Sutliff Tobacco Company Erin Go Bragh Irish Whiskey

Notes: Originally made by Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Sutliff Tobacco Company currently produces the blend.


Brand Sutliff Tobacco Company
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Whiskey
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.67 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 33 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 11, 2015 Extremely Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
As is my experience with STG blends, the basic taste behind this tobacco is Half and Half. The difference with this blend is that the H&H taste steps back a little and lets the whiskey get a little more attention. It does have a little more oiliness than regular H&H, but it did nothing other than make my mouth feel like an oil slick.

A pleasant aromatic with a good room note and no bite.
Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Legend
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 19, 2014 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The tasty Irish Whiskey topping does sublimate the tobaccos, though it doesn't drown them out. The grassy, citrusy Virginia forms the base of the blend. The nutty, molasses sweet burley plays a secondary role. The unsweetened black cavendish adds a light sugariness in the background, though it's not very noticeable much of the time.The nic-hit is very mild. Won't bite or get harsh, but being a thin cut ribbon, should be smoked at no more than a moderate pace. Burns cool, clean and slightly fast with a consistent, fairly one dimensional taste, which is not a draw back nor a back handed compliment. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and requires very few relights. Has a pleasant after taste and room note. An easy going all day, sweet smoke that doesn't wear out it's welcome.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2014 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Full Pleasant
As someone with a weakness for Bushmills, I decided to give Erin Go Bragh pipe blend a shot, as it seems folks are generally fond of their stogies (which I've yet to try).

Pouch note is downright edible. You can smell the whiskey, but also something much sweeter, like cake. I was honestly torn between smoking or eating it. The room note is sweet and pleasant, but a bit on the heavy side.

As with most whiskey cased blends, Erin Go Bragh can be a tongue scorcher, especially on lighting, but mellows as you get further into the bowl. It also burns really, really wet. So the last quarter can have a lot of gurgle and be a challenge to keep lit.

The flavor is where Erin Go Bragh shines, and while it's a tad one-dimensional it's a pretty great dimension. A super smooth and creamy combination of the whiskey, vanilla, and carmel. Like it's casing, it goes down easy, with just the right amount of sweetness.

As stated, it won't knock you out with it's complexity or vitamin N content (although it does sport a decent amount), but it does deliver a mild, mellow, and pretty satisfying smoke. Something that's welcome after a hard day's work -- with a glass of Irish whiskey, perhaps...
Pipe Used: Kaywoodie Drinkless
Age When Smoked: Brand New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 11, 2014 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This is a very tasty aromatic that burns cool and dry to the bottom of the bowl. Mostly Virginia, with a little burley and a touch of black Cavendish. The whiskey flavor is just right and not overdone. Aromatic smokers will love it and the rest of us will enjoy it as a change of pace. A one dimensional smoke but excellent in it's own right.
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2015 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Lots of flavor here and most of it is very good. I'm gonna nitpick a little though. There's a note of flavor at the top end that slightly bothers me. It's not the topping, but the way the topping interacts with the Virginias, which I think are of the golden or bright variety. Just seems to be a little clash there. Having said that, I've still enjoyed smoking this and give it a full recommendation.

Mild to medium all the way around. Burns well straight from the pouch.
Pipe Used: MM Diplomat 5th Ave, MM Morgan
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 16, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I thought pouch tobaccos weren't supposed to be as tasty, non-biting, easy burning, yada, yada, yada and so on than their more touted, expensive counterparts.

This stuff was in a large sampler from P&C and well, wasn't real high on the priority list to try. I tried this thinking ok, once I scorch my tongue and have a typical bad experience, especially with a whiskey flavor, I can have an I told you so moment and chunk it and not be out that much.

Gosh was I wrong! I ended up enjoying it so much that I went ahead and ordered 6 pouches from CI @ 2.49 a pouch. It was such a pleasant smoke that it has earned a permanent spot in my rotation. It burns clean and tastes wonderfully balanced; not too liquorey, if that's a word, or too sweet.

It was just super delicious, to me anyways. I've tried Borkum Who? and it left me sad, crisped tongued, and not wanting any more whiskey cased tobacco. For the money you can't go wrong taking a chance on this "pouch" goodness.

For my money and smoking pleasure this sure hits the mark and the spot!
Pipe Used: MM General
PurchasedFrom: P&C
Age When Smoked: Fresh pouch
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 27, 2018 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
Scandinavian Tobacco - Erin Go Bragh Irish Whiskey.

One from the selection of blends I bought in Majorca.

LOL, what the hell does Erin Go Bragh mean? Cue Google: Erin Go Bragh, an Irish patriotism meaning Ireland Forever 😉

Anyhoo, the review. I don't consider myself a fan of whisky aromatics but this ain't bad! The whiskey accounts for the leading flavour but isn't harsh or bitter. It gives a fragrant sweetness without any acerbity and only a little alcoholic sharpness. It has more vibrancy for the initial quarter bowl, then calms down a touch. The tobacco flavour constitutes mainly VaBurs, the black Cavendish is virtually non-existent. It burns cool, without any tongue bite.

Nicotine: just above mild. Room-note: nice.

Like I said, whiskey aro's don't normally 'float my boat', but this, easily, deserves three stars!

Pipe Used: Altinok Lee Van Cleef: Friday pipe
PurchasedFrom: Majorca
Age When Smoked: One month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 05, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
This stuff came as part of a 3 pouch sampler from pipesandcigars. I wasn't expecting much from this blend right off the bat, it being on the cheap end of the spectrum and coming in a pouch. However I was plesantley surprised by this stuff. My previous experience with arromatics that use some sort of alcohol as the flavoring have been mostly negative. They normally smoke hot and wet. But this blend is mild, sweet and dry. Like most arromatics it will bite if pressed to hard, but if you keep a steady cadence and don't push it you're in for a treat. I get a lot to of the whisky flavor for the top half of the bowl and for the last half that dies down and you're left with a mild, sweet smoke. This isnt an overly complex blend by any means, but it's straight forward and solid. I'm about to the bottom of this pouch and I'll be ordering more shortly!
Pipe Used: Several cobs
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 06, 2014 Very Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
I purchased a pouch of this as a kind of "what the heck" buy. After having smoked several bowls I can say it's pretty good. I'm usually not big on aromatics but this is done fairly nicely. It's rather one dimensional and the topping doesn't come through in the smoke that much but for just a few bucks what do you excpect. It's easy to light and stays that way. I was able to puff slow or fast really no difference. Other reviewers have mentioned tounge bite but it never happened for me. I probably would not purchase again just because it's not my normal type of smoke but I will finish this pouch and enjoy doing so.
Pipe Used: MM cob
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 03, 2014 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
It... didn't suck. I'm not a huge fan of flavored aromatics but I do love whiskey so I thought I'd give it a go and... it didn't suck. It still had a bit of an unpleasant, chemical taste and tends to tongue bite if you don't pay attention.

I've honestly yet to find a really great whiskey-topped toby and this is no exception.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 25, 2014 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
A decent smoke that burns fairly cool for an aromatic. It also burns well. The taste is not overpowering but remains pleasant. Out of the pouch, the smell of whiskey that may have been used as a topping is notable; however, after lighting, this blend has a milder taste. For the money, this is an excellent buy that I would recommend for anyone interested in whiskey themed tobaccos. There are blends that cost far more that are not worth half as much.
Pipe Used: Graco Duet
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
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