Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Kentucky Bird

A pipe tobacco with natural flowers. Mild Virginia and sun cured Kentucky tobaccos, blended with natural flowers, create a new dimension for pipe smokers. A unique Concept symbolized by the beauty of the Cardinal - the official bird of Kentucky.


Brand Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
Blended By  
Manufactured By St-Group Assens
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Kentucky, Virginia
Flavoring Floral Essences
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin, 50 grams pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.37 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 16 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 28, 2009 Very Mild Very Strong Mild to Medium Tolerable
I guess an opinion from the middle of the spectrum would be appropriate. I don't usually smoke aromatics (in the canonical understanding) and I don't think I could judge this one fairly. However, I didn't find it the most disgusting evil weed ever. There is the whole bunch of much worse concoctions. So this one, from the perspective of predominantly Virginia smoker, is worth some attention (say, you are on a deserted island and you only have KB and nail clippings, so you've got my drift).

I didn't find it very hot smoker. Not the coolest one, either, just nothing remarkable in this department. The aroma from the pouch is wonderful, and the minute I stuck my nose into there I understood that that's gonna be a challenge. The flavoring (flower-ish, herbal-ish, parfumer-ish) is extremely strong. Not very bad per se but very strong. And this is the only significant downside and the reason why I rate it so low.

The tobacco doesn't leave the ghost (at least nothing out of the ordinary) in the pipe and this is very good thing.

I managed to finish the pouch blending the tobacco in to some home made blends in microscopic amounts and don't regret about buying it. Would I recommend it to a fellow Virginia smoker as a change of pace? Barely. Is it worth trying? Why not. It's not yet another aromatic.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 20, 2015 Medium Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I found this pouch of tobacco in a tobacco stand in Germany on a recent trip and was told it was quite popular. It states on the label "with natural flowers" and contains Bright Virginia, Sun cured Kentucky, with natural flavors. Upon opening the pouch aroma is very sweet and tart. No scent of flowers. The tobacco itself is a rough cut ribbon in a mixed variety of browns and is on the moist side. It packs easily into the pipe and lights easily. Upon lighting, immediately one becomes aware of the flavor of dried flowers though the room note is more like walking into a shop selling dried flowers for perfume purposes. It is the most unusual flavor for a pipe tobacco I think I have tried. It is very interesting at first but quickly gets to be too much. I could never smoke this as a regular smoke but on occasion it is interesting. It also smokes rather on the hot side. Smoke it fast and you fry your tongue, smoke it slow and it will reward you with the taste of roses. I am not really fond of this flavor so only smoke it mow and then and can't really recommend it unless you want to try something very different.
Pipe Used: Falcon, briars
PurchasedFrom: tobacco stand in Germany
Age When Smoked: after buying
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 22, 2015 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
This blend is to be seen in almost every tobacco store in Austria as well as in Germany so i'm guessing it has its fans. Or, every shop owner gets suckered into stocking it for its "uniqueness" of having Rose pedals in it. Personally i think it is the latter ;o)

Pouch aroma is of some undefined sweetness, certainly not any rose scent. And it also tastes of some undefined sweetness which is very strong and outright obtrusive. The smell also sticks to your clothes, hair and pipe in a rather unpleasant and thick way. The smoke is voluminous and somewhat sticky-dry on your tongue. Speaking of which: you really have to smoke this blend very slow or it *will* bite your tongue, even tho its not in itself a harsh blend.

The Virginia shines through every now and then as well as the Kentucky. I couldn't make out alot of the Burley.

I somewhat recommend this blend if you feel like smoking something that contains not just tobacco but some other plant as well. If you don't feel that adventurous then stay clear from this blend.
Pipe Used: It went trough rotation.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 07, 2021 Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
First impression, thus please take it with a grain of salt 🙂 I can agree with some of reviews about this tobacco. This is not a general mixture, more like a connoisseur's choice. Tin note is great, sweet, for me more candy-caramel notes than flowers. It is a wild cut and I may over-aired a bit therefore it did burned a hot. Next time I would grind the tobacco to make it more consistent. Packing was fine with Frank method but in the future I would do it from my palm clockwise packing to make it little loose. The room note is nice, even wife-approved indoors. The taste is somewhat soapy or "lakeland" character if you prefer. The strenght & taste is mild even without filter. If you sip really slow it gives a nice flavour, otherwise kentucky will take over the lead, however the tobacco taste is not dominant either way. I beleive this tobacco requires more experience to fully enjoy, which I don't have yet, still I rather liked the smoke. The taste & strenght & smoke is a bit weak for me, however for this very reason this could be an all-day smoke for lakeland lovers, escpecially who smokes indoors frequently.
Pipe Used: meerschaum lined Rattray
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 29, 2023 Very Mild Mild Very Mild Pleasant
Well... it's not inherently a bad tobacco, but... from the very first puff, I couldn't stop thinking about "why this tastes like cheap version of Ennerdale?". Like seriously, if you like this rose/floral flavor profile and never tried Ennerdale so far, go and try it, you won't regret it, it's way better tobacco.
Pipe Used: various briar pipes
PurchasedFrom: Local Tobacconist
Age When Smoked: Fresh from pouch
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 13, 2022 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
Nice aromas before the start, particularly fresh and floral smells. Nice, soft, and partially aromatic. No bite sensation at all in a prolongated and relaxing smoke.
Pipe Used: John Aylesbury - Billiard Dunkelbraun
PurchasedFrom: Cigarworld
Age When Smoked: 1
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 30, 2016 Very Mild Mild Mild Very Pleasant
Strong hints of flowers in a pleasant blend, very light, good for the first smokes of the morning. As many other aromatic tobaccos, it's boring. But if you need something very light or if you're a novice and you want to try your first aromatic blend, it's ok. 3,0/5 in my personal rating system.
PurchasedFrom: New Smoke, Milano (Italy)
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 02, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Tolerable
This tobacco is a very mild and straightforward experience. It's not bad, it's quite ok, but not exceptional. I think it's good for first time smokers and people not looking for the nicotine buzz, because you won't get any.

In the pouch, it's a delightful experience both in smell and touch. i clearly smell honey and a hint of rose. The moisture content is just perfect, and the packing comes easy. It burns reliably, for a very long time and never too hot. The taste is fine but definitely mild.

If you want a reliable, light tobacco just as a standby or for the pleasure of a long and straightforward smoke, it's definitely ok, but it won't be able to displace favorites.
PurchasedFrom: Italy
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 06, 2012 Mild Medium to Strong Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Well, this one is pretty uneventful.

It smells good in the pouch, and the moisture level is perfect. Takes to a flame well and burns down without any relights. The taste is sweet but not overly sweet. It just never develops or goes anywhere, though.

It didn't burn hot for me at all. I have a feeling some people are not packing it correctly.

Still, a nice smoke when you just want to smoke without really having to focus on flavors.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 29, 2024 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
A medium aromatic with a mostly floral topping (you can actually see red and orange petals among the tobacco when you open the pouch) that turns to almost herbal as the bowl warms up and the tobacco really starts smoking. The taste is a bit unsual so I can clearly see why this is not to everyone's taste while those who like it, do so with a passion. Pleasant pouch and room note and the darker tobaccos in the mix do give this some well-needed woody/hay flavours underneath, but overall to my taste it's a fairly mediocre aromatic with nothing special enough in it to make it memorable. A firm 2, would perhaps buy again, but not right away.
Pipe Used: Gasparini bulldog, churchwarden, corn cob
PurchasedFrom: Tobacco shop in Prague, Czech Republic
Age When Smoked: Fresh from pouch
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