Sutliff Tobacco Company No.150 Mark Twain
A new pipe tobacco from A&C Peterson designed with Mark Twain in mind. Made with selected choice tobaccos, this blend has a striking, rich aroma. A wonderful Danish style aromatic, with great taste and no bite.
Notes: Now made by the Sutliff Tobacco Company under their banner as per Smoking Pipes website: "Previously known as an A&C Peterson blend, No.150 Mark Twain now flies under the Sutliff banner. A Danish-style aromatic, this mix of black cavendish, burley, and Virginia is known for its creamy aromatic flavors and mild strength, making for an easy smoke and a pleasing room note."
Brand | Sutliff Tobacco Company |
Blended By | Carl McAllister |
Manufactured By | Sutliff Tobacco Company |
Blend Type | Aromatic |
Contents | Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia |
Flavoring | Other / Misc |
Cut | Ribbon |
Packaging | Bulk |
Country | United States |
Production | Currently available |
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming
Average Rating
3.00 / 4
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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 Reviews
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Mar 26, 2013 | Very Mild | Extremely Mild | Very Mild | Very Pleasant |
In Theory,is a Danish Mixture: Sweet Virginia with Sweet Cavendish Tobaccos.
During smoking, in the Pipe, it evolves a creamy smoke with a very good rom note, but is basic this...
In my re-avaluation, it may be good for begginers,or for people that enjoy low Nicotine ammount.
During smoking, in the Pipe, it evolves a creamy smoke with a very good rom note, but is basic this...
In my re-avaluation, it may be good for begginers,or for people that enjoy low Nicotine ammount.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Dec 09, 2006 | Mild | Medium | Mild | Pleasant |
Seems to be a moist, high quality flake with a strong aromatic quality. It is sweet like cotton candy or confectioner's sugar, but not so much so that is is gross. After breaks when I went to puff again there was a unique and different taste/aroma that I couldn't place my finger on. It would be there, then it was gone. I realized that it was play dough (the smell reminded of it anyway)...I know that probably sounds bad, but it wasn't at all. Reminded me of carmelized sugar. The taste wasn't nearly as sweet as the aroma but it was more soft and (marsh)mellowish. As I said it was moist so there was a little gurgling but even my English and VAs do that on occasion which might be me more than the tobacco.
It lit readily using the Frank method, burned evenly and smelled great. I'm away from aromatics so it wouldn't be a favorite of mine but, like I said, it seemed to me to be of high quality. I could see where an aromatic lover might fall all over themselves for this one. English lovers will curl up and die.
It lit readily using the Frank method, burned evenly and smelled great. I'm away from aromatics so it wouldn't be a favorite of mine but, like I said, it seemed to me to be of high quality. I could see where an aromatic lover might fall all over themselves for this one. English lovers will curl up and die.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Jul 26, 2017 | Very Mild | Very Mild | Extremely Mild (Flat) | Pleasant |
I think I expected something special from this tobacco because of all the glowing reviews. What I received was too moist, so I left the bag open all night, and then left it open for a few weeks. Surprisingly, it did not dry out and the steaminess interferes with the flavor. Add to this that it smokes hot and is just a bit sludgey. No nic hit, which is good.
I wanted to like it because, doggone it, who doesn't like Mark Twain, but it just has not compared well to my favorites, Carter Hall, Sutliff Match Flying Dutchman, John Bull and MacBarens Plumcake. Two stars.
I left the bag open for several months and it dried out enough to be smokable. My rating goes up to 2-1/2 stars.
I wanted to like it because, doggone it, who doesn't like Mark Twain, but it just has not compared well to my favorites, Carter Hall, Sutliff Match Flying Dutchman, John Bull and MacBarens Plumcake. Two stars.
I left the bag open for several months and it dried out enough to be smokable. My rating goes up to 2-1/2 stars.
Pipe Used:
corn cob
in bulk from smoking
Age When Smoked:
fresh out of the bag, and left open to dry
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Nov 08, 2018 | Mild to Medium | Extremely Mild | Mild | Pleasant |
If what they says about Mark Twain is true, that his taste is tobacco leaned toward cheap harsh tobacco, then this blend is aptly named. It is billed as a danish, but it is likely the worst danish I have tried. The tobacco itself was up to Sutliff standards,lit and burned well. The taste just wasn't there for me.
Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked:
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Jun 20, 2015 | Mild | None Detected | Medium | Unnoticeable |
To me the smell doesn't equal taste. Doesn't strike me as an aromatic. Not bad of a blend of you want smooth but no flavoring. When I smoke aromatic I want flavor and this doesn't have it. Not a bad smoke but not my cup of tea.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Apr 13, 2023 | Mild | Medium | Mild to Medium | Pleasant |
I really wanted to like this one more than I did. It was a decent smoke and it came with an ok moisture content. I guess the taste of the flavorings wasn't strong enough to fill in the lack of tobacco taste. I couldn't figure out what was going on with the flavorings either. It wasn't bad, but not great either. I'm glad I tried a couple ounces to satisfy my curiosity, you should do the same. Definitely don't buy a whole bunch until you've tried it though.
Pipe Used:
Age When Smoked: