Cornell & Diehl Sweet English

Long cut Cavendish, Virginia, toasted Burley and Latakia flavored with caramel and vanilla. A little more aromatic than Big Ben.
Notes: This was an Amar Blends Co. mixture. Cornell and Diehl bought the rights of all their old recipes.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Amar Blends Co.
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Latakia, Virginia
Flavoring Alcohol / Liquor, Brandy, Caramel, Vanilla, Whisky
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.83 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 18 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 27, 2015 Very Strong Extremely Mild Full Strong
Perhaps I was sent the wrong tobacco, because my experience of this C&D Sweet English is that it's an absolutely appalling tobacco. It seems to be a rather spicey English blend that has had some vanilla added in the background. Problem is: the spiciness of the basic blend is so powerful that it makes a complete mockery of the word 'sweet'. This stuff is certainly not sweet. Hot, yes. Spicey, yes. Sweet, no. A loathesome tobacco that had a horrible taste, excessive heat and spiciness, and no hint of anything sweet. In fact my experience was so bad that I threw away my 2oz sample after two pipefuls. Quite possibly I was sent the wrong stuff by my supplier, because I usually hold C&D tobaccos in high regard.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 03, 2017 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The long cut cavendish, Virginia and toasted burley provide some grass, earth, citrus, a light dark fruitiness, and toasted nuts. I’m not certain where the spice notes comes from. The smoky, woody sweet Cyprian latakia is a team player, sometimes is more noticeable than other times. The caramel is the most prominent topping with the vanilla offering able support. I also perceive an essence of whiskey in the background. The toppings do sublimate the tobaccos to a moderate degree. The taste level is a little closer to mild than it is to medium. The nic-hit is mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable pace with a little inconsistency in the flavor presentation. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasant after taste. Can be an all day aromatic English smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 15, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Strange blend. The name really says it all. Its a sweet english. Its a rather traditional english blend similar to Dunhill's 965. In the background is a wonderful caramel flavoring. The flavoring really makes this blend stand out. Mild and sweet in the background of a fantastic english blend. The room note is actually very pleasant. Somehow the caramel casing comes out above the latakia in the room note making this an oddly aromatic english blend. Long story short Sweet English tastes like an english with the background note of caramel and smells like caramel with the background note of latakia. Interesting, odd, and lovely.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 17, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This is really a delightful tobacco. First impressions showed a mix of ribbon and dark leaf in the bag of C&D'S usual quality. I could not stand the initial aroma. Reminded me of movie popcorn butter. I gagged. Let it air overnight. Next morning was more caramel and vanilla extract with a smoky Latakia undertone.

I initially smoked with great trepidation in a Grabow "big pipe" I use for aromatics. no filter and have sampled about 7-8 bowls of this. The closest styled tobacco I can compare this to is Samuel Gawith Chocolate Flake and Altadis Count Pulaski....flavored aromatics with Latakia.

Tobacco lights and burns without fuss. The initial flavors/aromas are caramel and sweet with Latakia more in the background. mid bowl, the flavoring becomes less pronounced and the burley taste and Latakia smokiness takes control. Near the end a little virginia sweetness is periodically discerned. But, it must be noted that this mixture is never Latakia fwd, nor do the aromatic qualities disappear. The room note pleasant, but does have some Latakia which I love, but some others find unpleasant.

I recommend this blend. It's a winner and a good change of pace tobacco when you want to sample aromatics or something unique without the negatives of typical aromatics like gurgling, etc. It's well behaved and burns all the way down. Give it a try.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 18, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I always get a chuckle when I read a Review about a tobacco and the Reviewer says he smoked 1 or 2 bowls and then pitches the tobacco and says it's Garbage. I have found that such a dismissive attitude usually short changes any attempt to give a blend a fair review. Such is the case with Sweet English. If I had only smoked 1 bowl I would have have probably written it off. It wasn't very good. Still intrigued - I thought I'd sit with it for a few days and try this tobacco in different pipes - which I think everyone should do before posting a review of any Tobacco.

So let me save any future experimenters some time and money.

Sweet English is not Sweet. It is an off dry tobacco blend that is semi sweet or off dry if we use wine tasting notes. The bag aroma has a strange "buttered popcorn" smell that can be off putting. The taste has an unusual combination of American English tobacco taste with Carmel, butter and vanilla notes. It smokes dry and can burn quickly due to the humidity level of the tobacco. The buttered popcorn flavor somehow translates itself into the taste and if anything is off putting I'd probably identify this flavoring as the culprit.

To continue - it does not taste anything like Dunhill 965 and nor would even come close to 965 even if the toppings were removed. There is burly taste that sometimes imbues the smoke with a slightly bitter taste but such is the case with a lot of C&D tobaccos - I believe that the Burly tobaccos they use are natural and untreated - Hence the bitter taste. The bitterness eventually smooths out and does not detract in any way as one progresses through the smoke.

That being said what you do have is an interesting blend that can be smoked any time during the day. A cross over English that might satisfy both smoker's who prefer either English or Aromatic tobaccos. It is refined and subtle despite the burly hiccups I mentioned before. Those looking for Lat Bombs or Sweet sugary blends should look elsewhere. This is a crossover blend that shows some restraint.

I have been smoking this blend for several days and I am glad I gave it a chance as it took several bowls to appreciate it. Can't say it will be in my rotation but I am glad I gave this one a good solid try. Interesting and unique but ultimately not Sweet enough for me.
Pipe Used: Charatan
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
A very nice blend. The underlying (American) English is very tasty. Would be good all by itself. The addition of the "caramanilla" flavoring adds a very nice touch. More caramel than vanilla, but both are detectable. A very pleasing aro. Mild to medium in body and flavor. Great change of pace for me.
Pipe Used: MM General, MM Country Gentleman
Age When Smoked: fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 08, 2013 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The first scent of the tobacco was decidedly "agricultural" - a somewhat unpleasant odour, but strangely not off-putting!! The smoky 'haze' of latakia, although there, was certainly NOT predominant in the tin aroma, though, happily, it is present in the smoke [much to the annoyance of occassional by-standers at this smokers residence!!] and in the taste.

The tobacco, after lighting, is one of the most pleasant experiences I have enjoyed since returning to the pipe earlier this year! Smooth, with an edge that is pleasantly 'unbalanced,' cool, rich smoke if smoked vigorously and a good "slow" burn if allowed to relax.

As this tobacco was tried after a month or so of C&D 'light aromatic therapy' [Autumn Evening, Milk & Honey] to restore my palate after some truly awful stuff bought from local suppliers here in Australia, the impression left was of a strong stone-built house with solid, unmoveable foundations [metaphorically speaking] - a tobacco to lean on when others seem to fail. Not flashy, or really grand and outstanding, just relaiable, like a good friend. I doubt that Sweet English would offend a young smoker broadening their horizons - you do not need to like latakia blends as there IS a modest sweetness here, but NOT of invert sugar compounds liberally added to hide low-quality leaf!! NO: The leaf seems quite acceptable - the Cavendish does not overpower with sweetness, the virginia brightens it a little and the blending has produced a fairly-well balanced mixture.

My bulk supply was at about the right moisture content to smoke well and I haven't had to dry it out at all. One minor incident though: I left the tobacco jar unsealed with about 3oz therein. When re-moistening, I found it hard to get 'back' to the optimum moisture level. Perhaps I'm getting a bit finicky in my "maturity," or the tobacco is a bit that way. Irrespective, after a bit of fiddling, I'm smoking through the 're-juvenated' leaf with the note that the 'agricultural' smell has been reduced, and the very mild caramel-like taste of the "original" is now a little more pronounced!! For me - no problems.
Mme Nic O'Tine is there in the last 1/3rd of the bowl, but only a 'threat' if you smoke too far down into the dottle!!
Pipe Used: Asstd. Petersons & Stanwells
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 16, 2017 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I recently received a sample of this that was finished in two large bowls, so I did not have a very long time with it; however, I did enjoy the two bowls I had. I thought the name to be an apt description for what I tasted based on both my descriptions of English and sweet.

I found this to be in the same vein as PS English Luxury and Oriental Supreme. These types of blends make a perfect switch for someone who is lat curious and is currently smoking aros, but they also offer a nice change up for veteran smokers who want some occasional sweetness.

Some reviews have bashed this as being something akin to a captain black with the topping overwhelming things. I found the topping to be well applied and more highlighting the underlying leaf rather than smothering the same. There was clearly some vanilla notes, the caramel was less evident to my tongue, but after reading the contents it makes sense. The latakia does wonderful things with these flavorings. I also picked up some lemony citrus notes and perhaps this is the result of the Virginia. I am not really sure where it came from, but it added to my enjoyment of the blend.

The latakia is there and adds its smokiness and creaminess, but does not overwhelm at all, which is a good thing as I think too much lat mixed with flavored toppings is a little weird.

I am going to buy more of this one, but will stop short of the impulse to give it four stars as I have had other blends that swept me off my feet after a few bowls, but let me down later. for now I am putting a safe three stars and will return to this one after several more bowls.
Pipe Used: Dunhill Grp 6 panel billiard & Wozniak bent apple
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2015 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
This is quite nice for a Mild English. The topping does not overwhelm the palette. In fact, the topping helps to round out and augment the natural tobacco flavors.
Pipe Used: Neerup Freehand
Age When Smoked: Right outta da box.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 31, 2014 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I love a mild English blend, and I really like vanilla. The aromatic tobacco's I've put in the rotation have generally been vanilla flavored. I gave this one a try, and boy, did I like it. The English flavor comes through with the added sweetness from the caramel and vanilla. I notice the caramel more than the vanilla. The flavor while smoking is more mild English, with a bit of sweetness, so the blend name is quite descriptive. The more I've smoked it, the more I've noticed the burley.

After just about finishing my first couple of ounces, I ordered some more and have added this to the rotation. It's nice for dessert, and it worked this morning as a morning blend with my tea. I have devoted two pipes to it, and I may add another two or three.

Others have compared the flavor to 965. I don't find them that similar. I find it closer to a couple of Sutliff's Red Lion blends or Lane's HGL - English blends with an aromatic topping or casing.
Pipe Used: Ropp billiard and panel billiard
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 15, 2014 Medium Medium Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Initial lighting I gave this great caramel taste with a hint of latakia english. It was one of the smoothest smoking and lighting I have ever encountered. It smokes long and light if you choose.

The strength was of a mild english. Towards the end the caramel kind of faded and turned into something that reminded me of 965, and a strong C & D english.

The main taste I got was caramel however. The Latakia kept it smooth, and smokey, and complex.

The room note was good, but weird. The wife described it as nougaty, and woodsy, but enjoyable. I enjoyed it.

In the end it was a great smoke, and one I would highly recommend to all smokers.
Pipe Used: AKB Freehand Meerschaum, Peterson System (Bent)
PurchasedFrom: Smoking Pipes
Age When Smoked: New
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