GQ Tobaccos BurPer Kake

Our first “Krumble Kake” tobacco, made using some of the strongest pipe tobaccos we can find. The choice leaves are moistened using distilled water and cold pressed for over 10 days, to create a form of plug. Due to the crazy taxation and restrictions on tobaccos, we can only obtain pre-cut leaf. So all of our kakes are made using course cut tobaccos, the beauty is in a plug that needs no cutting, just a light rub before use. Our BurPer (burley & perique) Kake is made from a heavy base of strong savoury new world burley. A touch of gold and mahogany Virginias to add a little nutty and sweet tinge. Then comes the perique and in GQ Blends traditions, over 25% is made use of. The resulting tobacco is very strong and spicy, with underlying vinegar-like flavour. As the blends stands it’s a little too dry and spicy so a maple topping is added to some of the gold leaf Virginias. The resulting tobacco is a tale of two halves. At the start it’s spicy and sweet, but once the smoker is half way through the bowl the sweetness fades and the full power of the burley and perique really come through. Not a blend, we suggest, to anyone who enjoys mild/medium sweet blends; think of a dry sherry mixed with cask strength whisky. A “perique powerhouse”. Forget VaPer (Virginia & perique), and welcome the complex flavours of our first BurPer blend.


Brand GQ Tobaccos
Series House Series
Blended By Glynn Quelch
Manufactured By Glynn Quelch
Blend Type Burley Based
Contents Burley, Perique, Virginia
Flavoring Maple
Cut Krumble Kake
Packaging Bulk
Country United Kingdom
Production No longer in production


Medium to Strong
Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Medium to Full
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.60 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 01, 2016 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
My chunk of Burper Kake was very loose to the touch, with parts coming apart on its own in the pouch. Visually, it’s easy to see that there is quite a bit of Perique in this blend and in the pipe that is the case. I am only a moderate lover of Perique and GQ offers up a lot of Perique in a number of their blends but they always seem well blended that they work for me. The Burley is more “woody” than nutty with a little bit of earth. There is a touch of smokiness to it as well. The Perique offers up some pepper and some fruit, and is always present. While there is some spice, I didn’t get the amount of spice that others have mentioned. The Virginia’s don’t offer up very much sweetness and would have preferred the addition of a little bit more sugary Virginia's. The manually added slight sweetness to the blend I would not have guessed to be maple. I think that a from a nic standpoint it is on the medium to strong side and it burns dry without many relights. I rather enjoyed this well-made blend and could see it as a change of pace offering for me rather than an everyday blend. For Burley lovers that enjoy Perique, BurPer will likely ring the bell.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 06, 2014 Medium to Strong Extremely Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
One of the easiest Kakes to break apart on the market, which seems to be a trait of GQ kakes. It was almost like tearing off small pieces of bread. The perique is over twenty-five percent of the Kake, and is almost as plumy, figgy and raisiny as it is spicy. It is the lead component. The gold and mahogany Virginias are bready, lightly grassy, very earthy and woody with a touch of tangy citrus and vinegar as supporting players. The burley is fairly bold, earthy, woody and nutty as a strong secondary player. The maple topping is light applied, does not interfere with the inherent properties of the tobaccos, and doesn’t give a pancake taste either. The strength and nic-hit are just past the medium mark, while the taste is a step past that. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a very consistent, mildly sweet and more savory, spicy, deeply rich, well balanced flavor that translates to the pleasantly lingering after taste and stronger room note. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires few relights. Not for the inexperienced smoker, and I recommend a small to medium size bowl to smoke it in.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 15, 2014 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium Pleasant
GQ Tobaccos - BurPer Kake.

What a pleasure to prepare, the Kake rubs to a great consistency with minimum effort. The note from the packet is sweet, it resembles honey slightly.

Getting BurPer Kake lit is, just like the prep', a real easy task, a short go with the flame is plenty to initiate a good burn which is steady throughout the whole pipe. The taste is superb! It gives a great spiciness from the Perique with an equally weighted buttery flavour from the Burley. As it burns down the spicy note seems to dissipate slightly allowing the buttery taste from the Burley to have more time in the spotlight. The temperature is great, a cool to medium one that is complimented by zero tongue bite. On to nicotine now, a medium to strong amount so it would suit those who smoke for N, may be a little too much for some though. I find the Maple topping to be extremely light, if I didn't know it was in there I possibly wouldn't identify it due to the dominant flavours from the tobaccos.

As I sit smoking BurPer Kake no matter how hard I try it's impossible to find a negative point, a superb taste with a good nicotine amount that would make an excellent 'all day smoke'!
Pipe Used: Devorin Denovic Morta
PurchasedFrom: G.Q Tobaccos
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 23, 2014 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Mid-brown in colour. Slight leather smell. Medium strength, smooth. The perique is evident in a distinct fruitiness. Sometimes tastes a bit cigar-like. They pinched the name "Burper" from me - on a pipe forum, I jokingly suggested it as a name for a Burley/Perique mix. (I'm sure they came up with the name independently really!)
PurchasedFrom: GQ's website
Age When Smoked: New
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 17, 2014 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
A mix of light and dark brown tobaccos. Falls apart readily into short ribbon cut.

Pouch note is maple, as per product description, added to which is a caramel/malty sweetness from the tobaccos. Perique spiciness in the background.

Takes a light well and burns cool without further attention. Produces more moisture than the Askwith Kake.

This tobacco is surprisingly, to me, gentle. Full flavoured without being a hammer, the various tobaccos, and there seems to be a lot of them, weave in and out over the progress of the smoke. At times fruity and acetic from the perique, then bread-like from the burley and then sweet from the virginias. A very interesting smoke. Would make a good all day smoke I think, altho it probably packs a hefty nicotine hit.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 22, 2018 Medium to Strong None Detected Medium to Full Tolerable
I ordered a bunch of samples from GQ a few years back and the package arrived mangled with only two samples intact. This was one of them and I finally got around to sampling the .9 oz kake.

To start with, I will note that the majority of the reviews remark on how easy this kake is to crumble. I think the reason for this is simple, this is not a normal kake. I think if I took a handful of tobacco and clenched my hand into a fist and held it there for a few minutes, I would have such a kake. It is really loosely held together and more falls than pulls apart.

Now with that mentioned, I really don't know what difference it really makes in the grand scheme of things anyway as this is a great tasting blend. It is a VaBurPer with the emphasis decidedly on the Bur. It is not too much unlike some of my Favorite C&D offerings with these components, but I can't really think of one off the top of my head that I favor equally.

Too put it into our parlance, It is nutty sweet with some spice and it is not overwhelmingly stout. It delivers a decent amount of nicotine, but not as much as one would think once tasted. I wanted to hang this somewhere between 3 and 4 stars and decided to round it up to the latter as I just really enjoyed every bowl I had.

As the GQ line is no longer available and all were sold in bulk, I am not sure how much of this is still around or if there is even a snowball's chance in hell of even finding any, but for what its worth it was a great smoke and I am glad it was one of the survivors from the mishandled package. (fortunately the RDF was all good as it was the main target of the order.)

Pipe Used: Adam Davidson Fig
PurchasedFrom: GQ
Age When Smoked: 2 years
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 23, 2017 Medium Extremely Mild Medium Pleasant
This is one of the best blends you may ever smoke, but it does not grab you by the lapels scream its greatness at you. Although its wonderfulness is understated, you will recognize it straightaway. Indeed the understated nature of this tobacco's qualities is a major part of what makes it so exceptionally good.

The Perique's spice and figs take the lead. The Burley is not far behind and anchors the blend with its musty (in a good way) earthiness and a bit of nutty flavor. The Virginias are minor players lending some grassy sweetness. The maple topping has been applied very sparingly. Honestly, I am not sure I have ever had a moment where I could say I distinctly taste it above the other flavors.

In terms of nicotine content this blend is medium or slightly stronger. The taste is medium. As other reviewers have noted, preparation is easy and the tobacco burns very well. I get no tongue bite from BurPer Kake. I do recommend that you sip water as you smoke this blend. Sipping water seems to help me better appreciate the nuances of BurPer Kake.

This is in every way a four star blend. I will sorely miss it when the last of my lone remaining kake is gone. Mr. Quelch created a truly marvelous blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 11, 2016 Medium to Strong Very Mild Medium to Full Pleasant
Acquired in trade from StevieB. Holy crap, bro! Thanks for this one.

This is a superb smoke in both briar and cob. The Perique is about equally plummy/figgy and spicy. The Burley about equally nutty and earthy. The Virginias with the maple topping combine to provide a mildly sweet, butternut kinda flavor that really makes this blend sing for me. It's incredibly delicious.

If you want the Perique to lead (by a small margin) smoke this in a briar. If you want the Burley to lead (once again, by a small margin) smoke this in a cob. The cob also brings out the Virginias a little better. I love smoking this in both.

This has some strength to it. Medium to strong in body. Enough nic for anyone, no matter who you are. Taste is medium to full. Crumble and dry for a short spell and you've got a near perfect burn. Lovely, lovely stuff.
Pipe Used: Moonshine Deviled Egg, MM Marcus
PurchasedFrom: acquired in trade (Thanks Steve)
Age When Smoked: fresh
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 16, 2016 Medium Mild Medium to Full Pleasant to Tolerable
Mottled bricks that are ridiculously easy to break apart, my 25 gram bag had an earthy aroma with strong hints of grandma's spice rack. I read maple flavoring and I suppose I picked that up but if I hadn't known, I wouldn't have guessed it. Easy to rub out the kake and load.

BurPer Kake... burley and perique... yep, yep! Plenty of both. The burley was far from nutty and sweet, however. In fact, it tasted decidedly un-burley-ish for the most part. It was more of the oaken flavor of certain wines, like the tobacco was stored in barrels and heated to take on the oak essence. The perique was fairly spicy but not heavily so. I got just a hair of fruitiness from it. The Virginia didn't provide much sweetness - in fact, this is far from a sweet blend. It seemed to me that the very light casing provided all the sweetness, and not much from that either. But I wouldn't have guessed maple. In fact, it seemed slightly floral to me, almost like it rubbed elbows with a G&H blend for about five minutes. Nicotine was on the plus side but not overblown. During my 25 grams I alternated between really enjoying this one and being kind of bored, and I suppose it's more of a "certain time of day" smoke. It was better after a meal. If you're a burley smoker and want a bit of extra spice in your blend, this will give you a good introduction to what perique brings to the table. Not really my thing but I'm happy to have tried it.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Feb 08, 2016 Strong None Detected Mild to Medium Tolerable
The pouch note is wonderful. I found the smoke a bit too harsh and dry-tasting for me, but those who like the Cornell and Diehl burley-perique blends will probably enjoy this as well. I've come to realise that, for me to enjoy burley, it either has to be used sparingly or processed in the manner of the Solani and Wessex burley flakes.

Nicotine-wise it's not as strong as you might expect; if you're used to strong tobacco (Irish Flake etc), you'll be fine with this.
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