Lane Limited 125th Anniversary

Lane's 125th Anniversary blend celebrates a huge milestone in the business entity's success and proffers equal amounts of quality Virginia and bright Virginia tobaccos are blended with Virginia flake and a hint of perique to give a subtle yet detectable spice to the sweetness of the Virginia.
Notes: Released 2015.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Mixture
Packaging 50 grams tin, bulk
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.72 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 25 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 29, 2015 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
The sweet Virginias are tart and tangy citrusy, fairly grassy, hay-like, and acidic with light earth, wood and floral notes, and dominates the blend. The earthy, woody perique is a minor component, offering just a hint of spice to go along with a little fig, plum and raisin. There’s a fruitiness that comes from a very mild topping from which I sense a little apricot. The tobacco is fairly dry and you may wish to hydrate it a mite, depending on your personal preference. The strength is just short of the center of mild to medium. The taste level is in that center. The nic-hit is a step behind the strength threshold. Won't bite or get harsh, but has a few small rough edges. Burns well, requires few relights, and the flavor is very consistent and a little creamy to the finish. Leaves virtually no moisture in the bowl. Has a short lived, pleasant after taste and room note.

It would be hard to recommend it to an initial adventurer into the VaPer world only because the perique content isn’t high enough to give a fair take on what a VaPer can taste like. It’s enjoyable enough to puff on and sweet enough to satisfy your craving for a pleasant all day smoke, but lacks the depth to be more than a mindless work and play smoke when compared to other VaPers on the market. Two and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 23, 2016 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Lane Limited - 125th Anniversary (bulk).

This came free with an order from, and I can't complain, it's a very good smoke. If a blend's a free bonus I don't mind if it's rank, it hasn't cost me anything! But other times, like this, I could see myself ordering a good quantity of it to cellar.

The aroma from the pouch carries a sort of Christmas pudding type note, this carries over into the smoke: fruit and some honey/sugar. It doesn't seem steadfastly aromatic, but flavoured nevertheless. The Perique tastes very high quality: this works wonders with the fruitiness, and is possibly partly responsible for a proportion of it. I don't get much of the brighter Virginia coming through, there's not too many citrus/grass notes, I get a lot more of the sweeter fruit notes.

To me, the fruity qualities dominate the first half, but after some time a sort of bready/doughy flavour comes over: fresh bread..... yum! It tastes like it's good for your soul, LOL!

The burn's very good from 125th, even if it can be a little warm, it's very even and independent. And despite the smoke carrying a slight flavour, it doesn't bite any.

Finally, the room-note's just as pleasant as the flavour, and the nicotine's about mild to medium.

Very highly recommended:

Four stars.
Pipe Used: Peterson Harp #03
PurchasedFrom: Freebie with order
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 10, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This is a nice tasting blend. There's a very mild topping here and it's not real easy to tell what's natural and what isn't. I think the topping is honey, but I might be wrong. Anyway, there are notes of sweet hay and honey and a mild toasty Cavendish note. The Perique adds just a touch of figs and spice. This is very well done.

Mild to medium in body. Medium in taste. Very mild in flavoring. This is the bulk version and it comes at the perfect moisture level. Burns well. I used only cobs here because they bring out the flavor of Bright Virginias better than anything else.
Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman, Diplomat Apple, Mark Twain
Age When Smoked: fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 25, 2015 Mild None Detected Medium Pleasant
Not often have I been impressed by a new blend to the point where I am bordering on shocked. That's what I was when I packed a bowl of 125 sitting in my B&M's lounge. I lit the bowl, tamped and re lit. Boy o boy! I walked back over to the jar bewildered that it indeed is made by Lane! A very respectable VaPer in the Hay, Grassy variety as opposed to my favorite: St. James Woods which has that Sweet and Sour Sauce flavor, nowhere near a powerhouse and light on Nicotine. 125 has very bright Virginias in various shades of yellow and orange with some darker leaf. Tin aroma is very neutral, nothing musty or fermenty (made up that word) and actually very refreshing! A perfect smoke for a hot summer day, this is not (IMHO) a VaPer I would smoke in January with snow trapping me indoors. The Perique is very lightly applied and nicely balances the Virginia. I am so very proud of Lane for producing this blend and I intend to purchase several tins to age for a year or two. I can see us being very good friends but the kind of friends that one see's every year at summer camp since it will be my summer VaPer leaving St. James Woods as my winter VaPer of choice. A must try as the price is so low compared to the value and I truly believe given a few years will be magnificent!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 21, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
I approached this tobacco with a slight trepidation due to Lane being renowned for their aromatics, not necessarily their non-aros.

The tin note is hay-like with a slight wiff of dried fruit. The light revealed a delicious bouquet of creamy smoke with a nice underlying sweetness and a touch of spice. It packs and burns perfectly right out of the tin. It is also very forgiving in terms of smoking cadence. I smoked it the day it arrived at my brick and mortar, so I'm excited to see what happens with some age on it.

It is one of the best new Virginias to come on the market. I am blown away in fact. Bonus- this stuff comes in bulk. Well done Lane. Definitely recommended for bright Virginia lovers.

Side note- this would be an excellent candidate for buying in bulk and aging in mason jars, which I full well intend to do. I suspect this stuff could reach 4 star caliber with some time on it.
Pipe Used: Peterson
PurchasedFrom: Beehive Cigars
Age When Smoked: brand new tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 28, 2015 Mild Extremely Mild Medium Unnoticeable
The tin note has a grassy and somewhat yeasty aroma; a little bit oat-like, and it carries into the taste of the smoke.

It is a natural (non-aromatic) blend with a very smooth, mild, and delicate vegetable-like taste, with traces of a nut flavor. No sharp, piquant or "hot" Virginia characteristics here. There are some herbal flavors to play with -- almost like an Oriental blend. By and large it is just an honest tobacco flavor with good smoke volume and mouth feel.

Easy lighting, cool smoking, no bite and no gurgle. This is not a Perique-forward blend. Here the Perique, though delectable, is merely an amendment to the blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 10, 2016 Mild Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
125th Anniversary is composed of mainly bright Virginias that are more on the hay side of things. The Perique isn’t added with a strong hand and given that it isn’t listed, I could be wrong, but I occasionally get a whiff of Burley in this blend. It is very mildly spicy with no bite and has enough sweet topping to be almost an aromatic to my taste. It definitely isn’t a VaPer that one would find from Solani, Escudo, McClelland etc, etc. It would make for an all day, set it and forget it type smoke. Overall, there are just too many VaPers on the market of higher quality that I wouldn’t seek this one out.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 23, 2018 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
My overall impressions of Lane Limited 125th Anniversary is that it is really a delightful, enjoyable and satisfying, if simple blend. There is nothing that makes this blend stand out as particularly memorable or unique but I don't think that is the intention or purpose. Just a mild, pleasant smoke with nothing complex to try to puzzle out or make you think. And sometimes, that's perfect.

I purchased this in bulk about a year ago, smoked a few bowls of it and then put it aside. It was my first foray into non Aromatic pipe tobacco in general, and VaPers in particular. I was not sure what to expect and was curious about what Perique is all about. After those first few bowls, I can say that I was not really impressed but my thoughts were that is was certainly not bad, just nothing to be excited about. Had I rated it at that time I probably would have given it two stars. But since it was only my first VaPer, I had nothing to really compare it to and thus could not fairly rate it. Now, after having smoked a fair number of different blends and styles of tobacco, I feel I can provide a much better impression of this blend, both in terms of taste and character.

As I said, I purchased this in bulk; two ounces. Didn't want to get a boat load of this I find I didn't like it. I'm not sure about the tin but the bulk came on the dry side of perfect moisture content. It has remained the same stored in a mason jar for over a year. I would describe the cut as a "chopped ribbon" as it appears to be ribbon that has been cross cut into smaller pieces. Visually, it is a nice looking blend with plenty of bright Virginia as well as darker brown Virginia leaf. I can not really see any of the Perique, though I am sure it is there in very small, condimental amounts.

In my experience, Virginia tobacco is either grassy/hay like, bready or sweet and citrusy in flavor and aroma. The tin (jar) note of this blend, to me, is clearly in the citrus/sweet spectrum of this flavor profile and this carries over to the taste of the smoke as well. There is a fairly sweet, honey like aroma and taste, perhaps Orange Blossom honey, but it is mild and not over powering. If there is added flavoring to this blend it is merely to enhance and bring out the natural flavor of the Virginia. There is nothing artificial tasting in the flavor or anything that imparts additional flavors that were not already present to begin with, like a typical aromatic would have.

This tobacco packs, lights and smokes very easily, requiring only one or two relights and leaves little to no dottle or dampness in the bowl. The flavors I detect are sweet, citrusy honey but not artificial. There seems to be very little Perique in this blend but I do detect a tiny bit of peppery spice amongst sweet notes, which I presume is the Perique. Defintely in smaller quantities than many other VaPers however. There is absolutely no tongue bite but I think this does better smoked at a slower cadence as Virginia leaf can smoke hot due to the higher sugar content.

I just smoked my last two bowls of this blend and I can definitely recommend this, especially if you are an aromatic smoking looking to try some mild, non aros. The light, sweet and slightly peppery taste is perfect for a refreshing smoke on a warm summer day. I enjoy my pipe with a nice cup of coffee but this could be paired well with A nice lemonade or iced tea, relaxing on your porch on a lazy summer day. If you are looking for a strong, stout blend with plenty of nicotine then you should look elsewhere. This is very mild and low on the nicotine level. But if you enjoy lighter tobaccos or are looking for something lighter to add to your rotation, then this one is definitely something you should try. Enjoy!

Pipe Used: T. Christiano Metamorfosi
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: one year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2018 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I received a sample when it first came out, which I enjoyed very much. I flavorful, but mild Vaper, so I ordered a full pound. I'm fairly certain that the recipe changed between the initial sample I received and the bulk I purchased. It was missing something, perhaps a different VA base. It is a quite generic, but not bad Vaper. The VA's are mildly sweet and grassy, which is pleasant, and there's just a touch of perique, enough to give it a hint of complexity. It comes quite dry, and in my opinion, perfect for smoking. No tongue bite, burns easily, decent all day smoke. It's a good blend, and even better after 2 yrs in a jar, but it just didn't wow me enough to be able to say I would buy more when the pound I bought is gone.
Pipe Used: Cob, briar
Age When Smoked: New, and 2 yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 17, 2017 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
I enjoyed this all-day va/per when it was first released in 2015 and given the quantity of bright Virginias in the mixture, I cellared some away with high hopes. 2 years on, my hopes have been fulfilled; this is an excellent blend that any va/per admirer will enjoy. Mild, but full of body and flavor and a citrusy sweet touch that is paired beautifully with the light perique spice. By no means a heavy hitter, this is a simple, well crafted, relaxing blend that makes no demand but to be enjoyed. In addition, the fact that is is priced so fairly earns it an honest 4 stars. A high spot in the Lane catalogue of offerings.
Pipe Used: Vottis Cutty; Kirsten w/meer bowl
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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