Two Friends Heritage

A sophisticated, traditional American style blend! Red and lemon Virginias are blended in perfect measure with mild brown and unflavored black cavendish tobaccos, and a bit of fine, high grade burley leaf for just a little extra body. The blend is then delicately kissed with a subtle and intriguing flavor, enhancing the natural sweetness of the Virginias and providing a delightful, light room aroma.
Notes: From SmokingPipes: Fans of Virginia/burley blends will surely love this unsung blend, comprised of red and bright Virginias, dark and white burley, and a touch of unsweetened black cavendish. Easy to pack and light, this smooth sailing smoke offers up layer upon layer of naturally sweet VA flavor balanced with creamy chocolate notes from the burleys, and all enhanced with a lovely topping of plum, rum, and maple. The topping is understated, and works well to accentuate the depth and complexity of the tobaccos used. Created by Greg Pease and the late Craig Tarler, the two friends of "Two Friends Pipe Tobacco," this blend was Craig's every day smoke for years.


Brand Two Friends
Blended By Craig Tarler & Gregory Pease
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type American
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Maple, Plum, Rum
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 39 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 03, 2021 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
Two Friends - Heritage has a tin note that is a light rum note followed by maple, a little earthy and sweet. The smoke itself is burley forward for me, it is very earthy, nutty, and has a mild woody note. The VA's offer a little citrus and a tart dark fruit note, the cav seems to have a little sweetness but this is a rather dry, unsweet smoke overall. The toppings don't help this the rum topping is unappealing for me although I do enjoy rum flavored blends like Navy Flakes. The maple is there in the background and the faint plum does not really develop. Overall, this is a bland blend that leaves an unpleasant after taste that lingers. All things considered this is easy to not recommend as your money is better spent almost anywhere else. The nic is not noticeable and the room note is not great.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 15, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
The red and lemon Virginias offer a little citrus and dark fruit, and are earthy with some grassiness, but I found them to be dry and dull. The brown and black cavendishes have a little sweetness, but often lose out to the other components. The burley is toasty, nutty, woody, and earthy with no sweetness, and at times, takes a lead, other times, it backs up the Virginias. The tobaccos fight too often for attention, and occasionally cancel each other out. The liquor topping is kind of tart and sour. Has a mild nic-hit. Won't bite. Burns slow and cool with an inconsistent flavor. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and needs an average number of relights. The lack of balance, the raw dryness it leaves in the smoker's mouth, and an unpleasant after taste makes it hard to recommend it. One and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 27, 2008 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I found Heritage to be a rather ordinary offering without much power and a black cavendish aftertaste that I did not find to be all that pleasant.

This is a cool burning blend and provides lots of creamy smoke as it is consumed. I have not tried it in a small bowl, which, in retrospect, may be why I'm overwhelmed by blend's blandness.

If you enjoy Burley, this will probably not offend. But, if it is Virginia you seek, the search doesn't end with Heritage.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 25, 2008 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Mild Very Pleasant
I probably never would have tried this blend except for having the honor of meeting Craig Tarler this year at the Chicago show. I asked him what he smoked of his 200 or more blends. He said "Heritage, that's all I ever smoke, its a good smooth all-day smoke." Well, I had to try it. I went through that tin so fast I couldn't believe it! I'll be ordering more, soon. I smoke exclusively C&D tobacco. I have smoked a pipe for 42 years and only discovered C&D two years ago. But, I order about once a month and sometimes more frequently. Meeting Craig and Patty and the rest of his staff was truly an honor. Finer folks you will not find and it is evident in the manner in which they treat their customers. Heritage is something of a well-kept secret. If you like "real tobacco" with mild character and aroma, this is one you don't want to miss!

***UPDATED 07/24/2009*** This is my most satisfying Virginia smoke of all time. It has been a daily favorite since May of 2008. I have smoked six pounds of it, have two pounds on hand and and am ordering four more pounds. I want to stay way ahead of the tobacco price increases we will experience in the coming months due to the Family Tobacco Control Act!

***UPDATED 04/06/2011*** Yes, I am still smoking a lot of Heritage! It's a sleeper only because it has been around since 1999. It is still the only blend smoked by Craig Tarler. His personal favorite. I have co-created three blends with Craig. But, Heritage remains one of my top all time favorites. I am so glad he introduced me to his own favorite!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 13, 2016 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild Tolerable
I have to say that I do like this stuff. Heritage is Virginias, Black Cavendish, and a bit of Burley, but it behaves mostly in the way of a Virginia. The Lemon and Red Virginias dominate this blend, with Burley for body, and Cavendish for a little toastiness. Someone said something about a topping on it. It may be there, but it certainly didn't register with me. What did register with me was mostly the Virginias. Would I buy it again, though? I'm not sure... I was torn whether to give it two or three stars, as I do appreciate the blend, but I digress.

This is a very good blend by master blenders, but I did find that the smoke was somewhat uneventful. A good friend of mine said that it was "kinda boring" and I tend to agree. I actually usually prefer boring blends to the ones that people say "knock your socks off." I find the ones that knock people's socks off almost invariably are one-trick ponies or they have too many things going on for me to enjoy.

Anyway, for what it is, it's pretty good and worth a try. I can't really talk myself into buying more, since there are so many others that I really prefer. It also lacks the strength that I really like in most of the other blends I smoke. I might revisit it from time to time, but it won't make the rotation. We'll call it 2.5 for right now and if I smoke another tin of it and change my mind, I'll let ya'll know.
Pipe Used: Usually a Kaywoodie Flame Grain
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 05, 2020 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I approached Two Friends’ Heritage with the idea of finding out what it was that the late Craig Tarler liked enough to smoke it every day. Popping my tin (dated 02-14-20), I saw light to medium red-brown ribbons with some black chunks. The initial tin note includes rum and fruity, floral maple over moldering wheat muffin. The rum is not strong to start with and it abates with rest, toning down to maple and “rum sugars”, which are a lot like molasses, but more fragrant, assisted by the plum/flower thing. The tobacco handles, loads, lights and smokes down with ease. It took two weeks for me to get the best of this blend. My “advice” is to somehow get the VAs forward, to the extent of sacrificing a VA pipe for a while. Run the pipe in, also pack it fairly loosely, and take it slow. This accomplished, the combusting VAs smell like a more open, floral version of the rested tin note, with plenty of toothsome maple/molasses but very little rum well melded with the old hay-ish, wheat-y muffin, with a little fresh dried hay and meadow grasses over the top. The Burleys are present enough to take over this blend in some pipes, especially in the early going, with the effect of muddying things up, IMO, although when they’re good, they are very good, woody, nutty, and only slightly bitter over the VA sugar, and the Cavs hold back with only a little sourness and a trace of vanilla to add to their own contribution to the straight Burleys. This blend makes plenty of fragrant smoke, and it’s pretty consistent, top to bottom, if one takes it easy. Strength gets toward medium the way I smoke it, with the nicotine trailing, and tastes are also medium. Room note is better than merely tolerable. Aftertaste is a woodier best-of-the smoke. A tasty, fragrant, very relaxing smoke, once I got it down.

Notwithstanding Heritage took some “work” to develop, I give it 4 stars based on its best and recommend it first to experienced and more patient pipers who are not put off by this review.
Pipe Used: VA briars
Age When Smoked: 9 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 10, 2017 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
It is without any pleasure that i say, this blend disappointed me greatly. Thinking highly as I do of the esteemed 2 friends as blenders, and having a soft spot as i do for traditional American blends, i was confident i would really like this mix. I was expecting a burley based homage to codger blends, with higher quality components, perhaps with the addition of some sweet virginia. This isn't that for me. I am no snob. I go through tubs of carter hall and half and half. I dont ask for enlightenment and dazzling sensation from my pipe; i more often than not am happy to find cheerful nicotine delivery, and a pleasant companionable smoke. Unfortunately heritage didnt deliver these to me. The rum scent was potent from tin pop, but that didn't get me down. Ive plucked satisfaction from cheaper smelling leaf. First light revealed a disordered, slightly rough tasting hot mouthful. I was undeterred. Ive settled in and enjoyed rides that began this way. I smoked on and noted the harsh quality of the smoke, sipping cooly on my well broken in cob. "She will settle in nicely yet..." i thought, self contentedly musing how clever i was at not being thrown off a great smoke by its poor performance so far. I continued this way throughout the whole unpleasant experience. I couldnt pick out a sweet va note throughout, nor did i coax out warm nutty burley pleasure. The topping didnt produce a scent i sniffed with pleasure. No matter. There are days, weeks even, when most things taste flat and uninspired. However, this never turned a corner for me. Most unusual. Ive smoked it in many pipes, over the course of about 3 months, with nothing but disprganized and occasionally harsh flavors coming through. Ive read many reviews stating something of the like, and always presumed the reviewer was failing somehow. Maybe i am. But this was an unpleasant bowl for me, 25 or so bpwls in a row. Sadly i say, not recommended.
Pipe Used: Cobs, meerschaums, briar
Age When Smoked: New to 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 01, 2003 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
In my opinion this is one of those blends the name of which actually corresponds to its to-bacco contents. It is an ?all American? mixture in the sense that it comprises the best American leafs. Top quality, this is a variegated blend, from very light?almost golden?browns to darkish and black strands (the Cavendished leaf), all very eye catchy. I got this in bulk and like Red-wood, the other Two Friends blend I have tried, it comes on the dry side. As such it is very easy to pack and it lights almost immediately.

This a natural, plain tobacco, though there is faint sweet note on the background, honey like. It does not inmterfere with the smoking experience. Some would say it is old fashioned in the sense it does not convey any artificial agent, such as you find in drugstore blends to aid in the tobacco?s humidity degree; flavorsome, medium strength, it evokes a traditional Burley taste, with a subdued nutty sweetness that is countered by the harshness common to natural blends (i.e., those in which the leaf has not been tampered with beyond the regular curing processes).

As much as I enjoy smoking this type of blends (there is a certain community of flavor that can be found, for example, in Larsen?s Kentucky Gold, in Two Friend?s Redwood or in C&D?s Haunted Bookshop), I do not smoke them regularly. Somehow I get a dry and rather raw aftertaste which I do not particularly relish. But the smoking experience as such is wonderfully rich, intricate in its layers of flavor, long lasting, and the burning rate and qualities are excellent.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 10, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I was recommended this blend at my local tobacconist shop, and I enjoyed the chocolate/vanilla note from the tin, but that was about it for me...

This tobacco simply doesn't take me anywhere, and I'm struggling to find any taste that sticks out. It's more like the tobaccos fight each other down to the point that none of the leafs get to shine and show off its own quality! Even if this blend isn't for me it's really not a bad tobacco, the quality is there and I will add one star to it based on that, but can't really recommend it.
Pipe Used: Henrik Rydberg, Stanwell
PurchasedFrom: Mellgren's Fine Tobacco
Age When Smoked: Unknown
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 05, 2011 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Full Pleasant
Virginias, Burleys. Cavendish and Perique, all the ingredients seem to be equally distributed without any of them seem to standout, it's very easy to pack and light, the taste is to me apricots and nutty or apples and chocolate, this blend is not at all day blend for me ot kinda leaves a sour note on my mouth, it does pack the nicotine and the ingredients and flavoring are all top notch, would I buy it again yes, for me it's and excellent after dinner smoke or great for watching sports events.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 13, 2004 Mild to Medium Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
I am loathe to provide a negative review for a tobacco produced by two blenders that I hold in such high esteem and one that other reviewers have praised so much. But I simply can't come to grips with this blend.

Vacum packed in a resealable pouch, the leaf is pressed together almost to the point of forming a light cake. The color is mostly golden/green and tan, with a few darker bits scattered about. The tobacco is very dry, to the point where I wonder if it should be rehumidified. The texture is reminiscent of coarse sawdust; you know, the kind that they used to sprinke on the floor of Italian restaurants. The pouch aroma is... a little different.

Due to the vacum pressing, the leaf needs to be lightly rubbed out before packing a bowl. Upon lighting and first puff, I am immediately assailed by a grassy, almost vegetal flavor that I do not find appealing. The tobacco flavor is mostly Cavendish, Burley and a smattering of Virginia far in the background without any of the brightness or sweetness that I was expecting.

Mid way through the bowl, the alfalfa taste starts to diminish and the Cavendish is dominent. Puff slowly, because this can be a very hot smoke and will bite like a badger if smoked too aggressively. Near the end of the bowl, the grass is gone (thankfully) and the flavor is mostly Burley with little or no Virginia noticeable. The bottom of the bowl is a bit wet; which I find puzzling since the leaf was so dry to begin with.

I tried to like this blend, I really did. I struggled through most of a 4 oz. bag of this stuff for over three months, and I thought that maybe a revelation would hit me and I would see the light. But I just can't do any more. The monster beat me.
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