Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Troost Slices

A Continental flake employing the use of lighter bodied flue cured Virginias and aromatic burley leaf. A small element of Tanzanian fired leaf is added to round off the smooth, subtle aroma. Processed to produce a firm flake, this blend is mild yet cool with the continental taste and aroma associated with Dutch style blends.
Notes: Originally a Dutch tobacco made by Van Rossems, Troost Slices is now produced by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group.


Brand Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
Blended By Van Rossem
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tabacco Group
Blend Type Virginia/Burley
Contents Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Netherlands
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.48 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 42 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 31, 2005 Medium to Strong Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
hehe I'VE got a source! A GLP-deprived piper in the Netherlands with whom I swap to get this wonderful stuff. Why Troost markets their other crap here but not this is a mystery.

I disagree with the top description; my perfectly presented flakes are not broken. I do concur whole heartedly with most of the previous reviewers on the taste and smoking characterisics, especially the observation that it needs a few minutes to really blossom. I suppose its most recognizable comparison would be to MacBaren's Navy Flakes, although Troost lacks their characteristic MB honey taste. The sweetness here is more virginia and clovery. I keep trying to discern burley, but cannot. Excellent morning smoke, particularly for spring walks by the river. It goes well with coffee. It improves attitude.

I'm told this is an inexpensive tobacco, so my dutch comrade is likely getting a bargain with his now defunct Mephisto in trade. I don't care, this would become a standard for me if it could. Thanks, Martin!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 09, 2015 Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant
The flue cured Virginias are grassy/hay-like, lightly bready with a mild tangy citrus and honey taste. There is a very bare spice note which likely comes from the Tanzanian fired leaf. The woody burley is mildly earthy and nutty with a minor chocolate hit, though the Virginia is a more obvious component. The topping may have a little honey as well, though the butterscotch is more noticeable. The tobaccos are mildly sublimated. The strength and taste levels are mild. Hardly any nicotine to speak of. In some ways, it sort of reminds me of a lighter version of Orlik Golden Slices with a different topping. Slightly aromatic and creamy smooth, the flakes are a little moist and break apart with ease. Burns cool, clean and slowly, requires some relights, but the consistent flavor holds to the finish. Leaves very little moisture in the bowl and requires a few relights. Won’t bite or get harsh. The after taste and room notes are pleasant and lingers just a little. An all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 04, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
The Troost Slices that I smoked were the original Van Rossems from the late 1980s or early 1990s and not the STG remake. The original was a delicious combination of Virginia and Burley with a very discreet and natural top coat that lended itself to the richness of the presentation. A much stronger nicotine hit than the current production and a real depth of flavor that can only be provided by top-shelf leaf. A wonderful blend and I see why this one was in such demand "back in the day."
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 19, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I received a sample of 6 flakes or so from a friend. I found it a mild and undistinguished somewhat generic VaBur with more burley than Virginia in the flavor profile. It was a pleasant smoke with a subtle slightly sweet topping I could not identify. I rubbed mine out and it had good burn qualities. It is a good smoke but not especially exciting.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 17, 2014 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
When I began smoking I smoked the Dutch (aromatic) tobacco's. But I was never satisfied, too much flavour, too little flavour, smoking hot, sharp on the tongue. I had seen Troost slices but I didn't dare to buy a tin. Then somebody learned how to fill your pipe with a flake (Knick, falt, screw) I'lightened my tobacco and was completely surprised of the taste. Of course I had to learn smoking flakes. But pipe after pipe it was going better. Since a year of two I nearly only smoke Troost Slices. If you got the chance, try a tin. It is unbelievable that this tobacco is only available in the Netherlands.
Pipe Used: Briar, Clay, Meerschaum
PurchasedFrom: Local dealers
Age When Smoked: 0-5 yeqrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 04, 2006 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
If I could have just one tobacco....I'd take three, and Troost Slices would be one of them!

If there are any pouches of this lingering in the shops, pass them by. They are a poor imitation. I have forgotten which particular conglomerate owns Van Rossem's recipes (it's the one that owns Dunhill, Lane, et al), but they haven't yet managed to bugger up the tinned version of Slices. There is still that baking bread, slightly spicy, chocolatey-burley, delicious Virginia flavour. I have found that as well as the requirement to smoke only the tinned version, a clean pipe is very important for full enjoyment. Some year I'll dedicate a pipe or two to this flake. Which I'm sure will single-handedly cause it's demise.

There are enough four star reviews for Troost Slices to make this addition superfluous. Except I know the best place to get more of this manna! So far, my experience with has been wonderful, so I won't change. While you're at it, if you're feeling the slightest bit adventurous, do try the Troost "Baai" tobacco. Also very tasty, and quite different.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 28, 2010 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
Troost Special Cavendish has always been one of my favorite tobaccos in my now over 33 years of pipe smoking. As of recent, I have been enjoying their Aromatic Cavendish as well. So, it was only natural for me to want to venture and try their Slices as I, overall, prefer tobacco cut as slices. I know the Slices are not available stateside, nor do I ever remember seeing them during my early years of pipe smoking.

Well, our colleague pipestud had a 50g pouch from March 2001 listed in his consignment shop for $5. Not only a steal, but I had to have it for what it was. During the transaction period with pipestud, he noticed the outer cellophane wrapper was slit open and he felt the tobacco too bone dry to sell. I contacted him and said I would take it anyway. I am sure glad I did! After removing the outer cellophane wrapper, there was the distinct aroma of licorice. The pouch itself was still solidly sealed, and hard as a brick - like a plug tobacco. Upon opening the pouch there was the distinct aroma of butterscotch. I had no trouble separating a very dry flake from the rest of the pack. Folding it in half split it like dry wood, but I managed to stuff the two pieces into the bowl of a slim billiard. I breathed into the top of the bowl and through the stem as per pipestud's suggestion and I lit up. The butterscotch flavor came to the forefront and thus began a real treat. The tobacco smoked very cool and dry till the end. The butterscotch taste lessened by mid-bowl, but never totally disappeared. I couldn't detect any of the licorice. The Virginia used certainly had time to age in my pouch and its presence was was delicious and spicy without being grassy. The Burley component rounded out the smoke by giving it just the right amount of body. I was very satisfied by the bowl's end. Occasionally, I was treated with a mild soapiness, which actually added character to the smoke. I do remember this from the original Troost Special from years ago, but have not experienced this with the present day incarnation.

I would have to say that the three versions of Troost are very similar, however, they are different enough to stand on their own. The Slices, in my opinion, are closer to the Aromatic Cavendish in appearance and overall flavor. Before smoking the Slices, I would have thought them to be the Special Cavendish before being rubbed out. I believe it is the butterscotch addition in the Aromatic and Slices versions that tie the two together in overall smoking characteristics. I do wish the Slices were available in the USA as I would definitely add that version to my rotation. I rank the three starting with my most favored; Special, Slices, Aromatic. Thank you Steve for not chucking out that dry pack!

UPDATE 9-21-12: I recently bid and won a 3 1/2 ounce tin of Troost Slices off of ebay. The tin was very old looking and rusted top and bottom. While the tax stamp was intact, the tin had lost its vacuum seal - and I don't think it was opened by the seller for prior inspection. There were two coupons inside for a Van Rossem Delft Blue Tobacco Jar and from what I can tell this tin of tobacco goes back to at least the 1970s, making this tin 30-40 years old. The tobacco was wrapped in a gold foil wrapper and totally stuck to the content. I needed to tear it with the end of a pipe tool and peel the pieces off in strips. The flakes were very dark indeed - dark brown to black. The initial tin aroma was tobacco in nature with a hint of spice/must. The flakes were not tinder dry, but close. The flakes still were peel-able from one another and slightly pliable, breaking apart when bent in half. I took the entire wad and placed the flakes into a thin zip lock bag and then in another, slightly thicker zip lock. By the next day, what a beautiful bag aroma! My first impression was of ginger with perhaps a bit of cinnamon, smelling like Ginger Snaps were baking. One of my daughters thought maple syrup. At any rate, this is a very pleasant smoke and very different from my first encounter with the slices (see above). I'm sure the aging did wonders for these flakes and I am very tempted to plunk down the money necessary to get this directly from a shop in Europe that will ship this to the states for comparison. There was not one hint of bite nor did it smoke hot - even with fast, hard puffing. A truly delightful encounter.

UPDATE 10-7-12: I recently purchased 3 tins of the currently produced flake from the Netherlands. Although very good, it is not the same as my 30-40 year old find, but a very well prepared Virginia/Burley flake that I quite enjoy for it's mildness and subtle sweetness. I do wish it was imported to the states like their Troost Special and Aromatic Cavendish.

UPDATE 1-6-13: This smokes best when very dried out - almost to a crumble as it has a definitive chocolate taste that is very satisfying.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 10, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I received this tin in a box pass a while back I believe. Never got around to smoking it, as I figured it would be similar to Special Cavendish which I found quite boring. I opened the tin which was now a few years old, and was quite taken aback at how much different the tin aroma was compared to Special Cavendish. A sweet smelling hay-like VaBur. Reminded me of the smell of sweet fern in the Northern Michigan grouse woods. This blend has a bit of strength, compared to other flakes of the same nature. Rubbed out easy. I basically folded the flakes in three, gave them a few rubs between my fingers, and loaded the pipe. I smoked this in several, but it seemed to shine in short, wide billiards. Burned quite well after a bit of drying on the tobacco mat.

Burns to a clean white ash, and doesn't bite, even with my sensitive tongue. Whatever flavoring is on here, its minute, but reminds me slightly of PS Twist Flake. Room notes of cinnamon, toasted barley and almonds. Sad to see I'm down to my last bowl!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 19, 2013 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
I used to smoke Cavendish tobaccos back when I was a fan of Amphora Brown and I thought I would try this. I was given it in a trade so I don't know how old it is but judging from the moisture level and condition, I don't think it is very old, maybe a year or two. First the color is mostly a medium brown with a few darker colors mingled throughout and it came in a somewhat thick flake that rubbed out pretty easily. It had a sweet honey like pouch aroma and the moisture was such I let the package remain open and let it dry for a day. Once rubbing out, I had a ready rubbed mixture that packed pretty well into my pipe. I was able to light it on the first attempt as the first light had considerable rise to it. I lightly tamped and relit and settle back to a nice smoke. The flavor in this blend is medium in strength, has a nice mild honey like flavor, and the VA in it was the dominant flavor and room note with the burley adding body and fullness to the smoke. Gentle puffing provided a nice smoke with a touch of sweetness but if I puffed at a faster pace, it provided a little harshness and could be a tongue biter for some. It did smoke clean all the way down to the bottom of the pipe with just a touch of dottle mixed in with the grey ash. All in all this was a pleasant smoke, not one that makes my top ten list but I would gladly smoke it again if another pack was available to me. I would recommend this blend to those that used to like Amphora brown or similar blends, but it was not exceptional so I can't rate it higher. All in all a nice blend however.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 06, 2010 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
A friend of mine brought me a 100 gram tin of this as well as a pouch of Troost Special Cavendish from a recent visit to Holland. My first time with slices, so figuring how to get it into my pipe was rather humorous. Once successful, this Dutch blend lit easily, burned slowly and smoked ever so smoothly. Orlik of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group in Denmark (head quartered in Holland) is importing this from Holland. On the tin it clearly says "Original Recipe...Imported from Holland".

The slices were wrapped in paper in a vacuum sealed "sardine tin". At 13.40 Euros ($19.97 CDN) for 100 grams its half the price of 2, 50 gram pouches of Captain Black sold in Canada.

Troost slices is a mixture of coarse shred Burley compressed with thin shred virginia with something else in very sparse quantity which I cannot identify.

The taste is burley nuttiness with a pinch of spice which lingers on the tongue....nothing too heavy, but you do notice it. I found no real tongue bite. In my opinion a very, very nice after-dinner slow smoke with a cup of dark roast Colombian coffee. Not heavy in nicotine.

Aroma in my opinion is just honest Burley/Virginia smoke.........nothing really aromatic about it.

I wish I could find this stuff in Canada, I'd stock-pile this stuff like a loony squirrel storing nuts. But each tin would probably cost me a week's pay in Canada.

You can be sure I'm going to enjoy this tin ever so slowly. An excellent smooth and satisfying smoke to relax with.

If you can get your hands on this, make sure its in the tin, not the pouch (its not the same) and the label says "Original Recipe".
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 04, 2005 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Well I feel bad for pipestud,but I think he might have gotten a bad tin. Aside from that let me say this is one of the best tobaccos I have ever had the pleasure if smoking.I consider this to be the other end of the spectrum of Stonehaven with all the same wonderful qualities.This has a very nutty,honey like quality.It burns slowly and has no bite.Rub it out and you are in for 1 solid hour ofsmoking pleasure. The room note is heavenly and the taste cannot be rivaled.A wonderful all day smoke! 4 of 4 stars.
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