GQ Tobaccos Swamp Flower

Perique is a powerful tobacco, both in flavour and strength. The long fermentation process makes it a tobacco commonly used as a condiment, used in small proportions to enrich the taste. You would expect to find perique with a gold Virginia or mixed in with a powerful Balkan/English blend. Swamp Flower however, is different story altogether; based upon a heavy foundation of Kentucky and fire cured Virginias, this gives the blend a solidly rich and earthy footing. In order to give the tobacco a subtle sweeter edge, some flue cured Virginias are added together with a classic Lakeland geranium topping; then along comes the perique; a hefty portion is used to give the blend a little more oomph; after which a minuscule dusting of Turkish Izmir is added to furnish the blend a better combustion without making little difference to the tobacco. The smoke is very rich, dark and complex; and the high amount of perique bestows this blend a spicy experience, however, it confers it with a delicate light floral contrast. It is not a smoke for those who don’t like tobaccos with high nicotine content, as this packs an all-powerful punch!


Brand GQ Tobaccos
Series House Series
Blended By Glynn Quelch
Manufactured By Glynn Quelch
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Kentucky, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Floral Essences
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production No longer in production


Extremely Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Medium to Strong
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Pleasant to Tolerable
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Very Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.25 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 31, 2015 Extremely Strong Medium Very Full Tolerable to Strong
For me,not a daytime smoke.I much prefer to be campus mantis during waking hours,however,a bowl of this before bedtime put one nicely to sleep,and at very little expense. Just starting to try GQ blends,and boy,are they good.Just waiting for one to hit that spot that Granny Smith talks about(ladies of such constitution need a mention). This weed really packs a punch for me,even after 50 years of smoking mostly Havanas and pipe tobacco of a dubious nature,not inhaled,like Bill Clinton,which is why I'm still knocking about. To the tobacco,then.Most unusual,to say the least.There is a tinge of Lakeland,but it seems masked by the perique and some background oriental thing going on,giving the tobacco an excellent balance as well as spiciness.Will not be purchasing again,though,'cos I'd rather spend the money on a good single malt,however,if you like something a bit different and intelligently put together,with a severe N hit,do try this one. Update: a night later.A real powerhouse of a tobacco with high nicotine content,but yet,for some reason,highly enjoyable and tolerable ,due to years of smoking.No discernible bite,highly enjoyable,in my new Savinelli that I got on eBay at a snip.I might get this again
Pipe Used: Jepperson and Savinelli
PurchasedFrom: GQ tobaccos
Age When Smoked: Still 63
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 11, 2015 Extremely Strong Medium to Strong Very Full Pleasant to Tolerable
When I first brought a flame to the tobacco it gave me a strong lakeland taste, reminding me somewhat of Ennerdale Flake but the further I got into the bowl the spiceyness really kicked in and the tobacco took on a life of its own, far from the Lakeland style. Peppery on times, tangey too. The tobacco gives a big hit of Vitamin N and this may prove too powerful for novice pipe smokers but I think I could become a big fan of this blend and will be getting more of this. The perique is absolutely delicious and adds body and substance.

It's a clean smoke with many nuances of flavour that come through when you get to the sweet spot. I've a theory that all tobaccos have a sweet spot and with Swamp Flower it seems to be at the half way through the bowl point that the blend really comes into its own. The flavour intensifies, the tangy quality is heightened and there is a delicious sweetness that is hard to describe, maybe like a rich chocolatey taste, but that description doesn't do the blend full justice so give it a go, I'm sure you'll like it.

I did a far more detailed review on my pipe smoking blog and I've cut and pasted it below -

Blend - Virginia, Kentucky, Turkish & Perique Casings - Geranium Cut - Mixture Origin - UK

We've had some lovely spring weather, perfect for walking the dogs and earlier I sat myself down on an old tree stump and thumbed a generous helping of Swamp Flower tobacco from GQ Tobacco's into the bowl of my battered, much loved, Peterson system. I've had this pipe for several years, it wasn't new when I bought it - it's a bent, small bowled and very comfortable hanging in my mouth which is why I favour this pipe when walking through the woodlands. I walk often and almost always take this particular pipe with me.

And like the pipe, Swamp Flower is the perfect tobacco for sitting back amongst the majesty of nature and simply enjoying the moment. I discovered this blend a few weeks ago and must confess that I only ordered the sample because the name of the blend appealed to me - the name tickled me. I'm odd like that but when searching for new tobaccos I often select on the basis of name or tin design. Of course sometimes this backfires and I end up with something I'm not really keen on, but sometimes, as is the case with Swamp Flower, I stumble upon a true gem. A blend that reminds me why I smoke a pipe in the first place.

It's a rich smoke with a generous nicotine content, and I do like a good dose of nicotine in my smokes. According to the blend description on the blender website -

Perique is a powerful tobacco, both in flavour and strength. The long fermentation process makes it a tobacco commonly used as a condiment, used in small proportions to enrich the taste. You would expect to find Perique with a Gold Virginia or mixed in with a powerful Balkan/English blend. Swamp Flower however, is different story altogether; based upon a heavy foundation of Kentucky and fire-cured Virginias, this gives the blend a solidly rich and earthy footing. In order to give the tobacco a subtle sweeter edge, some flue-cured Virginias are added together with a classic Lakeland Geranium topping; then along comes the Perique; a hefty portion is used to give the blend a little more oomph; after which a minusculedusting of Turkish Izmir is added to furnish the blend a better combustion without making little difference to the tobacco.

The smoke is very rich, dark and complex; and the high amount of Perique bestows this blend a spicy experience, however, it confers it with a delicate light floral contrast. It is not a smoke for those who don’t like tobaccos with high nicotine content, as this packs an all-powerful punch!

- To be honest I couldn't detect the Lakeland topping. I associate Lakelands with an all powerful Geranium taste and aroma and although there was a hint of perfume in the initial light up this Swamp Flower seems far removed from the Lakeland style. It's nothing like Ennerdale Flake for instance, a blend that I consider the ultimate Lakeland, but is equally tasty with a complex array of flavours and aromas. I am told the room note is quite strong but not unpleasant. But the true test for me is in the taste and it is here that Swamp Flower truly hits the ball out of the park. Yes it is intense, yes it is spicey but it is also incredibly smooth.

Look out for an interview with blender, Glyn Quelch here soon.

Find it at GQ TOBACCOS

Smoke it and be transported to a pleasure and true pipe smoking harmony.

This gets the Pipe Smoking Pandemonium 'Freeking Awesome' award!
Pipe Used: Petersons
PurchasedFrom: GQ TOBACCO
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 01, 2016 Medium to Strong Medium Medium to Full Tolerable
The nutty, woody, toasty, earthy Kentucky and fire cured fermented dark fruit sweet, earthy Virginias form a base for this blend. The flue cured Virginias add some citrus and grass in a support role. The spicy, raisiny, plumy, figgy perique tends to overshadow the other components a little.The smokey, woody, dry, sour Izmir is a condimental addition. The geranium topping does sublimate some of the nuances that you would normally expect to find in the tobaccos, though it does allow their basic characteristics to shine. The nic-hit is a shade past medium. No chance of bite or harshness. Well balanced with some complexity, it’s a little moist, but really doesn’t need any dry time. Burns just below a moderate pace, very cool and clean with a smooth, tenaciously rich consistent flavor from start to finish. Requires an average number of relights, and leaves hardly any moisture in the bowl. Has a pleasantly sweet and floral after taste that lingers a mite. The room note is the same with a little strength. Not an all day smoke, but those experienced in this kind of mixture will find it repeatable.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 05, 2015 Very Strong Medium to Strong Very Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Swamp Flower is a truly unique experience. I don't know any other smoke that is at once so soft, smooth, delicate, and nuanced, while being so very assertive and so very strong. And I've never known a perique-dominant blend to have such a supple balance of unique flavors.

Now I like a touch of perique. Too much and the balance is lost. But somehow what is usually a very over-generous helping of perique works here. Perhaps it's the Kentucky, giving some unobtrusive earthy darkness and bass to the pellucid cloud of perique; perhaps it's the hint of sweetness from the virginias; perhaps it's the tiniest hint of oriental to give it a soupçon of tang; or maybe it's the delicate flower topping, which is very present but not obtrusive like it can be in so many Lakelands, that seems to unite all the flavors. (And just to be clear, this cannot in any way be considered a traditional Lakeland. Swamp Flower is in a category all its own.) The pieces all fit together marvelously, though, given the proportions, they shouldn't.

My first impression of this blend was that it was "a clean smoke" with a lot of flavor nuances, so I was delighted to have that impression confirmed by Granny Smith, in her accurate review, who used the exact same phrase. Swamp Flower is unique, "clean", subtle, complex, and has a real kick. It's even refreshing. Lovely stuff. Not a blend that will appeal to all palates, but definitely worth a try for the experienced piper if they have the palate for it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 26, 2015 Very Strong Very Strong Very Full Pleasant to Tolerable
GQ Tobaccos - Swamp Flower.

This certainly smells floral, from the pouch there's no mistaking what this has been cased with! Mine is a little too moist at first, not totally soaked but still in need of a touch of drying. So long as it's been aired correctly it lights relatively easily and gives a good/even burn.

On to flavour, because the topping is of such a huge calibre it masks the tobacco nuances quite heavily. I get quite a big hit of nicotine from this, not the strongest I've had but it probably would be too much for a lot of people. The room note is floral (as you'd expect) and I don't mind that but the thing I'm not a fan of is the volume of smoke it produces, it generates a good quantity of smoke in the room. Probably best to smoke this unaccompanied! After a few bowls I note how the flavouring stays the same weight throughout and despite the level of topping I don't get much gurgle.

I think this would make a great smoke for those who like floral aromatics as it's been executed well but I'm really not suited to it. Two stars.
Pipe Used: Peterson Sherlock Holmes Baskerville
PurchasedFrom: GQ Tbaccos
Age When Smoked: 1 month
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 08, 2016 Medium Mild to Medium Medium to Full Pleasant
The Kentucky and Perique are well-balanced, and toned-down a bit by the VAs. The Oriental isn't really detectable (by me at least), but no doubt helps give the blend its moderate complexity. The Geranium is certainly present, but if you've tried any of the GH floral-cased offerings, it is far from the main player in the blend's taste. The burn-rate is pretty much average for the cut. For those who haven't tried similarly-based blends or florals (or both), it will no doubt be surprising. For those who have, it should still be (or would be if not now discontinued) a pleasant but not excellent addition to their smoking experience.
Pipe Used: briars and meers
PurchasedFrom: GQ
Age When Smoked: after purchase
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jul 24, 2016 Mild to Medium Medium to Strong Medium Pleasant to Tolerable
Another amazing blend from GQ Tobaccos. Completely different from any other tobacco that I've ever tasted. The aromas of the flowers are extremely clear. It also has the flower flavour in the taste and aftertaste. Low-medium body, with medium bitterness.
Pipe Used: Peterson POY 2016 w/ filter
PurchasedFrom: GQ Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 19, 2016 Medium None Detected Medium to Full Pleasant
Dadgum, I'm not sure whether Granny Smith wrote a review or a book. I never finished to find out. But I digress.

Swamp Flower is simply marvelous, with deeply rich and Dark Virginia leaf, bolstered by some heady Kentucky and a good slathering of Perique. A sublime smoke that provides depth of taste, strength and a slap of the Louisiana hot sauce that I a appreciated. This is one of the finest new blends that I have had the pleasure of smoking in quite some time.
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