J. F. Germain & Son Germain's Medium Flake

Red, brown and gold Virginia tobaccos pressed to give a medium color and a medium rate of burn, with fruit extracts.


Brand J. F. Germain & Son
Blended By J.F. Germain & Son
Manufactured By J.F. Germain & Son
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus
Cut Flake
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.87 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 10, 2003 Extremely Mild None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant to Tolerable
IMO Medium Flake, like its sibling, Brown Flake, is a nice tobacco, well manufactured, probably of very good leaf, the initial taste of which is quite good but eventually tends to fade away, losing both in body and flavour. Unlike BF, Medium Flake is a kind of naturally sweet Virginia, in the same vein of Dunhill?s Three Year Matured (not as fruity though) or Bjarne´s Flake de Luxe. Equally moist, MF is lighter in colour than BF. I found it easy to break up the individual flakes, but difficult to light the tobacco once it was packed. Some airing is beneficial, but I have noticed that it can dry up very quickly and turn to dust.

As with Brown Flake, the initial flavour was surprisingly rich, smooth and palatable. I really enjoyed this flake for a couple of minutes, in which time I smoked it slowly and carefully. In spite of the difficulty in keeping it lit, it did burn well and smoothly. But once I was getting the ?feel? of it, there occurred some kind of chemical (or chimerical?) transfiguration and, spoof!, its structure and flavour simply vanished into thin air?It is as if some dark magical force (Voldemort?) suctioned the life out of this tobacco and rendered it innocuous and dull. Why? Cannot tell, but it just seemed that way. A shame, really. This could have been very nice.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 06, 2007 Mild Very Mild Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable to Strong
Although this blend's got some similarities with Brown Flake, it lacks the depth provided by the mature Virginias in the latter. It also has some fig topping that is very nice to smell in the tin but not that pleasant to my palate.

With so many great Virginias out there, there is no reason to recommend this one.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 16, 2019 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I have tried to like this blend but it is not my sort of tobacco. It is heavily dosed with an orange/tangerine topping and this has not dissipated any in the 9 months in the jar. It lights readily but has a tendency to burn hot with the cut being very fine like a cigarette shag. There is something else going on though, as it seems to be incompatible with my mouth in a chemical Ph sort of way. Maybe it is too acidic for me, who knows ? Taste is tolerable but, as cool as I can smoke it, it bites me. I tried drying it for a long time and no improvement. It is one of the few blends that has beaten me, and I have tried a few, from the strongest twists and plugs to the mildest virginia blends. Good luck if you like it, but I can not recommend it.

Update:- 17/12/19

Now over 12 months old and I still can't get a good cool smoke from this blend. I determined to give it one last try in a Peterson 303 System pipe (very cool smoker and avoiding direct tongue bite with the P lip ) and it lit flawlessly and burned cool for all of 5 puffs, and then assaulted my tongue with a sadly familiar chemical tingle, and I stopped short of a full tongue bite. I will gift it to some other more fortunate piper who can enjoy it better than I am able to. Most frustrating !
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: GQ Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: 9 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 30, 2004 Mild to Medium None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Tolerable
I was really hoping to gain a friend with this blend but I didn't. Let me start out with what I liked, the cool little tin, the flakes wrapped in wax paper and the initial aroma of the blend still in the tin. But that was about it I'm sure this of good leaf and handled well. I was hoping to find a wonderful sweet aged virginia flake. But it's just way to bland for me, there are much better virginia flakes out there to spend your time and money on.
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