Planta Cellini Classico

The best of the specially light and aromatic varieties from Tuscany and Umbria were selected for this Italian blend. The light yellow of excellent virgin grades harmonizes with the dark black cavendish and the burley. The orange flavored topping makes for a mild, yet sweet blend.
Notes: The original's recipe was from Italy, but now, is produced in Germany, by Planta Tabak.


Brand Planta
Blended By Cellini
Manufactured By Planta
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia
Flavoring Floral Essences, Orange
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging 50 grams pouch, 100 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.65 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 43 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 28, 2013 Strong Strong Very Full Very Pleasant
I bought this while in Venice and I have to say that it is a very nice aromatic blend using an orange flavor that produces a very creamy rich orange flavored smoke that is very fragrant in room note and pleasing on the tongue. It is a great after dinner smoke, like having a brandy after a good dinner. It bought it in a roll up pack and upon opening the pack, I was presented with a rich orange aroma and a soft somewhat moist mixture of light to dark brown short ribbon cut tobacco. It claims on the package it is composed of different Virginias and Dark Cavendish tobaccos. With the orange flavoring one cannot really taste the subtle flavor of the Virginias but it does produce a cool, slow burning pleasant smoke. The room note is very fragrant and rich. It does take a few lights to get it lit, but once lit it burns down very nicely to the bottom of the bowl leaving very little dottle or moisture in the bottom of the pipe. This I find pleasing as most aromatics tend to leave a lot of moisture and dottle in the bottom, but not this one. While I could not make it an all day blend, I have really enjoyed this in the evening and night time. I find it full bodied and very rich in flavor and quite pleasing. I would highly recommend this blend for a taste of something different in the way of aromatics.
Pipe Used: Briars and Falcons
PurchasedFrom: Tobacco shop in Venice
Age When Smoked: Right off the shelf
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 24, 2015 Mild to Medium Very Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
My heavens! Such drama. This is a delightful little aromatic which smells of oranges. Occasionally I think I get a whiff of chocolate but that is probably the very mild burley making itself known. It is a very sweet tobacco that I enjoy after dinner with coffee. It is also a very rich tobacco that burns very slowly but that may be due to my indolent puffing more than anything else. All in all slow burning, sweet and rich! It is a perfect summer evening smoke. My only problem with it is I have trouble acquiring it. one has not had the pleasure till smoked on a cool summer night overlooking the sea. This tobacco surpasses its purpose. 4 stars. Note under strength, flavoring. and taste a better response would be rich.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 25, 2016 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Planta - Cellini Classico.

Please note, I've posted the same review for Planta-Cellini Classico Riserva, and Cellini-Classico Riserva, as I'm unsure as to which of the two is the correct one to use.

Never, in my pipe smoking life, have I stumbled across such a horrible smelling blend: cheap sweets, fondant, and sugar!

Well, when I lit it, I hated it at first, but after a short while I began to almost like it, and after a longer while I actually found myself enjoying it! Yes, the flavour profile is comprised mainly of oranges, but there's also a slight vanilla touch, with a subtle grassiness in the background.

There isn't much nicotine to be had from this: it's mild at most. And the room-note's pretty good: fruity, peachy, and there's not too much smoke.

As I said, I do enjoy this, but it couldn't go into my rotation; I could only smoke it VERY sporadically.

Two stars.

Pipe Used: Levent Meerschaum Claw

Age When Smoked: New

Purchased From: Robert Graham
Pipe Used: Levent Meerschaum Claw
PurchasedFrom: Robert Graham
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Aug 06, 2015 Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
For the lovers of a good aromatic, Cellini can provide a cool and easy smoke. The pouch aroma is of red fruits and vanilla. Nicely cut, it comes in pouches not too dry or too moist. Easy to pack and light, this baccy burns evenly. NO

I gravitate more towards VA flakes and English Blends, so I find this to be too sweet for me. I would say I would smoke it once in a while, specially if my girlfriend is around, because the room note is really pleasant.

Apart from that, it's cheap enough and accessible enough. If you like ARO you will enjoy this. For me, it's more like an occasional thing.

Pipe Used: Stanwell
PurchasedFrom: La Civette, Paris
Age When Smoked: Fresh from the pouch
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 02, 2012 Mild Medium to Strong Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I usually don't rate very high the aromatized tobaccos but this one is pretty good. Very good basics, italian virginia from Tuscany and Umbria, and a smooth black cavendish, and I suspect some kentucky mild (instead of burley indicated in the description above), because is also the most common type of tobacco plant produced in Italy. The aromatic essences are maybe too much strong for someone but I think that the basics aren't overhelmed. There's orange for sure and something like rhum or liqueur: the ensemble remembers me those hot alcoholic beverages like "punch" or something, so I consider this tobacco a winter time choice. Maybe 3 stars are a little too much, but why not? I think this can be a right aromatized choice for a beginner.

Type: Artificial aromatic full in taste, but mild in streght ; Contents: Virginia from Tuscany and Umbria, black cavendish (maybe Kentucky mild) ; Flavoring: Orange (& liqueur, something that remeber rhum) ; Cut: Loose / wild / coarse cut ; Humidity: Medium and persistent, tends to conserve the right level of humidity till the end of the pouch ; Lighting: Very easy and pretty fast burning, results in a "not tedious" smoking ; Pipe recommended: Really fine with all types.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 08, 2012 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
The Original recipe was from Italy, but now it is made in Germany, by Planta Tabak.

is a very good aromatic tobacco, mild, cool,not strong. Perfect for smokers that loves aromatics, and for the Pipe Smokers noobs, since it not causes Tongue Bite (as some Borkun Riff's and MacBaren's blends)

The overall quality merits 4 stars. Recommended.

Congratulations to Planta for this blend. Between the best full aromatics.

Re-Evaluation: This continue as one of my favorites. I noted in this, floral notes, together with the Orange Flavour and Taste.
Pipe Used: Many
PurchasedFrom: TabacariaVirtual, Brazil
Age When Smoked: recently purchased
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 12, 2008 Very Mild Mild to Medium Very Mild Very Pleasant
This is an excellent smoke for the upcoming pipesmoker, which would like to discover the smooth site of smoking without tonguebite and still offer the variety of good aromatic. This beautiful smoke deserves its own large bowl. As soon as its lit, the taste reminds me as if I was standing in the middlte of an orange field, with nice blossoms and ripe fruits. For me the taste is more refreshing than liqoury and never overwhelming. Later on a nice choclate taste comes out always fellowed by the the nice and ripe virginia taste.

As mentioned first this is simple summer smoke, very satisfying, anytime. Exceptional price / quality.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 16, 2021 Mild Extra Strong Mild Very Pleasant
Ed eccoci qui a parlare di uno dei più grandi misteri del mondo tabagifero il Cellini Bianco. Prodotto dalla tedesca Planta (acquisita poi dalla MC Baren) si dichiara miscela originale italiana e chissà può anche essere vero (se il blender quel giorno era ubriaco. La Planta è una ditta che ha in produzione un ottimo orientale/kentuky : Akropolis questo per rivalutare il nome della ditta.

I tabacchi di base sarebbero buoni, ma è l’aromatizzazione che fa crollare il tutto è come un deodorante per ambienti all'arancia artificiale in cui sono capitati dentro dei tabacchi. Aperta la busta si è assaliti dagli odori di arancia e fi fiori (non meglio definibili. Se carichi una pipa ricorda che poi o la pulisci, disinfetti o la butti. Il fumo è irritante alla gola. Credo che i fumatori di super aromatici possono anche apprezzarlo. Purtroppo è per molti uno dei primi tabacchi La lingua diviene subito salmastra e dolente. Si salva solo l’aroma ambientale, conme se si fosse fumata una svapo aromatizzata.

Vorrei trovare qualcosa di positivo da scrivere, e c’è il prezzo non troppo alto, per cui la perdita di questi Euro diventa marginale.

Normalmente sono un amico dichiarato di tutti i tipi di tabacchi, dalle miscele naturali anche apprezzando alcune miscele aromatizzate; qui non riesco a trovare il suo lato positivo.

Chiudo dicendo che è il peggior tabacco che abbia mai avuto il dispiacere di fumare. Il sapore e l'odore mi hanno fatto star male. Qualcosa che non ho mai provato prima o dopo.

Voto: “Non pervenuto”.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 21, 2021 Very Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
After 5 years of pipe smoking I finally started to enjoy aromatics. 😂

This Cellini is a good mellow and sweet choice when you want to take a break from strong Latakia or Kentucky blends.

More than orange or floral flavour I detected more like a whiskey mixed with cream flavour. It is mild, sweet and tasty.
PurchasedFrom: Italy
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 12, 2020 Mild Strong Overwhelming Tolerable
This was like an artificial orange airfreshener mixed with a good quality of tobacco. It tasted like heavy aromatic e.cigaretes or something like that. It makes me cough and irritating my throat. I dont know this must be for super aromatic type of smokers... But not my cup of tea thats for sure...
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