J. F. Germain & Son Royal Jersey Perique Mixture

The mysterious flavour of Louisiana perique combined with golden cavendish that is the signature of the Royal Jersey range of tobaccos.
Notes: This is the latest addition to the Royal Jersey range, and contains a subtle quantity of genuine Louisiana perique. The fully-rounded taste of matured tobaccos.


Brand J. F. Germain & Son
Blended By J. F. Germain & Son
Manufactured By J.F. Germain & Son
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Perique, Virginia
Cut Shag
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.20 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 54 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2011 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Tough to get started, and a light, cool smoke at first without a lot of perique in the flavor. Once it gets started, though, it's been easy to keep going with lots of smoke rich with perique flavor down to the bottom of the bowl without being overwhelming and without any hint of bite.

As mentioned in other reviews, more of a ribbon than broken flake.

Edit: this really improves a lot as it 'opens up' in the tin. Highly recommended for a mild smoke
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 15, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Germain - Royal Jersey Perique Mixture.

The unlit mix is mostly golden in colour, consisting of pieces between half to a full centimetre in length and it is neither to damp nor dry, making for excellent lighting up. The aroma of the mix pre-light is a little earthy with a slight acidic note there also.

The smoking of this is a true pleasure, you get a sublime hay like Virginia flavour which takes the lead role with the Perique offering a spicy note in the background and a touch of strength, but as others state, it does not take this blend over, only embellishes the taste with its lively character. Nicotine level is pleasing, it is neither too much or too little, about Squadron Leader level and if you have a predilection to inhale the smoke you can do so with ease. Room note is fairly standard for the included tobaccos but on the positive side it is quite a light aroma so any non-smokers would not find it very offensive.

Due to the fact that it is fairly light on the Perique side it would make a splendid entry into the world of Virginia/Perique blends.
Pipe Used: Davorin Denovic Morta
PurchasedFrom: Smoke King
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 21, 2013 Mild Extremely Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
There is a mild natural Virginia tart and tangy citrus, quite a bit of grass, light bread, slight floral and sugar notes, and a smattering of fruit essence that may come from a extremely mild topping or the way the tobacco is cured. The raisiny, plumy, earthy, woody perique is fairly mild, and not very peppery as it is gently present. This blend is ribbon cut so thin that I consider it to be shag, and you should not smoke it dry or you'll risk a light harsh note. Won't bite, but has a few rough edges. The strength and taste levels are mild. Has a very mild nic-hit. Burns cool and clean and a little fast with a mostly consistent mildly sweet and lightly spicy flavor as it easily vanishes to ash. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires very few relights. Has an plain, short lived after taste and room note. An all day smoke that suffers from lack of depth and body. Might make a decent starter VaPer blend for the novice.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 04, 2013 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
Royal Jersey Perique is a blend for the connoisseur with palate and perspective intact. Subtle and varying notes of matured Virginias, Cavendish (read: unflavored, steamed Virginia), air-cured Maryland, a smidgen of dark-fired (?) and dollop of perique are all proportioned with extreme skill for a playful, yet cultured, experience. RJP belongs in the genre of Elizabethan Mixture, with EM the fuller-flavored of the two. One could add Irish Oak, Stratford, Dorchester, and Dunbar to the category. Figgy, fermented, musty and fetid (in a friendly way) all come through supported by a subtle, Virginia sweetness.

It is somewhat surprising that no comparison to Dorchester has been made until now. They are quite similar, but not identical. RJP being the more complex, yet less full-flavorful, of the two and Dorchester with a touch, just a touch, more perique. If RJP leaves you underwhelmed, try it aged some, on the drier side and after giving your mouth a rest from those enthralling, but tongue-dominating, British dark-fired powerhouses. You wouldn't eat a phall curry then after a consomme and complain about the blandness of the broth, would you?

(The "broken flake" cut note above must go, as RJP is cut to almost angel hair thinness).
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 24, 2014 Strong None Detected Full Tolerable to Strong
Exceptional. I have come from smoking lots of Cuban cigars and Dunhill pipe tobacco mainly. This is a great blend. Opening the can, seemed slightly under filled, but beautiful staining to the greaseproof paper from the tobacco. Looks like its been in the can for sometime, I am not sure as I bought it new. Truly beautiful tobacco, just a few twig type pieces, easy to remove. The Perique is king!. I even put some in my mouth and loved the flavor: soft and juicy. Aroma of steamed plums and spices. Reminds me of Partagas 8-9-8 and Lusitania and also Upmann Number 2 cigars. Full bodied and a amazing taste, helps that I am from a Habanos background. Perfect for me, I have ordered more today.
Pipe Used: Pre-Republic Peterson no COM
PurchasedFrom: Pipe Shop Edinburgh Online
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 27, 2013 Mild to Medium Very Mild Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Opening this tin rewards you with pure heavenly perfumes, such as flowers, butter, some smoky cheese, etc...

Needs a tad bit of drying as the tobacco is a bit on the moist side. A friend of mine whose principles are 100% against tobacco, loved the tin smell, the room note and asked me to try it. He was converted on the spot! Asked me to help him buy his first pipe and this specific tobacco! I was shocked!

Anyway, excellent VA/PER. Not so much perique in the mixture, but enough to give a kick and some spice.

I love the buttery/floral taste of this tobacco. Will go down into my favourites, and will definitely buy this again!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 30, 2013 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Another step along the road of VaPs. I have heard the odd bad word said about this but I am going through a Germain's phase at the moment an I was determined to give this a go, regardless of the consequences to my palate and my wallet. I just hoped I wouldn't be left too unimpressed.

Upon opening the tin, a very mild waft of what I could only discern as stewed peaches that were on the turn provided me with a little discomfort but didn't put me off. Then, folding back the paper inside to reveal the tobacco, I was surprised. It has already been established in previous reviews that this is not broken flake, but they didn't prepare me for how "not broken flake" this is. I expected, at worst, a light ready rubbed consistency but this comes out as a fine shag, much like King Charles Mixture for instance. In spite of this, it still is a little tricky to pull apart and pack without it clumping together, so a little care is needed. Lighting is perfect, I think Germain's have got the right moisture levels here, as usual. They're usually spot on with this. My first few pipefuls were a little rough, making me think I'd bought a duff one. However, it has started to grow on me. It does have a light, almost cigarette like quality to it, not too heavy. Virginias are dominant here, with hints of lemon coming through, and ocassionally gives hints of some oriental, even though there's none in. The perique appears a little later and adds just a nice topping, giving hints of chocolate and maybe some plum. This is really winning me over.

On the whole then, a very good smoke. Nice and cool, very easy to sup - serendipity given the fine cut. The contents compliment each other nicely. While I am far from calling myself a VaPer, I am very fond of this one and it is probably one of the better ones in this line of tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 28, 2004 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
A nicely scented Virginia/Perique/Cavendish mixture that is snugly packed in the tin. It is a long-stranded shag cut that packs beautifully. The Virginia is bright, light and airy. The Perique remains quietly in the background and the Cavendish produces a unique, aromatic taste that compliments the Virginia & Perique in a natural and unique way.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 05, 2011 Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I bought my first tin of this at the same time I bought a tin of King Charles mixture, which is obviously a completely different blend altogether but it has one thing in common; quality! Unlike other reviewers I found my tin to be at the perfect humidity for smoking upon opening the tin. (I must also note at this point that the tobacco is ribbon/curley cut and definitely not broken flake) In fact I was quite surprised at how easily it lit and stayed lit, and burned beautifully and consistently all the way down the bowl. The richness and flavour of the smoke were also consistent with the perique certainly present but not overly so. Another brilliant smoking experience from J.F. Germain & Son, I would highly recommend this blend to any discerning pipe smoker with a taste for perique/virginia.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 21, 2008 Mild Extremely Mild Medium Very Pleasant
"The Holy Grail" is a myth when applied to a thing or experience subjectively valued. Tobacco is such a thing. Tobacco, like woman, wine, food and the like are individual preferences and lack the near universal valuation of a priceless artifact of antiquity.

That being said, Germains RJP, while not a "Holy Grail," is in my pantheon of tobacco reverence and devotion, Zeus. It is a first among greats. It stands at the pinnacle of a temple called Excellence that houses the fruits of men's labors for honorable pleasures.

Upon opening the tin, the pleasure begins and not merely a tease. Notes of ripe, mature tobacco loft gently upwards, decanting figs, chocolate truffles and baked goods to your nose.

The longish ribbons of golden, brown and black are neither wet or dry, but springy and supple. They pack easily into all but the smallest of bowls.

Several charring lights and tamps are initially frustrating to the extent that satisfaction is delayed. Here, patience pays handsomely.

Copious billows of rich, thick smoke to your mouth and from the bowl are almost sensory overload. The tin aroma is realized, magnified and refined through fire.

RJP burns slowly and without gurgles. One can induce some discomfort if drawing with greed. Slow down, do not rush this, because you do not want this to end quickly.

There is sweetness in the taste, but not as with heavily cased or aromatic blends. This is real tobacco taste through and through; rarely achieved using Cavendish.

The second third of the bowl is greeted by creamy flavors, similar to, yet heavier than, the caramel used to coat apples. Butter, cookies, chocolate and figs ensemble a still life of flavor.

The smoke ends with deep richness and stability. It will make you question whether you have misallocated precious budget with lesser mortals.

RJP burns to a fine ash, no dottle and my pipe bowl is dry.

If you wonder how this relates to Germain's production of Dorchester for Esoterica: RJP has no licorice in the tin aroma. If Dorchester is a well-executed luncheon, then RJP is an Anniversary dinner on the waterfront. Both show the learned hands of their Jersey masters.

I hope your experience is as good as mine, at least.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 16, 2010 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
I like English mustard with my roast beef and wine made from syrah grapes aged in oak. I use spicy cologne on my self and pepper on my sandwiches. I therefore assumed that the perique in this blend would be right up my street. And so it was with no small amount of anticpation that I awaited delivery of what promised to be a real treat of a tobacco.

I broke the seal as soon as the tin was in my hand and drank deeply from a delicious tin aroma of sour fruit, fresh earth and damp hay. I had heard that it was best to let this blend mature before smoking and so I waited about 2 weeks before setting a match to any, but I returned to take deep and satisfying pulls of the tin aroma almost hourly.

I selected a new clay pipe for first tasting, so as to give me a clear picture of what I was sure was to be the smoke of my dreams. Almost trembling with excitement and salivating with a hunger to experience the wonders which lay before me, I pulled a small wad from the tightly packed tin and filled my bowl. It packed well but was still perhaps a tad damp and so, like a practitioner of the tantric arts, I made myself wait until the time was right. After being aired for about an hour the blend, which by now I was abolutely certain was gifted directly to me by my divine and loving creator, had reached optimum humidity. I put the pipe in my mouth and stepped outside to experience the unmitigated beauty of the snow topped English countryside and, finally, I lit my first bowlful of Germain's Royal Jersey Perique Mixture. Ten minutes later I was emptying the pipe before tramping back inside to sit sullenly in my chair for the rest of the night.

If you're still reading this now, firstly, well done, but I imagine you will be wondering "what could possibly have happened to spoil such a promisingly passionate love affair" (or words to that effect). Well, it's not that it was bad tobacco, it's just that all the nuance and character of the tin aroma was absent from the smoke. Replaced by an experience that was undeniably like smoking a cigarette. A very good quality, smooth cigarette but a cigarette, none the less. This was vastly disapointing.

And now you are wandering why, if I was so underwhelmed by it, did I give it a "recommended"? Well,a couple of weeks later I decided to give it another chance. It had hurt me, sure. But that tin aroma would still excite and entice me and I desperately wanted it to be the tobacco I had built it up to be.

I realise, of course, that I have totally lost all sense of perspective in this narrative and that this is just a tobacco, not a lover or mankind's last, best hope for the future.

The second sampling was a great improvement over the first. The cigarette flavour had all but gone, giving way to a crisp dryness and pepper held together with a very light sweetness that never got cloying or wearing. An excellent tobacco. Although possibly not best suited to wintery weather. I look forward to sitting under a tree on a bright spring, hazy summer or colourful early autumn day and contentedly puffing this in a corn cob. If that sounds like your thing then I recommend you give it a go, with the proviso that you open the tin about a month before you smoke any. You'll have fun teasing your senses with the heavenly tin fragrance.

As a slight aside, I have experimented by mixing it with a pinch of Samuel Gawith's Black Cherry and found them to compliment each other very well the latter bringing out some of the sour fruit notes of the perique blend and giving more depth to the sweetness.
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