The Country Squire Tobacconist Pilgrim's Muse

A Scottish-styled mixture, Pilgrim’s Muse is perfect for those that love a nuanced Latakia. Naturally sweet, ready rubbed and flue-cured Virginias blend with light Burley, Latakia, and Exquisite Turkish Tobaccos to form a complex smoke that will give the contemplative pipe smoker hours of cheer. Pilgrim’s Muse is best enjoyed by pipe smokers that are comfortable “sipping” their pipe and enjoying a single bowl for a long period of time. A complex and rewarding smoke!
Notes: This blend was formerly named Bag End as part of Country Squire's Middle Earth series. Released 2013.


Brand The Country Squire Tobacconist
Series Fantasy South
Blended By Jon David Cole
Manufactured By The Country Squire
Blend Type American
Contents Burley, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Mild to Medium
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.38 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 13 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 06, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
A quality English style blend from the Country Squire. Despite the presence of the burley, with its sweet/bright Virginias and delicate Turkish and Latakia flavors, Bag End smokes like a milder, somewhat less sophisticated version of Squadron Leader.

As for the Latakia, I think that the amount used here is done quite to balance. However, the blender's description of "Perfect for the Latakia lover" is a bit deceiving because Bag End contains just a trace of it. It does come through in nearly every puff, but only in nuance. Those expecting more Latakia flavor based on the description might be disappointed.

Overall, I would categorize Bag End as a mild to medium strength light English with a subtle burley influence. The taste is that of natural tobacco with no additional flavorings. A pleasant & well-blended mixture.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 03, 2019 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The very tart and tangy citrusy, grassy, hay-like Virginias also sport a few drops of honey and a pinch of spice. They get fair competition from the floral, woody, earthy, dry, moderately spicy, rather sour Turkish. The nutty, earthy, woody, lightly molasses sweet burley is an important third lead varietal that occasionally rises to compete with the aforementioned components. The smoky, woody, earthy, musty sweet Cyprian latakia is a background player. The strength and nic-hit are just past the center of mild to medium. The taste falls a hair short of the medium mark. Won’t bite or get harsh, but does have a small rough edge here and there. It burns cool and clean at a reasonable pace with a complex and nuanced mildly sweet and sour, savory, and at times, inconsistent taste from top to bottom. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste, and lightly stronger room note. Can be an all day smoke. Three and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 17, 2018 Mild to Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I'm far from an expert but I really enjoy this tobacco. It is a very mellow smoke an and I highly recommend it. iike to smoke it late at night after a long day of yard work.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 26, 2021 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
A perfect way to cap off the day. The strength makes it nice and relaxing, so probably not the best for a morning smoke before a busy work day.

The Latakia and Oriental spices take a back seat, lending extra body to the flavor rather than trying to take all the attention. The flavor and retrohale are full-bodied, sweet, grassy, and a bit fruity (pear or plum come to mind).

In the first third of the bowl, the different flavors skip around playfully and you get a varied experience. After that, all of the components settle down for a consistent and pleasant experience; also, at that point the Virginias add a bit more sweetness and a hint of sweet citrus.

The Latakia adds some smokiness, but not like your typical "lat-bomb"; rather, it is redolent of sitting next to an open fire with your favorite pipe.

The texture of the smoke is rich and velvety. Ideal for blowing smoke rings with a visiting wizard friend.
Pipe Used: Brigham Voyageur
PurchasedFrom: Country Squire Tobacconist
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 08, 2020 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Prep: Came perfect

Very similar to Holiday Mixture though smoother and with the addition of Turkish. The Virginias are grassy, citrusy, the Burley is evident with the nuttiness, and molasses, which gives this blend, like with HM, a winter, cozy feel. The Turkish is sour earthy and delivers a nice spice that is mostly evident in the retrohale. The Latakia is evident, though in the back seat, bringing a lingering smokiness. The description says this is great for the “Latakia lover”, however I am not sure on that as it doesn’t seem prominent enough. If you are new to American blends, don’t expect an English blend. It is mentioned that this is enjoyed best with experienced smokers and I do think that is the case, as it is a nuanced blend. 7.5/10

Video review from youtube channel:
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2020 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Quite a tasty blend, sweet but pleasantly so. Very satisfying. Hard for me to judge the room note since I smoke outside and usually by myself..
Pipe Used: Various
PurchasedFrom: Country Squire
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 21, 2022 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
First Take: This is an excellent take on Scottish blends. It's not trying to be Mac Baren's Scottish Mixture, but it's hard not to make the comparison. I found this blend to be citrusy and spicy. It's a very well-rounded blend with perfect proportions and no roughness or sharpness anywhere. It could be more citrusy and tangy than Mac Baren. Didn't bite, and it didn't turn acrid when I puffed on it like a train.

This blend did not have the complexity and depth that I expected, however, I smoked it brand new. I am excited to age this blend for a couple of months and see how it develops.

2023-06-12 update: I now have a 6-month-old Bag End in this jar and 6 months of experience with TCS blends. With no exceptions that I’ve found, TCS blends like to be smoked on the hot side. However, this one also has flavor at the very low end, making it a perfect blend to play with temperature. I found that the citrus notes took a back seat after half a year in the jar, and I can only really pick it up in the aftertaste. The white pepper spiciness of this blend isn’t as pronounced as other blends, as I’ve found TCS blends to have a white pepper note that I haven’t found anywhere else. It’s still there and it is very well incorporated, which I like. I think this is easily becoming one of my favorite blends from them. Black Arrow, Green Dragon, then Bag End.
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 24, 2022 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Posturing with refined complexion, Bag End tenders as an intricate recipe of sweet flue-cured Virginia, vibrant Turkish/Orientals, soft Burley, and reserved Latakia prepared in the standard Scottish tradition. Generally, somewhat milder in disposition, the ensuing aromatic experience builds a savor highlighting the features of a forward mature Virginia nuanced with the affluence of distinct complementing varietals. Overall, the medium strength, medium- full-flavor profile bestowed is characterized by a sweet, graceful tang accentuated by complex exotic spice and warm robust nutty wood. Leaning on careful balance and proper proportioning Bag Ends stand as noteworthy sampling of the Scottish genre.

Unsealing the package containing this bulk tobacco, one is greeted with a handsome matrix of ready rubbed strands and coarse cut fragments displaying a variegation of warm toned hues. Finely cultured strains of red, orange, golden browns, lace generously about the complementing blackened twists filling a brilliant palate of color. Judging from this assortment, Bag End present a significantly Virginia dominant face with what appears to be a level amount of Turkish/Oriental to Burley following by a modest showing of Latakia. What is more, the immediacy of consumption is aptly supported as the tobacco has been conditioned to an ideal level of moisture.

Pulling from lush meadows of the Shire, the preeminent nose that springs from the pouch models a succulent aroma of citrusy sweet Virginian grass. This bold vitalizing fragrance rides atop this distant notation of aged wood, soft tart pungency and docile musty barbequed spice. Breathing in its air the tactile effect is stirring by all accounts, signifying that Bag End’s accommodations should prove to be quite obliging.

In the spirit of true Hobbiton companionship, loading the churchwarden comes with simple ease as the mixture amiably fills the interior of the awaiting bowl. Striking the match, the magical properties of the blend’s true character soon reveal themselves. Categorizing this flair, a deep, dense, and highly complex string of flavorful notes strike the principal chords of Bag End’s gentle melody. This lovely tune resounds consistently to the completion of the smoking session.

Coming in unison with tasteful introduction, a sweetened tart fusty spice softly floats to the forefront, as a fusing of Virginian and Turkish varietals move forward in a delicate feathered manner. More so, the Virginia projects the dominant base line charm of gentle sweet tang, weathered grass, and bright sugary hay. Moving just a half step behind, the Turkish emits a perfumy band of floral exotic spice, fetidly soured moss, and varying nuances of notable pungency conceivably underscoring the use of multiple varietals.

Moving in and out with random registration, the Burley occasionally shows proud of the VA/Turkish leading influence with its toasty almond-like nutty-wood character accented by subtle notes of light mint, dark cocoa, and deep molasses. On the upper and rearmost perimeter of this moving triage of dense flavors the controlled woody, leathered smoky/charcoal annotated presence of Latakia provides the finishing relish. Finally, I suspect some diluted sugar-based casing has been delicately applied within this mixture as there is fleeting evidence of the same.

Essentially the roundness and symmetry of Bag End’s overall softened taste is truly amazing. By skillful blending each varietal is afforded proper equity in the effort to achieve tasteful elegance and harmony. Although the dance of the different strains is quite distinguishable in the registration, the choreography if you will, is quite seamless. Furthermore, the baseline Virginia plays out beautifully as it cradles the moving ambience of tones circulating above, supporting transitions that are silky in effect. For having no Cavendish in the mix, the achievement of smooth variable flavoring is truly a singular accomplishment.

Mechanically Bag End burns contentedly slow, cool, and evenly supporting the blender’s assertion of a prolonged relaxing experience; that it was. Every last ember sears complete leaving a thick gray ash of its memory. The texture of smoke is decidedly creamy and flowing, manifesting neither harshness nor discomfort on the palate. A generous column of lacy smoke rolls outward producing a room note rendered by a warm inviting aroma of soured earthen spice, dark wood, and some sweet barn-like hay notes. The duration of this essence is marked considerably, yet its presence lacks unyielding forcefulness making Bag End’s fragrance pleasantly tolerable. In sum, the blend imparts of charming spent persona.

In closing, although I duly attempt objectivity within my assessments in lieu of potential bias, I must declare that Bag End is one of the finest Scottish blends I’ve yet to encounter. During this trial exercise I found myself lost in the moment, being unconsciously captivated by the experience as it was unfolding. As I became more watchful to the experience, the impressiveness of this blend continued to astonish me. It’s as if this congenial Hobbiton companion had an interesting story to tell. So as not to miss out on any of the wonders of said narrative, I kicked back in my chair and with deep contemplation listened to the telling of the tale. Every nuanced syllable, every complex phrase rung true in merit and the parlance that transpired was truly comforting and most enchanting. To me this is what true pipe smoking bliss is all about. The journey to Bag End took me there and brought me back to a state of joyful contentment without question.

In paraphrasing the official marketing tagline, Bag End is one of those charitable blends that experienced pipe smokers can enjoy sipping in quiet reflection and physical relaxation, a complex and rewarding encounter. How very true these words are my friends. Most assuredly, Mr. Baggins would have extended a long pipe and an open jar of The Country Squire Bag End as a gracious welcome to the comfort of his quaint little Hobbit-hole.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 13, 2023 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This one really stood out to me on my vigorous tour searching for perfect latakia tobacco blends. While the latakia is there, its not really apparent until I slow down and sip and savor the flavor this one has to offer. Although latakia is why I ordered it, I was not at all disappointed. This blend really showcased for me what latakia can do in the background, and it was the first to do that. You can still taste it, but the rest of the smoke is so creamy-smooth that you wouldn't want to drown it out. My tour didn't stop at Bag End, but definitely took a different route after the visit. I will certainly be back to the Shire in the future.
Pipe Used: briars and cobs
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 14, 2021 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
As a newer pipe smoker, I am mainly exploring the different blends (I favor aromatic blends, although I am dipping my toes into the non-aromatic blends now) to find what I like.

Like many others, I am a huge fan for Tolkien! So naturally I wanted to try some of the available themed blends out there. So far as of 2021 the only easily obtained commercial versions are from The Country Squire and Just for Him. This review is for the "Bag End" blend from The Country Squire series, there are 6 blends with a mix of 3 being aromatics and 3 being non-aromatics (Longbottom Leaf sadly is no longer produced and I cannot try this mix).

Opening the bag, what I smelled was tobacco (hay, earthy) with a little spice and some leather.

The flavor I tasted was mostly the Virginia and burley with a bit of spice, the further I got into the bowl the more of the Latakia I tasted.

I previously tried the H&H Black House & White Knight blends and thought Latakia would be on my "I don't like" list, but this was just a sprinkle and I actually didn't mind it as it was not overwhelming. If I can find more blends like this where it is in the background and not in your face I may give them a try.

I did not have to dry this out before smoking, but it burned hot and I had to force myself to slow down to keep the tounge-bite away (probably a good thing, still learning).
Pipe Used: MacQueen Pipes Ranger
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 20, 2021 Mild to Medium Mild Mild Pleasant to Tolerable
Very middle of the road smoke. The burley comes out with the nuttiness, and the Turkish added a bit of spice to it, maybe a little pepperiness like perique would normally provide. The latakia is extremely muted. This would be a fantastic corncob blend, and I have yet to try it in a churchwarden. There's nothing that stands out in particular to me, but it is quite pleasant to smoke.
Pipe Used: Billiard
PurchasedFrom: The Country Squire
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