Villiger Late Night

A sweet satisfying blend of select Virginias and black cavendish flavored with Irish whiskey to bring a pleasant end to the day.
Notes: A classic mixture of bright Virginia from USA, Africa and Brazil blended with some fermented black cavendish. Genuine Irish whiskey and fresh honey provides this blend an exciting taste and flavor.


Brand Villiger
Series 1888
Blended By Stokkebye
Manufactured By Villiger
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Honey, Whisky
Cut Broken Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production No longer in production


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.26 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 19 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 18, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This is a nice broken flake with a good balance of flavor, and a little spice. The casing is not overly sweet, and the whiskey treatment gives it a not unpleasant bite on the tongue. This does not need much rubbing out, and when at the correct humidity lights easily and burns to bottom of the bowl with some tamping and a few relights. I would rate the smoking qualities of this VA as well above average.

The cavendish component of this mixture is very much in the background, which I like for a change. Instead of the cavendish providing the primary flavor component the VA's and whiskey create the main interplay of flavor, and the cavendish fills in the blanks.

This is not a complex smoke, but that is not a bad thing. Not every blend, and especially a VA flake (albeit broken) need's to provide multiple layers of flavor to be enjoyable. What you will get from this is a mild to medium bodied VA flavor with some sweetness from the cavendish and a little nip from the whiskey. It does provide a nice volume of smoke, which give a sense of richness which the blend itself does not have in the flavor department. The experience as a whole is very pleasant, and this is a solid three star (probably 3.5) experience if you enjoy this type of smoke.

I am not getting the nicotine that everyone is talking about. This is mild in all respects, and the strength at best approaches mild/medium status if you smoke a large bowl. If you think this is strong, then you simply have not smoked enough blends to know what a medium or strong blend feels like, or you are very sensitive to nicotine, which is on you and not the blend.

This is very tasty, smokes nice, and is offered at a fair price. Hard to go wrong here, and this would make a great beginners introduction to VA flake style tobaccos, as it is easy to smoke and does not bite.
Pipe Used: Ser Jacopo 1/4 bent smooth
Age When Smoked: 1.5 yrs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This is a great aromatic as aromatics go in my book. I will definitely have to get some more of this if I can find it. The rumor was that the whole 1888 line was going to be discontinued. This is a broken flake in a typical classy European tin presentation.

There is a pungent smell of Virginia and whiskey on the tin note with a touch of some fruitiness, perhaps from the virginia. The taste is great, particularly if you like your aros lightly topped as I do. The Virginia taste comes through throughout the smoke giving some real body to the smoke. This is one of those rare aros that can provide something for the smoker to enjoy rather than just for the pleasure of the passerby.

I think that fans of royal yacht or MacB Dark Twist will enjoy this blend. I actually prefer it over those two, but this is in the same ballpark, but with less nicotine. If I have a complaint about the blend, it is the name and its connotation as a nightcap smoke. It may very well be for others, but I prefer an even heavier bodied strong blend for my nightcaps

If I had to rate this as a nightcap, it would be lower, but rating this for what it is, an aromatic, I highly recommend it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 03, 2015 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
The Virginias are citrusy, and a little dark fruity with some earth and grass notes, and are the major tobacco components. The fermented black cavendish adds a smooth sweetness. The Irish whisky is more obvious at the beginning than at the finish, where it becomes more of a suggested flavor. The same is true of the honey, which notice a little less than I do the whisky. Both toppings are mildy applied. There’s a mild spice hit, and while I’m not sure where it’s coming from, I suspect it’s from one of the Virginias. The level of the spice varies throughout the smoke. Has a mild nic-hit. Won't bite. Burns at a moderate rate, cool and smooth with an inconsistent flavor. Leaves very little moisture at the finish, and needs a few relights. Can be an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2013 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
Well, indeed, it's a good choice in the late evening, when you're full of Ni and you want just to rest and relax with your pipe. Excelent, sweet, soft, raisin-like Va (there is sth in taste that reminds me Solani Virginia Flake) with just a touch of honey and whisky. When I smoke it I feel sun on my skin.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 25, 2016 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I really liked this blend, perhaps as much as Peterson's Irish Whiskey, which is a long time favorite. I could taste the whiskey just a bit more than with the Peterson's version, but never did taste the "honey" that reportedly has also been added. What I also really liked about this blend is the fact that the Virginia taste is so at the front. And quality Virginia to boot. No heat with quick puffing and I liked that because the super flavor of this one does raise the suck and puff meter.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 06, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
If pipe tobacco were like The Three Bears, this would be in Baby Bear's pipe. It's not too hot. It's not too cold. It's not too hard. It's not too soft. It is absolutely just right. The manufacturer says this Virginia is flavored with Irish whisky and honey. I note a slight sweetness to the tobacco, but I think it's more the tobacco, itself, than any casing. In fact, I don't notice anything other than the sweetness of the tobacco when I open the tin. I haven't had a bite on my tongue at all, and I get just the right hint of Vitamin N - not too much, not too little. I tried it on a lark, and I am glad I did. I would go out if my way to buy it again.
Pipe Used: Ropp Vintage Full Bent
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars . com
Age When Smoked: Only a few Days
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 13, 2013 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
On paper, this Virginia shouldn't work for me, but I'm on my 2nd tin. I'm the sort of smoker who would consider a more apt title for this variety, "Morning Fix" precisely because of its boldness and high nicotine content that others might enjoy just before bed.

Normally I enjoy Virginias that are brighter and more citrus-like, so the rum and honey flavoring (one wonders if its real or artificial) is a strange fit for me as well. It is a mild flavoring, but the mouth feel of the tobacco itself is a bit sharper than expected, but never approaches the bite of an overwhelming latakia. I do, however, have to puff carefully so as not to burn my tongue with a bowl of Late Night, but can smoke it more than twice in one day without a 2nd thought.

This one was a curve-ball for me, and definitely a separate sort of animal than my usual Virginias. It shares a shelf with my Navy Flake varieties for its strength and darker notes.

I would never steer anyone from trying out Villager's tin-o-flavor, Late Night. If the description sounds appealing to you, it might not be exactly what you expected, and that might be a good thing; it certainly widened my horizons for what a Virginia can be.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 03, 2012 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I've never been a connoisseur of aromatics flavoured with whisky, rum, etc., so I don't consider myself qualified to offer an in-depth review of this blend. However, I will say that Late Night is the ONLY such blend that I would ever consider smoking regularly. The tobaccos used are of excellent quality, and the topping is subtly applied. No real tongue bite here, unlike my experiences with these kinds of blends in the past.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 09, 2011 Mild Very Mild Medium Pleasant
Nothing fancy, but a good, easy to smoke blend at a great price. If I had read the description first, I might not have bought it, because I would have expected heavily cased cheap cavendish, but really I can hardly taste the whiskey topping, and there doesn't seem to be that much cavendish. There are some darker strands in this broken flake, but the appearance and taste is Danish mild Virginia. This would be a great blend to take on the road, because it is at perfect smoking moisture (almost dry) right out of the tin, and does not need to be broken up further, though it can be. A very typical mild Danish offering, and though I can't see it blowing anyone away with its brilliance, I could see myself cellaring a few tins since they are just over $5 each, and the user-friendly nature of the blend is a welcome break from my usual Lakeland flakes and plugs. I don't always want to deal with the prep work.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 03, 2011 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
When I cracked a tin of this and lit it up, I was immediately surprised that it has not received more attention. This is a very high quality tobacco. It's a bit rough around the edges, perhaps, and gets bitey if it's puffed too hard, but it has excellent VA flavor, nice body, and a pleasant amount of nicotine. I was reminded of Marlin Flake in the mid-tones, but to be honest I think I might like this better, with all due respect. It burns beautifully, and the whiskey topping, though very subtle, intensifies into a delicious background flavor after the mid-bowl point. Maybe the low price point is a factor in some luke-warm reviews I have seen of this stuff. It's a steal at the price, and is better than many much more expensive tobaccos. I recommend it highly!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2011 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Late Night … A coarsely rubbed out flake, medium brown in color with some yellow and dark strands here and there. Judging by the small amount of dark colors, I'd say this blend contains only a small amount of black Cavendish. Tin (50g) aroma is of mostly tobacco, and something else, typical of tobaccos from Denmark.

The moisture content is right on for me, I like my tobacco a bit dry. So I just folder the longer strands and stuffed the bowl, with no additional rub out. Light up is sure and quick, kind of special, for a flake tobacco. Once underway, there is plenty of tasty smoke, more than many Virginias I've tried. Overall mild, dry and completely bite free, with a flavor that reminds me of Sail Yellow (also Danish), only smoother, and a bit higher in nicotine, A tad too mild for my every day smoke but never the less, real nice. I'd say there is probably at least some burley in this mixture, but subdued, with the typical flavor of Danish Virginias being most evident. Overall the best word to describe this blend is “gentle” but still tasty and flavorful, you can mindlessly smoke bowl after bowl, fast or slow and still it stays friendly. I can see this stuff becoming very popular over time, and as of this writhing, a good $$ value. So if this sounds like your kind of smoke, give it a try. 3 stars My personal rating 4/5
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