Cult Blood Red Moon

This dark, decadent blend combines fire-cured cavendish, bright Virginias and burleys with the delicious aromas of natural Royal Ann cherry and dark chocolate. A bit sweet, extremely rich, and unquestionably smooth.


Brand Cult
Blended By  
Manufactured By Scandinavian Tobacco Company
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Cherry, Cocoa / Chocolate
Cut Coarse Cut
Packaging 50 grams tin
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Medium to Strong
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Very Pleasant
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.15 / 4





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Displaying 31 - 40 of 125 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 30, 2020 Medium Extra Strong Extra Full Tolerable
Cherry, that's it. Just a mouthful of black cavendish and cherry. If you got Covid-19 and can't taste or smell anything, you will have no problem tasting this tobacco.
Pipe Used: Briar
Age When Smoked: Fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 03, 2018 Very Mild Strong Full Very Pleasant
Cult "Blood Red Moon"

This American-style aromatic is heavily topped with rich chocolate and a very natural but sweet and pronounced cherry. It tastes like chocolate covered cherries, but the good ones bought at a candy store and not the cheap prepackaged ones on the drugstore shelf.

The tobacco is quite moist from the tin and will benefit from an hour or so drying time during our typical early spring Minnesota weather. It loads easily and evenly into a pipe; I initially used a cobb, as I was afraid of leaving behind The Pipe Ghost from Hell in any of my briars. The flavoring is quite strong, to the point where there is no tobacco flavor left in its wake.

Do I like it? Yes, but only because I got the tin on sale. I found Black Cordial to be as good and at 1/4 the normal retail price of the Cult tin.

This behaves very well in the pipe and burns down to a mottled grey ash with a small amount of dottle and just a little bit of sludge. Slow smoking cadence of course, helps reduce the dottle and goop...but this still smokes wet and sticky. Not a problem for users of cheap cobbs and/or those who don't mind having to do vigorous maintenance of the pipe after each bowl. Burned to the heel with a total of 1 charring light, one initial light and three relights in a large bowl meerschaum billiard. And yes, this tobacco was made for meers and cobbs.

For me, this tobacco was tongue bite hell. If one gets a little careless and overpuffs, the tongue will fry. Slow and gentle with this one. I suspect the tongue bite comes more from my reaction to the chemistry of the casings than to the steam this weed generates when smoked. It took two full days of not smoking to heal from one bowlful's tongue bite. This however might be attributed to my body chemistry as much as to the tobacco itself, and other smokers might not have the same problem.

The artwork on the tin is cool. The tobacco is beautifully presented in the tin and smells appetizing as one could ever want. The tin aroma translates completely to the flavor of the smoke. It's good, but I don't think it is worth the tin price. These days, I buy tins for aging and bulk for smoking right now. As I can't see this tobacco as being one which would benefit from aging, the two tins I bought will be the last two tins I'll buy. Even so, I give this 3 stars; it is a quality product for fans of super sweet and flavorful aromatics. I can't give it four stars, because I don't find it to be a great value for what it is, and because the tongue bite (possibly my fault or that of my chemistry) was too much to handle on a regular basis.
Pipe Used: Meerschaum billard and cobb diplomat
PurchasedFrom: Online
Age When Smoked: About one year
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 24, 2018 Mild to Medium Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
One of my favourite aromatics. This blend features a sweet, almost cherry cordial-like taste while not overpowering the the tobacco flavour. Most aromatics taste like hot air, especially cherry aromatics. Not this one! This is an exceptional aromatic and one of the few cherry aromatics that gets it right. This blend produces thick clouds of smoke that are very pleasant to the nose (good for smoking inside!). The flavour of this tobacco is about half cherry and about half milk chocolate, which is why it reminds me of a cherry cordial. The casing doesn't overpower the natural tobacco taste, which is also present within the blend. Overall, I'd rate this one of my favourite aromatics, up there with Lane Dark Red.
Pipe Used: Dr. Grabow Riveria
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 20, 2017 Very Mild Very Strong Medium to Full Very Pleasant
Let me begin by saying the idea of cherry flavoring horrifies me, as the flavor takes me back to when I was a kid and my mom mixed my medicine with Kool-Aid to cover the taste. The result was a distaste of all fruit flavored candy as an adult. Since cherry is a common pipe aromatic, I figured I better try at it at least once.

Upon opening the tin, I could actually see the flavor vapors rising up. The cherry sledge hammer was so strong, I just assumed I bit into a nasty fruit filled chocolate from a candy box. It is no stretch of the truth when I tell you this was the strongest topping I have yet encountered on an aromatic.

The cut is very thin, moist, and spongy. It burns quickly and lights up worry free. As expected the cherry flavor lasts the whole way through, though an added caramel sweetness develops to dial back the fruit flavor when smoked. It is strong, but not artificial candy strong. While still not my thing, I was a bit surprised I didn't hate it. Unlike the flavor, the nicotine is very light. Also, it has an amazing room note I'm told.

** Use a non-sentimental pipe with this stuff, as it will surely ghost the pipe.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 02, 2017 Medium Very Strong Overwhelming Very Pleasant
God this was awful. I haven't figured out what I like yet, but I know what I don't like. This. A few puffs in and my mouth felt like it was coated in burlap soaked in chemicals. The taste is fine if you like drinking peroxide after a few cherries have soaked in it overnight. Maybe the worst thing I ever smoked, Well, I take that back. Definitely the worst thing I ever smoked.
Pipe Used: MM Cob
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 24, 2016 Mild Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
This was a very aromatic blend, the cherry was kind of "candyish", and it seemed to burn pretty good. The taste was somewhat mild, and the room note was outstanding. This is something that I would probably purchase again, but not something I would want to smoke daily.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 28, 2015 Mild Medium Medium to Full Very Pleasant
This summer I went on a cherry exploration. I love cherry and thought I'd try and find something in that genre that was a pleasant smoke and agreeable to the palate. I worked my way through about a dozen offerings and was gravely disappointed with exception of two - this blend being one of them. It offers a great balance with the cherry note and it doesn't come across all artificial like so many cherry aros. It is thoroughly enjoyable beginning to end with a nice mixture and balance among the tobaccos. It doesn't let you forget your smoking tobacco at the expense of the flavoring. It also has a more natural nuance to a soft and smooth cherry note. A thoroughly enjoyable aromatic!
Pipe Used: bjarne, rossi, la strada
PurchasedFrom: P&C
Age When Smoked: 3, 6 and 12 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 30, 2020 Medium Medium Full Very Pleasant
This was a gift of a friend. I had several bouts with cherry tobacco almost 40 years ago and my tongue came out on the worst end of it all. But, I have heard a lot about this and I was thrilled he gifted me with some!!!

Opening the humidor I was greeted by the smell of delicious cherry cordial and chocolate. Sort of reminded me of chocolate covered cherries. The tobacco was slightly moist so it was placed on a paper towel for a little over a half hour. The coarse cut loaded easily into the bowl and after the char light it lit right up splendidly. It burned at a medium rate and would get slightly warmed if pushed but it never came close to biting. The smoke was medium, creamy and hung in the air and what a mouth watering room not of cherry cordial it gave off. The aftertaste is of sweet chocolate covered cherry during the smoke and after the smoke is finished this aftertaste lasted for about 45 minutes. This burned down to a dark gray ash, left no goop but did leave some moisture. The stayed mostly consistent except at the very beginning and for the last 1/4 of the bowl when it weakened a little bit but remained pleasant.

Lighting the bowl the brought forth a wonderful cherry flavor that was mouth watering. It stayed that way for about 10 sips and then in came a light creamy chocolate. The Cherry played the lead role with the light chocolate singing in the second role and they balanced and complimented each other wonderfully. In the background danced a very slight nutty flavor with a touch of grass and a perfect very slight tangy flavor each complimenting each other and harmonizing well with the Cherry and Chocolate. The Chocolate picked it up a notch from a 1/4 way into the bowl till around the last 1/4 of the bowl where it and the other flavors except the Cherry faded slightly although they remained delicious till the end of the bowl

This is a wonderful blend that has the Cherry dominating with a strong backup by the lite Chocolate and still has room enough for the tobacco flavors to shine lightly through. Sweet and pleasant this is a great advancement over the old cherry tobacco of 40 years ago which burned the skin off the tongue. Delicious and pleasant I would definitely buy some and use it on special occasions. If you like Aromatics, Cherry, Chocolate with a creamy smoke give this a try. A true beauty of a smoke I give it a 3.6 our of 4 stars.
Pipe Used: GBD Compact
PurchasedFrom: Gift from friend
Age When Smoked: new
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 10, 2015 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
There's good cherry blends and bad cherry blends ........ this is a good one for sure ! The flavoring isn't overdone and the blend lights easily , burns well , tastes good and the Room Note is great . It's has a smooth quality to it and it's basically a blend that has some thought behind it . It is medium flavored and not a high aromatic but not a mildly flavored aromatic . If you've been leery of trying a cherry because you got waylaid by some awful overly flavored horrid cherry blend , have no fear ... this isn't that blend . Another good cherry blend to try , which is even a little less flavored is MacBaren 7 Seas Red , which is exceptional
Pipe Used: About a half dozen
PurchasedFrom: Gifted
Age When Smoked: Fresh Tin
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 28, 2015 Mild Medium Mild to Medium Very Pleasant
I have had a tin of this stuff sitting in my cellar for some time now. I decided to open it up and give it go. Man I was blown away! This is a really good aro. It actually tastes as described on the tin and the flavor lasts through the entire bowl. Flavor wise it’s cherry, but it’s not overwhelming or cough syrupy. There is also a nice chocolate flavor that accompanies the cherry, making it taste similar to chocolate covered cherry candy. It’s definitely a sweet smoke but not in an overwhelming way. It’s a very smooth smoke with no bite at all. It does leave a little goop in the bottom of the bowl but not as bad as some other blends that I have tried. This one is definitely worth trying.
Pipe Used: Briars
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