Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) Erinmore Mixture
The recipe for Erinmore Mixture is a closely guarded secret which is revealed to only two people in each generation. It is known, however, that the tobaccos are selected from the premier tobacco growing regions of the world, naturally sweetened bright Virginia is hand blended with cool-smoking black cavendish to produce the unique flavor and distinctive aroma of Erinmore. More than that we cannot reveal. A mellow aromatic tobacco with a cool taste and a slow-burning easy-smoking style.
TIN DESCRIPTION: Erinmore Mixture is a slow-burning blend of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish tobaccos.
Notes: Produced by Murray's Sons until 2005.
Brand | Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) |
Blended By | Scandinavian Tobacco Group |
Manufactured By | Scandinavian Tobacco Group |
Blend Type | Aromatic |
Contents | Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia |
Flavoring | Fruit / Citrus, Pineapple |
Cut | Ribbon |
Packaging | 100 grams tin |
Country | Denmark |
Production | Currently available |
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming
Average Rating
2.27 / 4
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Displaying 11 - 20 of 198 Reviews
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Sep 05, 2014 | Mild to Medium | Mild | Mild to Medium | Pleasant |
I enjoy this blend; however, I am a lover of English blends and often shy away from the stronger aromatics. The description noted above identifies this blend as an aromatic, so if you're a lover of powerful tobaccos soaked in sugary casing type stuff, then take my review with a large grain of proverbial salt. That said, I agree with the previous two or three reviewers, this is a blend that I can smoke repeatedly throughout the day, and it never leaves my mouth with the odd filmy taste that sometimes accompanies the stronger aromatics. There is enough casing to impress a bystander while possessing enough depth to make this an excellent contemplative smoke. I would also recommend this blend as an accompaniment with a wee dram in the afternoon, just remember to discipline your smoking and try and keep the bowl cool (as with any tobacco).
Pipe Used:
Britannia - Straight Billiard
Pipes and Cigars
Age When Smoked:
New, then again aged
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Oct 28, 2011 | Medium | Mild to Medium | Medium | Pleasant |
Not doing very well this one, so let me tell you: I've been a pipe smoker for 35 years and I know my way around good tobaccos when I see them. I avoid aromatics like the plague and couldn't smoke EM when it was manufactured by Murray & Sons in Belfast; I was able to ocassionally tolerate the flake. I only recently tried this because blending has now gone to Orlik (and that possibly means that Stockkeby handle the blending and distribution). I now cannot tolerate the flake, which is completely overpowered by the casing, but find EM altogether a more subtle and rewarding smoke - the casing has completely changed and once contained a tonquin aspect that is no longer there - this substantially changes the dynamics for me. This is not mild - it packs a nicotine punch and although it is cased, it is not overpowering and the sweetness is not sickly as are many aromatics. This does burn cool and burns to a light white ash; however, it does vary in moisture content and must be dried - and dried well. I find complete removal from the tin and spread out on a newspaper for at least 24 hours substantially transforms this tobacco into something very pleasant to smoke - light enough as an all day smoke and equally rewarding in the evening with a good nicotine slap (rather than a punch).
I feel this tobacco, unusually, fills the centre ground that sits between a full aromatic on one hand and a non-aromatic blend on the other. Frankly, I am astonished that since my first tin, I've ordered an additional ten tins - this is most unusual for me because casings will usually send me over the edge - I am to all intents and purposes a VAPER man, but this has awoken another dimension.
If this smarts the tongue, then you've packed it improperly - it's light enough to burn easy and shouldn't be pushed - any tobacco will bite under such conditions.
It works for me because it's nothing like the original!
I feel this tobacco, unusually, fills the centre ground that sits between a full aromatic on one hand and a non-aromatic blend on the other. Frankly, I am astonished that since my first tin, I've ordered an additional ten tins - this is most unusual for me because casings will usually send me over the edge - I am to all intents and purposes a VAPER man, but this has awoken another dimension.
If this smarts the tongue, then you've packed it improperly - it's light enough to burn easy and shouldn't be pushed - any tobacco will bite under such conditions.
It works for me because it's nothing like the original!
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Sep 13, 2012 | Mild to Medium | Medium | Medium | Tolerable |
This is another I purchased due to reading so much about it on here. The reviews seemed to be mixed so I thought I'd assuage my curiosity and give it a go.
The smell on opening the packet really increased my anticipation, a good waft of currant bun greeted my nostrils as I dived in. The packing and lighting were sensibly easy, so far so good. Once again, the currant bun flavour appeared along with a good hint of citrus, quite nice I thought, especially when hints of pineapple popped up occasionally. Sadly though, there is something rough about this, something I can't quite put my finger on this, something that hits the back of the throat and the roof of the mouth. It's almost like they've made the perfect hot cross bun and garnished it with sandpaper.
So there we go nice flavour with more than a hint of rough. I'm not sure if it's a case of it being made with floor sweepings from some good tobaccos or added a very good casing to some bad ones. I think I can understand why a lot of people like this one, there is a good flavour in here. However, for me I can only quote the venerable James May "It's like they came up with the recipe for a perfect shepherds pie and then made it with dog meat!".
The smell on opening the packet really increased my anticipation, a good waft of currant bun greeted my nostrils as I dived in. The packing and lighting were sensibly easy, so far so good. Once again, the currant bun flavour appeared along with a good hint of citrus, quite nice I thought, especially when hints of pineapple popped up occasionally. Sadly though, there is something rough about this, something I can't quite put my finger on this, something that hits the back of the throat and the roof of the mouth. It's almost like they've made the perfect hot cross bun and garnished it with sandpaper.
So there we go nice flavour with more than a hint of rough. I'm not sure if it's a case of it being made with floor sweepings from some good tobaccos or added a very good casing to some bad ones. I think I can understand why a lot of people like this one, there is a good flavour in here. However, for me I can only quote the venerable James May "It's like they came up with the recipe for a perfect shepherds pie and then made it with dog meat!".
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Sep 04, 2007 | Medium | Medium to Strong | Very Full | Tolerable to Strong |
I love it, typical of a lot of the good classics, when you first pop the the you think, "what are they all taking about?". By the end you know why it is a classic. There really is nothing else like it. I get rich fruit tea cake from it. I go for it when my regular flakes, aro's or english's don't beckon. And then it always hits the spot. Just picked up the flake version, and I know I am going to love it too.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Oct 08, 2006 | Mild to Medium | Medium | Medium to Full | Very Pleasant |
This is one of those blends that you either love or hate. It's that simple. I've smoked both the mixture and the flake for the past 22 yrs. In all those years I have found nothing like it. I've found this smokes best in a small bowl.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Jan 08, 2014 | Mild to Medium | Very Mild | Very Mild | Unnoticeable |
I've should listen to the reviews instead of get fascinated by the tin. The flavoring is somewhat lost in the tobacco and it is a fight to keep its bite away. Not a relaxing smoke.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Apr 13, 2013 | Mild to Medium | Very Mild | Medium | Pleasant to Tolerable |
This is one of my favorite tobaccos. I needed a few tries to learn how to smoke it slowly and steadily to enjoy it's taste without burning my tongue, but I'm glad I didn't stop trying. I smoke this blend from a medium sized Capitol with balsa wood filter alone or in a group of friends and no one complained about it's aroma yet. If you are a lover of not too aromatised blends then you have to give it a try.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Jan 05, 2010 | Medium | Mild to Medium | Medium | Very Pleasant |
I left the pipe aside for about 10 yeers or so, for various reasons. Since autumn 2009 I picked up pipe smoking again and awarded myself with a new pipe and some new tobaccoes. I bought a 50g tin of this as my first tobacco at my local tobacconist in Belgium for a very resonnable price of 5,90 Euros.
The tin looked fairly new (no production date mentioned)and is produced in Denmark by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Upon opening the tin i noticed beautiful yellow golden thin ribbon cut Virginia tobacco, with here and there some dark brown and black speckles. The aroma was a very strong but inviting mixture of raisins and especially apricots. The tobacco was densely packed in the tin and fairly moist, so i let it dry out for a few hours every time i smoked it.
The tobacco packs easily. I never got any tongue bite or dottle, and I smoked it fairly fast. It burns cool to a light grey ash.
The taste is citrus and grassy, like a young Virginia. I would recommend is as a summer or morning smoke. A very high quality and affordable tobacco for people who like young and fruity Virginia blends. The taste and tin aroma gets better as it is exposed to some air and has time to dry out a bit.
I will defenitely buy more of this.
The tin looked fairly new (no production date mentioned)and is produced in Denmark by the Scandinavian Tobacco Group. Upon opening the tin i noticed beautiful yellow golden thin ribbon cut Virginia tobacco, with here and there some dark brown and black speckles. The aroma was a very strong but inviting mixture of raisins and especially apricots. The tobacco was densely packed in the tin and fairly moist, so i let it dry out for a few hours every time i smoked it.
The tobacco packs easily. I never got any tongue bite or dottle, and I smoked it fairly fast. It burns cool to a light grey ash.
The taste is citrus and grassy, like a young Virginia. I would recommend is as a summer or morning smoke. A very high quality and affordable tobacco for people who like young and fruity Virginia blends. The taste and tin aroma gets better as it is exposed to some air and has time to dry out a bit.
I will defenitely buy more of this.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| May 06, 2009 | Medium | Medium to Strong | Medium | Pleasant to Tolerable |
I like Erinmore Mixture almost as much as I like Erimore Flake and when buying new tobacco at my favorite store I usually grab a tin of whatever is on the shelf without giving a second thought.
Compared to the flake version, it is a bit less strong in terms of nicotine, the topping is a bit more intense and it burns a tad faster due to the cut.
So, if you like aromatic tobaccos which are not super-mild and still have a good 'tobacco-base' topped by an non-VanillaMangoCherry flavoring , try Erinmore Mixture.
Compared to the flake version, it is a bit less strong in terms of nicotine, the topping is a bit more intense and it burns a tad faster due to the cut.
So, if you like aromatic tobaccos which are not super-mild and still have a good 'tobacco-base' topped by an non-VanillaMangoCherry flavoring , try Erinmore Mixture.
Reviewed By | Date | Rating | Strength | Flavoring | Taste | Room Note |
| Nov 09, 2002 | Medium | Strong | Medium | Pleasant |
This is NOT the rubbed-out version of ERINMORE FLAKE. The rubbed-out version of ERINMORE FLAKE is ERINMORE READY-RUBBED. This is an independent mixture containing heavily cased Cavendish leaf, which the other offerings do not have. The famous?or notorious? Erinmore flavouring has thus been added with a trowel to a base tobacco much weaker than the excellent, and potent, Virginia-only composition of PLUG, FLAKE, AND READY-RUBBED.
I thoroughly dislike this Cavendish aromatic, which is a kind of exploitation formula not really related to the others under the same cachet.
If you wish to explore the possible reasons why this line of tobaccos have been favourites with many smokers over 80 years, try the PLUG.
I thoroughly dislike this Cavendish aromatic, which is a kind of exploitation formula not really related to the others under the same cachet.
If you wish to explore the possible reasons why this line of tobaccos have been favourites with many smokers over 80 years, try the PLUG.