McClelland No. 25

A balanced mixture of our smoothest and most refined red and black aged Virginia cake tobaccos in a fully rubbed form. Ideal after dinner when a rich, satisfying flavor is most desired.


Brand McClelland
Series Matured Virginias
Blended By McClelland Tobacco Company
Manufactured By McClelland Tobacco Company
Blend Type Straight Virginia
Contents Virginia
Cut Ribbon
Packaging 50 grams tin, 100 grams tin
Country United States
Production No longer in production


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.09 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 45 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2001 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Full Tolerable
Tin Aroma: Decidely less of the signature McClelland 'ketchup' aroma than some of the Virginias in this series, though that may have something to do with the ribbon cut, as opposed to the broken flake of most of the rest of them.

Physical Characteristics: a very fine ribbon cut, almost like a cigarette shag cut. Mostly dark, a bit of light brown, probably stoved in some manner. Packs solidly, and with not too much spring to it. Takes a charring light easily, in only a puff or two. Pleasant amount of moisture, not too soft, not too dry.

First Light: Sharp virgina flavor/aroma on the first light. Tickles the nose even when not exhaled that way.

Notes: Burns easily, and stays lit with nary a hassle. The most intriguing thing about this blend is that it seemed to not bite me nearly as easily as many of the McClelland virginias do. As a matter of fact, even with the way I smoke (sometimes a bit fast and furious), you almost have to be trying to get it to bite you before it will.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 18, 2009 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
I'm very much intrigued by this one for a number of reasons. The cut is a very much rubbed out stringy version of dark black virginias with some streaks of dark brown (red). It has that wonderful McClellands virginia tin aroma in spades. As another reviewer mentioned, I had trouble with this clogging my pipe up if I tamped too vigorously. The flavor was of the dark notes variety, and I consistently tasted burnt marshmallow top to bottom. It was quite unique in that sense, and very enjoyable.

I found this to be of medium complexity. It didn't develop much down the bowl but there seemed to be a lot going on at all times. Further, this one writes the book on Delayed Gratification Technique. It always smoked best when I got the second light going and immediately set the pipe down for half an hour. Very toasty flavor. I've not tasted anything quite like this one. It isn't my favorite VA, nor even my favorite McClellands, but it's definitely one I'll revisit from time to time. I recommend it to any virginia smoker who thinks there are no further surprises in a VA blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 07, 2002 Mild None Detected Medium Very Pleasant
I really can't add much to Inquisitor's very well written description and impressions of this McClelland Virginia. It is not the best Virginia I've ever smoked, but far from the worst.

I really was all fired up about giving you my impressions when I clicked onto the review page. But, Inquisitor stole my thunder! Oh well, he's a fun read and right on regarding this tobacco -- at least, in my humble opinion.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 05, 2015 Mild to Medium None Detected Mild to Medium Pleasant
I've tried this in every type of pipe that I have and I just can't get too excited about it. I like it best in a clay, but even there it falls a little short. By itself it's a little too one dimensional. I wish I could get marshmallows or baked bread like some others, but it just isn't there for me. I get sweet, toasty and fruity.

In order to make it shine I have to add something to it. A little Oriental or Latakia or Perique and these Virginias start to sing. As a blender I'd give it 3.5 or even 4 stars. I feel like I should rate it as it comes though and that gets it 2.

Mild to medium in body and flavor. Burns well.
Pipe Used: Clay, Cob, several Briars, Meerschaum
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 27, 2005 Medium Very Mild Mild to Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
I have a great deal of experience with this blend, it has been one of my staples for over a year, and I have smoked it in every sized bowl in my spectrum.

Some of my esteemed colleagues here state that they detect none or not as much of the catsup aroma that is markedly McClelland?s. All of the tins of this blend that I smoked were 3 to 5 years old- in fact the one that I am smoking now is 5 years old- and it?s there, Catsup.

I love this blend. It is a strong second to my favorite VA Flake: Marlin Flake, though my palate tells me that VA Number 25 is a bit more complex. The reds and darks show two different faces of the VA profile, each pronouncing its very own distinct flavor as the bowl develops. The last third is my favorite of most of the bowls containing VA?s because it is more ?stoved?- thereby sweeter, richer, with more body? VA Number 25 does not disappoint in this.

For the first half or so I detect a fruity roundness, in VA Number 25 it has none of the sharpness that I find in the Christmas Cheer Series- probably because they have none of the dark stoved element. Indeed this blend has the most body of all of the McClelland VA?s that I have come to know, though it lacks none of the sweetness that I expect the sweetness is outdone in some of their other blends like Darkstar, Blackwood?s Flake, 2035, and Butera?s line?s of Darkstoved and Matured Ribbon.

This blend has shown no tendency to bite for me- though I might mention that I have quite a bit of experience with VA?s and smoke slowly as a rule.

Remarkable. Try it and see if you agree.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 16, 2018 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
The red and stored Virginias offer a bit of tangy dark fruit and brown sugary stewed fruit. Both aspects have the touch of fermentation, and the “vinegar” essence weakens a little by the time you get to the last quarter of the bowl, though it does hold to the finish. There’s a very earthy, woody quality along with a very mild, tart citrus as well as light grass, smoke and spice notes. The strength and taste levels are medium. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. Won’t bite, but the tang and tartness may tingle the tongue of a fast puffer. It has very few rough edges. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with consistent flavor to the end of the line. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a pleasantly lingering after taste. An all day smoke. Three and a half stars.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 19, 2016 Mild to Medium None Detected Medium Tolerable
I picked up a can of this a couple of years ago and stuck it in the back of the closet. I had actually forgotten about it until I was rummaging around in there and stumbled upon it. I decided to crack it open and give it a go.

Red and black stringy tobacco.... perfect moisture content...

Honestly, nothing new or exciting about this. Not to say that it is a bad tobacco it doesn't break any ground with me. One for working around the house or yard but not one to break open the Ardbeg with....

Fairly straightforward matured Virginia flavors.... it lacks the brightness of number 27 and the depth of number 24...

Pipe Used: Cob
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 18, 2001 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Tolerable to Strong
When I first tried this tobacco, I hated it. To me, it started off with a cigarette-like flavor, with acrid smoke that hurt the back of my throat. It wouldn't be the first McClelland Red VA that I didn't like. After fighting through 1/3 bowl, I set it aside. I considered dumping it at that point, but DGT (Delayed Gratification Technique)has surprised me in the past. A few hours later, relaxing at home, I grimly put match to tobacco. Hmm... No cigarette flavor, no bite, no throat irritation. Instead, the predominant element had become the matured and stoved Virginias - dark brown sugar sweetness, an earthy smoothness, a lovely musty character that reminds me of chantarelle mushrooms. Like most McClelland Virginias, the flavor deepened and developed as the bowl continued to burn lower. This is not an "obvious" tobacco, it doesn't leap out at you. But it piques your curiosity, inviting closer inspection, then holds you with a flavor palate unlike any other blend. The closest comparison is Esoterica Tilbury, although it lacks Tilbury's oriental component. This doesn't break into my top rotation, but I will keep a tin on hand for those moments when nothing else seems quite right. Well done.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 05, 2015 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
This is a quality product, no doubt about it. The cut is wonderful. Instead of the chunky ribbon that is usually found in most McClelland offerings, NO. 25 is a nice stringy, shag cut that is easy to work with and great for packing. This reminds me of some of the Rattray rubbed-out tobaccos (in texture only) and I love their ready rubbed tobacco.

Now the flavor: what everyone wants to know... It starts out nice. Tangy, slightly sweet, but mostly tart and sour, tickling your tongue. It's hard not to overpuff on this one, but even when taking your time this guy wants to turn ashy. I'm still trying to find that balance between tangy, sweet Virginia and charred tobacco that is beyond help. 25 has great promise and now into the second tin of it, I'm sticking with smaller bowls. Mostly conical shaped and cobs seem to be 25's best friend.

When this blend is working, I get beautiful fig notes that have a fruit-like character to them, some sweet, mostly tang, somewhat reminiscent of Marlin Flake, however, it is hard to get more than half a pipeful of consistent flavor out of this one.
Pipe Used: many
Age When Smoked: 2 years old
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 07, 2014 Medium None Detected Medium Pleasant
McClelland has the reputation for producing very fine Virginia mixtures. No 25 in the Matured Virginia series is no exception, even though I find it a little short of ranking with a "Wow!" factor.

This is a combination of red and black Virginias in a ribbon cut that is partly dark brown and partly black. McClelland's tinned Virginias all contain tobacco that has been fully aged. This is darkened. The ribbon cut is easy to light and to keep lit, but there is one caveat. The cut is so fine that a pipe packed tightly will have a difficult draw.

The taste is typical of a darkened Virginia, slightly sweet and of medium intensity. The nicotine level is just above average. The room note is also typical of a Virginia, and has no "stinky" overtones to alienate non smokers.

Pure Virginias or mixtures heavily weighted with Virginias have the reputation of being bite prone. For many smokers, a carefully controlled sipping cadence will control the bite and keep it from from being a deterrent. I fall into this category. Some other smokers are much more bite prone, and Virginias pose a serious challenge to them for a satisfactory pipe smoke. No. 25 is a little less than average in bite challenge for a Virginia tobacco.

My only issue with No. 25 is that it is somewhat monochromatic and can become a bit boring by the end of a generous sized bowl. But this mild criticism does not mean that I do not enjoy smoking this offering. I do enjoy smoking it. The reason I do not go beyond two stars is simply because there are a number of other Virginias (including several by McClelland) that I enjoy even more.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2001 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
This is a blend of roughly equal parts of red and black tobacco in fully rubbed form. The cut is quite fine, and the tin aroma is rich and winey but without the vinegar smell often found in McC blends. Packing is easy in any size bowl because of the fine cut. Predictably, the tobacco lights easily, and burns well. Surprisingly, it also burns cool, unless puffed agressively. It even stays cool when smoked outdoors in moderate breezes. The initial flavor is sweet and rich, and quite smooth to the tongue and palate. It develops more complexity toward the middle of the bowl, and seems to get somewhat stronger toward the end, occasionally getting a bit harsh. I find it benefits from some airing out before smoking, or it will deliver a hot and wet smoke. When smoked carefully, it delivers a great deal of flavor, and I prefer it to Black Shag (which is similar in appearance and cut, although less red).
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