G. L. Pease Stonehenge Flake

From Gregory Pease: In 2001, I had the honor and pleasure of collaborating with G.H. & Co.'s John Gawith on a very special tobacco, and after nearly a year of development, Stonehenge Flake, a modern VA/Perique blend steeped in English tradition, was born. Fine Virginias are layered with Louisiana Perique, and just a touch of Burley for added body and a fuller flavor, then steamed, hot-pressed, and matured. The cakes are thinly sliced and tinned, ready for your smoking pleasure — today, and for many years to come.
Notes: Stonehenge Flake was produced in December 2001 in a very limited edition of approximately 1500 2oz tins. Previous notes: Stonehenge Flake is a wonderful traditional flake comprised of bright flue-cured and sun-cured leaf from Brazil, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, with just a touch of Malawi Burley added for a bit of body, and a slightly fuller flavor. Then, we added a hint of genuine St. James Parish Perique, for its special piquant contribution. Once blended, the leaf was steamed, hot-pressed into blocks, and aged, to allow the flavors to meld and marry. The mature blocks were sliced into thin flakes, and cut into 2" lengths. This blend was a special limited release and is no longer made. Stonehenge was re-released into production in Friday, 23rd June 2017. The re-released edition is manufactured by the precise formula and protocol John Gawith and Gregory Pease developed in 2001. In the end of 2022 this issue has been discontinued.


Brand G. L. Pease
Blended By Gregory Pease and John Gawith
Manufactured By Gawith Hoggarth & Co.
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Burley, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Cocoa / Chocolate
Cut Flake
Packaging 2 ounce tin
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.43 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 79 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 14, 2016 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The various Virginias offers a range of flavors: plenty of fermented stewed ripe and tangy dark fruit with a lot of earth, some tart and not tart citrus, and a few grass notes, along with a minor hits of tea and vinegar. They also provide a mild floral quality which is slightly more obvious in the first half than it is later on. They form the major base of the blend. The touch of Malawi burley has some earth, nuts, toast and wood far in the background. The deep raisins, prunes, plum and moderate spice from the Saint James perique continually underscores the experience. The cocoa topping is lightly applied, but works well in concert with the Lakeland-esque additive. These toppings do tone down the varietals a mite, though the Lakeland recedes some in the last third of the bowl, more so than the cocoa, which weakens slightly. No chance of bite or harshness, and sports no dull moments. The nic-hit is a step closer to medium than it is to mild. The flakes are a little moist, but need no dry time. Burns a little slow, and fairly cool with a rather consistent taste that also has a little creaminess. Leaves just a little moisture in the pipe, and requires some relights. Has a pleasant after taste that lingers. Not an all day smoke, but it’s a repeatable one, provided you can find a tin.

As for the new version, I find few differences. The fermentation from the Virginias is barely present, but that was due to the aging process anyway. The Lakeland essence is a tad stronger and the cocoa is a little more more obvious than that, and a bit more prominent than the 2001 version. Again, I attribute this to the age of the original as related to fresh. As with the older production, the Lakeland loses a little of its impact by the last third of your smoke, and the cocoa hardly does (same as the 2001 sample). The only other thing I observe is that the perique is tad less noticeable here, but I’d attribute that to the freshness of the blend because the toppings of the old were muted just a little over time, and their full influence when fresh would naturally reduce the effectiveness of some varietals that are added in small amounts. The Malawi burley is moderately less affected. For the most part, the tobaccos deliver as they did in the past. The bottom line is that the differences are due to the aging process, and not a change in recipe as the variables aren’t quite as obvious as this review makes them seem in cold print.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 14, 2017 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
One of the all-time great tobaccos, IMO. Stonehenge Flake is a deeply dark and rich flake formed leaf that has been specially processed to be bold in presentation and it ages like nobody's business. The Virginia leaf was incomperable, the Kentucky/Burley filled the palate with a nutty goodness and the overall depth of the presentation was almost unbelievable. And the Perique element was so restrained that I never really noticed it as a player. As fine a leaf as was ever put in a can!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 12, 2014 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I cannot speak to Stonehenge Flake when it was first produced as I had not smoked any at the time of its release. But what I can speak to is that SF aged into one fantastic flake. As a person that finds Pease blends very “hit or miss,” and I have smoked almost all of them, IMHO, this flake was one of Greg's finest achievements. Age has turned this into a sweet, lightly spicy smoke. The neatly cut flakes are very easy to work with and I prefer to cut them into small pieces with a small amount rubbed out to get the ball rolling. At this point in time, I find the sweetness of the Virginia’s rule the day, with the burley providing a bit of body and strength to the blend. I have noticed that the drier smoke Stonehenge, the more the Gawith Hoggarth flavors come out. I was lucky enough to squirrel a half dozen tins away before the current $100+ eBay price that is now fairly common. With just three tins left, I doubt I will miss SF enough to spend that kind of coin for more, but it will be sorely missed all the same. I would sure love to see Greg Pease to do another limited venture with a different company other than C&D like he did here with GH. It think it would open a lot of doors for new mixtures and flakes. Very highly recommended.
Age When Smoked: 13 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 25, 2009 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium to Full Very Pleasant
A masterpiece. a blending marvel. from the other reviews i get the feeling the cellaring potential was lost on this when it came out. I managed to acquire a large stash of this and boy, am i glad i did. age has done things to this blend that are miraculous. Incredible sweet, getting stronger in taste and body and yet there are these ethereal fruit tastes, apricot, mango,orange. the lakeland essence wisps in and out of the smoke. I can see crystals all over the really thin flakes. the tobacco itself is starting to get that certain feel to it that only age can provide. perfect with Earl grey tea.even better with brandy. The perique, oh the perique! The perique is of the variety that is no longer easily had. how i wish it still was available.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 05, 2017 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
A few of the other reviewers have already expressed my sentiments here. I also found this flake to be fairly similar to Gawith Hoggarth's Louisiana Flake. There's one minor difference and that's the addition of the Malawi burley leaf which adds a touch of richness that Louisiana doesn't possess.

From charring light to finish, the Lakeland floral note is noticeable but it is not as singular or as distinct in character as it is in tobaccos like Ennerdale, Kendal or Grasmere Flake, nor is it as strong. Instead, I would put Stonehenge Flake in the family of mildly scented Kendal tobacco products, more along the lines of Best Brown No. 2, Rum and Bob's Chocolate Flake.

As far as the overall flavor is concerned, the darker, slightly sweet tasting Virginias do most of the work while the burley adds depth and a bit of strength to the smoke. I find the perique to be purely condimental, adding a subtle influence but never finding its own voice in the mix whether by way of peppery spice or dark fruit tang.

Like Louisiana Flake, I find the effect of the cocoa flavoring to be a detractor. It smells fantastic in the tin, but it adds a dissonant, unappealing taste to the smoke that registers on my palate as mildly irritating, almost harsh. Reading other reviews I seem to be the only one finding fault with this, so it's very likely a body chemistry thing.

As usual this is high quality tobacco, meticulously prepared by one of my favorite blending houses, and I am happy to have tried it. But this particular flake just isn't my cup of tea.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 28, 2018 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
G. L. Pease - Stonehenge Flake.

I've had this in my cellar for a while now, everytime I went to it I just couldn't bring myself to open it! But this weekend temptation got the better of me.

The tin contains just one stack of flakes, which are dark brown and quite thin. The nose from the tin is a tangy one and the moisture makes it smokeable right away.

At the start of a bowl the most abundant of the tobaccos are the Virginias, being sweet, tangy, and fruity. The Burley wakes up as a bowl's smoked and gives the smoke a clear nuttiness. Throughout a bowl the Perique occupies last place, giving just a very light touch of vinegar. The chocolate topping isn't 'strong', don't think of Bob's Chocolate Flake, think more along the lines of Louisiana Flake. It burns well at a medium temperature and doesn't bite.

Nicotine: medium. Room-note: pleasant.

Stonehenge Flake? Four stars:

Highly recommended.
Pipe Used: Barling Meer'
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes.com
Age When Smoked: 6 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 30, 2017 Medium Medium Full Strong
This stuff is gross. Whoevers idea it was to leave lakeland out of the description, or to say it tastes of "chocolate"(it doesnt) owes me 15 bucks.
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes.com
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 05, 2017 Strong Strong Full Tolerable
Lakeland overpowers this entire blend to me. Some people love Lakeland, while others do not. Just like some love aeromatics, and others do not. To each his own, but I do not enjoy them, and likewise, do not enjoy this blend. To my friend that posted "I do tire of newbie reviews..." - I notice that you spammed that review among all the tobacco sites. Either your work for the manufacturer, or you really should learn to be more creative. While I realize that this is a G&H collaborated blend, #1 - all descriptions of such blends note the Lakeland essence, #2 - No descriptions of this blend note similar essence, #3 - this is a collaboration, so I don't feel that it's too offbase to not expect it, and #4 - I personally feel that it has been left out to spur sales.
Pipe Used: Briar, Cob, Meer
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes.com
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 26, 2004 Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
Stonehenge Flake is a very limited edition of approximately 1500 2oz tins, developed jointly by G. L. Pease and Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. that completely sold out...practically within hours of its release.

I recently bought a tin and, collector?s value tossed aside, I anxiously popped the top to try it. The tin is dated Dec 2001 ? it is now July 2004.

The aroma was semi-sweet with some slightly tangy undertones. The flakes are dark with some brighter reddish-brown highlights. Looking closely, I can see traces of crystallized sugars on the surface of the flakes. It was a bit on the moist side for my tastes, but once I rubbed it out, it only took another 10 minutes or so for it to dry to where I like it. Or maybe I was just so anxious, I decided I liked it the way it was after 10 minutes. Who knows?

I rubbed the flakes out completely and got ready for the big test. The flame hit the leaf, and a mild sense of panic hit me. I detected the trademark Gawith Hoggarth floral-soap taste. Oh no? I thought of what I paid for this? This couldn?t be happening. I thought of the only other Gawith Hoggarth blend I had tried ? Bob?s Chocolate Flake. Oh no? But then I remembered all of the pleasant experiences I have had with tobaccos carrying the name Pease, and I settled down a bit as the soapy taste receded. It never left entirely, but it stayed so far in the background that I found I could enjoy the tobacco. And enjoy it, I did.

The natural sweetness blends exceedingly well with the Perique in this blend. The Burley forms a solid foundation and holds up the lower end giving body to the smoke, while the sweetness and the Perique dance around.

Overall, a very pleasant smoke. The burn is nice and even, and the balance is sublime.

Stonehenge Flake isn?t easy to find, and those who have it aren?t going to part with it easily, but if it is within your means, get some. I will of course give this a 4-Star rating, but as it has been said here, to say that this is something I will smoke regularly is wishful thinking on my part. There can?t be that much of it left out there!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 28, 2003 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Full Pleasant
Yeah, I say that I smoke this regularly, but we all know THAT is a lie. I smoke this on special occassions, because there ain't no more. At least not in this current iteration. There is a strong rumor that Greg may bring it back again in a slightly different form.

Stonehenge is the perfect tobacco from my standpoint. I enjoy everything about it and I wouldn't change anything about it other than its availability.

Exceptional taste at all points in the bowl. It smells great in the room. It is heaven to nose breath this stuff.

I have six tins of this stuff stored away for special occassions. It's a cruel joke that it isn't readily available! Of course, I would have to fall in love with a blend that lasted about one day on the retail market.
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