Peter Stokkebye Highland Whiskey (No.38)

Mild to medium flue-cured Virginias from Zimbabwe and the Carolina's blended with sweet Black Cavendish and a hint of toasted white Burley. Tobacco cut: Loose cut and Cavendish. Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Generously laced with aged whiskey from the Scottish highlands for flavor.


Brand Peter Stokkebye
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Whisky
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.69 / 4





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Displaying 31 - 39 of 39 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 13, 2008 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
COMMENTS: Whiskey flavor is mild but enjoyable. Allow to dry for many hours prior to smoking it. Once dry it is a fine smoke, although not one I'd write home about. (Instead, I'm writing you about it.) If I were given more I would not throw it out. I might mix it with a little more VA to increase its strength slightly.

CONS: Exceedingly wet. Difficult to light, impossible to keep lit until dried out more. Lacks nicotine kick.

PROS: Mild, with virtually no bite whatsoever. Room note is pretty good. For those who enjoy light aromatics this is probably a 3-star blend due to decent taste (when smoked slowly and dried out) and nice room note.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 25, 2007 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
I was at Rupp Arena and passed a Straus tobacconist store before entering. I knew I was going to stop in after the game and did so. Suprised to find three Peter Stokkebye blends in bulk jars. Bought two ounces. Out of the bag the aroma was strong and the tobacco was moist. I had no idea it would smoke so well. With 2 matches I smoked it 2/3 through the bowl. Suprising because it was so moist. The flavor gives way half way through to more tobacco taste. Upon smoking it tasted like it might have the complexity of three tobaccos. Was glad to note above that indeed it did contain some Virginia, from Zimbabwe of all places. The price, ease of staying lit, and the happiness of an unexpected "find" rate the blend high with me. I've smoked it in two other pipes and it was consistant in all. With time, and the mellowing of the flavoring, could this tobacco get even better toward the bottom of the bag? I think I did well for my first Stokkebye bulk blend. Initally it was a 4 star blend, but to compare it with my other ratings, it's recommended, but not a highly my other 4 star picks. This tobacco had been a 3 and 4 star performer for me, but to be fair to the other tobaccos I've tried and smoked, it drops to 2 stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 17, 2006 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
A good friend gave me a sample of this fine blend from a tobacconist in Carbondale, Illinois ("Yesteryear"). I always find the range of aromas available in the pipe-game amazing; this tobak smells sweet and toasty, as most Cavendish's do, but with a warm breath of whiskey barrel at the bottom. At first light, there is nothing too special, and throughout the bowl(s)I only got wiffs from the dram that comes through the smoke like mellow drops of whiskey on your tongue. It comes and goes. The tobacco seems top notch, and smokes clean to the bottom. What astounds me is the price; between $1-$2 a bulk-ounce makes this a sweet deal. A mild aromatic for those who don't do..."aromatic".
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 23, 2023 Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Mild, in both tobacco taste and the whisper of sweet highland malt. I personally like my smokes a bit more stout, but if you're looking for a soft, sweet smoke, this is a very good one. For me, as both a scotch and tobacco lover, this blend scratches neither itch.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 08, 2023 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I bought this bc it smelled good and was recommended by the man working the counter. I also got the pipe used to smoke it for this review.

Looks nice, mostly dark. Some ribbon and cavendish and some rubbed flake. Moisture was good when I got to it. Bag note is sweet, whiskey and slightly confectionery. This takes a bit of work to get burning and did need some relighting. I was smoking it in the car, partly on a long drive. I found it worked great with a lighter pack, as the flake bits expanded. After the initial whisky flavor explosion dies down a bit, the flavor is very consistent. Mostly whisky and confectionery taste to it. Cocoa and molasses and vanilla. Not a very sweet topping, the tobacco is pretty present. It is a well made mild aromatic blend. The man who suggested it was correct. It started to nip my tongue a bit after the 4th bowl of the day. The first few bowls burned down nearly completely. The car note was almost pleasant, and surprised me when I noticed it. It smells much sweeter than it tastes.

Overall, I like it. It’s not my favorite of the whiskey genre. It is my favorite mildly aromatic whisky blend. I think it’s worth trying, and it may be somebody’s favorite go to whisky blend out there.
Pipe Used: Maestro geppeto pot
PurchasedFrom: Cigars international, Bethlehem PA
Age When Smoked: Fresh bulk otc
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 17, 2023 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
The bag note is a sweet boozy raisin and nutty aromatic tobacco smell. Moist but not sticky black and tan pieces ready to smoke. Packs and lights just fine.

So after the first few puffs after lighting the tobacco settles in. It’s a rather pleasant alcohol whisky (yes without the e) flavor with the usual aromatic raisin/nutty tobacco flavors. The whisky tang stayed till the end along with the sweetness. Huzzah for that! Nothing special but not bad at’tall. Did leave some moisture in the pipe as expected. Mild tobacco after taste. Did not bite me even puffing away on a walk with the hound. A fair and above average boozy alcohol topped bulk aromatic. Would happily smoke again.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 09, 2023 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
A whiskey aromatic with light whiskey flavor that's slightly sweet. A decent smoke, cool and dry. I actually prefer the regular whiskey blend to this one. Too much black Cavendish for me in this one, it tends to take away the whiskey flavor somewhat. Quality of the tobacco is very good. Something about some PS tobaccos is that they seem slightly rough or raw at times and they are always better with age. This one to me is just ok, could be better.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 23, 2022 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
First and foremost, I’m not one to compare the subject blend of discussion to yet another in all rational fairness. However, this one comes somewhat as, let’s call it, a brother from another mother. Specifically, Peter Stokkebye presented us with two whiskey-infused blends that is kind of forcing me to deviate from my own standards.

Earlier this year, I crafted a critique of Stokkebye’s Whiskey #2, giving it an overall 2.5 pipes rating. Now enters Highland Whiskey #38 as a comparative offering. My conclusion is that there is significant equivalency between the two recipes in terms of the base components used. The key difference lies in the respective let-down ratios of the individual varietals and of course the featured whiskey additive. Primarily Whiskey #2 is injected with a sweeter bourbon versus the spicy malt of the subject Highlander counterpart. And I do believe Stokkebye has secretively spikes both mixtures with blackberry, vanilla, and maybe just a drop of caramel.

Expanding my position, Highland Whiskey brings considerably more Cavendish and apportioning towards the Burleys. Presenting a face enmeshed by a weave of ribbon and knotty coarse shredding, the blend’s tartan is formed by a hearty gradation of complementing hues. Namely bright tans owning to the White, chocolate brown Dark, reddish-brown of Zimbabwe Virginia, and a healthy standing of ebon Cavendish define the pattern, much more attractive than #2 by all measures. Additionally, this mix yields with optimum moisture, meaning the caber tossing fun is immediate.

An even netting of bright sugary annotations combine with some independent bitter earthy spice to define the pouched nose, a much richer presentation than the alternative. Gentle in temperament overall but powerfully attractive, nonetheless. There seems to be quite a bit going on with the measured flavorings. A remarking of fruitiness peeks through with a blackberry-like appeal, only to be jostled by the prime whiskey note’s throw of the big hammer. This spiritually sauced air spins with an intensely grained degree of right-smarting punch.

Additionally, some wafts of brown sugar/caramel and vanilla are bashfully doting within but are compressed to mere tinges by the surrounding ingredients. The native element shows its game with a parceling of lemony tart and a strong sour bump coming from the African, while a buttered nuttiness of the White pulls with even force. Finally, a recognizable bracing of earthy Cavendish zip can be denoted circulating on the bottom.

For an aromatic, I must admit that the orchestrated taste profile is well balanced between the top-coatings and the constituent native varieties. No question the coatings do in fact lead the flavor, but they do not squelch the registration of the latter disproportionately. Highland Whiskey confers an inebriating tastefulness that is more consistent in obliging savor as compared to the fleeting sweet smack of the Whiskey #2.

With the flame, the initial forward character is a pocket of condiments softly sweet and peppy in composure. Obviously, the whiskey note is the key feature expelling some gripping alcohol chariness and poignant malty spice that hits boldly at first, then beautifully tapers off the finishing tail. It is bundled, nonetheless, within a nice off-setting frame of berry-vanilla charm that softens the sharp bite found in typical Scottish spirits. . As the toppings occupy the top half of the forward profile, the hardy Burley and Virginia tobacco come together in tandem partnership providing a densely thickened baseline character. For the most part these two elements stand harmoniously on equal footing. However, the Burley postures largely to throw the leading leg, while the Virginia is content standing a step or so in the background. With the Burley an unfailing persona of toasty nuttiness is decorated by timbres of dark molasses, brown sugar/cooked caramel accenting.

Bringing a degree of maturity, the African Virginia strain counters with a pleasant citrusy weathered grass and bit of floridity that is reminiscent of a crisp juniper/evergreen embellishment. This Zimbabwe leaf is unique in that it’s tenders both creamy and a little on the spicy side. Underneath this confluent stream, the minimally cased Cavendish faithfully shadows the blended flavors with zestful, sugary nativity as it enhances the smoky emphasis within the mixture. Optimum characterization of this mix seemed to be engendered best by a hardwood Ozark cob.

A colorfully fancied room note is warm and richly aromatic in presence tending to taper off with a modest accord. The general impression is a buttery sweetness built in height by a mingling of the assorted and complimenting top-coating garnishment. A full charge of alcohol-like spice declares its influence while churning over supporting native hardwood, citrus, and rich candied nuttiness. Most definitely pleasant to the sense and easily badge as extremely fragrant in nature.

This blend generously produces prosperous clouds of dense vapor. The smoky texture whirls in beautiful columns of gray-blue plumage, as the tobaccos burns nicely dry with regulated temperature and a slower tempo. Although cool and reasonably smooth on the palate, Highland Whiskey can demonstrate a bit of sting on the forward palate if your fling gets too high stepping as the combination of the spirits and the Virginia will trip you up. Yet in sum, the blend is a mellowing enjoyable encounter.

So, what’s the end game? With some genealogical partiality on my part of course, my objective assessment is that Stokkebye’s tartan-cladded one is much more impressive and invites a darn sight more colorful experience. Surely, the Inverness laddies would fame Highland Whiskey #38 a gusty belter. Catch the spirit of the Scots and let Highland Whiskey’s tasty jig thrill the good life into your bowl. Slainte Mhath! 3.0 Pipes
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 25, 2021 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
3/5 smooth, dry smoke, but little in the way of robust flavor I would expect from a highland blend. Room note was pleasant, but the flavor didn’t match the smell. Cool dry smoke, and I would recommend it on that count alone. Took hardly no time at all to dry out on the serving tray before packing the pipe. Someone will love this blend, but it’s not me. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing great either.
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