Peter Stokkebye Cube Cut (PS41)

An American blend of air-cured toasted burley leaves from Tennessee and aged red Virginias that have been Cavendish pressed for 36 hours. The pressed cakes are cross cut into small squares for easy filling of the pipe and slow burning. Natural and mellow tobacco taste.


Brand Peter Stokkebye
Blended By  
Manufactured By  
Blend Type American
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Cut Cube
Packaging Bulk
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.09 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 96 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 20, 2017 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Cube cut. Now that's interesting. This is a first for me, I think. It's literally a bunch of tiny cubes. Pressed flake that has been diced. Medium brown in color. Jar note is mild tobacco, pleasant, but unremarkable.

Seems like the best way to pack the pipe is to gravity fill, lightly tamp, and spark it up. Trying to pack this too tightly would lead to a big plugged off mess. It's not necessary to fill the pipe heavy anyway - it burns slow, like you'd expect a flake to perform. Moisture level seemed just right to me, but it does benefit from a bit of drying time. As for flavor, there's maybe a very light casing, just a bit of sweetness, but nothing you can put a finger on. It's mostly burley, nice and nutty. There's a good amount of grassy/hay Virginia as well. And that's about it. I wouldn't say it's one dimensional, but it's straightforward and certainly not complex. I haven't smoked Carter Hall in a long time, but as best I can remember, Cube Cut's flavor reminds me of a richer and fuller Carter Hall.

Burn is good, requiring an average number of relights. It makes for a nice long smoke, as it burns slowly like a flake.

Nothing outstanding here, just a nice simple burley with a good amount of Virginia. Not mind blowing, but quite good, and I think Cube Cut is an excellent buy at its price point. The Virginias taste young, and I'm curious and hopeful that this will get better with age, and plan to buy more for the cellar.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 27, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
"Peter Stokkebye sure can make some good tobacco" said Mr. Motoyoshi.

I am slowly realizing that I have never had a bad experience with PS blends. I have yet to try one of their Aromatics, so we shall see 😉

Cube cuts are somewhat rare these days and The Stokkebyes have done a fantastic job with this one. Light to dark brown flecks of tobacco leaf can be seen when opening up the pouch. Smells like a typical VaBur with a slight sweetness that is the Cavendish I presume.

Loading this tobacco isn't that difficult. Keeping it lit without clogging your tobacco chamber can be the issue. I have had success by just simply dropping the little pellets in and filling up the pipe (loading it like a shot gun casing as an acquaintance put it) After that all you need is a light tamp when you've put in the amount of tobacco you want to smoke. If you push too hard, air won't circulate as well when you're 1/4 down the bowl. You have to start this with a thorough light to make sure that all the cubes on the top are smoldering. Tamping lighter than you normally would with a ribbon or course cut is key. Tamping too much will compress the cubes and there won't be enough oxygen between them to continue smoldering. Think BBQ charcoals.

Now onto the smoking experience. The VAs and Cavendish start the show. It's sweet and a little tangy at first. But very pleasant. Towards the 1/4 mark the burleys come into play and the cavendish takes a back seat. You can really start to pick up on the red virginias and they are definitely supported by the burleys. Smooth sweet, nutty, velvety smoke is what you can expect. This tobacco can have a big bite if smoked too fast. Smoke slowly and probe the flavor dimensions of this tobacco with each puff. It is very enjoyable.

If you have tried GL Pease Barbary Coast, you might be familiar with this style. The Red Vas in that blend are more pronounced and there is more of an earthy feeling with the lack of Cavendish and bourbon(?) topping. If you tried that and it wasn't sweet enough, this could be ticket for you.

This is a great tobacco for breaking in a pipe as the sugars from the cavendish and the burley's natural caking properties do a wonderful job on coating a fresh bowl. I think the only reason I give this 3 stars is that the lighting can be a little finicky.

This blend, as are most PS blends, is a wonderful tobacco with a price point that allows for those 1 oz test orders. If you like Virginia Burleys and want to try a new tobacco, this should be in your cart.
Pipe Used: Cobs, Briars and Mortas
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 03, 2014 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
It's best to gravity pack this blend. Watch out for cube embers leaping out of the bowl and burning a hole in your clothes, and your cat, too. It takes a few lights to get it going, and you'll have to relight a few times as you smoke. It's a blend best sipped as it is a slow burner, and if you puff fast, may nip at your tongue. The toasty, woody, earthy burley is the lead component. The burley doesn't have much nuttiness to it, but does sport a molasses taste reminiscent of Carter Hall. The red Virginia cavendish offers mild tangy dark fruit, earth, bread, wood, and a few grains of sugar in a condimental role. The cool, clean flavor is mostly consistent all the way through, and doesn't leave much moisture in your bowl. The strength is mild, while the taste is a couple of steps past that mark. Has a mild nic-hit. Has a short lived, pleasant after taste. The room note is a tad stronger. More of a two and half star product.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 30, 2014 Mild Very Mild Medium Pleasant
Cube cuts always have intrigued me as far as easy to carry and load your pipe. Smell out of the 1 ounce sample bag was faintly of vanilla/chocolate with a moisture content right for smoking. I had no problem lighting this nor keeping it lit. It didn't rise out from the bowl while lighting as others have described either. I am more inclined to natural tasting tobaccos, enjoying Irish Flake, Burley Slice, and Aged Burley Flake. PS Cube Cut fits in very nicely for me. It is milder than the three mentioned, but a very set-it-and-forget-it smoke. The pouch aroma did translate into the smoke; mildly, never cloying, and pleasant. Reminded me of the original Edgeworth Ready Rubbed, which was a cube cut (nothing like the now defunct Lane incarnation). Smoked clean and dry to the heel of the pipe, maintaining consistency of burn and flavor without moisture or dottle. No bite to speak of. Just a mild tongue tingle with heavy puffing and the nicotine presence, for me, was mild. This is in league with the best of the Codger Burleys - actually better in my opinion. No chemical taste whatsoever. A nice all day, everyday type of smoke for my tastes and will definitely be added to my rotation. Those seeking a replacement for ERR need not look any further. Highly recommended!
Pipe Used: Stanwell Vario Bulldog no 32
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 28, 2016 Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Peter Stokkebye - Cube Cut.

There isn't much to report on the aroma coming from the bag, it's a very simple tobacco one. The colour of the mixture's a straightforward medium brown; O.K., if I'm REALLY pedantic each cube has some brown layers, and some yellow layers, but I don't see inspection that 'up close' particularly necessary, on a whole, it's medium brown!

I gravity feed this one and then just give it a gentle finishing pack, very gently so as not to hinder the burn. And then, mine's quite easy to get burning. The only problem with it is due to the firm construction of the cubes, if I put my pipe down, I only have a VERY short amount of time before the burn becomes extinguished. Cube Cut requires a diligent smoking technique. That's the only fault I can find. It doesn't bite, the smoke's cool and velvety, the nicotine's medium, and the taste is superb. To me, the taste is of sweet nuts: the Burley is the strongest taste, given a slight caramel edge by the Cavendish. When I get past halfway, a chocolate taste comes through: very mild, don't think Bobs Choc Flake, think a MINISCULE sprinkle of cocoa powder. The Virginia doesn't give me much, but I very often struggle to pick out any grass etc when it's been combined with other more flavoursome leaves. On a final note, the room-note's nice!

I added this to an order from with no real expectations in mind, I guess I just thought it'd be summat to review, so only ordered the smallest quantity. Now, after a few good smokes, I wish I ordered the largest pouch available!

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Chacom Robusto
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 02, 2014 Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I was interested in trying a cube cut tobacco, and this was a pleasant lightly topped burley/Va. It burns slowly, and the taste is fairly mild. What I got was good and it was on the burley end of the spectrum. I had a lot of success mixing it with things like Sugar Barrel that burn too quickly for me. When smoking it as is, I gravity feed, tamp lightly and enjoy.

The cube "coals" are prone to hop out of the pipe, so be aware...

Edt 7/17/14 I find I am smoking this more frequently, and I find it to be a satisfying smoke by itself. It has a simplicity that I like, and you get used to the way it smokes. I am just about through with 8 oz of it, and I will get more when I run out. I am adjusting the room note to favorable since my wife commented that she really liked the smell of it.

When this is fresh, I leave a few bowls out in a small pyrex custard bowl to dry. It is deceptively moist as delivered and the smoke benefits from the chance to "air" a little.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 02, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
The Burley used here is superb. I've never had a bad experience with Tennessee Burley, one of my favorites. Nutty with a nice note of cocoa and only a very mild note of earth. The Virginias and the Cav seem to add little more than a very nice sweetness and, unfortunately, a touch of ph bite. The bite isn't bad enough to bother me much, but it does keep this from getting that 4th star.

Mild to medium in body and flavor. Takes a few matches to get it going, but burns well after that.
Pipe Used: MM Country Gentleman, Diplomat Apple, Mark Twain
Age When Smoked: fresh bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 29, 2007 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
This is a very nice Virginia/Burley indeed. The cube cut is rather thick and can be a bit tricky to get going, but nothing too bad. The Burley does indeed give it a grassy quality, and the Virginia provides a pleasant toastiness.

The casing complements, rather than overwhelms the tobacco taste. I can't tell exactly what it is, but I get impressions of caramel apple. It smells very nice while burning as well.

There is indeed enough Virginia in it to make it a bit bitey, so slow sipping is your best bet. This is a good quality blend. It never turns ashey or bitter. Rather, it leaves a clean taste on my palate. It never filled my pipe with gunk.

For me this is the tobacco equivalent of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Nothing exciting, but very warm and comfortable. If you are fond of Burley, or Danish aromatics, I think you will enjoy this. For Latakia and Perique fans, this could make a nice change of pace.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 03, 2017 Mild None Detected Medium Tolerable
At the end of the day, a 1-5 star rating is not very useful. It's either a good blend or not, and the question after that is whether you like it. It is possible to like bad blends for their imperfections, or to note that a good blend is not your thing. I rate this one "Highly Recommended" because anything else is waffling and the only waffles I like are at IHOP (avoid Waffle House; it's a hipster joint).

This blend features little cubes of pressed Burley, Cavendish, and Virginia. The Cavendish wins out at first, but then the warmth of the Burley rises, and the ketchup-ish gentle sweetness of some quality matured Virginias then appears in the mix. There might be a slight topping because there is a molasses-vanilla flavor. My tongue receives the slight burn of an alcohol/sugar/flavoring topping.

Within those parameters, this is a great burn. The room note is bready with overtones of ketchup. When you stick it in the pipe, a gravity fill followed by a hard tamp to avoid having the little cubes explode and blast burning embers all over your shirt, this blend burns easily and provides a gradually changing texture of its constituent flavors. If it has a flaw, it is in the small amount of vanilla topping and the lack of Nicotine, which from a Burley-centric blend is sort of alarming. But, I could easily smoke this all day and never get bored, and enjoy myself during the process as well.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 22, 2016 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
This lovely little gem was a pleasant surprise for me as I was given a very generous sample of it at a recent pipe show.

Stokkebye's Cube Cut is a classic burley. Unpretentious and simple, but delightful. It loads and packs effortlessly--just pour it into the pipe, give a gentle press with a thumb, and it's good to go. Due to the density of the cubes, a slightly longer than average flame is needed to get this blend burning, but it stays going very nicely once it starts. I like this and other cube-cut burleys for smoking on breezy days when the slow burn associated with this cut keeps things from getting too hot.

The taste is solid and satisfying for the burley lover. Nutty, toasty, and a bit bitter. But there is an omnipresent background sweetness from the Virginia that adds some depth to what would otherwise be a bit monotone. This tobacco also, as is the case with many burleys, comes with a bit of a nicotine kick. It's not a scary wallop, but it's definitely there. The low sugar content means little bite (in fact, none in my experience.) This is a good evening tobacco and is nicely complemented by a bourbon accompaniment.

I've enjoyed smoking this. It is simple and straightforward. It is easy to prepare and to smoke. It is unchallenging but satisfying. And the bulk price is an excellent value. This is definitely one that is worth keeping to hand. My three-star, rather than four, rating is a reflection of the blend's simplicity and not of its quality or enjoyability.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 24, 2013 Very Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
I've been hunting for a favorite cube cut burley/va I smoked decades ago. (Mixture 222 or something like that, I think) This isn't it, but it's okay, and the price is attractive.

This is really, really, cube cut, kind of like thousands of little hard identical tobacco pellets. The aroma seems more like a Va than a burley to me.

As others have said, it needs to be packed in a tall, skinny bowl via the gravity and light tapping method. It takes some skill to light, and is prone to a few relights. However, eventually it will burn to the bottom of the bowl -- IF you are smoking outside with a gentle breeze. I stopped smoking it indoors, because of the attention needed to keep the ember going.

Don't wear your fav sweater while smoking this -- the little cubes are prone to leaving the bowl at the slightest bump and seem to burn more eagerly outside on clothing than inside the pipe bowl.

All that said, it's an okay smoke once I got the hang of it. Occasionally, it delivers a bit of the taste of the cube cut I smoked decades ago. Just pack it right, get it lit, sip it calmly, let it go out if that's what it wants to do, and you'll have an enjoyable 40-minutes or so. Maybe it improves with age. We'll see.

ADDED 4.3.13 -- PC is right about the few skills needed to fully enjoy Stokkebye Cube Cut, so after some practice I'm adding a star to my earlier review. CC belongs in the honorable company of honest smokes at better-than-honest price, and I've added a good quantity to my Mason jar collection. I just came in from a smoke in my Comoy bent pebble grain (group size 3 is my guesstimate), and after the charring light went to the bottom of the bowl. Very gentle tamping and a slight Spring breeze might have helped. As a nice bonus, CC leaves my briars dry and smelling like quality tobacco. My cobs like CC, too, and it ain't bad combined with some aged 5100.
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