Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance

A wonderful complex secret recipe of the finest Virginia, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling.


Brand Esoterica Tobacciana
Blended By J.F. Germain & Sons
Manufactured By J.F. Germain & Son
Blend Type Balkan
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin, 8 ounce bag
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.48 / 4





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Displaying 51 - 60 of 94 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 27, 2006 Medium Extremely Mild Full Tolerable to Strong
This is a superb blend, rich and full of Latakia goodness. With the passing of so many great English blending houses, its nice to know you can still find a great English, er, English.

If you like full Latakia blends, and haven't tried this, you really should. There aren't too many Krumble Kake blends out there either, so just learning to smoke this was fun for me.

How good is it? Well here is my prediction: In the fullness of time, all good things come to an end. We have all seen it happen, with the passing of Murrays for example. Well some day, when Germain finally fades into glory, old pipesters will wail and gnash their teeth, much like some of our compatriots do about Balkan don't miss out!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 20, 2006 Mild Extremely Mild Overwhelming Tolerable to Strong
I need to update and upgrade this tobacco a couple of stars. Penzance was my first experience with latakia. This was a mistake as I have found that latakia is more of an acquired taste and Penzance is not the tobacco you want as an intro. I have since tried a couple of latakia blends that are more suited to the beginner. The first was a bulk tobacco that makes Penzance seem hard on the tongue in comparison if that is possible. The second was Frog Morton. For those that are trying latakia for the first time, I would recommend Frog Morton. Smoke the whole tin before you give up on it. Maybe you will come to love latakia blends as I now do. Thereafter you may come to love Penzance.

When my long anticipated tin of Penzance arrived in the mail, I could not open it fast enough. Upon opening the tin, I was greeted with the smell of used Band-Aids. My thought was that it may smell terrible, but it is going to taste great lit. I prepared my pipe and lit up. The smoke was very mild, and easily inhalable with no noticable nicotine. Everything was to like about this tobacco. It lit easily and stayed lit. It produced lots of smoke. It smoked dry with no tongue bite. The only problem was the taste, and the taste was putrid. I laid my half full pipe down, and went for another pipe and the other new (to me) brand that I had purchased.

I have smoked several bowls since, hoping it would grow on me, but with no better results. I think I am going to have to give this stuff away.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 11, 2006 Extremely Mild None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
UPDATE 12 July 06

I'm going to downgrade this to three stars. I think it is a very good tobacco, I love the "incence" aroma but I have to agree it lacks a little in the nicotine stakes. Also when it dries out a bit it really loses complexity and becomes "soapy" - for this reason I would buy it in future in the small tin not the 8oz pack.


being new to pipe smoking I don't have the experience of others to bring to my reviews, although I am very much enjoying getting there! I can safely say though that this blend is the first where I can really taste the varying flavours and the changes throughout the bowl - as a novice I thought I was missing something but it was just that I was not smoking the right tobaccos! What wonderful stuff this is. Out of the packet it smells of damp musky autum leaves (it feels like a winter smoke to me) but hold a flame to it and a thick incence like tobacco aroma fills the room. The smell is so good that I enjoy nosing the trails of smoke from the bowl for a *very* gentle inhale. It is best when smoked *very* slowly so you must put aside a couple of hours for it. I have an Ed Burak bent apple with a large bowl which can be prone to smoking a bit wet but with a slow smoke of Penzance it was cool and dry. I agree with other reviewers that this tobacco should be kept for a treat and not an everyday smoke - you really need to devote time to gently coaxing the best from it. Afterward smell the ouside of the still warm bowl for a delicious hit of spicyness - ahhh isn't that what pipe smoking is all about?
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 13, 2005 Mild to Medium None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Pointed by many as the heir of Bengal Slices, it's something I had to come across sooner or later. When that time came, I've been disapponted at first as I was expecting a big latakia hit from the beginning to the end. Then I began to analyze it for what it really is: an oriental blend, and a pretty damn good one too! The only problem is that it's too mild for my taste, it always leaves me wanting for more.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 09, 2005 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Full Strong
Penzance loads easily, lights with some difficulty, burns cool, evenly, completely and finely, smells and tastes delicious, and is most satisfying. A muzzle is unnecessary, as this Black Lab neither barks nor bites.

Not sweet forward, Penzance is supported by natural, subtle Virginia undertones which keeps Penzance from being acrid. There is some spice from the Turkish component, but the strength and body come from Latakia- soft, lilting, round, creamy, smoky, woodsy Latakia.

I am intoxicated by the aroma and flavor of juniper berries, smoky teas and Scottish Single Malt libation which envelope the room. It is a waste to smoke this even in the most gentle breeze. It this case, coveting the smoke is not only permissible, it is obligatory.

This is rich, balanced, and delicately complex with a full flavor that is to me a blending wonder. Keep a pipe cleaner handy, as this can gurgle.

Smoking Penzance is not an advocation, but for contemplative moods when it can be given due attention and appreciation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 17, 2005 Medium None Detected Very Full Tolerable to Strong
Update - nearly a month later and I regret to report that the rumors are true. While still luxurious this blend *does* lose essence very quickly to detriment of taste and complexity. Early bowls were in fact...balkan heaven in a tin. Now it is a very good tobacco - one of the best - but a risky investment unless you intend to consume it all early on. I may purchase another tin; I'll certainly smoke it again - but I believe Margate still ranks as the top of the English/Balkan heap.

I am breaking my own rule and reviewing after just one bowl. In a virgin briar no less. The reason: according to some this blend stales and loses essence quickly. So I will attempt to keep my tin well preserved and update the review if I notice significant changes.

What can I say that hasn't been said before? Very little - but I will add my accolades for Penzance. Even if I do not smoke it regularly, it is truly *the* finest tasting English tobacco I've had to date. And I've tried to make my way through many of the "medium" and "full" English mixtures. Though it has been a while since I've had Margate (intentionally, to maintain varied points of comparision), I feel on initial taste the keen handling of the VA and Latakia component places Penzance above that blend. While Margate may have more variation and complexity, Penzance takes the kake in terms of "true" English blends I've tried (not only in terms of ingredients, but in terms of geography) in overall flavor quality.

The Krumble Kake format did not present significant problems for me. However out of the tin it is in fact very moist and pliable. There is a slight nip due to moisture, but I did not feel it so intrusive as to ruin the experience. A bit of drying in the pipe and slow puffing rectified the issue. For such a dense, moist flake it managed reasonable burning qualities. And a few extra matches are a small price to pay for Penzance.

Esoterica wins again.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2004 Medium None Detected Full Tolerable
Latakia laden blends can be, and usually are, both pungent and sweet/flavorful. Penzance leans a little more toward sweetness with a licorice-like taste. Burning qualities are fair to good but I would suggest some drying time before smoking. It has the most pronounced after taste of all the English blends I have tried that lingers, and lingers, and lingers. For some, this is a negative. Others may like it as it could hold you over until your next bowl. A good if not great tobacco tobacco but its after taste prompts my down rating from 4 stars to 3 stars.

I rate this tobacco 8.0 out of 10
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 31, 2004 Strong None Detected Very Full Tolerable
August 31, 2004.

Before beginning this review, please allow me to offer my thanks to the many people who have devoted their time and energy to offering so many excellent reviews on such a wide variety of pipe tobaccos. I am taking up the hobby again after a 10-year hiatus (once again, as a substitute for cigarettes), and websites like this one really enhance the experience. I live in Minnesota, USA, and in the summer and falltime I sit on my deck with my wirelessly-connected laptop and peruse the reviews as I try the various blends.

As for Penzance: I was impressed with the number of seasoned pipe smokers who rate this blend so highly. I recently purchased several new blends from, Penzance being one of them. To date, I had tried most of the Dunhill English blends, but had never smoked an English in a flake/crumble cake style. My first smoke was accomplished in a flame grain Ser Jacopo Picta Magritte (bent Dublin).

I really liked this tobac; I'd compare it favorably with the Dunhill 965, but the Penzance seems even smoother and more balanced. It has that great big creamy mouthfeel that I like so much (being a former cigar smoker), and the flavor changes slightly throughout the bowl but never becomes bitter or rancid. Also, I believe I used only two pipe cleaners throughout the entire (generously-sized) bowl, which for a mad puffer like me is truly amazing.

One other thing: I ordered this blend through the link on this page. The link takes you to the eight-ounce bulk package, without giving any indication that also offers it in the two-ounce tin (which it does). Not that I'm complaining, mind you--I foresee myslef smoking a lot more of this stuff.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2004 Medium Strong Full Very Strong
When I do feel in a Latakia mood, Penzance or one of the Dunhill blends are the only ones I consider, and I've tried many Englishes over the course of 20 years.

The highest compliment I can make of this tobacco is that, more often than not, it does not even seem like smoking . There is no sensation of smoke, just deep, rich, smooth flavor. Not as strong as Nightcap, btw, and easier to approach I think.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 19, 2002 Medium None Detected Full Tolerable
Oh my lord, where in the blazes have I been??? I just picked up a tin of this and when I first opened it, I want ugh. Then I filled my pipe, nothing fancy mind you, a Dunhill Patent ca. 1952, beautiful pipe but I digress. Anyway I loaded my pipe and put the fire to it and lo what an absolutely wonderful smoke! I have every intention of keeping this on hand. If I had to rate this on a scale of 1 to 10 it would rank a 9.5 easily. It's the best I've smoked thus far, and I am certain there are other tobaccos that rank as high or higher. I am just now getting my education in tobaccos. If they were all this good though, we would get mighty bored and have nothing to complain about. If you haven't tried this tobacco yet, then I can only ask one thing, what the devil is the matter with you?!? Get thyself to the nearest and get this, even if it turn out not to be your cup of tea, at least give it a try. I was also thoroughly impressed by how easy it rubbed out and how it packed, and once lit again, WOW! Try it, try it, try it!!
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