Sillem's Black

Extravagant is the right word to characterize this mixture. We have revolutionized the traditional old English art of blending. The main ingredient is the finest spicy smoky latakia. By adding highly aromatic black cavendish, this blend becomes smoother. A small portion of burley gives a slight toasted aroma, and a pinch of bright Virginia brings a subtle sweet note. Mellow, but yet full bodied aromas of honey and fruit essences result in a unique flavor. This tobacco will surely be a delight.
Notes: This tobacco is listed as English Aromatic on the website ""


Brand Sillem's
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Latakia, Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus, Honey
Cut Ready Rubbed
Packaging 100 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.42 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 108 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 11, 2013 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It's quite strange, a latakiya blend with strong aroma of cherry, makes this blend a smokey cherry aromatic. I really don't like the tin packaging, is not good. The smoke is great but must enjoy it slowly, must draw slowly and longer to get a good smoke.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 22, 2010 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
The best English/Aromatic I have ever smoked... hands down.

The tobacco nose from the tin is Latakia. The flavor at the match is robust, smokey and semi-sweet. I can readily taste the casing as well as the "campfire" flavor of the Latakia. Neither overwhelms and the "English" part of the flavor dominated... slightly.

The only drawback (and it is just a personal thing), is lack of strength. Still, for a fun, different and delightful smoke, Sillem's Black is just the ticket.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 12, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
The smoky, woody sweet Cyprian latakia tends to lead the other tobaccos a little, but the nutty, toasty, earthy, lightly molasses sweet burley plays an important second position. The description mentions that there’s spice in the latakia, which had to be added by a topping before being blended into the mix. It’s prevalent all the way through to the finish. The rich vanilla from the black cavendish acts in a support role. The grassy, citrusy Virginia is a background player. It’s hard to define all the toppings, but the ones I notice are, in order of importance, dark berry, cherry, honey, mango and marshmallow. I suspect there’s another fruit essence or two, as well as an obvious incense/floralness that reminds me of rose. These toppings sublimate the tobaccos quite a bit, but doesn’t totally drown them out. The strength threshold is a little closer to medium than it is to mild. The taste level sits squarely on medium. Has a mild to medium nic-hit. Won’t bite or get harsh. The tobacco is a little moist, but doesn’t need much, if any, dry time. Burns cool at a slightly slow pace with a mostly consistent flavor, though it does occasionally have a very light syrup note. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires a few relights. Has a very pleasant, sweet, floral, spicy, lingering after taste. It’s a filling all day smoke for the experienced aromatic smoker.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 28, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I don't smoke a lot of aromatics. I was a bit blown away when I tried Sillem's Copenhagen. I really like that one. Thought I'd try this one due to the high ratings and I'm very glad I did.

There is an underlying light English "flavor" that works as a base here. English blends are my favorite so that works well for me. The aromatic flavors are cherry, vanilla, honey, and some other things that I can't quite pick up on. The honey, as any good honey will, has a nice floral note. The sum total is delicious. Very pleasing and enjoyable.

Doesn't have to be dried, but it does burn just a bit better if you do. Mild in body. Mild to medium in taste. The added flavorings are also mild to medium.

As with Copenhagen, it can burn a little warm if you get carried away. I've been known to do that with blends that taste really good. This is a nice addition to my very small stash of aromatics. I'll always keep some of this around. 3+

EDIT: 3/5/15 I'm raising this to 4 stars. This has become my favorite aro.
Pipe Used: MM General
Age When Smoked: 2 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 24, 2011 Mild Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
There mere fact that this is a latakia based aromatic should tell you that you are in for something profoundly different. The latakia, as the blend notes above denote, is the predominate flavor, and it is wonderful. It looks like latakia and cavendish in the tin, and that is what it smells like, for the most part. The aromatic essence has more of a lakeland quality than anything to my nose, and smokes more "floral" than "berry." It is certainly not overbearing, and does not knock you over like some of the famous English Lakeland aromatics.

I have to disagree with the few reviewers who described this as having an artificial or chemical component. I, like them, can only speculate, but this does not behave like a tobacco which has been treated in that fashion. For one, it is not goopy, and dries very quickly when out of the tin. Second, it does not bite like many cheap aromatics do which have been loaded with sugar and flavors to make them taste like something other than lawn clippings.

It is a cool smoke, and takes a little effort to get it going. Once lit, it burns evenly, with few relights as long as you pay attention. The smoke is rich and voluminous. There is latakia up front, but also the cavendish and VA providing backbone, and that lovely casing which is there in the taste as well as the aroma. It really does not "taste" fruity to me, but that might just be due to the transformative aspects of fire on the blend.

Overall this is very unique, has fine burn qualities, and a wonderful rich flavor.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 19, 2013 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
Granted, latakia and berry casing aren't the most intuitive combination, but Sillem's has managed to work up a very satisfying blend. One that is evocative an old sort of store that carries really fine leather horse tack for English-style riding wherein is mingled the scents of sweet alfalfa hay and various aromatic liniments. Somehow Sillem's has translated this redolence into taste in a delicious, well-behaved and sophisticated aromatic.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 05, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Delicious tin note - cherry, chocolate latakia. Like a rich chocolate cake. Slightly bitter smoke, can taste a hint of sweetness through the latakia. The latakia is mild tasting. Very enjoyable especially as a dessert smoke.
Pipe Used: Missouri meerschaum eaton cob
PurchasedFrom: Smoking pipe online
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 03, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Very Pleasant
I saw this in my local B&M and decided to take a chance on a tin. The first thing I didn't like right after opening is the plastic bag the tobacco is in and the second is the tin doesn't come vacuum packed. So I was surprised when I lit this up and there was not an overpowering taste to it, in fact it is on the underpowering side (if there is such a place). There is no tongue bite and the taste and room note are quite pleasing for the smoker and those nearby. You should get some compliments from passersby. The combination of tobaccos is first rate and whatever they use for a flavoring is done with moderation. It lights and stays lit easily enough and there is a fine ash at the bottom of the pipe when you finish. Overall, recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 13, 2013 Mild Extra Strong Medium Very Pleasant
This blend is is an Aromatic. If you're a big fan of Latakia English blends and their Balkan, Oriental cousins this blend will not be for you. Not a crossover blend in my view.

The tin is not sealed, simply a cellophane bag closed with tape and placed inside the tin. A bit concerning since there must be a tonne of added humectants. First nose is massive amounts of cherry and vanilla, with zero Latakia. After emptying the bag into a mason jar the bag itself had a slight smokiness to it.

Packs well, lights well and burns to a nice clean powdery ash, not gooey nor wet. A fairly cool smoke; however, can bite if rushed; obviously quality leaf.

The blending is expertly done, huge amounts of cherry yet rather mellow. The best cherry blend I've had, not that I'm an aromatic connoisseur. Disappointingly the Latakia never does show-up, it's used to make the cherry deeper/broader and does add a bit of depth "smoking satisfaction". Unlike most Aromatics which are far too bland and cannot deliver apart from pleasant aromas. This blend is also low in nicotine, not that I care but others do.

It's recommended to either to use one of your aromatic briars or if this becomes a favourite dedicate a few. I would not use my English pipes, it ghosts a lot despite the well behaved nature of the casings.

Unfortunately, every-time I smoke Sillem's I end up with a wicked headache due to the casing agents, humectants, and chemical additives therefore I cannot recommend this blend.

If however, you're looking for an English with a hint of aromatic sweet black cavendish I would highly recommend Boswell's North Woods the room note is definitely Latakia although the aromatic combines to make something which reminds me of Catholic High Mass and Frankincense and it tastes great too.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 03, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Full Very Pleasant
I've got it NOW!! For months I have been struggling to determine the predominant note in this tobacco and couldn't put my finger on it until today...its Frankenberry Cereal!! This is my all time favorite smoke, a PURE DELIGHT. It is UNLIKE ANY OTHER AROMATIC you will find. It also has hints of blueberry pop tarts and marshmallow! and A DESSERT TREAT that goes perfectly with a great cup of coffee. WOW! If you have not yet tried SB order a tin ASAP and get ready for something wonderfully DIFFERENT.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 03, 2017 Medium Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Sillem's - Black.

The nose from the tin is unmistakably aromatic: fruity and sweet. It's not particularly damp, like a lot of heavy-smelling aromatics can be. In fact, the moisture's great! It's presented as a coarse cut mixture, of which the bright yellow Virginia pieces are the largest. It light's easily.

The toppings pair well in the smoke. The fruit/citrus are prevented from becoming too sharp by an aromatic sweetness from the honey. Not a gloopy, sticky, sweetness that can emanate from sugar, but more charismatic. Where the tobaccos are concerned, the stronger of the flavours are vanilla from the black cavendish, and a rich Latakia note. Although the Lat's presence is unquestionable, it isn't an outright smoky flavour, it has more depth. The Burley and Virginia are miles behind, these give very little in comparison. The burn from it can't be argued with, being even and cool, and I get no tongue bite.

Nicotine: medium. Room-note: well, it's Sunday afternoon and my wife's allowing me to smoke it in the living room with her, so it must be very pleasant!

This is a well accomplished blend, not my favourite aromatic, but still worth four stars:

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Peterson 150th Anniversary Founders Edition
Age When Smoked: New
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