Cornell & Diehl Bayou Night

A Scottish type blend of Latakia, perique, Virginias, Turkish, and burleys that boasts a heavier perique component than normally found in a classic Scottish blend. A full smoke that is surprisingly cool on the palate.
Notes: A full strength perique blend with a generous portion of stoved red Virginia, Latakia, Turkish and rough cut burley.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By Craig Tarler
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type American
Contents Burley, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin, bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.09 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 93 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 12, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
I'm puzzled by this blend. It's supposed to have latakia in it. Usually I am quite sensitive to latakia. I can't detect any. The blend is quite strong in flavor (from the burley and the red virginia) and in nicotine. I find the perique very subdued. Perhaps this is because of the batch I got. Others have commented on the heavy-handed approach to latakia in it.

More than anything else Bayou Night reminds me of Exhausted Rooster, sans flake and whatever topping is on that blend. Both are tasty, but I prefer Exhausted Rooster.

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Various briars and cobs
Age When Smoked: fresh from bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 17, 2013 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
My favorite blend. Rich and satisfying. Notes of chocolate and figs. A wonderful tanginess and very complex. I like to take a bite of chocolate after I finish a bowl. It makes me realize how much of that flavor this blend contains. Sounds crazy, but try it. This is my desert island blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2014 Medium to Strong Mild Very Full Tolerable to Strong
The dry, mildly nutty, woody, earthy burley is kind of harsh and cigarette/cigar-like with little sweetness as a supporting player. The red Virginia provides tangy dark fruit with some wood and earth, and compliments the smoky, woody, earthy, mildly sweet Cyprian Latakia, which is a bass player for the blend. The dry, wood, earth, floral and spice notes from the Turkish/Oriental are overpowered by the strong presence of the peppery, figgy, raisiny, plumy perique. The strength is a step past the center of medium to strong. The taste is very full. The nic-hit is a hair past the medium mark. I really recommend sipping this blend due its spicy quality. Burns fairly cool and very clean at a moderate pace with a mostly consistent, mildly sweet and rather savory, spicy flavor from start to finish. Easily burns to ash, and needs few relights. Leaves a light dampness in the bowl. Not an all day smoke, and is made for the experienced smoker.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 07, 2006 Medium to Strong Medium to Strong Full Pleasant
I was inspired to try this tobacco after getting a smaple of Kajun Kake from C&D at the Chicago Pipe Show. I was really impressed with this tobacco, but at $30.00 for 8oz, I thought it was too epensive. After reviewing C&D tobaccos, I decided to try Bayou Night. I think this is the best tobacco I somked in the last 42 years! It is an amazing tobacco as other reviewers have descibed, with 50% perique. This is the best perique blend I have ever smoked. I have always liked perique, but in most blends found it too spicy. The perique in Bayou Night is smooth and fruity and burns very cool. The turkish, red VA, burley and latakia play very well in the background.

What I like most about this blend is the subtle flavor change in the tobbaco as the pipe is burns down. You can't really taste the latakia, but thats fine with me. One of the reasons I stayed away from English Blends is I don't really like alot of latakia. This is a great hybred of an English Blend.

Although not an all day smoke, it is great in the evening after work, especially with a vodka martini shaken, not stirred! I will definitly get this tobacco pressed next time I order. I think pressing will enhance the flaovors even better. Highly recommended!

11/7/06 UP DATE: I received my next order from C&D pressed about three weeks ago, and it is outstanding! The flavor is much deeper and fuller producing an excellent smoke. IMOP, C&D is one of the best tobacconist, and one of the few that you can have your blends pressed. It is worth the extra $3.00/lb. I will have all my blends from C&D pressed in the future.

Highly Recommended
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 27, 2013 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Extra Strong
"Fantastic" is how I would describe it. Very spicy like horseradish. So, so delicious. I had just cut up a large tree that fell over after some heavy rains. I loaded up my favorite Kirsten and after every long draw, I kept looking at the bowl and thinking, "man, I LOVE this $h!t." Mind you that I am a huge fan of C&D's Mississippi Mud as well. Bayou Night has a noticeably higher nicotine content, which for me is a good thing. Very relaxing, spicy, but well balanced mixture. I can taste every flavor from the various components and they harmonize beautifully. I can't recommend Bayou Night highly enough for the smoker that prefers stout, "manly" blends. Absolutely phenomenal. I purchased 4 oz from who always has quick, impeccable service and I will be putting in for a pound next time around. Wow, what a treat this is.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum Bowl Kirsten
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 28, 2015 Strong None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
There needs to be a name for this type of Perique-heavy English or Scottish mixture that carries with it a fertile strength and a nocturnal mien. Much like Dunhill's vaunted "Nightcap," Cornell & Diehl's "Bayou Night" boasts a heavy dose of Perique on a base of Virginias, accented by the mixture of Latakia and Orientals that provides harmony to those strong flavors, but C&D has also worked in some of their famous Burley magic to give this blend a solid, flavorful core of autumn flavors. The trickster Burley takes on a sweeter note and the evanescent nuttiness rises as the bowl declines, creating a smoky journey from vivid Latakia flavors through the peppery plum-raisin Perique and then coasting into a stygian cavern of rich Virginia-Burley power. The result is both delicious and calming, a contemplative smoke that might be too strong for an all-day burn but serves as the perfect coda to intense experience during the day. It also evokes a distinctly "swampy" feel, with its dark flavors slowly and erratically revealing other influences like objects hidden in the obscurity of dusk and clouds of mosquitoes rising from the stagnant, algae-choked black waters. Similar to C&D's "Engine 99," this takes English-style blends to new places, and does good by them.
PurchasedFrom: Pipe & Leaf
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 31, 2010 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Strong
Another tobacco that screams for a 2 1/2 rating. I didn't find this quite good enough for a 3 rating but since it's a C&D made from high quality tobacco, I gave it a bump.

Nothing really wrong with this one. In fact, it's a stroke of genius to make a 50% perique blend that isn't overwhelming. The other tobaccos smooth out the flavor to the point where it doesn't seem as strong somehow. The taste is decent but it moves to the non-descript pretty easily and regularly as the bowl progresses. Just a trifle ill-formed. I basically enjoyed my time with it but won't buy more. It's even difficult to review - just can't find much to say about it, good or bad. It just sort of "is".

This ends my 9 blend C&D sampler pack, and it sure was a fun journey! C&D truly has something for everyone.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 25, 2015 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Tolerable
Another one-note masterpiece that could only come from C&D. They do this kind of blend so well. We are conditioned to search for complexity in anything that one might be a connoisseur of, but a lot of C&D bends seem to make a good point of saying "Smoke this, it's real good, don't analyze it!" Well I guess I am anyway. I love blends with layers of complexity, but a lot of times I grab a C&D blend because it's simple and good. The blend itself is delicious to me. I concur with Zombie Gentleman about it's chocolate note which I think comes from C&D's granulated perique (I got some of their blender perique and it smelled of dry chocolate cake mix and wood ear mushrooms) and it also has a round base note of bitterness like french roast coffee, plus the expected black pepper and fig. This is very low rated and I think I know why. This particular blend didn't grab me at first and for a good reason, it hurt. I got a sample and felt that it was pretty moist, so naturally I dried it out a lot. It wrecked the roof of my mouth but good. A week later I tried it again, this time drying out more... much worst. I had it in a mason jar (it is so hard to throw away tobacco) and 4 or 6 months latter I had learned something about at least my body chemistry, blends with a lot of perique, like a newly found C&D favorite Kajun Kake, like to be moist. I thought back to that jar of Bayou Night and remember that it was fifty percent perique. I tried it again and packed a bowl fully moist and found it to be amazing cool smoking and bite-less. It is spicy at the mid-bowl mark but it wasn't damaging my mouth at all. It is now a blend that I grab when I want to be sure I don't get bit. Night and day difference. Try it again if this sound like you first experience, I'm glad I did!
Pipe Used: Savinelli Sistina 320 KS, Savinelli 622
PurchasedFrom:, 4 noggins
Age When Smoked: new to 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2013 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable
While generally a fan of C&D blends, this one just didn't impress me. Certainly not a VaPer, but rather a hybrid. That's fine- lots of great hybrids out there. Not sure, however, that this is one of them. My sample had some age on it and was well-dried.

The red Virginias are pronounced in this one, making for some bite, particularly in the first third of the bowl. As the reds settle down, the Latakia becomes more pronounced. But the harmony of this blend seems lacking. When compared to a Balkan with Perique (Frog Morton on the Bayou, SPC Plum Pudding), it falls short. When compared to a hybrid Va//Bur/Per such as Haddo's Delight or Acadian Perique, it falls short. Compared to a Va/Per/Oriental such as Cairo, it falls short. The only audience for this tobacco to which it could be recommended (and it's a stretch) would be lovers of H&H Freight Train who also want to taste some Latakia in the blend.

Contrary to the tin description, this blend smokes hot (especially in the first half of the bowl) and definitely needs to be sipped slowly. About mid-way through the bowl, the blend seems to gel a bit as the ingredient tobaccos struggle to reach some form of harmony. But it just doesn't come together for me until the bottom third of the bowl where some compromise among the tobaccos seems to be reached. But it's short-lived. The finish, around the final quarter or tenth of the bowl, is flat. Overall, I find the Latakia gets in the way of the Perique, to the detriment of both. So much so that I find it hard to believe this is a 50% Perique blend (according to a reviewer below).

For Latakia lovers, there are much better blends. For VaPer lovers seeking something extra, there are much better blends. Not sure what niche this blend is seeking to fill, but it seems a solution in search of a problem.

Two stars in deference to those who enjoy this type of in-your-face, red- forward, hot blend with a dash of Latakia.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 31, 2003 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Pleasant
I am told this is one of C&D's original flagship blends. It is very potent with lots of heavy Latakia and Perique. This one leaves the back of the throat tickled and the tongue enjoying the heavy plastering of Latakia. It may be a little unrelenting for many folks but was a quality blend and I can see why its been a big seller since C&D opened up shop.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 21, 2002 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
EXCELLENT. I received this gratis from Messrs Davidoff?Park Avenue, don't you know?who sell it in delicious-smelling bulk.

I confess that I am not at all well-acquainted with the newer American blenders (I have only tried a couple of G.L. Pease's creations) and I found this, well, a bit of all right! (I see that R.C. Hacker quite likes it as well.)

The semi-sweet-dry-biscuit red Virginny which constitutes the backdrop to this blend is as smooth and soul-satisfying as any I have tried. The Latakia (Cypriot, I'll bet) gives a flinty depth, expertly muffled with buttery Burley. Turkish refines the finish and aroma, and a whole load of delicious, sulfurous Périque creates what is, for a Périque lover like me, a fireworks symphony!

A false move with a mélange of this sort could easily become a nightmare, but whoever is responsible for BAYOU NIGHT struck a perfect balance: this composition is a delight; stimulating, original, cool-burning, scrumptious. And peppery comme la meilleure cuisine Créole! Cayenne, les garçons!

If anyone knows the name of the artist who created this, [s]he ought to post it above: the man deserves to take a bow.
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