Lane Limited 1-Q

Basically a golden cavendish blend but with a hint of fire-cured blended in provides scintillating taste and flavorful aroma.
Notes: Despite confusion caused by persistent rumor, 1-Q is a Lane product and a Lane invention, sold by many brick and mortar shops under many names, including 'Wilshire' by the TinderBox stores.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk, 50 grams tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.78 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 54 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 11, 2008 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I experimented with this for a while but ultimately have come to similar conclusions as other reviewers. The blend will not dry out properly, it always leaves moist ash, often burns hot, will not stay lit, and doesn't taste as good as it smells, either.

I am a relatively new piper (six months) but this is the first tobacco to earn the distinction of being pulled from my "stuff to smoke" pile and be moved to my newly created "give away or toss" pile.

If this is representative of Lane tobacco, I'm very unimpressed.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2009 Extremely Mild Extra Strong Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
The Horror---------The Horror.

I need to take a long hard look at myself. I bought a pound of this stuff and I am sorry. Its wet when you open the stylish ziplock bag, its wet when you leave it to dry for a fortnight. It'll burn hot and steamy, halfway down the bowl, then gurgle and put itself out. It is just so wet. It tastes like chemical ---------something and its not an aromatic crowd pleaser either. It will destroy any pipe so only use a dedicated old Pete system pipe cause its easier to wash out with metho. If you like this stuff then I'm sorry I've been so rude and good luck to you.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 06, 2013 Very Mild Extra Strong Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
If you like this blend, you have to admit to yourself that you like captain black. It's frustrating seeing so many people compliment this blend while making disparaging remarks about OTC's like captain black. 1Q IS captain black royal. no if's and's or but's. I myself find it to be very unpleasant. The disgusting sour taste that creeps in halfway through the bowl. How artificial and chemically the flavoring is. How wet/goopy/greasy the tobacco is to the touch. This blend will absolutely ghost a pipe with that sour chemically layer of soot. In my novice days I had to resuscitate many a pipe after exposing them to this blend and other blends like it. My advice is to skip all captain black blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 19, 2008 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The jungle drums said this was a huge seller, everyone is smoking it. Maybe they meant once. I found it smoked wet with not that good of a taste; but worst of all it coated the rim of my pipe with goop. Not a blend I wanted to keep; so I split my bulk package into several and gave them away for others to try...maybe it became a favorite of theirs...or not.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 19, 2007 Mild Mild Very Mild Tolerable
Less icky than BCA, but not my idea of what tobacco was intended for. It is the McDonald's cheeseburger of tobaccos. It is like eating, and cheap but ultimately rather unsatisfying compared to grown-up food. For all that it does smell rather pleasant and isn't as bad as some tobaccos. If you need a sweet introduction to tobacco here you go.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 09, 2012 Extremely Mild Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
This is not what I think of as a tobacco. It looks like tobacco but I really don't taste anything other than an occasional whips of vanilla. Don't expect this to help if you need a Nick hit either. I did finish my 2oz. bulk but I usually smoke outside at night. This blend has to be smoked during the day so you know if it is lit or not (OK that might be extreme but it makes the point)!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 20, 2009 Medium to Strong Strong Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I did not care for this at all.. I found it to be harsh and bites bad. I got it at a local tobacco shop in Wichita, there are not many in town. The pipe smoker guy said 1-Q sales more that all the others in the shop. so I bought a ounce and brought it home to try. I might be to new to catch all the little things of the tobacco but I got a hard bite of dirt taste or mouth, it was to strong and got no better as I smoked down the bowl. the room note was not that good it has a smell of cheep cig's ashy kind of. once again I could be to new to like this tobacco and need to grow in to it, I have read on here and other sites that sometimes that happens. maybe in 6mo I'll try a few more bowls the 5 or so I have tried in the last week I did not like even a little
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 22, 2005 Extremely Mild Medium to Strong Extremely Mild (Flat) Very Pleasant
I owe my rather brief acquaintance with 1Q to an East Coast philosophy lecturer who, by the time I met him, had switched sides to become a Regius Professor at a Texan University. I was out of tobacco, just holding my empty pipe, while in transit at Houston Airport. He sat next to me (you could still smoke inside the airport in those days) and we chatted about pipes, tobacco, and eventually about XIXth century German philosophers. He offered me some 1Q, as it was the only blend his wife would allow him to smoke (he bought the stuff by the pound and had plenty to spare).

As I already was a London Mixture-965 smoker, I found 1Q extremely bland, sweet and goopy, but with a very nice room aroma. I enjoyed the batch he gave me. A typical drug store blend, slightly similar to Captain Black (but not as meaty), it burnt rather quickly. More than building cake inside the bowl, it left a crystallized sugar layer that rendered my pipe useless. I really appreciated his gesture, but I never bought 1Q again.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 03, 2017 Mild Extra Strong Medium to Full Unnoticeable
Like others I discovered this doesn't dry out. It has the hydrodynamics of a liberals brain. No matter.

It smokes readily enough. Stays alight with ease.

I detect a tenuous taste of tobacco through the artificial caramel and vanilla. A lot of things use artificial flavouring. Shampoo, candy, deodorant. I can live with it.

I wouldn't say there's a burn at a particular spot on the rear roof of my mouth, more an unpleasant acid sensation.

All in all, not very nice. It needs to be really cheap. If it was the only baccy left on earth I would smoke beedis.

An hour after each smoke my mouth had the feel of the underside of a witches tit.
Pipe Used: Various.
PurchasedFrom: Online.
Age When Smoked: Freshish.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 23, 2016 Very Mild Very Mild Mild Pleasant
After reading lots of great reviews and even a video of someone purchasing and cellaring 5lbs of the stuff, I ordered 2oz and was terribly disappointed. For those who say it's the same thing Lane Captain Black Royal, it's very close indeed. The tin note is nice but when you smoke it, it's extremely artificial or chemical. I gave it a shot 3 times and no pleasure here, whatsoever. Makes me wonder how such a bad tobacco can be so popular.... There are much better aromatics out there, stay away from this stuff but if you do like it, give Mac Baren 7 Seas Royal a try. It's a better version of this blend and will deliver the taste that you're looking for.
Pipe Used: Rattray's Highland
Age When Smoked: A few weeks
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