Solani 656: Aged Burley Flake

Notes: Blender R.L. Will developed a unique toasting process to enhance the natural sweetness of this blend. No sugar has been added. As of 2022, licorice is the main flavoring "with a hint of chocolate", as per the label. The burleys on the tin are now listed as white burley only.


Brand Solani
Blended By R.L. Will
Manufactured By Kohlhase & Kopp
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley
Flavoring Cocoa / Chocolate, Licorice
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.41 / 4





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Displaying 91 - 100 of 267 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 18, 2009 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This is the best burley flake tobacco around. It delivers a solid, rich burley flavor unadulterated by toppings like the goop which laces Lane's "Burley Light Without A Bite." It burns evenly and not too hot. It is not identical to Wessex Burley Slice, but has a deeper, fuller body. I only have two reservations about this magnificent tobacco: The room note is not as pleasant as you would expect from the taste, and it dries out quickly once the tin is opened. Remedy: Smoke more of it more often.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 05, 2009 Very Strong Extremely Mild Full Pleasant to Tolerable
First, let me start by respectfully correcting one reviewer's comments below. This is NOT produced by Orlik of Denmark...this is produced by R.L. Will in Germany. Also, with 20 years of burley fanaticism under my belt, and good relationships with the importers of both the fine Wessex Burley Slices and the Aged Burley flake I can say with the utmost certainty that the two are NOT "exactly the same"

To clarify: The Solani has a greater proportion of Flue Cured which accounts for it's slightly darker color and stronger body and flavor. What does appear to be the same, however, is the method of casing which seems to be a traditional (For Burley)combination of Cocoas, Licorice and perhaps a drop of rum.

Strength: Either way, The Solani Aged Burley is certainly a great tobacco. I would call this a full strength+ blend..while certainly not as powerful as some of the Lakeland tobaccos, this flake has a potency that, combined with it's chocolaty smoothness, can sneak up on you! (Wessex, while full-ish bodied, has a slightly nuttier flavor and decidedly less kick.

Flavoring: As far as a top note, this seems to be topped only with a bit of molasses as a humectant. The aromas of cocoa and (ever so slightly) licorice seem to be leftover from the casing process (used to mellow the tobacco and remove bitterness).

Room Note: The "Old Pipe Shop" aroma from fine burley's like those made by Peretti are extant here, but somewhat overpowered by the dark fired which lend a bit more "Tang" to the aroma.

Taste: Nutty and full with a deep dark sweetness.

Those who smoke McB Navy Flake, Orlik Golden Sliced, Wessex Burley Slices, or Peterson University flake and wish to try a fuller bodied relative should smoke this wonderfully well done flake.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2009 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Solani's Aged Burley Flake has managed to attract superlatives like a naked Alaskan attracts frostbite. And that's a testament to the wisdom and taste of the reviewers on this site.

Taken in the right context, this is a remarkably pure, truly outstanding tobacco. It's beautiful to look at, redolent of cocoa and dried fruit in the tin, and it smokes as cleanly as any top quality flake available today. My occasional forays into the world of straight Burley are lifted by this lovely stuff.

What this delicious stuff lacks (and most 4 star tobaccos have) is complexity. Then again, looking for complexity in a straight Burley--even a mature one--is kind of like searching a pot-hole puddle for a nice juicy salmon. It just ain't there. And it's not supposed to be.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 09, 2008 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
I have to say that i LOVE this blend. I was lucky to get hold of this tin from my very dear friend Pipestud a few months ago.

I was hesitant to open it at first, it was when my current tin of Briar Fox somehow caught fire in an unusual number of very small but very cool fires that i was looking for an evening replacement. I was not planning on opening any of my aging tins of BF so, judging by the reviews, i thought this would be ideal based on the VitN content.

The best way i can describe the taste is to say that it has a deep, toasty, nutty taste that i kinda find Old Worldsy. It burns for a long time even in a small bowl and i find it most satisfying. I have a little Meer ( have lots of those ) dedicated to this blend and i will whip it out when in need of a relaxing no frills medium to strong smoke.

I did find it to be moist upon popping the tin and let it dry for around 24 hours until almost crispy. The flakes does remind me of University Flake in look and smell ( minus the berry ) and i felt immediately at home once i lit it up.

Good Stuff

Mo, South Africa
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 14, 2008 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Didnt think i would like this blend(not a burly fan) BUT WOW love it!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 23, 2008 Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I've not met a Solani blend yet that I don't like. This lovely flake is no exception. I normally rub this out and let it dry 15 minutes before loading. The tobacco burns slowly, to a fine white ash. I would describe this beauty as follows: think of MacBaren's Burley....a little less sweet....a little darker taste....a little stronger in the nicotene department.......very little bite......There you go.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 10, 2007 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
Update 10 SEP 07

Well, well...I've tried it in a briar pipe, and we don't get along...funny, I like it in a Meershaum, but dislike it in a briar!

I think my taste buds are just not compatible with the all burley flake.

Final verdict: I highly recommend it in a Meershaum, but cannot pronounce myself about a briar, because of the incompatibility of my taste buds with the Burley bakkie. If that makes sense to you lads...

Update 22 AUG 07

After 4-5 pipe fulls, I like the bakkie as much, it definitely goes with the Meerschaum; I haven't tried it in a briar yet, maybe later. I will review my impressions with the briar.

The taste is of pure tobacco, slighty nutty, sometimes a bit bitter but it never lasts long, a second or two. What I've noticed is that upon relighting, the first few puffs will be a bit bitter, sort of like a natural almond taste, then the pure tobacco and nutty taste kick right back in.

Being my first good attempt at an all Burley blend, I must say this leaf is certainly interesting. I get a high satisfaction out of it, especially on the taste side: this mixture is simply incitating me to smoke more and more! I'm sure the fans of Burley blends know what I am talking about...

I am impressed by Solani Aged Burley Flake.

I will rebuy this bakkie and it will now be on a regular basis! This mixture is, honestly, addictive.

I must upgrade it to highly recommended. This baby is a winner!

19 AUG 07

Solani's Aged Burley this is what burley is all about!

I am far from the disastrous experience of Cornell & Diehl's Safe Harbor Flake.

Before I say anything, I must confess: I am sold to Solani's blends, and I feel no shame about it, only pride and joy. Yes sir. But I am objective, nevertheless.

When I opened the tin, I was welcomed by mostly brown, dark brown and just a few golden shades; surprisingly, the Bakkie smelled like cigarettes, let's say Player's filters. More like Canadian than American cigarette tobacco... I was surprised by the tin aroma, this is not what I expected from an all burley flake, but it's only due to my lack of experience with that type of blend...I was anticipating something more like a nutty, somehow more sweet smell. But, mind you, the next day, the cigarette aroma is gone, replaced by the smell of solid natural tobacco with a tiny, very subtle sweetness in the background. Nice. And the flakes - real ones! are beautiful.

The moisture level is ideal and I couldn't resist filling up my Meerschaum immediately, 'cause I've been very receptive to all Burley blends recently. Out of curiosity, I guess...

The goddamn bakkie is great! I cannot describe the taste of it, the Meershaum still has some remains of Solani's whiskey, but barely already...the bakkie smokes evenly, the burning is easy and it has a subtle, very discreet nutty after taste combined with a tiny bitter, but not unpleasant, undertone.

Past third-bowl, the whiskey taste is gone, replaced by the burley. The Meershaum likes the all burley flake, I can assure you: this bakkie tastes like pure tobacco, nothing added. All it tastes like is pure, unaltered tobacco. Surprising but exciting at the same time!

Recommended - very diferent bakkie! I don't think it will become a regular smoke but I will buy more when I will want a different smoke to enjoy...
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 13, 2007 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Solani has generally not disappointed me in the past and this blend is no exception. Nicely prepared brownish flakes ~ 3/4"x3"x1/16" give off a great, true tobacco aroma from the tin. I don't rub out my flakes and had some problems with numerous relights initially but they were caused by my packing technique. Once I mastered the proper method & looser packing for this moisture content and pliability, those problems disappeared and a cool smoke without condensation resulted. Although the strength was fine and this smoke was not bitter to the end, I prefer the sweeter taste from my VAs and VaPers. Certainly worth a try if you enjoy burleys.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 03, 2007 Strong Mild Full Pleasant
It is really nice to see all of the great Burleys that are now being blended. This great leaf is no longer associated just with junky drugstore blends. Now you have wonderful Burleys like Uhle's 255, Pease's Barbary Coast, Wilke's Nut Brown Burley and Wessex' Burley Flake. All being wonderful tobaccos in their own right, although my personal favorites are the tobacs from Uhles and the Wessex flake.

Solani's entry is very, very similar to Wessex' Burley Flake, which itself reminds me of Edgeworth Slices. Solani's entry, however, is quite a bit stronger. This tobacco comes in flake form and is relatively dry. Break it up a bit and pack - but don't worry too much about it. Easy to light and keep lit irrespective of the preparation. Burns very dry. A bit of dottle but not too much. Full burley taste (perhaps toasted), gently sweet (in a natural burley manner - not cased), good aroma. Healthy kick of nicotine.

A worthy entry and something you should try if you are a Burley fan - particularly if you are a fan of Edgeworth. But it is stronger to me.

High marks all around although a bit too full for all-day consumption.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 14, 2007 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
The story goes that Rudiger Will worked on this blend for a year and still was not satisfied. Just prior to giving up, he experimented with toasting at various times and temperatures, finally finding the right combination to bring out a subtle sweetness that one tastes in Aged Burley Slices.

Subsequently I have discovered my favorite burley blend of all time, displacing former favorites such as Haunted Bookshop, Edgeworth Sliced, Nut Brown Burley, and Burley Slice by Wessex. With all the anxiety we're feeling about the effects of the anti-smoking movement, we sure have a lot of great tobacco blends to choose from, don't we? It seemed that the loss of Edgeworth Sliced was going to leave us without a top-shelf burley flake, then along comes Burley Slice and now Aged Burley Flake. Lucky for me, Aged Burley Flake is just perfect, IMHO.

Its nutty taste and perfect smoking characteristics make it the one burley flake that I can smoke all-day long. In the morning with a cup or two of coffee, ABF is about as good as any smoking/beverage combination as I have found. If you're still mourning the loss of Edgeworth Sliced, you obviously haven't tried Aged Burley Flake.
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