. Flake is a mainstay for me and Balkan Flake is a great variation on a theme.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 04, 2006 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This to me is a wonderful Virginia/Latakia Flake. A Balkan it isn't but really good, it is. It just isn't full enough to be a Balkan, in that the Latakia is prominent enough in my view to qualify as a Balkan.i find this a very flavor full, smooth cool smoke. Something I can smoke a few bowls in a row off.

It has a dark taste with a nice Latakia balance that compliments what I think is their Full Virginia Flake, or variation thereoff. It is the flip side of their Navy Virginia Flake. A very satisfying blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 02, 2005 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Very Strong
This is a big blend fellow reader?s, a very big blend.

Upon opening the tin I was greeted by the fragrance of Latakia, which overpowers the stoved VA component. I have read other reviews of Balkan Flake and noticed that the adjective ?oily? has been used to describe the aroma of this blend. Although I couldn?t agree more with this description of the bouquet it is my opinion that also the appearance and taste are deserving of this description. It is there and not unpleasant, like the difference between a Dominican and Cuban cigar. That nutty oiliness that permeates the smoke and the tobacco as it combusts? Magnificence afire!

I have smoked this blend in several different pipes, ranging from medium to large in size- one particular pipe, a freehand S. Bang (around a group 5) is the one that I most prefer to smoke it in, as S. Bangs have more of an ?open? draw which delivers more flavor and more body. Another contributing factor to flavor and body- as I define it- is the packing method. Although I have tried Balkan Flake rubbed out and broken I much prefer to fold and stuff it, as the former 2 methods can yield a smoke that is on the mono-dimensional side, the latter burns cooler, dryer, slower, and delivers a tremendous amount of flavor- but I think that it is the Cyprian Latakia component that is the source of most of the body for the first two thirds of the bowl- the dark rich roundness that constantly develops with the stoved VA?s as the bowl progresses.

One of my favorite things about smoking VA?s is the last third of the bowl, the heat stoves the Virginia tobacco and gives it that toasty roundness. Balkan Flake doesn?t disappoint, it is a fantastic example of what happens when quality Virginia and Latakia are pressed into a Flake, well done Samuel Gawith.

Highly recommended to the Latakia lovers out there.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 18, 2005 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Oh, this is such a superb blend - perhaps one of the finest English blends I've ever smoked.

I have been smoking the bulk version - 6-inch (or so) strips with a beautiful pouch nose of Latakia spice and incense. The strips arrive damp - no question. Break a strip in half and put the other half back in the bag. Rub out the half-strip into smaller pieces and then spread it all out on a piece of paper for about two hours or until it feels dry. I smoke this in a larger Canadian sandblast pipe and I have been packing it fairly firmly, leaving any rubbed-out powder for the top of the bowl to help things get burning faster.

The smoke itself is very, very flavorful and mellow - it burns bone dry and is extremely, amazingly cool. The Latakia and Virginia components form a near perfect union and it all ends in a fine, white ash.

This is truly a top-notch blend and I very strongly recommended it to all English lovers - it's a "must try", really.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 02, 2005 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
My first review for this site. I like this blend alot. It is one of my favorites, as I am usually just about out most of the time. I also like to top off other lighter blends with this flake. It seems to blend smoothly with other non latakia blends as I smoke through the pipe. I tend to be a "hot smoker", a label my local tobacconist gave me, and I find that this flake blend smokes cool regardless... I will say that I almost always prefer english blends so my review is influenced by this.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 12, 2004 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
Smoke this as the first pipe of the day. Otherwise it is too subtle to enjoy after something like Squadron Leader or even Early Morning Pipe. It does last a long time though so set aside 30 to 45 minutes and enjoy this with a cup of strong coffee or some "P.G. Tips" tea. Highly recommended!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 27, 2004 Medium None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Wonderful, Wonderful, and yet again Wonderful!!! This stuff really hit the mark for me. I had to order it from SYNJECO in Switzerland since I couldn't locate it in the states. I would have to say that the state side suppliers had better get with the program! I can't say enough good about this tobacco. The smell in the bag is buttery and smokey, promising the richest smoke ahead. The Latakia is heavy here, but not overwhelming. The Virginia ia naturally sweet, like an alfalfa hay bale that's slowly fermenting with age. The burning characteristics are great and when the flame hits the weed, billious clouds of creamy smoke are released. The smoke isn't complex, but still remains very classy and sophisticated, like a well made Brie. It never bites and leaves little or no dottle. I found that rubbing it out well seems to release the flavor better. This could be a great everyday smoke except for the lack of availability in the states, and I think the richness of this tobacco could be little too much after awhile. I can't wait to try Commonwealth after this and see how it compares. This is certainly the best I have yet tried from S. Gawith and company. All in all perhaps the best bulk Latakia available, displacing even Pirate Kake for smoothness. It packs a nice wallop of nicotine as well. Go and get some. I'll bet even Shakespeare would agree!
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