Samuel Gawith Black XX Twist (Rope)

For over 200 years, Samuel Gawith & Co. have been producing fine pipe tobaccos that have been enjoyed by all walks of life the world over. In the mountainous Lake District of Cumbria, the generations of Gawiths have been hand cutting, stripping and blending their tobaccos. For over two centuries, the blenders and spinners of Samuel Gawith, Kendal, have been producing the famous Kendal Twists. Coal miners, both underground and on the ground, have been chewing our Pigtails, whilst pipe smokers have savoured the rich flavours and slow burning characteristics of the thick Brown No.4 and Black XX. All of our twist tobaccos can be smoked either flavoured or un-flavoured. Some of our popular flavours are black cherry, rum, whiskey and apple. All twists are available pre-packed or on the roll. Because the process is almost entirely by hand, quality control ensures consistency of excellence.
Notes: Categories refer to the thickness and colour of the twist. The Brown No.4 does not undergo any heat treatment and has full tar and nicotine content of the tobacco. The Brown No.4 is a thick twist. The Black XX is an extra thick twist. The Black XX under goes heat treatment that creates the black colour and less tar and nicotine than the Brown No. 4. All Samuel Gawith Twists are unsliced.


Brand Samuel Gawith
Blended By Samuel Gawith
Manufactured By Samuel Gawith
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Cut Rope
Packaging 50 grams tin, bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production Currently available


Very Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

2.95 / 4





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Displaying 71 - 80 of 157 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2015 Very Strong None Detected Full Strong
Special tobacco! In a sense, very tasty. But not everyone will like. Wife, cat, and a dog run away from home (and maybe You too))).

With this tobacco You have three problems. At first. It almost does not light. SG prefers to give you the semi-finished raw tobacco that you yourself suffer with him, leading to the desired state. That's very kind and wise on their part ! Second. This tobacco taste like smoked shit. But it is very delicious! (What you'll find out a little later, if you do not throw this tobacco in the trash) And thirdly. This tobacco is very strong. So, if you manage to keep the fire in the bowl within half an hour, smoking SG XX, you fell under the table, with a sense of nirvana and smoked shit in your mouth.

The first problem can be solved by drying of tobacco and the presence of a large box of matches. How to dry tobacco and how long to do it - decide for yourself. (Personally I do not like to dry tobacco, so I prefer to stock the second large box of matches) The second problem will be solved itself with time. Over time, you will surely fall in love with SG XX! And soon you stop paying attention to the presence of large amounts of nicotine.

I strongly recommend that SG XX for true connoisseurs of special tobaccos !
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 28, 2015 Extremely Strong Medium Very Full Very Strong
After reading a great many good reviews.. After smoking first pipe this stuff.. I thought that nothing understand about tobacco and smoking pipes. But after 2-3 pipes Black XX, I understood that it wasn't for me. Very Strong! Extremely strong tobacco! My hands were trembling, my heart were escapes to outside after half a pipe. I was bad because it contains a large amount of nicotine! My taste buds, my palate were curse me. It isn't the taste of tobacco, it's the taste and smell of the hell! I'll never go back to it. There are a lot of delicious tobaccos in the world, that to not smoking this.
Age When Smoked: 8 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 20, 2015 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Strong
Sam Gawith - Black XX Twist.

Retyped on 06/01/2021.

'Preparation'. This is the key here. As it's Sam Gawith it arrives with more than ample moisture. That said, simply slicing coins and stuffing straight into the pipe from a fresh tin makes for a total waste of time; trying to stop the ocean's waves with a sieve would have a better result! I slice the rope, the thick black rope, and stick the pieces in my coffee grinder. Then I allow the mixture some time to air and enjoy!

The smoke? If you want something light and fresh take a step back. If something rich, deep, and mature tasting floats your boat this will rock your world! The smoke has a very heavy flavour. The Virginias are way beyond grassy, citrusy, and showcase a dark-fruitiness with a smoky top-note. To me it suits many slots throughout the day; a big nicotine kick for the morning, yet cool and slow burning enabling it to fit the 'sit back and have a long smoke' bill. I get no tongue bite, even if chugged. The room-note isn't the best, so if you're married take it outside!!

Black XX? When I first posted I gave it a thrashing. But as it transpires, with CORRECT preparation, I love it!

Four stars.
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: My Smoking Shop
Age When Smoked: Various
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 10, 2015 Extremely Strong Medium Extra Full Strong
Everyone here is honest and correct... yet..... My experience is rather different from those of some of the other polarized views. I was introduced to this rope tobacco genre (20 years ago) while visiting a scientist. who was an avid tobacco connoisseur. While taste testing of his rare stock, and reading pages from his various books on blood and music , it struck me how unique and focused are his interests and tastes. He offered to add my "requirements" to his import list for "Kendal Twist" and such. This substance, I find to be as strong as Black XX . One expert reviewer and close friend for 40 years thought that XX was an awful smoking experience. We often crave a humanly improbable paradox. I refer to the quest for infinite intensity and complexity of taste, juxtaposed to sublime smoothness, subtle mellowness, and ideal burn qualities. Black rope is similar product to Kendal Twist and the other braided products of Samuel Gawith but perhaps a bit easier to understand and is available currently. After dabbling into both over a 10 year span, it occurred to me that other than Early music legend Arnold Gr....., no one would ask a bartender for a "bloody Mary" but hold the tomato juice, use a whole container of Tabasco sauce instead. That was one of his parlor tricks. Does that not beg: : what if Black XX were to be used as condiment for unflavored and disappointing tins that simply underwhelm? I have already abused over-hyped precious latakia, Semois, and Perique . Why make the same type of mistake , nearly ruining great pipes with tightly packed single leaf orientals ? Forgive if you might, this ramble, for myths abound in our realm. The fact of occasional use of this rope, does not hang you up or numb the senses to pipe smoking. I still enjoy some recipes that others find too weak, too this or that. Greatness can be found within a consistent and creative person or product. not just in strength or weakness. It is perhaps more a gift of illusion to the senses, than a rating list, when this gift is properly understood. Some carefully sliced bits of this say 5% added to an overly mild English as described might just bring out intrinsic depth rather than simply take over.
Pipe Used: Connoisseur, Dunhill
Age When Smoked: various supplies 1-4 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 26, 2014 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Very Strong
If you're reading this, then you're probably curious whether or not this tobacco is for you. Let me put it this way: This is a real man's tobacco. I don't mean any harm by that statement, but I will tell you about my recent experience and let you be the judge.

I opened the tin and knew that I was in for a treat. The rope was quite thick and smelled like good, strong tobacco. It was very moist and oily as well. After picking a pipe for this stuff (a Czech-made briar with a very large bowl), I cut off a few coins, broke them down into ribbons, and loaded the pipe.

The first charring light gave me a blast of straight-up tobacco flavor. It reminded me of smoking a very dark and oily Maduro wrapped cigar. It took 2 more matches to get it going, and I quickly learned that I had to sip this stuff or else risk permanent brain damage. The smoke was thick and oily, but the tobacco provided such a wonderful taste. The room note reminded me of my mechanic's garage.

The nicotine really hit me hard, and I'm a daily cig smoker. Typically I don't feel the nic hit with so-called "strong" tobaccos, but this one kicked me in the teeth and proceeded to hand my ass to me when finished. I was actually glad the pipe kept going out, because I honestly needed the break. The flavor stayed the same throughout the entire bowl...strong, earthy, oily...magnificent.

I imagine that John Wayne would have smoked something similar to this blend. It just takes a man to handle the flavor and nic hit. I will warn you: You'll feel pretty manly while smoking this. You'll have the incredible urge to lift heavy objects, work on your truck, grow a beard, and drink Old Crow whiskey straight from a bull horn. You might even be able to use some of the oil to fix squeaky door hinges or something. There is nothing mild about this blend whatsoever. After finishing the bowl that I had, I noticed that my beard had grown about 2 inches. Yeah, it's that good. I recommend it to anyone looking for a very strong change of pace. It surely isn't an all-day smoke for me, but it was a good one.
Pipe Used: Czech-made briar
PurchasedFrom: JR Cigars, Statesville, NC
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 05, 2014 Very Strong None Detected Very Full Strong
This showed up today after being backordered a couple months. Used a cigar cutter to slice off a small coin, then rubbed it out. The tin note is deep, dark and compelling. The taste is savory, deep sweet tobacco. Not the strongest I've had, but blissfully strong. I'll be getting more of this.
Pipe Used: 3 inch sipping cob
PurchasedFrom: P&C
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 08, 2014 Extremely Strong None Detected Overwhelming Very Strong
Samuel Gawith is one of my favorite manufacturers. Their Virginia flakes in particular are outstanding. So I'm frankly very surprised at how utterly repugnant I find Black XX.

I don't like to slam a tobacco. I give every tobacco a fair shake before I post a review. I even finished my packet of Five Brothers before panning it with a 1 star rating. I can usually find *something* of merit in a tobacco even if I don't actually like it. But this. What in God's name is this wretched stuff?

I can't stomach more than a few puffs of this tobacco. It is absolutely vile. I've never finished a bowl. I suppose it's possible that Black XX smooths out at around the half bowl and becomes a sublime tobacco smoking experience. I'll never know, because I've never been able to get there.

It smells OK in the tin. No hint of the ghastly horridness that's about to be visited upon your tongue and nostrils. The flavor and aroma of this tobacco remind me of burning rubber tires. Or melting plastic. Add in some rancid Liquid Smoke and the nastiest barbecue sauce you've ever tasted and that's Black XX in a nutshell.

No idea what I'm going to do with the rest of this tin of Black XX. Probably put it away for months, or years, until I've forgotten how revolting it is and then give it another go. Or perhaps I'll try mixing it 50/50 with Brown No. 4 as another reviewer has suggested, though I'm not sure I have the heart for it. I'm still evaluating Brown No. 4 and haven't completely made up my mind about it yet. But at least it's interesting and capable of being enjoyed. Not so with Black XX.

There's always going to be some freak who thinks any given tobacco is God's gift to pipe smokers. I don't know how else to explain all the 3 and 4 star ratings. Please just trust me, 99% of you will detest this evil tobacco.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 30, 2014 Medium Mild Full Tolerable to Strong
This Weed,for Serious(Seasoned)Pipe Smokers..Only;If You are"NEW to the Sport",You have been Warned. I prefer TrueEnglishBlends,so I very Much enjoyed..A true History Lesson(while SLOWLY-Puffing,on this)Truth of the Matter,is"All Plug Tob..BlockForm,or Rope" Are ALL- Full Flavour(By design),,,How Strong;they are Depends on HowThick,You Shave the peices Off. Smoking this,was More of a Spiritual Experience,,,and Contemplated...How Many Sailors,Soldiers. One thing Not mentioned,in Blurb(on description)..People would Also Snuff this Tobacco. When tobacco really fresh(TooMoist to cut off) A piece would Be RippedOff(with Your teeth)and Voila'chewing tob.',,,When moisture level,was right..A pocket knife,was used to cut Off,a few slivers(and fill Your pipe),,,When rope was TOO Dry...It Would be ground up in Your hands,and Added to Your Snuff Box. My Uncle(Veteran,War2),,,If they Were,Struggling to stay Awake(NightWatch),,,On Many Occasions;Wld Snuff..His Rope Tob. If You are looking For Serious OldSchoolPipeSmoking...Here's Your Chance
Pipe Used: Peterson 317(p-lip)
PurchasedFrom: Briar+Bean/Clarkesville,Tn.
Age When Smoked: New Tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 11, 2014 Very Strong Extremely Mild Very Full Very Strong
Yes, it's strong, but there are other blends and ropes just as strong that I've enjoyed. For me, this was like smoking the burnt fat left on the grill. I can see how some could like that, but the taste just didn't appeal.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 10, 2014 Strong None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
I always alway smoke slow. Ages ago when I smoked cigarettes I did enough fast-paced nicotine consumption. I'm too old for that now. With that said whether it's a tasty aromatic (Sutcliffe Maple Street) or this monster of a weed, I take it slow. The slower you smoke this tobak the better it'll go for you. I think there's some complexity in the smoke bit it take a whole lotta patience. The preparation does take time but I have to admit I like that (I also really enjoy Peterson's Perfect Plug). This is a really good tobak but it definitely needs to be smoked in a pipe with a small bowl. Dry it out first otherwise or you will be tearing your hair out, being naucous and cursing Mike0831.
Pipe Used: Stanwell 43
PurchasedFrom: Tobacco shop
Age When Smoked: 55
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