Cornell & Diehl Canal Boat

A smooth blend of nutty cubed burley enhanced with Cyprian Latakia and sweetened black cavendish.


Brand Cornell & Diehl
Blended By William Serad
Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Latakia
Flavoring Sweet / Sugar
Cut Cube
Packaging 2 ounce tin, 8 ounce tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.57 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 30 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 14, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I bought this the other day, and was lucky enough to have a tin that was already aged almost two years, and I gotta say I liked it quite a bit. When I opened the tin, I was greeted with a nice earthy scent, mixed with a bit of latakia and just a touch of something sweet. The cubed burley looks and packs great. The taste and room aroma are pleasing to me. You can taste the earthiness of the burley and the latakia comes through just a enough to notice it. If you are a heavy latakia lover than this isn't it. This is burley, with a bit of latakia, just enough to let you know you are having some, and just a hint of something sweet, the cavendish. This is a nicely done, recommended tobacco and I will buy another and keep some lying around. The tobaccos all blend together just right for what it is. Almost forgot to say, it burns a bit more warm than my other blends, but I didn't get any tongue bite, and I like a room full of smoke, so I puff at a fairly brisk pace. It burnt down to a nice, grey ash and left barely anything.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 20, 2013 Very Mild None Detected Extremely Mild (Flat) Pleasant
This blend is described as:

A smooth blend of nutty cubed Burley enhanced with Cyprian Latakia and unsweetened black Cavendish. An all-day smoke.

The tin aroma is pleasing, simple, and sweet. The very fine cube cut of the blend requires a traditional pack (1/3, 2/3, full) which limits the consistency of its taste, by making it stronger as time goes on. As I worked through the tin I discovered that this blend must be smoked to incorporate the olfactory senses, as it is completely flavorless, with this note: It first tastes like autumn leaves smell, and as time goes on it tastes like autumn leaves smell when on fire.

This blend is well suited for those with a sensitive palate, as perhaps they could detect the subtleness of the mixture.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 02, 2019 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Cornell & Diehl - Canal Boat.

This is one of those blends which didn't require much percipience for me to vouchsafe a positive opinion!

Although a lot of Canal Boat's tidy cubes, there are a few rougher, chunkier, pieces. I see more brown bits than black. The aroma's slightly sweet, but not heavy. My tin had great moisture, it needed no drying.

In my mind this would be a perfect blend for a newer smoker looking to transcend from aromatics to more natural tasting tobaccos. There's just enough sweetness, added, to placate the Latakia, and keep it smooth; so, the flavour's sweet and smoky, but not harsh! The Burley forms the backbone, being rustic and coarse. The smattering of black Cavendish brings a touch of vanilla cream, but nothing sticky. It burns medium in temperature, but can seem slightly warm if smoked through a short stemmed pipe; problem obviated, don't use a nose warmer!

Nicotine: medium. Room-note: quite pleasant.

Canal Boat? I like it and I'll highly recommend it:

Four stars.
Pipe Used: Morta/Morgan
Age When Smoked: 01/03/19
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 08, 2018 Mild Strong Medium to Full Tolerable
June 2018. First impression / first bowl. I don't know what all this 'chunk'-talk is about in the other reviews; what I have here looks like a course ribbon which has been further chopped up. Unmistakeable and overwhelming hit of sweetness on the first match and throughout, and a growing peppermint tang coming through the cloying main (really 'only') flavour. Reminds me of a pouch of some vile 'aromatic' I bought from a cigarette shop when first trying out tobaccos decades ago. I don't like any 'aromatic' I ever tried! No actual tobacco taste at all. Can't comment on the Latakia or VA, because I can't taste them over the screeching sweetness. It seems not prone to overheating, but that's the only plus I can give it. Very like smoking vanilla ice-cream, which is a shame, because I wanted to smoke tobacco. No idea why I bought it - must have got the contents / descriptions mixed up. Well, I persevered to the bottom, but then had to scrub my mouth to get rid of the grotesque sweet/burnt after-taste. Beginners: if anyone recommends this sort of thing to you, please ignore them and get a mild/medium pure Virginia of reputable manufacture instead. This is not what pipe smoking is about, truly. This is what you smoke if you want to use a pipe, but don't like tobacco. ETA tried another bowl several weeks later - and it's worse. Given the huge price of tobacco here in Australia (currently about $85 / 50g), you don't throw the stuff away lightly - no hesitation in this case, however: unsmokeable, IMO.
Pipe Used: new Meerscaum
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes USA
Age When Smoked: Unknown - but not old.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 29, 2014 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
Slightly sweet and smokey with a hint of Burley bitter here & there as the bowl progresses..

The tin claims "A smooth blend of nutty cubed Burley enhanced with Cyprian Latakia and lightly sweetened black Cavendish" and that description is exactly what you get. I taste each of the blends components and in my opinion they get along well with out any individual one dominating the smoke, as occasionally can be the case when these type of blends are put together.

Appearance: Mostly cube cut with a fair portion of black chunks scattered throughout. The "grape nuts" comparision mentioned by the esteemed emmbee below is spot on. Aroma is good to me, can't quite place that tin note but I like it. Sweet - tobaccoy is the only way I can think to describe it. This one came a bit dry for me. However, I do prefer my tobacco more on the moist side then most..

Packing: Simple 3 step works great here. What I like to do with Canal Boat is pinch a bunch out, lay it on paper, fold the paper in half and pour it in, pack, pour, pack etc..Given the cut here any method you prefer should work well including the 'ol codger's not picky.

Lighting/smoking: This takes to flame quite easy. It seems to have quite a bit of spring to it when it's first lit. Takes a few tamp/lights to get it settled in or alternatively lightly hold your tamp on the top after char light and take slow puffs. Form the tobacco as you go and you won't even need another match. This starts off kinda bitey/bitter to me and at first blush I didn't think I was going to like it. Thankfully that goes away quickly and gives way to a smoke just as described up above. Slightly sweet and smokey. That bitter pops in here but this time not in a negative way. It serves as a nice accompaniment to the sweet smoke. The topping I smell in the tin must be providing the sweet and it last throughout the entire smoke. Pleasant but not overwhelming. The Latakia smokiness is just enough here it too adds to the smoke without taking over. As I smoke this it somehow reminds me of a more sweet/ less smokey Frog Morton. They are obviously not the same blend but that's what comes to mind as I smoke. Weird. The blend smokes well all the way to the bottom and the last few puffs taste like a light menthol flavor, reminds me of an after dinner mint. I really enjoy this finish and I much prefer it to the ashy finish most burleys such as my beloved Prince provides me. Other then a bit at the start I don't detect much in the way of bite here but watch that cadence or you may miss some of the flavors Canal Boat offers. Smokes cool and fairly dry but I did notice an increase in cleaner use when smoked in larger bowls. That said I did enjoy it most in a large Bjarne churchwarden and largish Boswell nose warmer. I thought it underperformed in a cob, strange for a burley, so perhaps in this case that moisture helps rather then harms the smoke. I also found that if you ash the pipe as you go, prior to tamping, it will reduce the bitter component. I found the room note pleasant and heard "it's fine" from the wife so I can't see this one offending anyone. Nothing to fear nicotine wise here but I'm basically immune fwiw.

Conclusion: I liked Canal Boat and smoked through my tin quite fast. It's a great smoke when your craving something sweet but not sickeningly so..I will add another tin on my next order as it has earned a spot in my rotation.

Good job C&D 3 stars..
Pipe Used: Various Briars and a cob
Age When Smoked: Tin was dated from about 6 months ago
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 11, 2013 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Tolerable to Strong
Having now reviewed over 50 blends and having smoked a pipe for almost two years now I am really starting to discover what I like and this isn't it. In fact there are few blends that combine Lat and Cav that I like. The two leaves just seem to clash to me and this blend is a perfect example of that disharmony.

The only thing I despise more than bad tobacco is throwing tobacco out, so the best thing I can say about this blend is that I have finally finished it.

I am giving it two stars for the quality and presentation of which C & D never fails to impress and for the fact that some people really like it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 01, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
Canal Boat is Grape Nuts for your pipe; a very chunky cube cut blend which is light on the nose. It's initially a bit hard to get going, but once it does, expect 90 minutes of gentle smoking pleasure in a large, wide bowl. I first tried CB in a Mr. Brog cherrywood potbelly from Poland. This is a calming, relaxed smoke without a dimension of flavors. Aromas are toasty, warm and sweet. I taste very little Latakia here. This is one of the coolest burleys on the tongue. A gentle smoking experience I'd like to enjoy every now and again. Nice tin art, too!

Three of five stars
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 19, 2011 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
FUN WITH C&D SAMPLES, Vol III, No. IX (the Final Chapter in this volume).

It seems my amigo strongirish has scooped me on this one. His review accurately sums up my feelings on this. I think it's a fine blend for what it is but I simply did not care for the flavor. The components simply dumb one another down to the point where none of them performs as I believe they should.

I find this to be similar to Tinderbox's Sherlocks Choice, but I find that blend to smoke better on those rare occasions that I smoke it. This one appears to be of high quality but the flavor I get is not to my liking. Recommended perhaps as a crossover blend for those curious about latakia but still want a tobacco that is sweetened by slightly less than natural means.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 01, 2004 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
It's hard to judge this blend...

The first bowls seemed quite full-tasted to me (lots of Latakia, and some robust burley presence) and not very complex, good and in-your-face. The cubed burley has its usual earthy, nutty quality you have come to expect from C&D. The black cavendish provides the sweet note that it's usually due to Virginias in traditional EMs. My wife likes the weird combination because she says it has a room note which reminds of a bakery.

After some days, the taste started to become smoother, but also less impressive, blander. The bitterish note from the interplay of latakia and burley becomes more evident, too.

I also suspect that this blend is guilty of making a pipe bitter: all the pipes I smoked it in have turned out very bad-tasting, almost unsmokable, in a very short period of time. I had to resort to a deep reaming and to the alcohol and salt method to restore them to a smokable state!

So, there is good stuff here but I'm not completely happy about it... I don't know if I will want to buy it again.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 03, 2003 Extremely Mild Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
The description of this blend as being "smooth" is accurate. It is much smoother and rounder than most Burley-based blends. However, I did not care for the addition of the Black Cavendish. It took what I thought would be a nutty/natural tasting tobacco with hints of Latakia, and turned it into something sweet. Not a bad tobacco per se, I just did not care for the sweet/smokey interplay.

In sum, if you like Latakia blends with a bit of sweetness, you might like this. If you are looking for that Burley taste, this probably is not for you.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 14, 2003 Medium to Strong None Detected Very Full Strong
FURTHER ADDENDUM: I finally isolated the taste and smell of this tobacco. First, I readily admit that taste and smell are highly evocative and very subjective. But, for the life of me, the smell and taste of this tobacco reminds me of Lysol Disinfectent Household Cleaner. The chemistry between the two of us is all wrong.

I serve as a chaplain in a state prison. As they are mindful of what enters and leaves the institution, I brought in a new pipe and a new tobacco to stay in my office. The pipe is unremarkable but adequate. The first tobacco is Canal Boat by Cornell & Diehl.

I smoke under some limitations, only outside and only during breaks. So, my time with the new tobacco are rather brief. These conditions do doubt qualify my impressions. The tobacco itself is very dry, the most dry tobacco I've ever purchased. The scent in the tin is quite strong, predominantly Latakia.

I only smoke half a bowl at a time, due to the constraints of time. It packs well and lights easily. It burns well. It does get a little harsh on the tongue, but I may be pushing it due to my above mentioned time limits. Straight Burleys and Virginias, such as McClelland 2015 are pleasant and enjoyable to my taste. My tongue handles them well.

Addendum: Not one to judge rashly, I gave Canal Boat another chance. I brought my tin home, added a little moisture to the dry course cut tobacco and tried it twice in a rather large 1/4 bent briar. The added moisture seemed to improve the flavor. It doesn't have the strong astringent, taste. It burned slow and evenly, though I had to be careful of tongue bite. All in all, there are much better tobaccos out there in my opinion. And the rewards are not worth the effort this tobacco requires.
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