Peretti Blend No.333

A splendid blend for those who like a fairly heavy tobacco that is not aromatic, but is full of flavor. Very slow burning and cool.


Brand Peretti
Series Burley Blends
Blended By L.J. Peretti
Manufactured By L.J. Peretti
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley
Cut Cube
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.27 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 44 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 16, 2011 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I was the lucky recipient of a generous sample of this fine tobacco. It was gifted by a nice man from whom I was purchasing a tub of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed. I think he was letting me know that all hope would not be lost once I'd burned through the Edgeworth. Peretti's 333 would still be there to satisfy my Burley needs.

It's not Edgeworth, of course. Nor is it intended to be. It is cube cut Burley, like Edgeworth. (Really though, the cut of Edgeworth was only occasionally cubed. I'd be more inclined to describe it as “haphazard”). And, like Edgeworth, it's got a little added flavoring. But it's not the same flavoring. Peretti's 333 is its own beast.

I've never been an especially big fan of cube cut tobaccos because, more often than not, I find them to be more trouble than they're worth. I usually find them difficult to light and keep lit. But I have to say that this is a first rate and thoroughly delicious Burley. It's also the most scoopable tobacco I know: scoop out the cubes and then garnish with some fine dust for kindling. The challenge with any cube cut blend, is achieving and then maintaining a suitable burn rate, and because of this challenge, I find my experience with 333 to vacillate between sublime and enervating. It's not a very good tobacco while I'm working because who wants to fuss while working? But it's a fine thing to smoke when it can receive appropriate attention.

Once I do get a got burn going, I'm treated to a high quality Burley topped with a mild aromatic agent (someone here suggests deer tongue, which I can buy, since I was thinking vanilla). It's a moderately sweet smoke, and that's impressive given that straight Burley can occasionally be a little astringent on the palate. Whatever adornments are in 333, however, in no way compromise the experience of a subtle, delicious, high quality, throw-back Burley. When my Edgeworth is gone, this may well be its different, but equally enjoyable, replacement.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 15, 2014 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
The nice thing about this cube cut burley is that the cubes don't pop out of the bowl and burn holes in your shirt, carpet, or dog. The burleys are nutty, earthy and woody with a molasses taste that very much reminds me of more refined Carter Hall without the PG or cigarette notes. There's a cocoa note or two along the way as well. There is a hint of floral, spice and vanilla which leads me to believe there's a very small amount of deer tongue present. The strength and taste levels barely touch the medium mark. The nic-hit is mild. It burns slow, cool, and clean with a very consistent flavor. Has no harshness and won't bite. Leaves virtually no moisture in the bowl. Requires some relights. Has a lightly lingering, pleasant after taste and room note. An easy going all day smoke. Three and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 24, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
I really love Peretti's Blend 333, and will smoke it at least once a year and not stop until the tin is gone. The cube cut makes this one easy to load, and the compression of the cubes presents a slower burn than most cube cut Burley tobaccos. I detect no casing or topping, just the nutty Burley taste. A straight forward tobacco that is a step up in flavor and without the lingering harshness of many "drug store" blends of this type.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 18, 2015 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Walnut brown cube cut with some choppy pieces. I picked up a sort of maple-y cocoa top note in the tin aroma that did not translate to the taste. As with most cubes, this took me awhile to get cooking but once it found its groove, it burned easily and completely.

Very natural burley flavor with roasted nuts and dark wheat flavors. It was only when comparing this to BPC that I noticed a casing in the taste. BPC is so tobacco-y and this has some flavoring or other but I couldn't make it out. Smoked without BPC as a guide, I would have said this was essentially unflavored. No matter - this is still a very worthy burley from a blender that respects that leaf. Almost zero complexity, which is fine because the great flavor of this one is its purpose. And of all the burleys I've smoked, this one is probably the most unique. Probably the flavoring is why. A quality burley blend for those who are tired of the chemicals in OTC burleys. 3.5 stars, only because I prefer this blenders BPC.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Dec 19, 2015 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
This is a chopped cut that I would not call cubed. There are irregular bits and a few pieces of chopped flake.

The smoking experience reminds me a little of a SWR that has been working out. Strength and taste have a little more muscle, but it is still a solid burley base with a mild topping. The taste is similar to SWR - nuts and molasses. 333 is slightly less sweet and is more earthy. It is very enjoyable and I would probably smoke a lot of this if it were readily available and came at a better price point.

This was an especially easy blend to smoke slowly. It burned cool and did not have any quirky properties. This could easily be an old school all day blend for the right smoker. It is easy to recommend.

For whatever reason, this was an especially good smoke in a Kaywoodie pot.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 19, 2012 Medium Very Mild Medium Pleasant
Burley lovers rejoice! Another example of the blending masters hard at work..high quality bacci and a great smoke
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 01, 2014 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
Upon opening the tin you are met with a fine scent of nuts. Typical for a burley. They say this is not an aromatic, but it sure smells like one. This blends loads easily due to the cube cut. It lights up easily and only requires gentle tamping as you smoke it. A taste of nuts was the first thing I noticed (again, typical of burleys). This is not an overly complicated blend. The taste remained the same through almost all the bowl. Towards the end, I noticed an almost toasty flavor, not unlike toasted bread. Odd, but in an enjoyable way. NOTE: This blend should be smoked very slowly and deliberately. If you are a hard puffer, this blend is not for you. The slower you smoke this blend, the more the flavor comes out. This would be a nice all-day blend, leaving the more complicated blends for the evening hours.
Pipe Used: Ser Jacopo Bent Ball Coral Dot Era
PurchasedFrom: Peretti at Chicago Show 2014
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 24, 2005 Mild to Medium Mild Medium Very Pleasant
Burley/Virginia blends are my favorite, and this blend is simply exquisite! From the very first pipeful of this Burley lover's delight I have been smitten.

I love everything about it. It is smooth, rich, cool, and nutty, with a hint of spice. I can smell it as I smoke, and it smells fantastic! There is just enough molasses in this to complement the superb, deep, earthy, roasted coffee flavors in the tobacco. It is pure pipe smoking pleasure to me. Try it, if you don't like it, send it to me!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 12, 2020 Very Mild None Detected Mild Pleasant
I usually smoke only Balkan and English blends (Peretti Royal, Samuel Gawith Skiff Mixture). But I love 333 for a change of pace. Basically I agree with all the other positive reviews...

- smooth, no bite or bitterness -- just smooth burley taste

- the flavor remains the same all the way down, which I like

- the "chocolate" note is pronounced both during the smoke, and before lighting (I have no idea if it is native to Burley leaf, or something actually added)

The texture is almost comical -- like tiny pebbles. I just dribble it in the pipe (it barely compresses until after first light). Burns down well with maybe 1 relight.

Pipe Used: Savinelli grezza (large bowl) 9mm carbon filter
PurchasedFrom: Peretti
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 17, 2017 Medium to Strong Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Not quite cube cut, and not quite broken flake, 333 is chopped in the manner of Sir Walter Raleigh - granola cut. Presentation of uniform burley brown with a neutral tin note. The charring and true lights bring a hint of that Peretti soapy/floral/vanilla flavor (deer tongue?), a touch of molasses, and definitely more depth of burley flavor and strength than LJ's natural aromatic burley blends. As the flavoring burns off a bit, the body of the smoke is full, rich and satisfying with a hint of that Peretti flavoring always in the background. That distinct Peretti additive, though very lightly applied, gives this blend a unique flavor profile.

As advertised, the burn is indeed slow and cool - remarkably so given the strength of this burley blend. No bite. Top notch, old school, American tobacco. A must-try for enthusiasts of this style. If you enjoy the occasional OTC burley but appreciate quality, unadulterated tobacco, you owe it to yourself to try 333. A world class burley. You won't find the complexity in this type of blend than you would in a top notch English or Balkan, but damn is it good.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 19, 2016 Medium Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Another from the brothers of briar bombing.

It smells good in the jar, but is pretty ugly looking. Not exactly a cube cut, more of a rough broken cake maybe. Rubbing the bigger chunks out a bit in your fingers as you go is advised. It reminds me a lot of SWR, However it is more like what that should be.

The taste is full and round if a bit one dimensional. It has some sweet molasses and floral notes to it that give it a little complexity. I don't think the floral is a topping, so it shouldn't ghost your pipe. It burns very slowly if you don't rub it out. If you do, you get a good volume of smoke from it. It's definitely better than the burley cut plug they make although it is similar.

Try this one if you like burley blends, it worth your time.
Pipe Used: Goussard lovat
PurchasedFrom: BoB gift
Age When Smoked: Aged 1 year
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