Lane Limited LL-7

A majestic combination of toasted cavendish enhanced with premium burleys and Virginias that provides zesty flavor, enchanting aroma and an unsurpassed smoke.


Brand Lane Limited
Blended By Lane Limited
Manufactured By Lane Limited
Blend Type Aromatic
Contents Burley, Cavendish, Virginia
Flavoring Caramel, Vanilla
Cut Ribbon
Packaging Bulk
Country United States
Production Currently available


Extremely Mild -> Overwhelming
Mild to Medium
None Detected -> Extra Strong
Room Note
Unnoticeable -> Overwhelming
Extremely Mild (Flat) -> Overwhelming

Average Rating

3.00 / 4





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Displaying 1 - 11 of 48 Reviews
Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Oct 15, 2019 Very Mild Mild to Medium Medium Pleasant
Lane Limited LL-7 is definitely a blend I will keep on-hand as long as I have a pipe. It is excellent. Flavor is complex, but not overpowering. I thought it was very balanced, easy smoking, mild-to-medium flavor, and pretty light on the nicotine. Nutty, soft vanilla, maybe a bit of chocolate. Maybe a bit of oatmeal. It reminded me of 1-Q, only better. No candy-coated flavor coming through.

Update 2022-07-26: I pulled this jar out of my cellar and loaded up my Peterson 314 System. My tastes have generally moved away from Aromatics, but this was still a very enjoyable smoke. It had flavors of cloves, cinnamon, toasted raisins, and maybe ginger. The first half of the bowl was good, but the second half was sublime. By the very, very end, the casing sweetness was getting a little much, and I dumped the last few puffs. This bowl never got wet. I was able to smoke a lot of it before I needed to tamp and re-light. After that, it was an average number of re-lights. I'll go back to non-aromatics in my next bowl, but I am glad I have this in my rotation.

Update 2023-01-23: My cellar is getting pretty overloaded and I am on the verge of needing to cull the herd. I tried this back-to-back with RLP-6, and I maintain that this blend is superior in every way.
Pipe Used: Peterson Mycroft
Age When Smoked: 2 months
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 25, 2014 Mild Medium Medium Very Pleasant
Well, like all tobaccos taste is in the tongue of the beholder. I love this stuff. Smooth as can be, mild for an all-day smoke, smells good enough to eat. Even my anti-smoking friends love the aroma. I find it easy to light, keep lit and to enjoy. Nothing more can be said - I love it and will continue to buy it as my go-to tobacco.
Pipe Used: Boswell, Comoys, Moretti, Stanwell, etc
PurchasedFrom: Pipes & Cigars
Age When Smoked: 63
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 02, 2013 Extremely Mild Extremely Mild Very Mild Very Pleasant
Lane Limited Bulk No. LL-7

Star Rating = 4

Rating Scores - 10 is the Best and 0 is the Worst

Pouch Note = 10

Room Note = 10

Flavor = 10

Bite 10

Burn = 9

After Taste = 9

Raw Score = 58

Rated Percentage = 97%

Comment = Very Smooth, Very Mild, Mellow, No Bite, nice Flavor, good all day smoke
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Apr 11, 2006 Mild Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
Packs easily, burns well, doesn't bite, doesn't go bitter on me, and most importantly has a nice, mellow, albeit somewhat generic, tobacco taste intermingled with the taste and aroma of its casing that brings marshmellows, grahm crackers, and maybe coconut or banana to mind. It is sweet, but in the way a vanilla wafer is sweet, not the way maple sysrup is sweet.

This is an aromatic, so I've judged it against other aromatics. I wouldn't recomend it at all to someone who abstains from anything but natural tobacco, but to anyone who likes aromatics or wants to try one, it comes highly recomended from me because it outperforms nearly all the other aromtics I've tried.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Mar 03, 2015 Mild Medium Mild Very Pleasant
The Virginia offers a little grass and citrus. The woody, earthy burley is a little nutty, though like the Virginia, isn't always noticeable. The mildly sugary black cavendish isn't as vanilla-like as I expected, but then again, the chocolate/vanilla topping may be hiding it a little. I also get some caramel here and there. It's not that complex, but it is a decent all day smoke that's a little creamy, though it seems to dull out in the last quarter of the bowl. The strength and taste levels are mild. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace, and has little nicotine. Doesn't bite or get harsh. Requires few relights and leaves a little moisture, but no goop, in the bowl. An all day smoke.

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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 04, 2006 Mild Very Mild Medium Very Pleasant
I have been smoking LL-7 regularly for years now. It is an aromatic that burns cleanly and that I never seem to tire of... my basic, morning, comfort smoke in a big pipe that I can enjoy over several cups of coffee.

A mild, inexpensive, well-balanced natural aromatic blend.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Nov 12, 2003 Mild Mild Medium Pleasant
WOW!!! I just found out that one of my favorite bulk blends that I buy from my local tobacconist is actually made by Lane and sold under a different name. I would have reviewed this blend long ago if I had bothered to ask what this really was instead of "Irish Puff"! I can see why they changed the name though (who in the world calls their blend LL-7?). Anyway, this may be the best bulk aromatic tobaccos ever. It is one of the only aromatics I smoke regularly, period. This tobacco is completely bite free, and will not fatigue the tongue. Certainly not complex, it is very tasty and has some actual tobacco taste as well. I know most of the pipe snobs will turn their nose up before they even try this, but they should try it none-the-less. This is much better than 1-Q will ever be and I wonder how many other reviewers have smoked this under a different name and don't know it- especially since this is the first review written about what may be Lane's best tobacco! Try it- at this price you have nothing to lose!
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Sep 03, 2013 Mild to Medium Medium Medium Pleasant
this is a mild blend with notes of vanilla and sweet chocolate. the casing is moderate to heavy on this one. taste wise it is a creamy/nutty smoke. takes fire well after few attempts of the regular charring and lighting, but thereafter it is smooth with minimal dottles left in the heel. the room note is acceptable. nothing super about this blend but for the regular aromatics smoker who is looking for something sweet and buttey it worth the try. kinda remind me of altadis black and gold in its buttery taste but this one is a bit more sweeter.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
May 20, 2005 Mild Mild to Medium Mild Pleasant
This tobacco has become a new favorite for in-the-house smokes. It offers a pleasing room note, but LL-7 has a quality tobacco taste. There is never a bite from this mellow blend which I appreciate when the palate gets a little tender after more aggressive blends have had their way with the roof of my mouth. This blend is like the strong man who knows his strength and demonstrates it with skill and reserve.

For those who would like to smoke a really good aromatic with the pleasant room note of a Captain Black but want no cloying sweetness or overpowering topping, just quality tobacco taste with a hint of casing, you owe it to yourself to give this fine blend a try.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jun 17, 2005 Mild Mild to Medium Medium Very Pleasant
The blend is comprised of stringy light and dark ribbons which makes it very easy to load into a pipe using the Frank Method. The moisture content seems about right. The tobacco itself smells somewhat reminiscent of raisins or maybe molasses.

It lights easily and seldom requires relighting. Taste-wise, it has somewhat of a light caramel cavendish flavor. It is not bitey on the tongue at all. I find that the flavor tends to build up in my mouth as I progress through the bowl leaving a pleasant aftertaste. As you progress through the bowlfull more of a natural tobacco flavor begins overtaking the aromatic flavor. It burns pretty cool compared to most Virginias and doesn't require much in the way of smoking techinque. My wife likes the aroma and said it reminds here somewhat of vanilla but she really can't liken it to anything in particular.

This is a pretty pleasant tobacco to smoke. I like both the flavor and aroma. After smoking it for a few weeks, I decided that I like it enough to order more of it. Usually I smoke Virginias or English blends, but this one seems to accompany the others very well without being drastically different. In the morning, or when I'm in the mood for a lighter smoke than the typical latiaka bombs or don't have time to carefully puff on a Virginia then I usually go for a bowlfull of this.
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Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note
Jan 19, 2004 Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Mild to Medium Pleasant
No kidding..........WOW!!! This tobacco is a really good aromatic that still taste somewhat like tobacco. I can puff like no one has ever puffed and it will not bite me back for doing so. It produces a wonder full smoke (great for those fun smoke rings) and taste really good. Even better it doesn't hurt my pocketbook.

My local tobacconist couldn't come up with a clever name for this great tobacco. He & she (husband and wife) labeled it simply LL-7

LL-7 gets my seven stars. Try it, you'll like it!
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