Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake

A beautifully formed dark flake of pressed Virginias and a generous helping of latakia. Relax and enjoy this medium strength tobacco with its "smokey" flavour and cool, smooth characteristics.


Brand Samuel Gawith
Blended By Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Virginia/Latakia
Contents Latakia, Virginia
Cut Flake
Packaging Bulk, 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.21 / 4





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Displaying 51 - 60 of 61 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 17, 2009 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
When opening the tin I notices that the flakes were a bit moist for me... After about a day of drying things looked good enough for me to give them a try. I hate it when flakes do not rub out easily, and fortunately for me the rub out went very well. The tobacco packed very nicely and burned very, very well. Two matches was all it took to get this to burn all the way down to the bottom. The tin aroma was my first disappointment. When I saw that this was a Balkan blend I expected loads of Latakia and some Oriental to keep things interesting. What was coming through in the smell from the tin was high quality Virginia tobacco ONLY. Upon lighting the blend I noticed that my highly trained nose was not deceiving me, there was just enough Latakia to consider this blend an English. The Virginias were very nice, almost a McClelland Christmas Cheer quality. What Latakia was present was very nice but absolutely understated. For a flake from SG it was very cool burning and really a pleasure to smoke. My big disappointment was that if this is a Balkan like the tin said it was, bring some more Latakia or rename the thing. As a light English blend, this was exceptional. As a Balkan, it reminded me of C&D Winthrop.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 27, 2009 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Tolerable to Strong
I have only purchased Balkan Flake in the tin. From the tin the flakes are around 4 inches long and tend to have a somewhat inconsistent width. It takes some effort to fully rub-out the flakes, and I usually fully rub-out Gowith flakes. After drying out Balkan Flake burned unusually well for an SG flake. I can easily produce a volume of smoke with Balkan Flake and I have never experienced tongue bit.

Balkan Flake afforded me just about the smoothest tobacco smoking experience of my life. The Virginia and Latakia seem to meld together to produce a unique sweet earthy leather flavor. This is easily the best pure Virginia/Latakia blend I have smoked.

I have read on line different explanations of the composition of a ?Balkan? verses an ?English? blend. I understood that a Balkan was an ?English-type? blend with a heavy (non-Latakia) oriental tobacco presence in addition to the Latakia and Virginia typical of an English blend. Recently, by way of Pease?s web-page, I have changed my mind. Pease suggests that ?Balkan? is really just another name for an English blend.

I am certainly no authority on English vs. Balkan tobaccos. My reason for mentioning the issue is two part. First, those looking for the tangy-sour flavor of oriental tobacco will find none in this blend and may be disappointed. And, second, somewhat ironically, I eventually grew tired of Balkan Flake because it lacked the complexity and nuance that probably would have been provided with some oriental tobacco!

I recommend Balkan Flake; however, my recommendation is tempered. If you like the straight Latakia/Virginia genre of English tobacco I think you will really enjoy Balkan Flake. I have never smoked a better representative of this genre: Lancer?s Slices, Commonwealth Mixture, etc. Those looking for more complexity would probably still like Balkan Flake; but many may find it just-misses excellence.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 30, 2008 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
Lakeland Tour stop 7

I really liked this one. It was very user-friendly as opposed to some of the Lakeland virginia flakes. Perhaps because of the latakia, it dried out faster, and smoked pretty good even when wet. Also, it kept its flavor longer than FVF and BB2, but not necessarily more than BBF.

The virginias here are not as sweet as those in Squadron Leader or Commonwealth, but sweet enough and more rounded, richer. The latakia was definitely present in the smoke but by no means overwealming.

This is definitely mentholated. That makes it smoke cooler, and the added minty essence is definitely there, not overpowering and not really unpleasant either. It makes me wonder whether this might not be better, meriting 4 stars, without it. It's impossible to know. I don't know if I'll come back to this one, but I definitely enjoyed smoking it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 24, 2008 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
This is a real good tobacco. I have folded the flakes and rubbed them out both and I had no problem keeping them lit either way. The flakes are presented very nicely and are attractive and smell deliciously "musty?" in the tin. Does this contain any oriental leaf? Is it really a Balkan? Dunno, but it is very good anyhow! Recommended.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 19, 2008 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Tolerable
This is a very rich and complex virginia with a touch of latakia to spice things up. A pleasure to smoke. 3 out of 4.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 14, 2007 Medium None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
The wonderful gents at Iwan Ries let me try some of this and I was pleasantly surprised.I thought it would be similar to "Commonwealth Mixture" due to the fact that it was from the same blender and neither blend has orientals in it. To quote a gentleman who spoke Lithuanian when asked : Is Lithuanian similar to Polish? His response was "Not even Close"! That is the case here with Balkan Flake. Where Commonwealth Mixture is rather mild, this actually has some spice to it.It is nothing like Penzance, Old Ironsides, or Karl Erik's Flake. It really is a simple, full English mixture, that has been pressed into a flake. It will appeal to both European and American tastes. Definitely worth a try. 3 English stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 28, 2007 Strong None Detected Very Full Extra Strong
I visited the Samuel Gawith factory in Kendall a few years ago. Kendall was, far and away my favorite town in England and from my time there I have many stories. One of my best, as far as the world of pipes is concerned, is that I was one of the first people outside of the company to be able to smoke their new Balkan Flake before it was made public. I was intrigued and have gone through a few more tins since. On the whole it is a fine smoke, demonstrating all of the quality that one pays for with Gawith tobaccos.

This is serious stuff, mind ye?. Not for the occasional smoker or the generally inexperienced. The Virginias, those that can be tasted, lend this flake a deep, almost brooding sweetness that one has to be in perhaps a brooding frame of mind to truly appreciate. It is, of course, the Latakia that Balkan Flake is all about. It is there in force and in a proportion that I usually regard as obscene, but here it works quite well. Works well if smoked slowly and softly, that is. Puff too fast and this will taste like you are chewing on a lump of hot leather (a hot, leather lump?say that four times fast). Otherwise, this is indeed all the best one could ask from a Balkan, with Latakia most definitely in control, but with the Virginia going along quite nicely. I, for one, am glad to have found a flake containing Latakia to which I would be happy to return.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 18, 2007 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Good blend, but not sure about the "Balkan" title. Cool smoking and full of flavor. I enjoy this blend. I treat it more like an english standard than a balkan. Even so, it's good.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 22, 2006 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
This some good good stuff. I bought some in bulk without sampling it first, when I was 'in town'. Now I wished I'd bought a whole lot more. Is it a Balkan? Who cares. It is a fine smoking, easy rubbing, easy lighting, ever burning, well balanced flake. Love it.

Now, I'm a little afraid to give it 4 stars, there's gotta be a catch. Nothing's really this good, is it?? Is my next batch going to be a let down. Don't expect it, with the consistency of Sammy. There's sure to be a fourth star comming for Balkan Flake, but I need to smoke more of it first.

As to it's oilyness. . .I found it to be chalky rather than oily. Doesn't matter to me, I'm smokin it, not wearing it. Also, this is great mixed 50/50 with Royal Yacht; it's even better mixed with Cob Plug -go figure. . . and go smoking!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 09, 2006 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Subtle, simple, barely balkan, but lovely. Very Sam Gawithy in construction and taste. A bit like what I would imagine a 'commonwealth' flake would be, but more earthy and understated.

Maybe 'light balkan flake' would be more appropriate; this is no latakia whammy-stick like pirate kake or penzance or old ironsides or sobranie. Flavor stays within a certain range, but subtle changes do take place throughout the bowl when layered properly, and reasonably recent DGT'd bowls are usually pleasant.

It's refined, dark, and velvety without being heavy. Enjoy it in your shiny new dress black dunhill at the opera, or in your well-chomped stanwell while trout fishing.

The other nice aspect of this blend is that it gives you the smoker some decent VAlatakia flavors, and yet its smoke is among the least offensive to the nose among similar blends so that those around you are less likely to flee or threaten violence when faced with your billowy smoke (this flake can really crank out the volume of smoke if so desired, with little ill effect on the tongue).

Lakeflake and latakia lovers will likely find a new friend here.
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