John Middleton, Inc Walnut

The original 19th. Century premium English Blend of the world's seven finest tobaccos.
Notes: Not walnut flavored, it is named for one of the oldest streets in Philadelphia.


Brand John Middleton, Inc
Blended By John Middleton, Inc
Manufactured By John Middleton, Inc.
Blend Type American
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Kentucky, Latakia, Maryland, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging 1.5 ounce pouch, 14 ounce tin
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.95 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 34 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 08, 2014 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
The nutty, earthy, woody, lightly molasses sweet burley takes a little of the lead. The Virginia provides some grass, tangy citrus, and a touch of honey as a supporting player. The smoky, woody, earthy, lightly musty, sweet Cyprian Latakia is a secondary player. There is a light taste of nutty, earthy, woody, sweet Kentucky in a condimental role. The floral, herbal, earthy, woody, very slightly spicy, mildly sweet Oriental is just detectable. I know Maryland is in here, but I can’t taste it. The topping is mildly sweet, but I have gotten a chemical note from it a couple of times. Overall, it has nice subtle complexity that meld well together for a very consistent sweet and lightly smoky flavor. The strength is just short of the center of mild to medium. The nic-hit is a step past the mild mark, while the taste is a slot past the center of mild to medium. Won't bite or get harsh, and hardly has any rough edges. Burns cool at a moderate pace, leaving little dampness in the bowl. Requires an average number of relights. Has a slightly lingering, pleasant after taste and room note. It is an all day smoke. It gets three stars instead of four because of that chemical note.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 09, 2005 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Unfortunately, due to the quality leaf needed and the time to blend, John Middleton decided to cease production of this very nice "drugstore" English blend a few years ago and now it can't be found anywhere. What puzzles me is the fact that it was one of their best sellers and certainly a worthy smoke for those who appreciate American style English blends.

Walnut is a light English and will not overwhelm the palate. I found it to be remindful of Barking Dog, although much tastier.

If you smoke multiple bowls a day and enjoy some Latakia flavor in a somewhat light smoke, this will be a nice addition to your rotation, especially if you keep a close eye on your pocketbook.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 23, 2014 Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable to Strong
This was a tobacco ive seen on the shelf for years, never bought but always wanted to try.......I heard through the grapevine this blend had been discontinued by Middleton so I decided it was now or never. Milan was the last one to have it in stock after i searched high and low (and i believe i bought their last tub). It arrived lightning fast and i was very anxious to try it. Opening the tub i smelled something like strong leather and wood, and a bit of date maybe. Lots of color in my tub ranging from black crimp cuts to bright ribbons, it seemed a bit dry at first but packed up quite well. Smoked nicely with enough flavor to keep me interested, burned a bit quick but didnt bite any more than the Prince or Carter Hall. Nice stuff, funny blends like these disappear. I would have thought it had a strong following, for the price there really isnt anything else like it that ive smoked out there. If you happen upon a tub buy it, its no revelation in terms of smoking experience (no pun intended) but its a decent all day smoke with more flavor than PA or CH. I wish i tried it sooner.
Pipe Used: colbi sandblasted billiard (un filtered)
PurchasedFrom: Milan Tobacco
Age When Smoked: off the shelf
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2009 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Anyone who'd like to try Walnut can get a 2oz pack at Go there, click on "Drug Store Blends" from the left-hand column. Then scroll down to the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

OK- This is an update to the bulk of my original review after several POUCHES of Walnut. I've bumped my first-response from somewhat recommended to recommended. I have made my peace with burly, whose tobacco sweetness is actually probably the "tobacco juice" background taste I mentioned before. It is really not meant as a negative comment, so much as a highly subjective & specific comment with a history. My father habitually cleaned his pipes when he got a sudden shot of juice from his pipe - maybe that was the "old codger's blend" smoker's method. Anyway, I'm afraid I picked that up from him back then. With PA (or any blend where burley predominates, it is a practice rewarded by that inevitable sudden reminder. Even though I've long since broken the habit, I know that taste, associate it with burley, and can pick it's potential in the distinctive taste of burley as soon as I light a burley-based blend. I think it put me off burley for all these years. Brebbia Balkan cured me of those negative associations permanently, and let this balkan smoker appreciate burley flavor as a base. Trying something new educates you. I learned more about tobacco by smoking a vintage tin of 759 than by any other pipe smoking experience, for example. The several burley-balkans Tinder Box sells first made me aware that some consider that acceptable in a "balkan." Well, maybe an Americanized English - which is what Walnut has always claimed to be, I think; and actually is - or maybe was in 1859 when Walnut was first blended.

Walnut IS working for me as a daily tobacco. Even so, I've ordered some syrian latakia to further balkanize (here, a positive adjective), the smoke.

ORIGINAL REVIEW FOLLOWS: I wanted to try Walnut, and just before I found the above source I'd already broken down & ordered a 12 oz can for $14.

My favorite available blend is Penzance, but I've also learned to enjoy SG's Best Brown, and Buteria's Balkan (which, with it's use of burly was a stretch for me as I don't remember my father's PA that fondly. To keep me from cigarettes - this was the early 60's); pop bought me my first pipe and offered me all the PA I could smoke. And I am grateful to him for that. PA was was ok, but what I really wanted to smoke back then was Hickory, which my mom said I couldn't smoke in the house because it smelled like it would "leave a film on her curtains."

Times are tough right now & I just couldn't debit the kind of $ to my checking account that I have been. I wanted an acceptable standard tobacco so I could order along with a two oz tin of something more costly (which I did do already, a tin of Best Brown). Walnut is so inexpensive that, alone, that 14 oz. doesn't meet the minimum purchase requirement at Noggins. Imagine.

So how did that work out for me? I tried a first bowl of Walnut in a Peterson system meer, as I know I can clean just about anything out of it & not taste it later. If I'd gotten the 2 oz pack I don't think I would have trashed it, as I just did a pack of Carter Hall, and 3/4 of the way through this first bowl I'm not sure yet that I'll make it through the whole can - but I might. It has a kind of tobacco-juice flavor in the background of a different kind but reminiscent of that Kendal-taste that lurks in the background of many SG & Gwaith & Hoggarth blends that I like just fine.

It is a definite cut above Carter Hall, which would have been my previous nominee for best "drugstore blend." It won't replace anything else I smoke in bulk. But it may (or may not) tide me over until better times as a replacement for bulk orders of Penzance - or, maybe it'll just make Penzance last longer in my drawer. I'll have to revisit this site later for a comment futher down into the can - which means I want to give it a fair chance.

Some smokers of better blends may well find Walnut accomplishes all I'm after for them right off the bat. Tastes differ widely, after all, and I've tried blends at several times the price that never made it to a second bowl. Walnut has already passed that standard.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 12, 2019 Very Mild None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
I let this age for about three years. Fresh out of the tin it was not really to my liking. It had an undefined but unpleasant after state and it burned quite hot, no matter how softly you puffed.

Aging did the trick for me. Whilst still not one of my favorite blends, it has a acquired a certain maturity (I could also use the word "dignity") that makes it quite palatable. The interplay of Burleys, English and Kentucky, plus the Virginia, is more evident.

I would recommend this to anyone seeking to switch from artificial aromatics to a more straight-forward tobacco taste, or are beginning to explore the Latakia experience. In that department it is a gentle introduction and what I believe could be dubbed as a classic American-English (far better than any Frog Morton).
Pipe Used: Comoy's Every Man's Pipe
PurchasedFrom: Joshua Ward
Age When Smoked: Three years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 31, 2018 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
Its interesting trying to sort out how you feel about pipe blends that you smoked fifty-plus years ago. All this time from my early days of both college and pipe smoking, I have mistakenly believed that Walnut was one of the blends that I rejected early on as unacceptable and unworthy. Recently, I was the lucky recipient of a multi-bowl sample of Walnut from a 14 oz tin from the late Middleton tinning era; now in a state of good preservation. In the bag it presented as a darkish, granular and ruddy brown and black tobacco that had a feint English sub-aroma underneath wonderfully aged Burley and Virginia odors. It simply compelled you to smoke it, and that is exactly what I did. The smoke, and the smoking itself, was pleasing and soft and round (like how we feel about ice cream) and exhibited all of the positive qualities one associates with a quality tobacco that has aged to perfection without weakening too much. How I ever thought that this blend was nasty, is just beyond me as a mature pipe smoker and I was clearly mistaken in my memories. Okay, now for some reality. At one and the same time, I feel that Walnut was the best of the earlier American Englishes and, yet, there has always been a limit to how much I enjoyed them compared to the Englishes they competed with then and now. Since I do not account for aging in rating pipe blends, this is a very solid three stars.
Pipe Used: David Jones "rocker" (2004 NASPC year pipe)
PurchasedFrom: gifted from a fellow pipe smoker
Age When Smoked: 15-20 years old
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 08, 2011 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This is probably the best quality blend that JM makes. I would argue that it is unique from other drug store blends in its quality and complexity.

While it is marketed as an "english blend" this stuff is a true American blend through and through. Don't let the pouch note of latakia fool you. Upon lighting there is a delicious mix of various natural tobacco flavor with a "sweet liquor" topping that persists through the smoke but does not dominate.

It is not nicotine strong (as none of these blends really are) but the mouth feel is a bit stronger (in a good way) than CH or PA. I have gotten many compliments on the room-note from other men.

I can sense this is an "old-school" blend and can imagine past generations smoking this at taverns in Old City Philadelphia.

This is going to be my everyday tobacco for the upcoming fall weather.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 29, 2009 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
A predominately burley crimp cut blend with a seasoning of latakia and other condiment tobaccos, many have described this as an ?americanized english?. I am not a big fan of english style blends, but when I do get that ?itch? for a dose of english flavor Walnut scratches it admirably. Always cool smoking without bite.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 08, 2005 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Walnut is without a doubt, the best blend Middleton produces. It has a nice, rich, slightly smokey, slightly spicey, flavor. It isn't too wet. It packs well. It may have been available in drug stores at one time, but those days are long gone. An incredibly good tobacco for the price.

A good old timey American burley blend, with a hint of latakia. This was my introduction to Latakia, and as such will have a warm place in my heart.

I don't smoke this too much these days. I have other blends I prefer, but for a mild, inexpensive, American-English, you could do far worse. The only real down side to this blend, is that it can have an ashy finish. Worth a try. If you like it, you will save a bunch of money...
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 31, 2002 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
My first "English" blend. I tried it because everyone said it smelled like s**t, but didn't bite. The taste was a revelation, i actually tasted like tobacco, not perfumes. It's a nice variegated, mostly medium color short cut that packs easily. The aroma is that of a mild English/American blend wih Burley and Virginia noticeable first. The Orienal and Laakia are lighter, but wimpy. There is some PG present, which makes it a bit sticky to pack, and doesn't let the blend dry out at all. It doesn't come through in he taste however, which is a very pleasant melange of all the ingedients. An excellent intro to English style tobaccos, and a very good all day smoke. Also an extremely good value.
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