G. L. Pease Telegraph Hill

A sturdy foundation of Virginia tobaccos, each chosen for its particular character, is enhanced with fine flakes of perique for a refined smoking experience. Telegraph Hill is rich and flavorful, with a satisfying, lingering finish. Each sip builds upon the last, creating a marvelous edifice of taste and aroma. You won't worry about earthquakes if your pipe is filled with this wonderful blend.
Notes: Telegraph Hill was released in May, 2005.


Brand G. L. Pease
Series Fog City Selection
Blended By Gregory Pease
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.39 / 4





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Displaying 11 - 20 of 104 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 20, 2019 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Presentation: Lovely bright and red Virginias with some medium browns thrown in. Perique is applied moderately in this tin and you can tell the difference between the tobaccos easily. I can easily pick out all the different colors and variations. A gorgeous ribbon cut that is perfectly done.

Palate: Where to begin. This smells like a quality blend. Nothing obtrusive and certainly not lacking. The tin note is of day old bread, toasty oats and a little bit of unripe prune. The Virginias are beautiful in color and smoke wonderfully. They provide a semi-sweet grain, citrus and wheat. The reds are the backbone to this blend, provide a little earthy zest and bridge the gap between the brights and perique. The perique in this blend is more heavily handed than say Stratford, but is not overdone to the point of exhaustion. Slighty spicy, with a undertone of fig.

Performance: Ribbons always smoke a little fast for me, mainly because I have a fast cadence, but also that TH is a wonderful blend to smoke and I really enjoy its taste. Smokes to a nice ash, usually with no dottle and but can also leave a tad touch of moisture in the heel. Won't fatigue your mouth too much. Can be an all day smoke, multiple bowls in a row kind of deal. Nicotine hit is mild.

Conclusion: If someone was to ask you what a good baseline Va/Per is, you should hand them some Telegraph Hill. It's more full and rounded than Stratford but still offers the ability to taste the Virginia and perique separately and as a harmonious couple dancing. It provides the user with a simple, all day smoking pleasure that won't make you think, but also won't wow you to the point of hoarding it. It's a simple blend that does exactly what it should: make you happy. I prefer Stratford to this, as it's a bit sweeter on my palette, which I like. Still, an excellent blend that should be a staple in everyone's cellar as a quintessential Va/Per.

EDIT: I've downgraded this blend to 3 stars from 4. While it has all the pleasurable characteristics of a straightforward Va/Per, it is extremely picky in how you pack it. A normal pack requires multiple relights and a tight pack makes it burn effortlessly, but tends to restrict the draw. Also, I have been experiencing tongue fatigue with this. After smoking it as my only tobacco for a week it gets quite boring and mundane.
Pipe Used: Morgan Bones Thick Bulldog
PurchasedFrom: SP
Age When Smoked: Less than 1 year.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 18, 2017 Very Mild None Detected Very Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Though I am big fan of the Dark Lord, I was somewhat disappointed with Telegraph Hill. Like all Pease's products the tobacco quality and the craftmanship are superb. But the strength, density and flavour of Telegraph Hill are, in my opinion, so mild that they render the tobacco bland.

I was expecting somthing to taste like Escudo, the former Three Nuns or Dunhill's De Luxe Navy Rolls (taste, mind you, becuase TH comes in ribbon, not in flakes, coins or medallions), but this is so soft it's like a whisper of a traditional Va/Per. In fact it's even milder than Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake (and that's saying something).

Again, the tobacco is wonderfully presented in ribbon cut, with golden and reddish hues, plus some bits of black leaf here and there. The smell is very nice, albeit muted, and the moisture level is perfect. It's very easy to light and it burns beautifully. It won't bite you, but it won't deliver much flavour either.

So, in my opinion, this is the prefect tobacco for any smoker unfamiliar with the Virginia /Pèrique combination and who wants to venture into it for a test drive, without crashing against something like Esoterica's Dorchester (oozing with Pèrique). For the established smoker it may come as a mild change of pace, but without much backbone to it, and no thrill at all.
Pipe Used: Comoy's Prince and others
PurchasedFrom: Joshua Ward
Age When Smoked: N/A
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 10, 2006 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
WOW!!! I can't think of a better way to express my joy when experiencing this very fine and pleasurable high quality blend from Greg Pease.

I received a small sample of this tabac in an order from my online tobacconist. I filled up my Prince of Whales with half of the contents of the sample package. The aroma from the package was heavenly in and of itself. The light up was very easy and flavorful with a strong fresh hit of fine Virginia leaf and a good jolt of nicotine as well. Sip after sip the flavor and aroma just kept building, just the right amount of Perique really sends the taste sensation of this blend to cloud nine. This one really holds a fresh and flavorful smoke from start to finish. A brilliant combination of sweet and nutty with a slight amount of pepper at the finish.

I savored this bowl from start to finish. My eyes immediately gazed at the remainder of the tobacco in the sample bag. Enough for the car ride to the tobacco shop I thought to myself. I purchased three more tins, one to smoke and two to cellar. I will update this review when I have sampled the contents of one of the aged tins. Six or so months I think if I can keep my hands off it!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 30, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I've given Telegraph Hill two star but I think it a somewhat better tobacco than that (two and one-half would be about right, in my estimation). On the plus side, it's made from high quality leaf and has no obvious flaws from a taste, aroma or smokability standpoint. On the other hand, it's from one of the world's premier blenders and costs a lot, hence, much is expected of it. So, bottom line, while I like TH, I like a lot of other VaPers, including some that are much less expensive, a lot more.

For me, TH falls down on several counts. First, the Virginias are a lot less Virginia-like than most other VaPers. In particular, the Virginias in TH are not very sweet or fruity tasting but instead are more grassy and nutty (if I didn't know better, I would have guessed that TH was a burley-Perique blend rather than a VaPer). Second, the Perique component dominates TH from the first puff until well down the bowl. If you like Perique, as I do, this is not a bad thing but, in TH there just isn't enough Virginia flavor to balance out the spiciness of the Perique. Third, by the time the Perique ceases to dominate the palate (about three-quarters of the way down the bowl), the rather lackluster Virginias do not provide much in the way of a flavor alternative and the smoke becomes rather bland.

On the plus side, the cut and moisture content are excellent right out of the tin so TH is easy to pack, light and smoke. Nor is there any bite, bitterness or other objectionable characteristics to detract from one's smoking enjoyment. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough enjoyment from me to want to smoke it again.
Pipe Used: Various briars
PurchasedFrom: pipesandcigars.com
Age When Smoked: Recently purchased
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 29, 2014 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
1st time I smoke this blend when my friend take a visit to my house and smoking pipe together. I took a little bit of this ribbon cut tobacco and pack it into my pipe just a half of the bowl. I smoke it with hurry because that is my beginning period to smoking a pipe and honestly I don't enjoy it all with the harsness, peppery, and spiciness of this blend, and when my friend offer me to give me some, I refuse it, don't want to smoke this blend again.

After half of year, my other friend send me this blend again, full of tin, unopened can. I keep it in to the storage for 2-3 month because I think I don't like this blend like the first time I had tried it before so I let this baccy stand on my desk for a time and not touch it. And some how, after my journey with VaPer blends, I fall in love with VaPer and I remember I still have 1 tin of blend that I had not touch it for a time so I decide it to open this blend and try to smoke it.

1st scent I open the tin I can smell a pleasant flavor of raisin and plum and I really like it. The ribbon cut and its color very attractive on my sight so I start to pack it into my pipe and light it. And my god, the smoke is very great, taste and flavor are perfect, the sweetness and mellow smoke from fine virginia leaves with scent of raisin make me so happy. At first light, the strength and taste are so mild and mellow, but after I relight it, is getting stronger but without loose any hint of the sweetness and rich flavor of the raisin and fruity scent.

Sure I will make this blend as one of my favorite. I really enjoy it from the first light until the finish. Easy packing, burnt well, great smoke, and a pleasant journey. Without doubt, I will give this blend 4 star. Its a complete taste, the sweetness, peppery, and spiciness are great.
Pipe Used: Galih Asem
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
Telegraph Hill was my intoduction to Virginia/Perique blends it has little nicotine strength, but that isn't one of the things I look for in a pipe tobacco being a former Camel smoker. The first thing that caught me was the Virginias, they were very sweet and smooth throughout the bowl. About midway through I started getting a little spice from the Perique. I am mostly drawn to English/Balkan blends so my pallate may miss some of the more complex nuances this fine blend has to offer but over all I find this blend to be a very satisfying smoke. I now keep two tins on hand. If you havent tried a Virginia/Perique Blend before, this one is an excellent place to start.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 24, 2010 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Pease Pilgrimage Reviews (a tasting journey through every GLPease blend) Tin date: 1/29/10

I'm just going to have to admit that these Pease vapers are not pushing my buttons. They all have that ashy characteristic that feels kind of like licking an ashtray. Don't get me wrong, I know from other reviews of these and other similar tobaccos that this style of smoke is quite appealing to many smokers, but there is just something about them that does not do it for me. Telegraph Hill is the same as the others, just too plain and ashy. I'm attributing it to body chemistry.

But I am not about to give up!

Since all these vapers have been quite dry from the tin I am going to assume that this is how Mr. Pease designed them, so I'm going to continue experimenting with packing and with different pipes. I have been trying these in my star Virginia pipes, but I realize that it may require a different combination.

Union Square is one of my desert island smokes, so I know Pease has the Right Stuff. I'll try these with some age, I'll try packing them a bit tighter, I'll try some other pipes, and I promise I'll update my opinions should they change.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 23, 2008 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
I have waited to write this review in order to feel that I know the blend sufficiently to make a judgement. Now that I have smoked several tins it is time to give you my impressions. This is a Virginia Perique blend to challenge the old stand bys. Let's start with the basics. The cut is a bit course, a mix of different shades of brown loosly packed in the tin American style as opposed to the tightly packed tins from Europe. The aroma is tangy Virginia, not the sweet pungent variety (a la McClelland. This is not a put down, but rather a comparison). Packing in the pipe is pretty easy enough. The moisture level of the tobacco is just right making lighting easy. One tamp, a relight and you are on your way. Now we leave the basics and go to the flavor. This is the part we want to know and why we read reviews. It is true Virginia just like other Pease Virginias, but the amount of perique is on the generous side so the spicy taste is definatly there. The tobaccos are very well balanced as we would expect from Greg Pease the master blender. If you have smoked his Stratford, Telegraph Hill is very similar, but stronger. I like the added strength because it brings more flavor. I always ask how a Virginia Perique blend compares to Three Nuns. Telegraph is almost as good, maybe even equal to the perennial champ. In my experience this is my favorite Pease entry into the world of Virginia blends.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2007 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
So here we have an excellent study in VaPer blends. GL Pease has kept things very simple and straight forward, and probably end up all the better for it.

The aroma in the tin is pretty standard for an untopped Virginia. Bright, pointed, clean, and with a bit of pepper from the Perique.

The tobacco packed well, charred and lit well. It burns fairly uniformly from beginning to end, with only the few standard relights necessary. No surprises here...it meets the expectations of a VaPer.

As far as taste is concerned, this is a great example of 'less is more.' There isn't anything too overwhelmingly complex. Just as advertised its a base of well blended (non flavored, cased, or topped) Virginias with just a bit of Perique to enhance things. The taste is fairly basic and nothing to write home about for about the first quarter bowl. Then things get fun. After about a quarter bowl, something magical happens--the flavors suddenly meld entirely together into a very rich, straightforward, slightly sweet base with little highlights of spice (for the perique)...this continues all the way through to the bottom of the bowl. In every sense, this embodies the standard of VaPers. There are certainly VaPers that are richer, more complex, more bold and more sophisticated than this, but TG hasn't ever left me unsatisfied--plus, fewer "bells and whistles" means fewer things to go awry.

The pipe burns evenly all the way to the bottom...the ash is more medium-to-dark grey that light grey/white for me. I have noticed that the pipes in which I smoke TG seem to build cake quicker than others...don't know if that's worth anything to anyone else, but I thought it was interesting.

On the whole, I'd give this 3-out-of-4. A very experienced, sophisticated smoker might prefer a slightly more complex VaPer blend, but this is great for those who want to enjoy a simple and straightfoward blend. Its also great for a beginning pipe smoker or a good transitional blend for those trying non-aromatics for the first time.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 17, 2005 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
As a fan of Virginia flakes I was eager to try Telegraph Hill. Compared to Stratford this blend is a darker, richer flavor and the Perique just adds to that rich flavor without shouting "Perique!" This will be even better with a bit of age on it. Highly recommended to "VaPer" fans.
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