Holger Danske Golden Harmony

Blended by hand from loose cut Virginia tobaccos, rounded with ready rubbed burley, black cavendish and Oriental leaf.
Notes: Formerly known as "Mango and Vanilla", due to regulations this blend is now called "Golden Harmony" and it now comes in a 40 grams pouch. Also, the recipe has been changed a bit. The old pouch description was, "A blend of selected, slightly toasted Virginia and burley tobaccos. The aroma of mellow mango fruit topped with a touch of vanilla gives this mixture a unique tropical character."


Brand Holger Danske
Blended By Mac Baren
Manufactured By Mac Baren
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Flavoring Mango, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 40 grams pouch, 50 grams pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.38 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 24 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 17, 2014 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
This is a good aromatic and I would rate it 3 stars if there weren't so many mixtures available that are even better. It didn't bite or leave any goop in my pipe as so many other aros do. I enjoyed the tin of it but I doubt I will ever get another.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 27, 2013 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Highly aromatic tin note. After initial flavor burst of vanilla and fruit, it settles into a pleasant fruit flavor with a little vanilla-type nuance. As you progress through the bowl, I get an astringency which reminds me of grapefruit (astringency, not flavor). Further into it, a nice burley comes to the front, with the fruit and astringency in the background. Stayed lit on one light, post char. Clean bowl.
Pipe Used: Stanwell, MM
PurchasedFrom: The Briary, Homewood, AL
Age When Smoked: undated; bought 2 months ago
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 23, 2012 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
If you are a fan of sweet aromatic pipe tobacco and if you are not a big fan of cavendish at the same time, this tobacco is then for you!

I somewhat enjoyed it, but I don't think I will buy it again, since I don't enjoy very sweet tobaccos.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 06, 2014 Medium Extra Strong Overwhelming Very Strong
I wanted to buy an aromatic tobacco. Went to the tobacco store near to my place, grab that, went back home, packed the pipe. OMG.....!! I don't want to bury this tobacco, I just didn't liked it at all...too much flavor, too much aroma, it seems that if I put an aromatic candle in the bowl it wouldn't be that different...I'll just pass.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 27, 2009 Medium Mild Mild to Medium Tolerable
Thick cut rather promising looking tobacco out of the pouch. Fragrant aroma of, rather surprisingly, Vanilla and something fruity that may well be mango.

It's rather moist but not unpleasantly so and needs a little rubbing before loading.

First mouthful is also promising. There is vanilla in there for sure, mango - possibly. Progress through the bowl requires frequent relighting and the tobacco itself becomes rather messy and needs a lot of tamping and prodding. Maybe my inexperience though, relatively new to the art of pipe smoking as I am.

Three quarters of the way through I got a nasty backbite and the bowl got hotter than hell. Returning to the pipe after letting it cool wasn't that much better and again it took no time to bite me again.

Returning to the tobacco after resting it a while did little to either improve the flavour or the tendancy towards biting. Mrs RW made no comment on the aroma, hence 'tolerable'.

A disappointing blend then, with only the whisper of vanilla/mango. I shan't be repeating this purchase anytime soon.
Pipe Used: All
PurchasedFrom: SmokeKing (Greens of Leeds)
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2009 Mild Medium Medium Pleasant
If I am not mistaken, I believe this is the same blend that was once sold in the C.B. Perkins pipe stores as Mutiny On The Bounty and was the first "out of the jar" tobacco I ever purchased way back when. As a new pipe smoker at the time, it was one of the first few blends that I ever smoked. I purchased it because the salesman was smoking it and it smelled delicious. It was an awakening to find that as one smokes, you never experienced that wonderful room aroma that attracts so many to the pipe. Never-the-less, I enjoyed this blend very much. Not much in the way of tobacco taste, but the taste of sweet mango and vanilla was always present. Never goopy, never hot; a truly wonderful introduction to the art of pipe smoking.

I still have a small amount stashed away from the last time I purchased it - perhaps 20 years ago! I've since graduated to other, more tobacco-tasteful blends, but on occasion, I take the sample out just for the bag aroma and am immediately transported back to those early days of my coming to the pipe. I wish the local C.B. Perkins was still around as it would have remained a regular haunt of mine. In my immediate vicinity, J & R is the only local that has any pipe tobacco; mostly Mac Baren(many of my favorites)and some American drugstore blends - and lately, not much of either. I truly miss smelling the samples from the glass jars before making my purchase! If HD Mango and Vanilla is the same blend, I recommend it without reservation.

UPDATE: 8-25-09 I recently purchased a tin of HD Mango & Vanilla and would have to say that this is not the same as the C.B. Perkins Mutiny On The Bounty I mentioned in my original review. The HD version is predominantly mango in tin aroma and taste. Not bad, just not the same as the CBP version. In spite of the casings, it did not smoke overly hot - just a mild tongue tingling from time to time. In spite of its flavorings, it did taste of tobacco - albeit mildly so. It certainly was a sweet enough smoke, but not sickeningly so. The mango flavoring remained throughout the smoke, and there was no moisture or dottle to speak of. By the way, the vanilla was indeed a small "touch" since I detected very little in the tin aroma but it did add a nice sweetness which enhanced the mango flavoring. I can give it a personal and solid "recommended with 3 stars" for those times when you want a sweet tasting aromatic as a change of pace. For the true aromatic fancier, easily 4 stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 29, 2007 Mild Medium to Strong Medium Very Pleasant
This aromatic was a true delight to smoke. This tobacco has no bite and is full of wonderful mango flavor!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 09, 2007 Mild to Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
This was one of the first blends I smoked when I started pipesmoking again, as my palate was not quite educated, I could really find no real discernable flavoring. It smoked nicely though, and I could tell it was a quality tobacco. There are plenty of domestic blends that can offer similar or better qualities for a better price. The hot looking bartender chicks, however, really dug the room note, so for that, i can recommend it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 22, 2006 Mild Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
This is a quality aromatic. The casing tastes like fruit and pastry. The underlying tobacco is good and can stand on its own. I usually don't smoke aromatics, but this one has a permanent place in my rotation.

I rate it four stars as an aromatic, but I would only give it three stars in a blend to blend comparison.

It can get bitter and nasty at the bottom of the bowl sometimes.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2005 Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
I tend to begin the day with the kind of smoke that gently awakens the taste buds, yet povides the unmistakenable 'tobacco' taste this delivers. My other 'morning' blend is perhaps a crisp Nougut. For several months I've been smokeless, due to oral 'implant' surgery which is very 'no exceptions to the abstenience [ that is to say: not one teeney, weenie puff, PERIOD] OK, ok, my ability to propely masticate is more important. However, I had a tin, between my leg on the wheelchair I use. And the aroma of mangos and vanilla made my mouth water. The 'tropical' aroma of this blend is half of the attrction. Also, it is a big hit with the fairer sex and I have heard of an instance where a young man bought his spouse a 'petite' small pipe with this brand 'cause she's wild about mangos! Was a big hit, she loved it! Well, enough of this. If your 'morning' smoke has to be mild and pleasant, yet not that sickly and syruppy overpowering taste. If you want a tobacco that has that deffinite Virginia/burley taste try it. Your mate will love you for it! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 22, 2001 Mild Mild to Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
My girlfriend is a big fan of mangoes, so when I surprised her one night with a ladies' pipe, I included a package of this tobacco by Holger Danske. It's a relatively mild tobacco, and it's of contrasting colours with a bit of an orange tint to it (you might even say 'Mango-flesh tint'). The first time I opened the pouch and took a sniff I was immediately reminded of a fruity granola bar. (Given the fact that it was pressed tightly together, it even looked like you could snack on it.) It has a very faint, mellow vanilla undertone to it, but the bouquet is prodominantly fruity.

I've been smoking this tobacco for a while now, and I've grown fond of it. The label declares it as an, "Exotic mixture with extract of ripe mango fruits and Vanilla aroma." I'm not entirely certain if my tastebuds are refined enough to mark it as mango, but there is definitely citrus present in the taste and in the pleasant room smell given off when being smoked. Although fruity, like a mango, it's a laid-back flavour that isn't overpowering. I can smoke it often and for a long time without tiring of the taste. When enough moisture collects on my tongue I can suck some of the fruity 'extract' from it. Yummy. On the whole, however, the vanilla gets lost in the stronger (albeit pleasant) fruit-flavour.
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