Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Erinmore Mixture

The recipe for Erinmore Mixture is a closely guarded secret which is revealed to only two people in each generation. It is known, however, that the tobaccos are selected from the premier tobacco growing regions of the world, naturally sweetened bright Virginia is hand blended with cool-smoking black cavendish to produce the unique flavor and distinctive aroma of Erinmore. More than that we cannot reveal. A mellow aromatic tobacco with a cool taste and a slow-burning easy-smoking style. TIN DESCRIPTION: Erinmore Mixture is a slow-burning blend of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish tobaccos.
Notes: Produced by Murray's Sons until 2005.


Brand Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
Blended By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Fruit / Citrus, Pineapple
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 100 grams tin
Country Denmark
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.27 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 198 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 05, 2008 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Unique and traditional tobacco that is good any time of day. It is not for everyday use, a tin in a month is good balance. It is highly recommended and fine proof is that this name lasts for long time...


This blend is miles from this what it was once upon the time when the original company made it... Sic transit gloria mundi.

My rate: 3.0
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 20, 2014 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
Erinmore mixture: a much maligned tobacco - particularly by those, like myself, who enjoy the occasional Erinmore flake. However, I have to place myself in the minority and admit to liking this blend.

Tin note of peach cobbler, hint of pineapple. Sugar, and a faint aroma of fresh bread.

The charring light is very sweet and citrusy: initial flavors include pineapple, mandarin orange, a hint of lemon. I can understand why some find this sour tasting. I would say, "tart". After the first quarter bowl, I detect more pronounced lemony flavors. For lack of a better analogy, this reminds me of the old, cheap candy Lemon Heads from my childhood. Very, very tart.

Doesn't immediately bite but smokes hot. Definitely could bite if pushed. Sip this one slowly.

The blend mellows out by mid-bowl and settles down to a nice smoke. Despite the pronounced citrus flavoring, there is definite tobacco flavor here, with the cavendish in the background and the VaBur element center stage. I agree with reviewer Honzz that there is an "earthy" backbone to this blend, at least by mid bowl as the flavoring agent begins to mellow, that is somewhat reminiscent of good, rich coffee - or perhaps good, natural, hot cocoa (without added sugar). During the final third, the blend smoothens out nicely and by the final puffs there is a more noticeable chocolaty, cocoa flavor that I presume is the burley asserting after most of the flavoring agent has been burned off.

Overall an interesting crossover blend. A citrus flavored VaBur that is distinct enough from Erinmore Flake to be worth a try for those who enjoy such flavors. Enough backbone for those who enjoy tobacco. Probably not one I would cellar, not being a big fan of citrus, but a credit to the genre.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 29, 2013 Medium Medium Mild Very Pleasant
This is my favourite, everyday over the counter tobacco. I love it's flavour, I find if you smoke it slowly there is no tongue bite and it does not burn too hot.
Room note is very pleasant and it's not so strong that 1 bowl a day is enough, I smoke it all day everyday.
Pipe Used: Peterson, 317 and Rocky Donegal
PurchasedFrom: Tesco Roborough Plymouth UK
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2015 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
The Virginias are hay-like and grassy with a hint of tangy dark fruit and earth along with some tart and tangy citrus as the main components. The nutty, earthy, woody burley is a secondary player. The black cavendish has a slight sugary vanilla note in a minor role. The toppings are tartly tropical citrusy with apricot, butterscotch, plum, pear (took me a while to figure it was pear), and anise. It’s also a little floral. There is no pineapple in it, but I notice something similar to it, apparently from the interactions of the fruity toppings, which are the stars of this blend. The flavors are very consistent start to finish, but due to the acidity level of the toppings, this aromatic blend can burn hot and nip at your tongue if you puff much beyond a moderate pace. The taste and strength levels are medium. The nic-hit is just past the center of mild to medium. Requires a few relights, and leaves a little moisture in the bowl. The after taste and room notes linger. Not an all day smoke. Will ghost a briar.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 30, 2007 Mild to Medium Extremely Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Erinmore Mixture is another one of those no longer produced blends. It is not similar at all to Erinmore Flake as the components and toppings are very different. Unlike Erinmore Flake, this one contains quite a bit of Black Cavendish that actually keeps the smoke cooler than the Flake version. It certainly does have a "unique" topping that some will love and others will hate.

I fall somewhere in between. Not enough oomph to satisfy me.

It is easy to load and keep smoldering.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 05, 2011 Medium Mild to Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Yes, Erinmore Mixture is a "wet" smoke, but in a good pipe (I use Peterson small bowl pipes) it does not smoke hot. As far as the aroma is concerned, my wife (a non-smoker) finds it agreeable, and many people who smoke cigarettes have commented upon the aroma when we gather in the outside smoking areas in UK pubs.

I smoked roll-your-own cigarettes until I was 25 then switched to a pipe as I am a cricketer and I was getting out of breath on my bowling run-up. Erinmore has a sufficient nicotine hit to be the ideal tobacco for the person who wants to change from cigarettes to pipes.

Erinmore Mixture is a good, all-day smoke; it is not aggressive, does not dull the taste buds if smoked before breakfast. The taste is not spoiled if used with a filter pipe such as a Savanelli (I have 3 Savanellis and good pipes they are).

It is not the aristocrat of pipe tobaccos; I reserve that honour for Troost Black Cavendish; it is, however, a fine, often under-rated tobacco. It has lost a degree of its richness since the Danes started blending it; what I do is to keep a small quantity of loose Black Cavendish in a snuff tin in my pouch, and I add this to my pipe towards the evening when a more aromatic and stronger-tasting smoke is required.

Finally; it is essential, at least in my view; to change pipes daily when smoking Erinmore Mixture. This kills the wetness.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2009 Mild Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
This is my all time favorite Virginia tobacco, Erinmore Mixture is not an aromatic ( in fact,you can call it whatever you want ) but this is an Erinmore, it tastes Erinmore and it smells Erinmore, it has a special flavor that is very similar to... Erinmore.

it is unique, and superior to ANY other modern Virginia out there.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 18, 2013 Medium Mild Medium Pleasant
The tin aroma is a sweet tobacco aroma with a fruity essence. The fruitiness kind of reminds me of a tropical fruitiness. The moisture level is a little on the wet side and some drying time is recommended.

At the start of the smoke I taste the sweet tobacco flavor with a light hint of the fruity flavoring. The flavoring is not over powering and is quite subtle, but it is easily noticeable. There is also a rich earthiness that reminds me of the body of black coffee. I do not detect any black coffee flavor at all, it just reminds me of the rich, earthy body that black coffee has. The flavor profile was the same from start to finish.

This is a decent blend that smokes relatively cool. It smokes dry and doesn't leave a mess in the pipe. It didn't bite me, but I could tell that if it is pushed too hard that it might have the possibility to bite. This is a light aromatic blend where the tobacco flavor stands out quite well and the flavoring is used to enhance the tobacco.

This blend never really jumped out at me and while I would smoke it on occasion, it will never make it into any type of rotation for me. If you are a regular smoker of aromatics, you may really enjoy Erinmore Mixture.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 22, 2007 Medium Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
I recently got a very old large ( 7 ounce? ) tin of this from a fellow pipesmoker for $8. He swore he would "never smoke this foul weed again" and said he would throw it in the trash if I did not want it. He only smoked one bowl, so I thought it was a good deal. Now, when I opened the tin, sugar crystals coated the tobacco, and, as always for me, I am always excited by this. I love the flake version of Erinmore, and now, I love this. Smoked in a Group 3 sized pipe, this is a great smoke. Yes, as one previous reviewer said, it does leave your mouth kind of dry afterwards, but I find this to be a very rewarding smoke. I filled a large mason jar with this and promptly put it into my tobacco collection. Highly Recommended!!

*UPDATE 5/22/07* Just recently ordered two tins of the "new" version. All I can say is "What Happened??!!"...Sour and bitey right out of the tin. I let it air dry out for a day on a sheet of newspaper, and this helped. But, I am still not finding the full and satisfying smoke of the previous well aged tin reviewed earlier. I kept one 3.5 ounce tin sealed, and I am hoping that aging does the trick. Still a good smoke, and I will be overly generous and leave my four star rating...for now...I will follow up later.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 31, 2014 Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant
Erinmore Mixture.

I have been looking forward to this one for a while now! When I open it the first thing I get is a terrific fruity aroma from it, which is very intriguing! To be not so positive it is a little on the damp side so a small amount of airing to diminish the moisture amount is required. On inspection it is quickly obtainable that it is mostly Virginia with only a smaller amount of black Cavendish.

Once it has aired (needing only about an hour per bowlful) it takes to igniting easily and gives an impeccable, steady and consistent burn. The temperature of the smoke is a moderate one, neither too hot nor cool. Flavour next, unique, I know there are a few added fruit, citrus and pineapple flavours but for me the pineapple steals the show out of them all! This is a real treat as in the tobacco world it's conventionally cherry, vanilla or coffee but this makes a great change and by retro-haling it the pineapple becomes even more enlarged. Nicotine now, a great amount for me, not strong or weak. Tongue bite? This one does tend to bite a little if I go too harshly so I gently sip it and that abates the aggressive side enough to enjoy the flavours. Room note now, this is mainly a Virginia hay one with a slight zest likeness there also, a plus point is that it's not heavy at all so will not offend many people around you.

This one scores 3 stars not 4 solely for the subjective reason that I find the pineapple a little monotonous after a short while.

Somewhat recommended.
Pipe Used: Butz Choquin
PurchasedFrom: Smoke King
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 05, 2014 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
I enjoy this blend; however, I am a lover of English blends and often shy away from the stronger aromatics. The description noted above identifies this blend as an aromatic, so if you're a lover of powerful tobaccos soaked in sugary casing type stuff, then take my review with a large grain of proverbial salt. That said, I agree with the previous two or three reviewers, this is a blend that I can smoke repeatedly throughout the day, and it never leaves my mouth with the odd filmy taste that sometimes accompanies the stronger aromatics. There is enough casing to impress a bystander while possessing enough depth to make this an excellent contemplative smoke. I would also recommend this blend as an accompaniment with a wee dram in the afternoon, just remember to discipline your smoking and try and keep the bowl cool (as with any tobacco).
Pipe Used: Britannia - Straight Billiard
PurchasedFrom: Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked: New, then again aged
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