Dan Tobacco Roper's Roundels

To make this tobacco, sweet Virginia was pressed into a plate with a pinch of perique. It was then wrapped around a Black Cavendish heart and pressed again. The roll was then cut into slices. Together this results in a tasty, sweet and spicy taste that is dominated by Virginia.


Brand Dan Tobacco
Blended By Dan Tobacco
Manufactured By Orlik
Blend Type Virginia/Perique
Contents Black Cavendish, Perique, Virginia
Cut Curly Cut
Packaging 100 grams tin
Country Germany
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.40 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 15 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 20, 2023 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Full disclosure upfront: Va-Pers as a genre aren’t my favorite, and the ones that I do respond to favorably tend to be outliers that aren’t talked about much. I’ve probably tried two dozen different Va-Pers, including all the classics and “reference standards” like Escudo, Dunhill DeLuxe Navy, Davidoff, Rouxgaroux, etc., but they just lack the kind of depth or complexity to interest me. So far the only one that is a regular in my rotation is 4Noggins Prairie Wind. Sutliff Court of St. James (discontinued) was another that I enjoyed now and then, and the verdict is still out on Haddo’s Delight (waiting to see what further aging might do). It is obviously an extremely fine delineation between those that I like and those that I don’t. Roper’s is another that just doesn’t have that something extra that would make me buy more, especially at the price (and figuring how long it took me to even find a tin to buy!).

So my tin had three years of age on it, and now 7 months of age in the jar. I like the Virginia base here better than the grassier Escudo, but while bready, it still lacks a certain weight on the palate for me. I prefer the Virginia formulation in Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake better. The middle eye of Cavendish seems to have a dark honey casing, rather than just sugar or vanilla. Others have compared this with Davidoff, but I found Davidoff boring and the type of Perique used is more muted and less flavorful than either Ropers or LBF.

All things considered I’ll stick with LBF which costs less and seems to be aging nicely for me. I probably should have opted to try Salty Dogs rather than Roper’s, as the dark Virginia base and addition of rum sound more to my taste. A solid three stars for Roper’s, just lacks the wow factor for me.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 04, 2018 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
Dan Tobacco - Roper's Roundels.

One could spend hours writing comparisons to other blends of this cut. EG, less Perique than Dunhill's De Luxe Navy Rolls, not as smoky as Hearth & Home's Red Eye, but I'd rather rate it in its own right.

When the package arrived from TobaccoPipes.com my initial reaction when I removed the tin was ''no way does that hold 100g of tobacco, they've sent 50g by mistake''. The 50g sized tin, however, is all that's needed due to the thinness of the coins. Removing the lid presents a wheel of coins in the same layout as Dunhill's De Luxe Navy Rolls before they switched to a bucket of a tin causing the coins to shake and rattle about. Because of the build it can be folded and stuffed or fully rubbed as easily; but when a coin has a different centre I like to rub it to achieve good distribution. The thin build means each coin/roundel hasn't had a fight on its hands to reach decent hydration; the moisture couldn't be better.

So, RR lights easily, and makes a perfect morning smoke. Well, to me it does! The Virginia leads, and shines the brightest of the bunch. Don't expect a VaPer where you'll be drinking water to try and rid your mouth of a vinegary, harsh, taste of Perique, it's only a very minor addition. The mix of different Virginias creates a fairly deep flavour; having sweetness, ripe fruitiness, doughiness and a touch of hay. It isn't just a sharp, grassy, citrus, Virginia. The dark Cavendish (as King Weed pointed out, it's not quite black!) centre gives a honey flavour, but not a black Cavendish vanilla one. RR burns nicely, being quite slow and medium in temperature. Tongue bite stays elusive for every bowl.

Nicotine: medium. Room-note: nice enough.

Dan Tobacco Roper's Roundels? I like this blend a lot. Highly recommended:

Four stars.
Pipe Used: A few. Pete' #03 whilst typing
PurchasedFrom: TobaccoPipes.com
Age When Smoked: Two months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 25, 2016 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Roper’s Rondel’s is similar in appearance to Stokkebye’s Luxury Bulls Eye Flake and Davidoff Flake Medallions as all three have a Cavendish center. (Unlike Escudo and Deluxe Navy Rolls which do not). In the tin, it smells of some hay, a bit of sour that I assume comes from the Perique. Just as there are significant differences between Escudo and DNR, there are significant differences between Roper’s and the others. The coins are mainly medium brown with some brights specs mixed in. Roper’s is sweet, and lacks the “rougher” edges of the Stokkebye blend. While the Virginias are sweet, there is an added sweet flavoring to Roper’s. There are a fair number of high notes and a little caramel from the brown Virginia and the Perique isn’t dominate. It burns cool with a little tingle on the tongue but it didn’t bite me. However is can run a little hot for me when pushed. Mid bowl, the Perique is more noticeable and adds some pepper and spice. Usually I fold and stuff this type of tobacco, but for whatever reason, I found that I really enjoyed this more when fully rubbed out. I expect that RR will cellar quite well. My only quibble with this tasty smoke is that it is only available in 100g tins and thus priced accordingly. I think more folks would be apt to try it for the first time if a 50g option was available.
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 18, 2017 Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
Do to it's scarcity in local shops, I had no contact with this blend up to the time I became aware it could be ordered from suppliers. By smoking it, I have now gone round robin with all six commonly available Vaper/Cavendish spun cuts: Orlik Bulls Eye, Peter Stokkeby Bulls Eye, Davidoff Flake Medallions, Four Square Circles, Hearth and Home Red Eye and Dan Roper's Roundels. Of these six, I found RR to be the mildest. It started with the tin opening, as I thought it appeared somewhat lighter in color than the other five blends. The tin aroma had more hay-like notes than I remember the other five having and, this, I associate with Virginias. Although the Perique was noticeable, it seemed subdued compared to the other five blends. Finally, and contributing to the impression of overall lighter color, was the ruddy brown disk of "black" Cavendish. This was the least dark center disk of any of the six blends and had no noticeable aromatic aroma when isolated and crushed. So, finally, we light up this blend and puff away. From top to bottom, it smoked on the same curve as the other five blends - only lighter. My assessment is, RR is a typical spun cut Vaper with Cavendish center that is more Virginia forward and less Perique forward than it's stable mates. Now, there is naught wrong with any of this, as a lot of readers would welcome a Virginia forward blend like Roper's Roundels. But, I share a sentiment with reviewer Pipestud that I like my pipe tobaccos to slap me around a little bit - three stars.
Pipe Used: Ashton LX Old Church Author
PurchasedFrom: smokingpipes.com
Age When Smoked: current
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2017 Strong Mild Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I love the smell of dried figs when opening the tin. The tabacco keeps its aroma well; it doesn't fade once the tin is openened. The individual slices are easily picked up out of the tin and don't fall apart. Packing and lighting is easy, even though the tabacco feels sticky and seems unlikely to ever catch fire.

I use small bowls and pack one or one-and-half slice. The pipe stays lit without any need to relight even when leaving the pipe alone for a minute.

A slow and restrained smoke brings out its flavour. I feel a slight throught irritation if I draw with too much zeal. If smoked very slowly the smell of straw on a sunny day and the taste of dried figs will remain until the end of the bowl. Leaves no dottle but does help you to build up a carbon layer.

I particularly enjoy smoking this in the Big Ben Pipo
Pipe Used: Peterson 666, Big Ben Pipo, Falcon
PurchasedFrom: Dan Tabacco catalogue
Age When Smoked: 4 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 13, 2017 Mild to Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This is very close to paul olson's My Blend Dark Pearl. Made in the same factory for Dan Tobacco. This is not a knock. Its a very good version of Davidoff Medallions or Luxury Bull's Eye flake by Stokkebye. It is the same general recipe. A bit of sweet black cavendish surrounded by stoved virginia and perique. The only difference is the relative amounts of each ingredient. I love all the above blends. If there is any difference its that perhaps the Davidoff is a bit sweeter...but slightly. And the LBF is like all stokkebye a bit young and benefits from aging. The Olson is perhaps a bit heavier on perique but honestly its hard to tell. Its a good solid version of this venerable idea. 3 and a half stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 05, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
This was my 3rd Perique blend and its one of the better ones.

I have to admit my first try with the Ropers Roundels wasn't a "revelation". Maybe it wasn't the right setting, maybe my taste buds "evolved" or my taste changed (it did..) But now I wish I had more of this awesome smoke, because its delicious!

It comes along with a charming Virgina sweetness and citrus-ish freshness. Very lemon-like with deep grassy tones. Fresh moan grass and hay. Sparkling and lively. The Perique (of which there isn't too much) adds a decent tangy-note and a slight wiff of fruits (being plum raisins) to it, which makes this blend perfectly balanced and highly enjoyable. Ropers Roundels creamy smoke flatters the palate, and the sweetness can be described as caramel-like. Always with a very citrusy/lemony note to it. The Perique is more on the peppery, spicy side and delivers just a slightly dried-fruit taste. Anyways the Perique isn't very present to me, but it's definetly noticeable throughout the whole smoke.

The Cavendish...mhm... I guess the Cavendish adds a bit smoothness to it and enhances the sweetness (?). I havent smoked pure Cavendish by now, so I cant really tell what to expect from a Cavendish as I only know it in aromatics as aroma-carrier. But it works - and I guess somehow the Cavendish sweetens up rounds off this smoke even more.

Truly an "All-Day-Smoke", and compared to most other Va/Per offerings this blend is pretty mild - but satisfying enough!

You should smoke this one real slow to get the best taste imo (like all Virginia forward blends, but this one gets very quickly bitter to harsh when smoked too fast). I mostly just let it glimmer slightly so I get richest grassy, citrusy and slightly spicy taste for me. It leaves a nice, somewhat sweetish and spicy/peppery taste in the mouth, that's not lingering for too long which I personally enjoy a lot.

The presentation in coins is a joy for itself. Chapeau and thanks to the blenders of Dan Pipe, this is very well handcrafted and a very tasty blend. Highly reminiscent of PS Bullseye Flake and Davidoff's Flake Medallions and (also produced by Orlik) Orliks Bulls Eye (if they aren't the exact same..)

|| Personal rating: 3-stars | Rated for what it is: 4-stars! ||
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 08, 2020 Medium Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Tin note is intense and sweet, smelling of black raisins and molasses with a note of pungent fermentation aromas. Quite enticing and seeming natural enough as though coming from the processes the tobacco underwent.

The coins can be folded and stuffed or rubbed. Either way I dry them little bit beforehand, otherwise it smokes wet. The smoke is quite flavourful, full and round. Sweet with notes of dried black fruit like raisins and plums and a touch of molasses. What the tin note makes you expect after all. It seems to me the tobacco’s natural sweetness has been somewhat enhanced, but it still tastes quite natural. It is a nice tobacco, smooth, with no tongue bite and an overall taste like the typical Vaper I have in my mind, without much pepperiness though and with an additional sweetness. Nicotine level is medium and satisfying.

It’s a good tobacco especially for those who have an itch for something a little bit sweeter and darker. Could become a little cloying after repeated use but it’s a fine tobacco. Compared to the two other coin cut tobaccos I’ve tasted, it’s more similar to Davidoff’s and less to the sublime Escudo which is more natural tasting and in my opinion is one of the best tobaccos out there.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 06, 2020 Medium Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant
Based on a half-oz sample, so take this with a grain of salt. I was given this and a half-oz of Stokkebye LBF to compare. They look about the same with the light brown with gold specks on the outside of the coin and a black cavendish inside, also similar to Davidoff Flake Medallions. Heavy hay scent in the bag with just the slightest bit of a sour smell.

In the bowl, this one is slightly softer on the palate than LBF, which exhibited a bit of a rough edge at times. This one is sweeter as well, and the sweetness is "cavendish-y", which makes sense, although LBF has the cavendish center as well. I'm not good at placing artificial flavors in tobacco but this struck me as honey and caramel, while LBF toned these down. The perique was barely noticeable early on, becoming slightly more distinct down the bowl, adding a bit of pepper and sourness but none of the fruitiness I expected. Quite frankly, neither of these are great tobaccos in my view, but they are certainly smokable. There are enough flavor differences to make them distinct, but my guess is that if you enjoy one, you'll enjoy the other.

Postscript: The person that gifted me this asked me if I thought it required more relights than most tobaccos. I've been asked this before, but I always thought the question was a joke, so I gave a flip response. As he was serious, I'll say no, different tobaccos don't require more relights, but different smokers do. If you prep the tobacco properly, monitor your puffing cadence and know when and how to tamp, excessive relighting is a non-starter and not worth mentioning. It's the smoker and not the tobacco. Also, pipe tobacco goes out at times - it's nothing to be concerned about. But if it's going out more often than it should, look inward! Dry your tobacco more. It'll taste better, too!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 22, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
The slices of Roper's Roundels look similar to Escudo or Dunhill's DeLuxe Navy Rolls, however, the manufacturing process and the blend are quite different. While the later are Va/Pers that are spun into ropes and then cut as curly flakes, for Roper's Roundels Virginias and Perique are pressed into thin flakes that are wrapped around a heart of Black Cavendish into a roll which is then cut into slices.

The way the tobacco coins are stacked into the tins reminds me of Bell's Three Nuns, even though the slices are much bigger. They give off a delicious scent of brown bread with a distict malty sweetness and notes of prunes or plum butter. The moisture level is perfect.

You could rub out the flakes, but I prefer to use the fold and stuff method or to make small balls of tobacco. Depending on the size of your bowl, it takes up to three coins to fill your pipe. Either way, you'll need a thorough charring and true light to get it burning evenly.

It's important not to draw too eagerly in order to avoid it getting burn too hot. A re-light is better than that. Enjoyed with leisure, this complex tobacco will give you a dense and creamy smoke that tastes deliciously of toasted bown bread with a sublime tangy sweetness from the Virginias, some fruity acidity from the Perique in the background and notes of marzipan and dark chocolate from the Black Cavendish. It burns down dryly to some graying ash.

The room note is unobtrusive and sweetish.
Pipe Used: Stanwell Nr. 95 Silke Brun
PurchasedFrom: Dan Pipe
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 25, 2015 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Davidoff Flake Medallions and Orlik Bull’s Eye/Peter Stokkebuy Bulls Eye have that same core of Black Cavendish. Leave that out and you’ll get pretty much Dunhill Navy Rolls/Escudo. At least to my impression, the Flake Medallions and these Roundels are the same tobacco by the same manufacturer (Orlik), varying in availability, price, tin size and design.

And they are good, really good. I much prefer them to pure VaPers and if I don’t rub them out, I can even taste when the BC core is contributing a sort of “box opening event” within the bowl. The taste of country style bread, roasted nuts, spiciness and only the slightest of sweetness is what I experience. Hitting the core, I also get reminiscence to MB’s Roll Cakes. Roper’s Roundels taste best to me after I let them age for at least ½ year, it merges the tobaccos harmonically to an even rounder, more soothing smoke (as if they weren’t round enough already).

Where I live Roper’s Roundels are 20% cheaper than Davidoff Flake Medallions… I vote for the contents, rather than the tin (plastered with warnings anyway), enjoy!
Pipe Used: Various
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