Holger Danske Original Orange Mellow (Original Mild Orange)

Holger Danske Original Mild Orange pipe tobacco. A mellow tobacco. It is a superior, mild and cool tobacco made from Virginia tobaccos with a touch of black cavendish and orange aroma.


Brand Holger Danske
Blended By Planta
Manufactured By  
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Amaretto, Coffee, Orange
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country Germany


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.71 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 17 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 05, 2013 Very Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
If you like aros that have a delicate flavor this might be the mixture for you. It smoke dry & cool with no bite. As others have mentioned in their review, the flavor is more like orange rind than orange fruit but is is subtle & tasty.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 10, 2008 Very Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
This is another Dan Tobacco catalog purchase of mine from many years ago. It is very similar to the Holger Danske Mango offering except that the top note I received here was Honey and melon. The flavor was a bit "off," according to my taste buds and the smoke gave me an annoying tickling sensation at the back of my throat.

It sure smells good both in the tin and while burning. And, the broad cut leaf was easy to load although I did get some goo on my fingers while preparing for the initial lighting. The blast at the match was powerful, but things settled down well enough for me to smoke three quarters of the way down before giving up.

Aromatic lovers; this one may ring your chimes.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 12, 2011 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Unless you've had the misfortune to light up a new blend of "sailors rope", I'm a firm believer that in order to be fair about some tobac's, you have to smoke at least 2-3 bowls to get aquainted. Not so with this H.D. tin. I really liked it. The flavor stayed until the bottom of the bowl, very nice ash and a pleasent surprise. I'm very cautious about aromatics because of bite and heat but, being conservative with the draw and relaxing with it, I enjoyed it very much. As a change from my daily twist flake and virginia's, I'm glad I tried it and will come back to it for a nice flavored change.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 02, 2009 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I thought I would try something different in picking something with an orange note in it and I really did enjoy this one. This is a very nice slow burning blend with the VA sweetness coming through and with a subtle taste of orange, more like orange rind coming throuh more as an aftertaste. It does not have the orange spice taste but just the orange rind. It smells like it tastes to me in the tin. A mix of black cavendish and medium brown tobacco in a ribbon cut, with the orange rind aroma wafting off of it. it felt somewhat moist in the tin so I let it dry open and few hours and it loaded in my pipe quite nicley and was very easy to light with two lights. It is fairly mild with no bite at all. It burend down all the way in my pipe only requiring one relight. It left just the slightest moisture in the bottom of my pipe but no goopiness and left a light gray ash with just a touch of dottle. I would recommend this after a big spicy meal and or with a brandy or other liquier. A very nice blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 02, 2018 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Unnoticeable
Plenty of quality tobacco to be enjoyed after the aromatics subside about mid-way. The top note would be somewhere between orange blossom and a sweet nougat. When smoked, I get mild, MILD orange and just a bit of sweetness. Bought this blend on a forum friend's recommendation and I'm not disappointed. This will be an all day walking around blend for me till the tin is empty. With so many smokes yet to try and so many favourites already found, I don't know that I will be buying more of this particular blend, but I did like it and I plan on sampling Holger Danske' other offerings.
Pipe Used: Country Gentleman MM
PurchasedFrom: Pipes&Cigars.com
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 14, 2018 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Holger Danske - Original Orange Mellow (Original Mild Orange).

I've been having a bit of a foray into smoking aromatics in the mornings, it must be due to the British sunshine! Orange seemed like a 'refreshing' flavour in the heat so I cracked open my tin of this.

A coarse mixture, primarily brown and yellow Virginias. The black Cavendish only makes up about 15% of the blend. It smells pleasant enough, of oranges, no other additives, unlike the current description. The moisture looked good.

Just like in the tin note the only added flavouring I get is orange, I notice no coffee or amaretto; although the current description here includes coffee and amaretto, the tin doesn't say anything other than orange. The tobaccos, although somewhat smothered by the orange, give a nice enough flavour: the sharp Virginias lead, softened by the small amount of black Cav'. Although the orange has the edge with the flavour it isn't too cutting at first, I find it mild and refreshing until about a third from the end. From here on it becomes too sharp and acidic. The burn isn't up to much, it's independent, yes, but is also hot and fast.

Nicotine: mild. Room-note: nice.

Original Orange? I wouldn't call it Bad, but nor would I add it to my rotation. Somewhat recommended:

Two stars.

Pipe Used: Ramazan Baglan Lee Van Cleef Rep'
PurchasedFrom: Smokingpipes.com
Age When Smoked: Four months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 31, 2013 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Basically tastes how it's described on the back of the tin. A fairly mild and mellow smoke with a hint of orange taste in the background. The orange flavoring is more of an orange rind taste as another reviewer noted. As the bowl heats up it's a warm orange tea like flavor to me. The VA kicks in a bit about mid bowl but overall this is a basic aromatic without a heavy sweetness. Burns fairly well and the packaging is quite attractive. Gives off a sweet musty orange smell which is sure to please those around you. A nice Danish aromatic all in all.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 28, 2005 Mild Medium Medium Very Pleasant
As many people know I am an aromatic pipe smoker. However, I have grown to love English and Virginia blends, along with strong Latakia. But, this Holger Danske Original Mild Orange outweighs almost all of the aromatics I have tried.

The tin is a good o?l Holger Danske picture. When one opens the tin remember you are opening ?Original Mild Orange,? so look at the tobacco. The tobacco is mixed with a light Cavendish and the mixture itself appears to be very orange in nature.

This is a pre-rubbed blend. No work involved here!! Grab a pipe, fill her up, and find a lighter! When the flame from your lighter hits that tobacco and you take your first little puff the sweetness from the tobacco slowly fills your mouth and you can just barely taste the ?orangish? flavor. The ?orange? is not like that of biting into an orange, but you get a hint of an orange while smoking. The aroma that the tobacco gives off would please anybody, even those that hate the smell of smoke.

At about the middle of the bowl one needs to run a pipe cleaner through the pipe. This tobacco is sweet and the juices in the tobacco will leave a little in the bottom of the pipe. But, no problem, run the cleaner, and light her back up. The tobacco turns a light grey when being burned.

This tobacco is not boring at all!! There is no tongue bight with this blend, at least not that this reviewer found. But, there is no need to smoke this blend fast, puff slowly and enjoy all of the flavoring you can get from it.

Personally, I say use a larger bowl for this tobacco, but for those that don?t like aromatics; a small bowl would be just as good.

This is a blend that will be in a constant rotation, a tin will always be open and a large contribution to the cellar. Get it and give it a chance!!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 24, 2012 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
The descriptor "mellow" is just right for this blend. When I open the tin, I do not smell much orange, but simply a sweet tobacco blend. The real magic happens once the pipe is finished, and I consistently find the taste of orange and citrus on my tongue. I told my wife and friends a couple times it is like I just smoked a tasty orange tic-tac. What impressed me the most with this blend is that it doesn't bite my tongue - at all! I am a fairly fast pipe smoker and have had my fair share of tongue bite with MacBarren products and cheap sweet blends, however Holger Danske Orange is smooth through and through. Great in the morning after a cup of tea, and great right before my head hits the pillow at night. The blend has just enough strength to satisfy me. No need to dry this tobacco out, it comes perfect in the tin. It lights fine and burns all the way through. I have had Holger Danske's black and bourbon which I recall enjoying, and will try more of their products. I would buy this blend again, but I don't think I would put it in my "top five".
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2011 Mild Medium Medium to Full Tolerable
I'm very new to pipe smoking and find it difficult to pick out the different flavors/tastes that so many reviewers describe. However, I found the tin note on this one to be slightly fruity and very pleasant. It burned slightly fast with a fruity taste which remained throughout the smoke. Very pleasant and enjoyable.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 14, 2006 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I am not of those who has not picked a favorite; I enjoy a good English on some days, and a top-end aromatic at other times. I always keep ten blends on hand to suit the mood. This Holger Danske offering is making me re-think my strategy, however. Forget about that business of the aromatics smoking hotter than a nice English blend; this one has the taste and room pleasing aroma, but burns as cool as any English blend every time, from first puff to dottle. I'll keep up with the habit of having ten good blends around the house, but one of them will always be Holger Danske Original Mild Orange.
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