Peretti Royal Blend

A blend of the choicest matured Virginian and the finest Oriental tobaccos. It contains a high percentage of the finest Yenidje (Turkish) leaf.


Brand Peretti
Series English Blends
Blended By L.J. Peretti
Manufactured By L.J. Peretti
Blend Type English
Contents Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.61 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 44 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 30, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Royal Blend is one of two excellent Oriental blends (the other being Tashkent) from LJ Peretti in Boston. It has a wonderful musty, slightly smoky scent and in the pouch. I like Yenidje a lot and IMO it is the star of Royal Blend. The Latakia and Virginias play a supporting role with the Virginias offering a little sweetness. It is stronger in “N” than some of the other Oriental blends on the market I have tasted, but shouldn’t bowl over most pipe smokers. Royal Blend has a bit more body too. It burns cleanly with no moisture build up, but I find its best not to push it. RB is also one of those blends that cellars well too and as such occupies a few spots in my cellar.
PurchasedFrom: LJ Peretti
Age When Smoked: New, and up to 6 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 10, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
I was told by one of the guys who worked at Peretti that this product was as close to the old Balkan Sobranie as I could get. I detect several differences, e.g. the spice content is higher here and it’s a little sweeter, but it is similar in several ways, too. Rather than focus on that, I’ll write about what this is. The woody, earthy, floral, herbal, mildly buttery, dry, sour Yenidje (different than that used in the old Balkan Sobranie) is enjoyably obvious in every puff as are the other zesty, earthy, woody, herbal, vegetative, spicy sweet and sour Orientals, which are the star flavors. The Cyprian Latakia is lightly sweet with the smokey, woodsy, earthy, musty aspects one expects it to have, and is the second star in this blend’s firmament. The Virginias play a supporting role with some tart citrus, and mild grass notes as it's drowned out a little by the other components. The strength and nic-hit are medium, while the taste is a step past that mark. Won't bite or get harsh, but it does have a few rough edges. Burns at a moderate rate with a cool, clean very consistent mildly sweet and very savory, floral, spicy flavor from top to bottom. Hardly requires a relight. Leaves virtually no moisture in the bowl. Has a very pleasant after taste that lingers a little. The room note is not everybody's liking. Is almost an all day smoke for the experienced smoker.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 07, 2006 Strong Medium to Strong Full Very Strong
Only in the past few months have I discovered L.J. Peretti, after 35 years of pipe smoking. The shop is in Boston and my smoking years have been spent in the midwest, which could explain taking so long to discover this fine old shop. I can only thank this website for the introduction.

The gentlemen at Peretti's are especially vigilant about not divulging the inner workings of their blends, especially to newcomers. But their website is frank about Royal Blend containing a high measure of Yenidje tobacco. That alone was enough for me to place an order; my first truly satisfying smoking experience was with Balkan Sobranie's Original Mixture. For those who have never tasted that classic blend, you have missed Heaven in a pipe.

Royal Blend is as close as one can come today. To expect any blend to be EXACTLY like any other is folly; many secrets are taken to the grave. Any great tobacco mixture (and Royal is certainly among these) is far more than the sum of its parts. Whatever the constituent parts of Peretti's Royal Blend might be, they are brought together with unusual care and finesse, resulting in a rich, full, fascinating tobacco.

Best smoked after a rich evening meal, Royal Blend will introduce itself with a powerful handshake of Latakia, followed with the Turkish Yenidje. The Virginias can be recognized in the background, but only if one knows they are there. Lacking any English sweetness or piquancy, Royal is a Balkan blend, period.

Certain to win many friends among Latakia and Turkish smokers, Royal blend is a sure bet to lose as many among people who hate any tobacco smoke, let alone one as full as this.

But with friends like those, who needs friends?

Four out of four stars.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 03, 2017 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
steelcowboy hit the nail on the head with his review of Royal Blend, it is indeed as stout an Oriental forward mixture that I have ever smoked. I have not actually smoked this one in some years, but have just ordered a dozen Peretti offerings based solely on the fact that I've not had them in awhile and always appreciated them. Royal Blend has depth all over the place, due in part to the top shelf and obviously well aged Yenidje. The Latakia was there, but softly and the Virginia, typical of Peretti, was of quality and a nice amount of depth. Not a smoke that will take you over the top, but will take you to the edge with excitement.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 04, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Looks and smells like Balkan Sobranie in the bag. Then again, we smokers have been promised dupes of that blend for years and, while some are sort of close, none of them could reasonably be called matches. That includes this one.

I think of Balkan blends as those with a heavy dose of orientals to the front, the latakia being a close second, followed by the Virginias to the rear. Royal Blend fits that category. The Yenidje is up front and this oriental has an almost mutualist relationship with latakia - the two always bring out the best in each other. I think there's an awful lot of Yenidje floating around in blends these days where the oriental variant simply isn't specified. In Royal Blend, the latakia is heavy enough to take advantage of this symbiotic process but doesn't overwhelm the Yenidje. So those two are working well. My one issue with this blend is the lack of Virginia sweetness. The original Balkan Sobranie had this (and a "soda note" that reviewer Jiminks so aptly described) and the blend was both sweet in a non-phony way and had a tastebud jump factor that I have yet to see duplicated. This is a very good blend, but should be taken on its own merits. However, in so doing, that Peretti-esque tendency of having Virginias that lack character and sweetness still hits me as this one's Achille's Heel. Even while this blend is supremely smokable, it doesn't make my rotation. But I do recommend giving this a spin if you love Yenidje and how it interacts with latakia (and vice versa).
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 25, 2014 Medium None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
After so many glowing comments about Peretti's on the pipe forums, I decided to give this one a try, particularly after one member said this is the closest blend to the old Balkan Sobranie. My 8oz order came in a snazzy old fashioned can. When you pry off the paint-can lid the tobacco is firmly packed with a plastic bag liner. It took me a couple bowls to begin enjoying the smoke. I could taste some amazing flavors but it was rather harsh. I took the tobacco out of the paint can and let it breath a bit. This made all the difference.

What a tobacco! A lot of zingy high notes penetrate the palate balanced by a profound latakia. Boldly blended, it toes the line of astringency allowing for a full magnificent flavor. Smoothness can be found, but it's more on the leathery end of the spectrum than buttery.

I recommend you take a break from your normal tobacco retailers, give the brash Bostonians a call and get some of this tobacco! The guy taking your order may sound like he's doing you a favor by filling your order...but after trying this blend I realized that he is.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 09, 2005 Medium None Detected Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Royal Blend reminds me of what many a Balkan used to be,15 years ago. This one is quite full and rich as the name Royal Blend implies.

Appearance: Upon very close inspection I can detect at least 5 different hues of leaf in this mixture Red and Lemon Virginias are in abundance, darker browns of Oriental with nearly jet black Latakia. The cut is a somewhat varied rough ribbon cut.

Tin aroma: This is one the most complex mixture I have ever encountered. It immediately says ?Balkan? in a very rich and full variety. The Virginias are evident, with rich earthy tones and under-currents of fig/raisin and cocoa. The smoky Cyprian Latakia makes the main statement, complex and enticing, plenty of smokiness with underlying astringent tones of bergamot and sandalwood. Just under the surface I detect the Orientals giving the mixture?dryness? and lending even greater depth to the mélange of flavors. Finally, we have what is said to be a large amount of Yenidje.

This tobacco is nearly perfect in moisture and I employed the ?once like a baby, once like a lady, finally like a gentleman? method of layered packing.

Lighting usually is easy, and with a friendly ?lighting tamp? I was well on my way. As expected, the initial flavor is very smoky with an astringent (very gently so) quality I?ve come to expect from Orientals. Latakia and Orientals tend to live ?nasally? for me, so I often employ the ?French curve? method of inhaling the slipstream smoke. The Virginias and Yenidje set a firm background and foundation on which the Latakia and Orientals build. This blend slowly builds in flavors and complexity with each puff.

Mid Bowl: Approaching mid-bowl, the fullness tends to build and the flavors gaining intensity in unison. The initial strength of the Latakia is slowly giving way to other components, the Orientals slowly numbing (not at all in a bad way) my soft pallet and nasal regions. Flavors and scents of bergamot and sandalwood, leather and smoke are abundant and rich. The Virginia comes through a bit more assertively from time to time with rich fruity and sweet tones. Each mouthful is slightly different and unexpected tones creep gently in from time to time. Royal Blend is complex almost in the extreme, requiring my full attention. Somehow it remains subtle and constantly changing it is a contemplative smoke.

Home Stretch: As end of the bowl approaches, I?m pleasantly taken to that place far from the daily grind and it's troubles. The fullness and character of this blend really come into their own during this final stretch. The Virginias have deepened to a wine like goodness and the Latakia and Oriental has widened yielding leather and forest tones. While not particularly strong in nicotine the final third of the bowl is far fuller in flavors and depth than one might expect from where the blend begins. Layer upon layer of flavor develop and by the home stretch I can't imagine wanting more. Royal Blend finds the perfect balance of refinement and power, is never harsh and has plenty to satisfy even the most discerning of palates.

Peretti are one of the oldest tobacconists in the United States. They have a fine lineup of English/Balkan mixtures.

Supplemental Notes: In my humble opinion, Pirette's offer fine blends that stand side by side with GLP and other top blenders of our time. Rating for those interested in numbers ****+
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 12, 2016 Mild None Detected Medium to Full Very Pleasant
This is the first time I can recall that I have been immediately tempted to smoke a second bowl. This is one of those classic English blends that I will forever incorporate into my rotation. A very noble mixture, with considerable depth of character. The components are exquisitely balanced between the Virginias, perfumed Orientals, and the spicy, leathery Latakia. Delicious, and in no dimension lacking.

The cut is rather large, and rough-looking, and so packs perfectly. After a few minutes of drying it smoked perfectly. There was very very little condensation within the pipe, and no sour or bitter off-notes.

This blend that you don't tire from. Another odd observation about this (and a few of the other non-aromatic blends from Peretti I am presently sampling) is that it does not burn the tongue under any condition (at least, none I employ). Nor does this blend leave an after-taste in the mouth after smoking. Unexpected!

I would say that this blend resembles Ashton's Artisan's Blend, but with a little less body, and certainly great complexity. A blend I look forward to experiencing for many years to come.
Pipe Used: Butz-Choquin lovat
PurchasedFrom: J.L. Peretti - mailorder
Age When Smoked: recently purchased - bulk
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2020 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
I like these balkan type blends and this one may be the best I’ve tried . The Yendije Turkish is to my liking as most Oriental varietals are . The blend is buttery and smokey and has a citrus sweetness . A little spicy at times .Not pepper spice but Cooking spice like Oregano and basil and Parsley. The Orientals are forward but plenty of Latakia and Virginias for balance . Herbal and floral . Very smooth and easy to smoke . It doesn’t change much , when you fire it up you know what you are going to get . I would say you have to love Orientals to get this blend . Not the average English blend for sure . Not the average Balkan blend either . Very funky . 4 stars /- RB has the tastiest orientals out there and Margate has the finest Latakia I have smoked . So mixed together, the wow factor is off the charts . Try it .
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 15, 2004 Medium to Strong None Detected Full Strong
Another winner from L.J.'s. The blend is a ribbon-cut that packs easily and seldom needs a re-light. The Yenidje leaf definitely interplays with the Virginia and Oriental throughout the course of the smoke, gaining intensity toward the second-half, never in a cloying or overpowering manner. I seldom need more than one relight if I tamp as I go. It burns to a nice white ash without a moisture issue.

I like to smoke this blend in one of my older Charatan, "Extra Large" pipes with a good cup of black Kenyan coffee. A Great "End of the Day" smoking experience.

*****I feel the need to update my measure of this blend. I do find this blend to be more of a "Balkan" than an "English" type. However, after sampling various balkan blends over the past several years, I am always drawn back to this blend. While I still enjoy several of the McClelland Orientals, this is my first choice of this genre.
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