Mac Baren Mixture Aromatic

Where Mixture Modern is at the mild end of the taste spectrum, Mixture Aromatic lies between Mixture and Mixture Modern. Compared to Mixture Modern, Mixture Aromatic is a touch less sweet, but distinguishes itself with a highly characteristic taste and fragrant aroma, while still retaining the special Mixture flavor.
Notes: A.k.a. "Danish Mixture". Introduced in 1991. Previously sold as Mixture Light. Name change due to EU laws that words like "Light" and "Mild" cannot be used on tobacco products anymore.


Brand Mac Baren
Blended By Mac Baren
Manufactured By Mac Baren
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Other / Misc
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

1.88 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 16 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 06, 2001 Very Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
I'm not sure if this is the blend that I smoked since the tin was marked 'mixture mild' and had a MacBaren strength rating on the tin of 1 vs. the 2 shown in the picture above. Perhaps they've modified the packaging. Burned very easily and evenly in pipes of varied sizes. MacBaren's rating of 3 for sweet flavor and smell is accurate. My wife's aroma test was passed. Black Cavendish taste came thru and became more enjoyable as the tin dried out slightly. Overall, the taste was not unique from many other MacBaren blends with ~ tobaccos and similar to their new Golden Dice although I preferred this ribbon cut which I found easier to evenly and consistently pack. If you enjoy the MacBaren taste and want a mild smoke with no bite, try this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2015 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Very Pleasant
The black cavendish is vanilla sweet with a touch of spice. The gold cavendish has a subdued honey note. The earth and nuts from the burley is barely noticeable. The topping is the star, offering cherry, berry, and a little vanilla. There is a tart sourness along with the sweetness that may please some, but others may find it unpleasant. Has little nicotine, and won't bite. Burns at a reasonable pace with a consistent flavor, and fairly cool, with just a little moisture at the finish. Needs an average number of relights. Has a little bitterness in the after taste. Not really an all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 13, 2001 Mild Mild Mild Pleasant
This review is of Mixture Light. The picture above is of Mixture?a different blend.

Let's say that one's been driving all morning in a very warm day in Provence. One is hot and hungry. One has lunch. A simple, light, scrumptious tarte aux poivrons prodigally washed down with some chilled, light rosé of no particular consequence, which, none-the-less, tastes just wonderful.

That is how I sometimes feel about certain aromatics: I disapprove of them on principle, they would never do, perhaps, in a Boston withdrawing-room, but, given the right setting?hot weather, mainly; also lack of something better?ah, men!?I can enjoy them. They are never very demanding, and their lightweight amiability?like that of "guzzling" wine?can actually be refreshing. Of course, there are aromatics and aromatics. Some are simply shocking. But some are fine, and have their place.

Mac Baren's Mixture Mild is A Fine Aromatic. It tastes clean, has a gentle tobacco base to the taste, and the sweetener is not over-the-top. It actually got almost intense, first in a corncob, then in a Savinelli Autograph. It burnt non-goopy and cool, too, with the gentlest spiciness.

In a pinch, I could smoke this uncomplicated Danish-style blend without regret. If that sounds back-handed, it isn't meant to be. I'll take some to Antibes next year. The beach combers will love it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 28, 2007 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
It is sometimes difficult to tell apart the variations on the theme of the deservedly popular Scottish Mixture. Mixture Light has roughly the same virtues as the original Mixture - and the detractors will find roughly the same flaws.

I am somewhat partial to Mac Baren offerings, and have enjoyed smoking this blend. A litle sharp on the tongue at initial light, it settles down to a lovely honey-on-toast flavour. Ideal when one is concentrating on something else like watching a cricket match or some such. An automatic recommendation for the lovers of aromatics in the Danish tradition, but well worth trying by others as well.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 21, 2005 Mild to Medium Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant
Mixture Aromatic is indeed very similar in composition to Mac Baren's more traditional Mixture, but the fruity-vanilla casing (it may be a topping, but it is so strong that I do believe it is actually a cased blend) simply ruins it for me. Not as pungent as in Vanilla Cream, it nevertheless alters the flavour of the tobacco, something I don't think happens with Virginia Flake, Golden Ambrosia or Virginia No.1. While these blends retain a clear tobacco taste in spite of the honey like topping, Mixture Aromatic is just plain sugar sweetness.

I celebrate the fact that the casing in Mixture Aromatic does manage to obliterate the infamous ?raw-fish? undertone sometimes present in the traditional Mixture, but the price is too high, for it also obliterates whatever tobacco nuance there could be underneath this heavy coating of vanilla.

Some reviewers have suggested---and I think they are right---that ready rubbed Mac Barens should be packed in a slightly loose fashion, a trick that greatly diminishes their pit-bull biting proclivity. The suggestion definitely applies to Mixture Aromatic, and it should be complemented with a conscious effort of smoking it very slowly.

I wouldn't go to the extreme of saying this is unsmokable. I guess if you are an aromatic fan, and like a lot of sugary vanilla, this blend might just be what you are looking for. Personally, I prefer the original Mixture, and as far as light aromatic Mac Barens go, I would chose Golden Ambrosia or Virginia Flake. In fact this Mac Baren is closer to Peterson's new line of heavily aromatic blends (De Luxe Mixture comes to mind), than it is to other Mac Barens, except, perhaps, for Vanilla Cream.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2023 Mild Medium Medium to Full Tolerable
Veo que hay bastante confusión en las reseñas acerca de que tabacos estamos reseñando. Yo me voy a referir al "Mac baren mixture aromatic Danish mixture" tal cual figura en la lata de 3,5 oz. Por lo que me dijo el vendedor está lata tiene muchos años de embodegamiento pero no sé con precisión cuántos. El color al abrir la lata es de marrones bastante oscuros que van desde el habano al casi negro. La humedad es un poco escasa y el tabaco estaba bastante apelmazado por los años. Lo saqué totalmente de la lata lo froté y humedeci y lo volví a su sitio. Unas horas más tarde lo cargué en mi pipa. El corte es de una cinta de flake (ready rubbed) y el aromatizado es bastante fuerte. Me huele a miel, a citrus, a maderas y frutas. Enciende bien y no se apaga y es en realidad muy sabroso. Me recuerda a el scotish pero un poco más suave y sin mordeduras. Me gustó mucho, es suave pero con personalidad y mucho sabor, el cual se intensifica a medida que se consume la cazoleta. La casa declara que está compuesto de black cavendish, Virginia, burley y cavendish. Me pareció una mezcla muy equilibrada y agradable y con mucho sabor.
Pipe Used: Sasieni
Age When Smoked: 5 o 6 años
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 04, 2017 Very Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Today I saw this tobacco, while shopping in a shopping center. And because I love my MB Navy Flake, and I also wouldnt wanna miss the MB Mixture Scottish Blend, I thought give it a try.

The unopened pouch already gave me a slightly sweet, a bit floral fragrant smell. I packed my pipe, and before lighting it up I took a look on this site and the reviews.

I almost got a heart-attack, as I saw those horrible reviews. But when I lit my pipe, I couldnt understand why it is rated to badly...really I can't. A 1 star mixture is for me a blend, thats straight up UNSMOKEABLE, or a blend that has nothing in comming with tobacco and is just a goopy mix of flavourings. But MB Mixture Aromatic Danish Mixture is a pretty solid - yet unspectacular blend. It deserves 2 stars at least, even if this isn't your taste or style of tobacco.

The tobacco is pretty average, typical "Mac Baren Cavendish" (means, Cavendish treated with sugar-water and/or maple-syrup as i got told) aroma. Sugary, a bit floral and reminding me of a cup of tea somehow.

Mixure Aromatic Danish Mixture shares similarities with Scottish Mixture, but a bit less sweet and has a decent floral-note to it. Pretty mild, also on the Nicotine side.

Uncomplicated, unsophisticated and average, yet smokeable blend to me. A little more spice and less sweet than the Scottish Mixture.

Should be sipped slowly, or it has a tendency to get harsh.

Pretty average, nothing special - I admit it. But definetly a uncomplicated smoke, that can be enjoyed, if you're looking for a classical danish blend, with a floral touch to it. If you like this style of sweeter, danish tobacco blends, give it a try!

|| Personal rating: 1,5-stars | Rated for what it is: 2,5-stars ||
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 01, 2014 Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
Eeehck. Don't smoke this. It offers nothing that other tobaccos don't, but with much better results. It's a shame, because Mac Baren makes some GREAT tobaccos. Unfortunately this is not one of them.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 14, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
I am reviewing the Mac Baren Mixture Aromatic, as pictured here, and not the Mild Mixture others seem to have reviewed. I assume that either Mild Mixture has been replaced by this blend, or the other reviews were mistakenly posted here during the web-site redesign.

Upon opening the pouch, I detect a sweet scent that reminds me more of cherry than of vanilla. I find it pleasant and not overpowering. The tobacco is ribbon cut and, although "ready rubbed", it was pressed into a cake for packaging and must be loosened up before packing. The tobacco is a nice mix of yellow, gold, red, brown and black leaf, with the brighter colors dominating the blend. The moisture content is IMHO just right for packing. The ribbons are long which means that you have to be careful when filling and packing the pipe, therefore, I would recommend a wide bore bowl with this tobacco.

This blend lights well on 2 matches. The taste is mildly sweet with enough of the natural tobacco shining through to please. There is some of the smokiness of the Virginia, which is mitigated by the nuttiness of the Burley. This is a mild but aromatic smoke, nothing complex. The room note is pleasantly sweet without being overpowering. I did not get any tongue bite nor any of the bitterness others have described here. The tobacco burned down nicely to a fine grey ash, leaving no dottle.

This is a typical light Danish blend. I would recommend this for daily use for anybody who enjoys aromatics.

Edit: I've been smoking this blend on and off for a number of weeks now. Maybe it has something to do with the moisture content... I honestly don't know, but I must now agree with several of the previous reviewers here. The first half of the bowl is very pleasant, but then things turn bitter, making the rest of the smoke rather an unpleasant ordeal. Therefore, I am reducing my recommendation to just one star...
Pipe Used: Vauen Church Warden
PurchasedFrom: local tobaccoonist
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 07, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild Very Mild Pleasant
This is really disappointing when compared to the original MIXTURE blend. It burns hotter, lacks flavour and depth. If you wanna go for the real thing, stay away from this one and get the original baccie instead.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 01, 2009 Mild to Medium Strong Medium Pleasant
Well, it's Mixture plus a truckload of vanilla... and IMHO it ruins the subtlety and fragrance of the original blend.

Not actually bad (but it can get slightly sour), but you really have to like such a combination.

Me, I think I'll restrain from buying it again after this tin...
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